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2025.01.21 07:21 Secure_Opening_6852 What is this?

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submitted by Secure_Opening_6852 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 DreamPirates Prarthana Behere Marathi Actress #PrarthanaBehere

Prarthana Behere Marathi Actress #PrarthanaBehere submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 justokayatmath Spooky dookie

Spooky dookie submitted by justokayatmath to mega64 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 CycleApart2484 I got hacked while AFKing by @mintymah

If you know him or know how I can get my stuff back please let me know. Otherwise, be on the lookout!! I lost all my stuff and I wasn't even there to know what happended. Luckily only my pet sim stuff was stolen and I took security measures so I will no longer be AFKing anymore.
submitted by CycleApart2484 to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 Shredder-Cheese mrgirl reading dan saltman to filth and calling out his sweeping

submitted by Shredder-Cheese to TurkeyTom [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 Mbuzz49 Is this World War 2?

I’ve had this old helmet for years and have wondered what it’s from, it could even be fake I’m not sure. I looked up US helmets through the Second World War, Korea, and Vietnam. Nothing matched up I even searched other factions helmets but I can’t seem to pin point it. No writing on the inside too. If it’s a fake it’s definitely an old one.
submitted by Mbuzz49 to WorldWar2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 Writerthefox A return

I haven't played since around 2018 on console, I've fully swapped to PC and I'm getting used to the mouse and keyboard controls. Any advice for a mostly new commander?
submitted by Writerthefox to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 Impossible-Suit-4501 КТО ТАКОЙ ИГОРЬ?

Я на реддите и на этом сабе совсем недолго, чувствую себя лохом педальным Объясните пж🙏🙏🙏
submitted by Impossible-Suit-4501 to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 5mesesintento Europa obtuvo el poder para chingarse al mundo gracias al cristianismo

No soy religioso ni cristiano ni nada pero creo que lo que le dio el avance social y tecnológico a Europa para poder básicamente esclavizar a casi todo el planeta. Fue gracias a su religión
Para cuando se empezó a extender el cristianismo y sus versiones de este, a pesar de que e es muy violento y primitivo, a diferencia de las demás era muy “hippie”
Las demás religiones en ese tiempo o eran muy tribalistas o muy inflexibles como el islam. El cristianismo ya andaba hablando (hipócritamente) sobre paz, amor, poner la otra mejilla. Conceptos aún bastante novedosos
Esto creó una especie de proto-ética en la población europea, después de siglos de lucha interna, conflictos, guerras, cruzadas. Se creó una especie de “unidad” que les dio la suficiente estabilidad ya en el renacimiento para ir dejando un poco atrás el oscurantismo. Incluso llegaron a hacer uniones entre ellos muy grandes como el sacrosanto imperio y mamadas por el está
A partir de esto hubo muchos avances científicos, sociales, económicos y tecnológicos. La imprenta, una población más educada lo que daba más posibilidades de progreso intelectual. Empezaron a poder desarrollar los medios, tanto sociales como militares para poder llegar a otros países y simplemente tomar lo que quisieran.
Comparemos en contraste el mundo musulmán. Una religión muy parecida pero con mucho menos “poner la otra mejilla” que dejó a la población desconectada y moralmente aún muy básica. Para el siglo 14 y 15 los imperios árabes no eran imperios si no un conjunto de señores de guerra, generales y reyes todos disputando entre sí, conflicto interno. También supuestamente prohibieron la imprenta por no querer aceptar algo desconocido lo que les concedió una población con una tasa de analfabetismo sumamente grande mientras que los europeos ya sabían leer y escribir con cuasi normalidad
Ni hablemos de los chinos que estaban ocupados matándose a sí mismos, los koreanos donde la mitad de la población era esclava igual que los africanos
Al final, el cristianismo terminó desarrollándoles una cultura que les dio el orden social necesario para poder conquistar al mundo
submitted by 5mesesintento to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 Sea-Promise1675 PPY CONFIRMS RATE CHANGE WILL BE RANKED!

"Will come in between the upcoming pp rework and the next one"
(was somewhere around 2:50:00 - 2:54:00 in the stream)
submitted by Sea-Promise1675 to osugame [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 wewdwtnizrub WorldRemit Discount Code January 2025

Find the WorldRemit Discount Code January 2025
Get amazing WorldRemit deals and offers with our verified promo codes for January 2025.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 idahojocky How do you learn to be more strategic?

So I've been sparring at a faster pace on purpose since I get less time to think which stops me from overthinking and undercommitting, but a lot of my strikes aren't varied and just consist of jabs and crosses (I use all kicks available to me though, I'm way more developed in this area for some reason). Now recently I made an effort to put hooks into my combos more which has helped a ton, since I only threw them to the body and now I have a new angle to attack from. However I'm really bad at breaking past someone defence and when I pick up on something my counters don't do anything because they're instinctive (this is a problem even when I slow the pace down). I can pick up on drills and combos very easily in classes and padwork, and I can flow very easily in bagwork. However the bag doesn't hit me back and the bag doesn't block my shots, and padwork and drills is just the coach/padholder telling us what to throw, so there's little creative liberty. I feel like trying to get better at this while sparring is like trying to learn how to ride a bike by just hopping on a bike immediately without training wheels. Any suggestions?
submitted by idahojocky to MuayThai [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 Traditional_Wave_974 Out with the Old…

Out with the Old… These old guys plain as day don’t fit in what our team does well. Naz should absolutely be starting in place of Randle. We can only have one of the three in the red box on the floor at the same time or we are just hemorrhaging possessions.
Dillingham 100% needs to start. Today. Tomorrow. And until another point guard who is better comes walking through the gym doors (there won’t be one). If he’s not playing 35 min/ game by the time the playoffs start, God help us. If we’re even going j the playoffs.
Randle can play with Dillingham and McDaniels. Jaden is fine with three guys who can score around him. He starts flying around and playing complementary ball, spotting up and using the spacing created by others to get buckets.
Gobert. I haven’t figured out where to put him. Neither could team France, so I don’t feel so bad. Guy is not playable in the NBA. Put him with Dillingham and let him throw him dunks for 10 min/. Game
submitted by Traditional_Wave_974 to timberwolves [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 Substantial_Onion_11 BCOM FROM IGNOU

Hey, anybody doing bcom from IGNOU under ICAI scheme of clearing CA inter and completing articleship. If yes please tell the process, like how to register how you give exam .
ALSO are there any graduation course under ICAI which I can do which are like BCOM.
Please do tell as I could not do my bcom after 12th and went straight into CA now just want a degree of any kind which is equivalent to a graduation degree.
Thank You.
submitted by Substantial_Onion_11 to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 TetrisWithTesticals Wenn das Vokabular des Parabelritters eine Person wäre

Wenn das Vokabular des Parabelritters eine Person wäre submitted by TetrisWithTesticals to Staiy [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 lies3s Joomla 5 - no keywords/Tags show in Siteinfo

Hello, using Joomla v 5.2.3 and added keywords/tags at the Startpage.
But when run F10 -> Extra -> Siteinfo did not see the Keyword/Tags.
I have enabled at this Points:
Main Menu -> LINK to Home -> Options Show tags
Content -> Posts -> Home -> Options Show tags
Content -> Posts -> Options Show tags -> Enabled
Configuration -> Tags Enabled
sorry using german version so the text is translated hope it fits to english text in Joomla
submitted by lies3s to joomla [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 DesertGamer65 505721913819 deoxys defense 2 locals

submitted by DesertGamer65 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 Salt-Geologist519 A snowball in texas.

submitted by Salt-Geologist519 to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 IndependentBison1731 Enjoying bread making day!

Enjoying bread making day! submitted by IndependentBison1731 to Bread [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 JunketTop1107 Mma gym

Debating between Danzig and straight blast gym. Ex wrestler and would like to compete in grappling as well as an mma fight or two someday. Any recommendations? Just moved to town
submitted by JunketTop1107 to bendoregon [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 julianthegoul_ Advice for pushing from low intermediate to high intermediate and beyond

Hello, I’ve been learning and studying Japanese for almost 2 and a half years now and I have a trip planned for a month and half this summer. I’m looking for advice on creating a practicing schedule that will help me advance my skills to the next level when I go.
I’m a high school student and Japanese isn’t offered at my school, but I currently take a class once a week outside of school and try to study at least 2 days a week outside of the class, but I know I can handle more. How can I create and maintain a consistent practice schedule and what are the best resources to do so?
submitted by julianthegoul_ to Japaneselanguage [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 Salmon-Roe [Calculus 2 : Integration] Ostensibly, I am to solve this with integration by parts.

[Calculus 2 : Integration] Ostensibly, I am to solve this with integration by parts. submitted by Salmon-Roe to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 _TheTurtleBox_ More screenshots from my Point and Click / Mixed Media title. Still a lot of work in progress to be done, only three days into actual development.

More screenshots from my Point and Click / Mixed Media title. Still a lot of work in progress to be done, only three days into actual development. submitted by _TheTurtleBox_ to RPGMaker [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 donmarvino any advise

Hello just wanted to write this . This happened 5 years ago when I was 23 I was really drunk drunk and on Snapchat and got a message from a girl around 3am saying to come to a certain address to do something and I didn’t know her at all. When I arrived around 4am it happened to be a dude who looked around 18 or so and it shook me but I was to drunk and he paid me money and he ended up having me head then I left and he wanted more and tried to offer me more but I said no and left. Now years later I overthink about it and stress that if he was a minor or not because I really don’t know we both don’t know each others name or age so idk what to do .
submitted by donmarvino to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:21 FCKINGTRADERS … and may the odds be ever in your favor 😏 GL TOMORROW! 🚀

… and may the odds be ever in your favor 😏 GL TOMORROW! 🚀 Follow for more guesses.
submitted by FCKINGTRADERS to TheRaceTo10Million [link] [comments]
