2025.01.21 08:40 GraZEzz How should I feel? What should I do?
SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH. It might no make sense in some sentences, you can ask me or correct me.
Hi! I'm Thai and currently studying in the university. 2nd year student.
A year ago, I changed my major to other major so I have to make a study schedule for myself by my own. That's mean my schedule will not be the same like the others. I have to hop around the group or sometimes I even have to study with freshman. This year I have to attend "English speaking and listening" class and prof. of this is something else. Most of the students even the seniors said that he's rude, toxic, not listen to student, self-centered. I didn't believe them at first as there are plenty of this kind of situation like there some bad rumor about this person and turns out they're not that bad situation. Until today.
Yesterday, I met my English prof. and he asked me if I know what section/group have to study with him on Friday. I said I don't know since I don't know the others schedule. In the afternoon of that day, I have a "linguistics" class with section 3 which also happen to be the section that usually study with this prof. on Friday. He came in to ask something with section 3 students and he saw me sitting at the back of the classroom. He shouted at me, I can't really remember what he said but there was sentences like "YOU ARE INSANLY STUPID ABOUT NOT KNOWING THAT SECTION 3 HAVE A CLASS WITH ME ON FRIDAY. YOU'RE SITTING WITH THEM". Like I said I don't know the others schedule, I only know mine and it's different. I tired to explain to him but at that moment I was shocked. I couldn't think of a word or even a sentence to tell him then he shouted at me again "SHUT UP" and continue to humiliate me in front of everyone. I was furious and to myself "Is it really my fault?"
So Today I decided to take a day off since my morning class is online and afternoon class is "English speaking and listening" class with that prof. . I accepted that I just don't want to face him right now and I just need a day off just a single day. In my university, they allow students to absent 3 times for the whole semester and that is my first time ever to be absent. He contact me and ask me why I don't come to class. I don't want to lie to him since there was one time the other student didn't come to class and her reason is she was sick so he demand the doctor note then he start went on the talking not what was the content but I remembered he said "Idiot" also I don't mean to disrespect him in anyway. I answered "I just want to take a day off" He then said if I want to withdraw from this course contact him. I'm so confused and shocked, so I asked him why he said "You don't want to study so no need to study." but I didn't mean it that way I just want to cut myself some slack and that's all.
What should I feel or do? I can't really to keep myself clam right now. I don't want to withdraw form the course just because of this reason. Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by GraZEzz to Advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 desireefashionbiz R&RH Elegant Red Oval Necklace with Stunning Artwork
submitted by desireefashionbiz to richandrichbiz [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 XBpapi Has anyone seen these pink pads in the throat before?
I only just noticed them when he yawned in my face before, anyone seen these before? submitted by XBpapi to DogAdvice [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 08:40 allforyurii Goodnight findom, I expect sends in the morning, be a good piggy. Make sure to drink water and eat a balanced breakfast to jumpstart your day ♡
submitted by allforyurii to findommes [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 InternationalTea3972 CA campus placements-Delhi Centre
Hello people,
Just wanted to know whether anyone got any shortlisting at delhi centre as of now, I have received none, is it just me or something is fishy.
submitted by InternationalTea3972 to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 desireefashionbiz Cushions
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2025.01.21 08:40 StrictTree9366 [35/M] UK - It’s my day off today and I have nothing planned.
Hello all! It’s my day off work today and I have very little planned other than sitting around and being lazy! If anyone would like to chat, feel free to drop me a message, I’ll be here all day. Bonus points on offer to anybody from the UK 😊
submitted by StrictTree9366 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 ChallengeWest4461 18 male I just want anyone to tell me anything seriously anything doesn’t matter what
Say it it doesn’t matter if it’s stupid or bad or anything like that I just want to listen
submitted by ChallengeWest4461 to LetsChat [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 yesindeedysir Pregnancy is the most unfair thing of life
Men get their few minutes of pure pleasure, some women don’t even reach climax, and and woman’s life gets destroyed and her body basically becomes a body horror movie for 9 months then she has to go through one of the most painful processes known to humans.
I swear if some asshole ever gets me pregnant, I’m ending it all.
Currently having an anxiety attack.
submitted by yesindeedysir to rant [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 No-Medicine4133 Kolizja I strach przez kierowaniem
Jakiś czas temu byłem poszkodowanym kolizji, w której sprawca wprost wjechał we mnie. Sam wyszedłem z tego cały oprócz siniaków. Minęło trochę czasu od tego zdarzenia, starałem się unikać jazdy, kiedy to nie było konieczne, również nie posiadałem pojazdu ze względu na szkodę całkowitą. Ostatnio jednak zdecydowałem się na zakup samochodu ze względu na potrzeby, ale odkąd kupiłem mam jakiś strach przed jazdą. Strach przed kierowaniem. Nie mam pojęcia jak się z tym uporać, jak to ogarnąć sobie w głowie. Jeśli chodzi o wyspecjalizowaną pomoc to może być ciężko ze względu na budżet. Ktoś był w podobnej sytuacji? Jak sobie poradziliście?
submitted by No-Medicine4133 to Polska [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 Poetry-Designer Starting to realise that A lot of People don’t know what a retcon truly is, it’s such an overused word, with that in mind though…
…What are some actual retcons in the Ben 10 Series’?
submitted by Poetry-Designer to Ben10 [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 Kathi-Video Mamas, habt/ hattet ihr ein Schreibaby?
Hallo, ich bin auf der Suche nach Müttern, die ein Schreibaby hatten oder haben? Vielleicht könntet ihr euch mal bei mir melden oder hier reagieren. Ich hätte ein paar Fragen. Liebe Grüße
submitted by Kathi-Video to Eltern [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 sp00kystu44 Multi-Account Security Seems Hypocritical
I'm a newcomer to AWS, having done a lot with Azure before.
AWS clearly recommends creating a multi-account setup. Makes sense, Accounts are somewhat akin to Azure's subscriptions.
In Azure, you'd do the following:
You have one subscription per environment, per region. Dev-Europe, Prod-US - you get it. Given that subscriptions don't need any set up, having many isn't a big issue. RBAC makes it easy to constrain Service Principals and users to their respective areas.
AWS Accounts however need a _ton_ of configuration. From SCPs, to guardrails, to contact information. There's ControlTower, there's IaC, there's a seemingly unmainatained `org-formation` tool which everyone praises. It still feels awful to do `N×M×K` accounts, where `N` is "regions", `M` is "environments" and `K` is "components". It gets even worse for people targeting china, as you have to do it all over again there (which is fair, Azure needs to do it too, but it still requires less configuration there).
All in the name of security given that IAM can be misconfigured if you do indeed put multiple components in one Account. But is it really that secure? The default still recommends putting multiple _regions_ in the same account. Which is just wild to me.
If my EC2 instance in my ProdEU instance gets hijacked, that sucks. If they can escalate via the logging infrastructure, that sucks too. But what sucks more is if they manage to get access to EC2 instances in ProdUS through a misconfigured IAM policy.
There's an argument to be had that different regions are somewhat secure by default. Apart from S3 most components are VPC specific and thus isolated by default. (the fact that S3 buckets can't be made unreachable on layer 3/4 is another topic entirely).
Okay, so now IAM is secure enough? I can still misconfigure an IAM policy allowing my ProdUS EC2 instance to access the ProdEU s3 bucket. I thought that was the whole point of the multi-account setup.
I'm honestly considering switching back to Azure because of this. Am I missing something? Dunning-Krugering?
PS: I do understand that multiple accounts also help with organizating teams and user permissions. My point is purely about security at the system level.
submitted by sp00kystu44 to aws [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 TimothyCocks69 Isabelle Kelly
submitted by TimothyCocks69 to RugbyBabes2 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 08:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?
https://preview.redd.it/8rs0fqcm7l9d1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0fdda1384115f3f5f5da670ff537b7ea268338b https://preview.redd.it/jv12ascm7l9d1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43e1aab84d6b65f8eb2db8bb3f13f4799c497a2 Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord:https://discord.gg/HBZtbeMPp9 submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 08:40 SoFcknT1red [God of War] Marathon was super fun (except from the trials in game 1)
submitted by SoFcknT1red to Trophies [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 08:40 Fnaflover_miku What’s your “I did not care for The Godfather” Guns n roses take?
submitted by Fnaflover_miku to GunsNRoses [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 08:40 Then-Date-8858 Looking for a (legal way) to buy rise of honour, the one where you play with jet li (for pc)
submitted by Then-Date-8858 to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 Dvale825 Will a asus GeForce Rtx 4060 dual evo oc 8gb white fit in my gl10dh mother board
Hi guys I’m currently running a nvidi GeForce gtx 1660 ti and am trying to upgrade my graphics card, I have absolutely no idea what I’m looking at or if any of this will fit in my current motherboard. So yeah please help
submitted by Dvale825 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 mirza_rizvi Looking for suggestion. What are some best ways to secure my WooCommerce stoe?
What are the basic and advanced ways I can secure my Woo store? Looking for suggestions from experienced people. Also, feel free to suggest any tools as well.
submitted by mirza_rizvi to woocommerce [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?
https://preview.redd.it/8rs0fqcm7l9d1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0fdda1384115f3f5f5da670ff537b7ea268338b https://preview.redd.it/jv12ascm7l9d1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43e1aab84d6b65f8eb2db8bb3f13f4799c497a2 Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord:https://discord.gg/HBZtbeMPp9 submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 08:40 Gold-Clock125 Liquid crystal polymer (LCP) Market Size: In-Depth Analysis
submitted by Gold-Clock125 to midjourney [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 08:40 Decent_Chipmunk9799 Anyone ever get into sounding (or are curious about it)?
submitted by Decent_Chipmunk9799 to Louisvillegaybi [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 adulting4kids Commandments of Writing
The Art of Deception: Crafting Characters That Lie, Cheat, and Steal Your Reader's Hearts
My dear young storytellers, it's time to enter the realm of the truly delicious: the art of creating characters so real, so vibrant, so delightfully flawed that your readers will desperately want to grab them by the shoulders and either shake them or offer them a hug (and possibly a strong drink).
Commandment #11: Heroes Are Boring (Embrace the Anti-Hero)
A flawless, always-do-the-right-thing hero makes for a rather dull story. Give your characters some baggage to unpack, some questionable decisions in their past, a healthy dose of selfishness or a pinch of cowardice. These are the cracks where the light of redemption gets in, the flaws that make them relatable…and infinitely more interesting.
Commandment #12: Your Villain Is the Hero of Their Own Story
Nobody twirls their mustache and cackles, "Mwahaha, I am evil!" A truly compelling villain genuinely believes they're the good guy. Give them a motivation that the reader can almost understand, a twisted logic that justifies their actions. This makes them far more chilling and harder to defeat.
Commandment #13: Minor Characters Matter (No Cardboard Cutouts Allowed)
Even the grumpy barista who serves your protagonist a double-shot of reality can have a spark of personality. A unique detail, a snappy line, a hidden backstory hinted at in a single gesture – this brings your fictional world to life. Remember, everyone is the star of their own narrative.
Commandment #14: Dialogue Is Not Just Talking Heads
Dialogue is a weapon, a seduction, a tool for revelation. It should reflect your characters' personalities, reveal their hidden motives, and advance the plot all at once. Make your characters' voices as distinct as their fingerprints. Study how people really talk – the pauses, interruptions, the unspoken words lingering between the lines.
Commandment #15: Actions Speak Louder Than Internal Monologues
Sure, internal monologues can be great, but don't rely on them to tell the story. Show us your characters through what they do, what they choose, and what they desperately try to hide. Actions leave far deeper impressions on a reader than pages of introspection.
World-Building for Beginners (and How to Avoid Info-Dumping)
Ah, the intoxicating power of creating entire worlds! But beware, young architects of universes, there's a fine line between a rich setting and a dry encyclopedia entry. Let's make sure your readers are booking guided tours of your world, not yawning in the face of a geography lecture.
Commandment #16: Start Small, Expand Slowly
Resist the urge to cram all your brilliant world-building details into the first chapter. Ground the reader in your protagonist's immediate world – their room, their village, their annoying neighbor. Layer in the larger world organically through action and dialogue.
Commandment #17: Sensory Overload (In a Good Way)
Don't just tell us about your world; make us feel it. The sting of salt wind on a sea voyage, the scent of otherworldly spices in a fantastical marketplace, the rough texture of ancient stone beneath trembling fingers – engage all the senses to make your setting come alive.
Commandment #18: Rules Are Made to Be Broken
While consistency in world-building is key, a single, shocking exception to the rules can be magic. Just when your reader thinks they understand your magic system, hit them with the unpredictable. It sparks wonder, curiosity, and those delicious "aha!" moments.
Commandment #19: If It Doesn't Affect the Plot, Chop It
You may have created the most intricate political system in the galaxy, but if it doesn't directly impact your protagonist's struggle, it needs to be edited down. Remember, world-building needs to serve the story, not overshadow it.
Commandment #20: Research Is Your Secret Weapon
Even in the most fantastical realms, grounding your world in some element of reality makes it believable. Research medieval sword-making, Icelandic folklore, or the migratory patterns of butterflies. These real-world details add unexpected texture and believability to your fictional creations.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 08:40 Icy_Track6328 Any thoughts of him yet ?
Been submitted by Icy_Track6328 to FUTMobile [link] [comments] |