Rubber ducky! Euclid galaxy. Found at a trading post.

2025.01.21 08:29 blue_lens Rubber ducky! Euclid galaxy. Found at a trading post.

Rubber ducky! Euclid galaxy. Found at a trading post. submitted by blue_lens to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Fit-Friendship-7359 Questions about passengers

I started operating more passenger train service in my game with the advent of timetables. That being said, I have a few questions.

  1. Is there a guide to how much the fare is between different destinations?
  2. What is the spawn rate for passengers and how do I increase it?
  3. Along tose same lines, what is the best strategy to get the most people riding my trains and increase revenue?
  4. And finally, how do timetables affect this, if at all?
submitted by Fit-Friendship-7359 to UnofficialRailroader [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Open-Salary6273 [Tenant-US-CA]

Property management hasn't given me my deposit back in the required 21 days. Not only this they failed to give me my "Right to Inspection" sheet on time (they said I cannot schedule it when I submitted my 30 day notice and that they'd mail it for me to sign and drop it off, but it didn't come until two days after my lease ended on a Monday.)
I know you can send a demand letter which I plan on doing, but my question is am I entitled to my full deposit back since them failing to meet the time threshold and should I request full deposit in demand letter, if so? It really is an inconvenience having to wait past 21 days especially when bills are due and considering every other time I have rented was a week and a half on average before I got my security deposit back. First time ever having to send a demand letter
submitted by Open-Salary6273 to Landlord [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Cayennesan Never forget how amazing Miyabi's banner run was. It's going to be hard to beat

Never forget how amazing Miyabi's banner run was. It's going to be hard to beat submitted by Cayennesan to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 jorisssssss What's the most ridiculous rule a workplace ever made that backfired spectacularly?

submitted by jorisssssss to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Ok_Cockroach5803 Why does no one sit next to me in class?

I'm taking a class in college which has a lot of people (around 150) but none of my friends take that class so I usually don't have anyone to sit with. I reach the classroom relatively early so I get to sit on one of the good seats (close enough to see the blackboard clearly but not too close).It has become my usual seat now. Recently, I've been noticing that there's always a seat empty next to me, even if the class is packed and I can't figure out why. Today the entire row of seats was occupied except the one right next to me. People who were late to class preferred to sit at the back where you literally can't see anything instead of the next to me. I'd like to clear that I don't stink (I take a shower everyday and wear deodorant religiously). I also don't talk during class so people shouldn't find me annoying.
submitted by Ok_Cockroach5803 to bodylanguage [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Athur-Ritis000myback Let me know your thoughts guys

Let me know your thoughts guys Not sold on Farrell, maybe spend that money in the midfield?
submitted by Athur-Ritis000myback to AFLSupercoach [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 HAILSTORMBREAD "Call me dead weight one more time and I'll SWEAR TO GOD...."

submitted by HAILSTORMBREAD to DevilMayCry [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Ferrousious Cowrie Shells at the Inauguration Today

Cowrie Shells at the Inauguration Today submitted by Ferrousious to vodun [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 AdInteresting9381 760078696081

760078696081 submitted by AdInteresting9381 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Sad_Fun9939 Help..

I hope whoever reads this is having a blessed day. I been having so much shamefulness and fear(mostly). So I have been praying so I could be blessed with certain blessings to get into a new school with financial aid and a good score on the admission test(which I take this Saturday) But I feel shameful because I am calling for him now in my time of need when i should have always been praising him before this time.
I have also been shameful because for the past days every now and then I have fallen to lust(specifically the “web”) and I have felt fear because I ask for forgiveness but I fell I don’t ask it truly and I feel the Lord might take the blessings I’m asking for from me.
And I don’t want the lord to view me as a “I can sin then ask forgiveness” person even though I act and feel like one
Also I am struggling a bit with faith. I heard a verse that says ask with faith and he will make it happen. I have been having doubts about making it into the school, and the test.
submitted by Sad_Fun9939 to Christian [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 BoogeyMan4965 I deleted threads today

I finally decided to just delete threads after months. I’ve been getting so much recycled stupid non-sense (politics included), and I’ve also ended up getting a bit negative on there. Not sure if anyone cares, but I just wanted to tell someone I guess. I might eventually delete most of my socials.
submitted by BoogeyMan4965 to chat [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 poorgamercheaplaptop Need help in choosing a case: A4 H2O vs Deepcool CH160

I will be building with mostly midrange parts like ryzen 7600 and 4070 supe5070. I wanted to know how big the CH160 is compared to the dan case. Also, if anyone has any experience with the Kxrors/Shiny Snake s300, how are the temps? Is it manageable?
submitted by poorgamercheaplaptop to sffpc [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 MeisterMaryam Asa mu gapalit ug appliances diris Cebu nga barato ug masaligan?

Balhin mig balay wa mi gamit, palit unta mi diri. Pa suggest unta anywhere except lang sa LLC kay layo na.
submitted by MeisterMaryam to Cebu [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 CakeeLeCupcake WHERE DID SAMYANG GO??

hello instant ramen enjoyers, i have a question! this is my favorite ramen and ive been trying to buy this at my local asian store but theyve told me for months now they arent able to get any imported. ive checked with other stores, both in person and online, even as far as going to foreign sites just to try and get some that will ship here... and i just cant seem to find anything. most websites are out of stock if they even have it at all. ive been wanting this for months now and im so upset i cant find any and im not sure why. does anyone know why its so hard for me to find it here or to ship to here? i live in norway if that helps at all!
submitted by CakeeLeCupcake to InstantRamen [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Duppla Ask me [20F] and my boyfriend [22M] questions

What's up guyssssssss. So we're bored at home and think it could be fun to answer questions as a couple lol
submitted by Duppla to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 The_Flying_Bread Is this worth buying?

Is this worth buying? Is shrink ray better?
submitted by The_Flying_Bread to funrun [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 ItzTheDoggo I hate it when u generally ask for advice on here and ppl say "idk"

Like bro if u dont know than dont comment
submitted by ItzTheDoggo to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 strawbbycrepecookie wearing full jirai outfits in the winter is NOT for the weak

every time i get asked by one of my friends “aren’t you cold in that outfit?? especially since it’s literally below freezing outside???” i lie and say ohh i’m not that cold. except i AM. fleece lined tights are a LIE and i’m STILL freezing to death, help!!! how do the rest of you people survive in the cold in full jirai kei 😭 i’m starting to feel like gaslighting myself into thinking that im not cold and it’s okay because my outfit is cute isn’t working anymore /j
submitted by strawbbycrepecookie to JiraiKei [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Bella-Torrente You don't deserve all that money, you better send it to me RIGHT NOW 🫵🏻

submitted by Bella-Torrente to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 ApprehensiveGur8820 Trading this

Trading this Im trading this for something that has a little higher rap, or something a little rarer that is limited. Yall will make my week if yall get me my dream dual void scythe.
submitted by ApprehensiveGur8820 to BladeBall [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 DJthrowaway77 Account deleted iOS

My accounts got deleted so now I’m starting over but can’t send any chats, how do I get a more established account? Is it karma or time, or both?
submitted by DJthrowaway77 to help [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Low_Jelly8238 When theirs no effort

So not fully a DB, perhaps once a month we get down to it. 37F 32M, we go weeks with nothing and when he does finally not fall asleep early his passes at me are only when we go to bed, literally no romance throughout the day, no meaningful kisses (pecks me like his granny) it’s a hand over on my crotch and a childish look at me. Over 13 years we had some great sex, I’ve always known about his porn addiction, but the last 4/5 years sex has been very minimal. And when we do finally get down to it, he doesn’t last very long at all. Not even long enough to get me warmed up, then nothing for weeks again. I’ve brought this up and been told, ‘I can’t always make you orgasm’. Which tells me he views sex as just for him. Now I’m at the stage where I feel I’m contributing to our dead bedroom because I think when he does make a hand pass at me, what’s the point, for a 5 minute quicky, which I get nothing from. He makes me feel like he is only having the occasional sex with me just to keep me on the end of a string just enough. I’ve sent pictures through the day at times and cheeky messages, dressed up nice I even arrange the nights out. But he generally falls asleep early and I end up being annoyed at that. Are those of us given minimal effort adding to the problem by not wanting 0 effort and actually wanting someone to fully be intimate, is there anyone in a long term relationship where sex is more then a quick jump and role over. I want it back to how it used to be am I fooling myself.
submitted by Low_Jelly8238 to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Laurenzana Is this a good deal?

Is this a good deal? Hey everyone, I'm new to this sub. I just won this auction on eBay for a Switch Lite that I'm planning on doing a bunch of mods to for $89.89 including shipping. Did I get a good deal or did I overpay? I'm not super familiar with what these are going for nowadays.
submitted by Laurenzana to nintendoswitchlite [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:29 Aromatic-Situation-3 Needing a new online friend! Very lonely

Hey there 32m looking for an online friend to keep and hold conversation that wouldn't mind distracting me from my depression Tell me some lame ass jokes or just chat it up Please 🥺 I really need someone to talk to
submitted by Aromatic-Situation-3 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]