2025.01.21 10:00 Fun-Specialist-5507 Lets make it here positive back! Now whats evrybody opinion on Diego? (Note u can say opinions to other poeple but do it respectful and mature)
Diego is a charachter i liked a lot. Not cause i did not really ship him and Spencer but because he just a really likable soft guy. In ep 4-5 he and Hannah had a really good relationship as friznds to eachother and it was nice to see Diego having charachter. He always had charachter but ep 4 and 5 showed his charachter more. He also my top 5 favs in s4 because off his vibe. As for his crush with Spencer i think the plot off it was actually good executed. Spencer def has had a trauma with his latest ex as he was very emotional and seemingly scared. But i did like the desion they did even tho i like Diego i think it makes sense. But i don't see my boy xinning comebacks off the 4 poeple gone atm. But i do see him maybe for a s5 to give Diego more time to shine or if there a motel epesoide he could get some moments too maybe or the finale. While i don't think he and Spencer are gonna be a thing in s4 as Jared stated on Twitter. I do however believe if there a s5 we can see a rematch were Diego could return.
submitted by Fun-Specialist-5507 to DisventureCamp [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 AutoModerator Form Check Weekly
The shiny new discs you got last week didn't make your golf game any better, huh?
Welcome to the Form Check Weekly Thread, a weekly thread that will be stickied every Monday morning for a few days. All form check requests will be referred to here.
There have been some fantastic Form Check guides but this one by MVP_Steve is far and away the best - https://www.reddit.com/discgolf/comments/760ckm/form_check_psa_how_to_leave_a_form_check_request/
submitted by AutoModerator to discgolf [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 dmytrot The right balance between using samples and designing own sounds
Hey. I have found myself amidst the crisis of creativity. I'm relatively new to the music making (1+ years). I think I'm pretty good with music theory, rhythm, arrangement, mixing, and mastering. But I have a constant internal fight over a question: What kind of sounds should I use? Let me elaborate...
My very first thought at the beginning of my music-making journey was that using samples is... lame. I thought that all the sounds in my projects should be either made from scratch by myself or at least be an adjustment/variation of some patch. I stuck to this approach for a while, but then I realized that it is wrong and samples are not that bad. So I started using them.
But after a while, I realized that I was overdoing it. I almost completely stopped bringing my own sounds into the projects. At first, it was a combination: I was making some sounds myself, but also used some one-shots and effects from Splice. But after a while I found myself in a situation where I was just building entire songs off the samples: I used not just one-shots, but also rather long loops for almost everything: drums (and other percussions), bass-lines, melodies, etc. And I realized that this is not right either: it feels like laziness to me that clashes with creativity.
So now I'm at the point of maximum confusion and I decided to ask fellow music producers: What is your approach? What is the "golden ratio" between synthesizing your own sounds and using samples? What proportion do you usually stick to?
Sorry for a bit chaotic description, but I hope you get what I mean with my question.
submitted by dmytrot to WeAreTheMusicMakers [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 xxsilver_rabbitxx Ayup! how are we?
submitted by xxsilver_rabbitxx to mcyt_on_crack [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 formatomi Drop Assassinate is game breaking
First time D2 player here. During my playthrough i had an epiphany while trying to fence with some elite guards. Why not just blink above him and assassinate him right away? Its safe, its fast and unavoidable on his part.
The bad part is no matter the enemy this works really easily(especially with the time stop upgrade). It unfortunately trivialised the game for me: Witches? Drop assassinate. Clockwork terminators? Drop assassinate(x2). Every problem is solved with drop assassinate. Five guards trying to merk me? Drop assassinate one after the other, they cant do anyithing about it.
After i unlocked bonecharm crafting and 4x perk with it, it was over. Instantly refill Half! my health with each drop and enough mana to do it indefinitely. I know i can just not use it and its a crutch, but imo when a game is about multiple solutions to problems, one being waay better than others devalue the balance. I dont remenber if you could do this in Dishonored 1 this effectively, but correct me if in wrong.
Anyway whats your experience with this, im curious to find out. Im just starting a low chaos Emily run to force myself to do it differently this time. (Luckily the nonlethal take down takes much more time so enemies will kill you if you try it in a group).
submitted by formatomi to dishonored [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 RedditGameing235 PLEASE USE FLAIRS CORRECTLY
Funny memes deserve the BIG CHUNGUS flair or the CHUNGUS MEME flair. Tysm
submitted by RedditGameing235 to ChungusComeback [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 Kooky-Year2025 Any good summer program recs for the research in the biomedical/genetics/microbio track? (intl)
Free programs are preferred whose deadlines still haven't arrived yet!
submitted by Kooky-Year2025 to summerprogramresults [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 Born-Frozen Missing platform/Launcher Logos
Not sure if this is going to be explained correctly, but I'll give it a go. I've recently added a new them on Full screen " Anthem" for my Legion Go, I wanted the logos of the platforms/launchers to show on the left as the advertised image but don't know how. I currently just have installed, previous and Favourites Any help greatly appreciated or opinions of a different Theme is better? I've added the photo as explained. submitted by Born-Frozen to playnite [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:00 PoulpyAndLoveIt New Members Intro
Si tu es nouveau/nouvelle dans cette communauté, présentes toi ! Ce n'est pas obligé, ne t'inquiètes pas 😁 Tu peux parler de tes passions, de ta famille, de ton école/collège/lycée, de tes youtubeurs préférés, de ce que tu voudrais faire plus tard, bref, tu peux parler de toi ! Bisous la Team !
submitted by PoulpyAndLoveIt to FuriousJumper [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 josylad Hiring: Evidensia Volvat dyreklinikk søker autorisert dyrepleier... at Evidensia Norway
Evidensia Norway is hiring a Evidensia Volvat dyreklinikk søker autorisert dyrepleier...
Location: Oslo, Norway
Gjengen på Evidensia Volvat Dyreklinikk er et helt utrolig godt team som fokuserer på samarbeid, godt arbeidsmiljø og god kundeservice. Ønsker du å være en del av et arbeidsmiljø hvor alle er en selvsagt og like viktig del av teamet? Brenner du for dyrepleierfaget og trives med varierte hverdager? Gå ikke glipp av den unike muligheten til å bli en del av vår familie! Evidensia Volvat Dyreklinikk er en moderne og velutstyrt klinikk som tilbyr det meste av generelle behandlinger innenfor smådyrmedisin. Vi tilbyr daginnleggelse, men har ikke vakt utover våre åpningstider. Klinikken består blant annet av digital røntgen, ultralyd, moderne tannavdeling og operasjonssal med gassanestesi og ventilator, endoskop, egen hunde-og katteoppstalling, eget isolat og en velutstyrt Idexx-lab. I Evidensiafamilien har du svært mange erfarne kollegaer du kan støtte de
Learn More and Apply: https://app.resumeset.com/jobs/evidensia-volvat-dyreklinikk-s%C3%B8ker-autorisert-dyrepleier-58414/
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 sskintlzz Question About Delivery. (uk/evri)
Hi Redditors,
I recently placed my first 3 orders on the 12 on January.
My first order says it is at the delivery depot and they'll let me know when it's out for delivery. What's the chances of getting that one today? (EVRI)
The other 2 state 'flight deparure'. How long will it take to get here?
I've seen people say a week for delivery is long but not nearly over 10 days.
Thank you.
submitted by sskintlzz to TemuThings [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 EssYouJAyEn Askflow - Tool for Product recommendations
Pricing: No pricing
Category: Product recommendations
Release Date: 2023
About Tool: Askflow's Shopify product quiz app is designed to boost sales by offering an interactive and fun shopping experience for customers.
Product Link: Visit Askflow
submitted by EssYouJAyEn to FutureTechFinds [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 Gyro_Zeppelin Fuck electrical dragons
submitted by Gyro_Zeppelin to fuckedrags [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 Merion „Aktuelle Vorfälle sind kein Einzelfall“: Özcan Mutlu tritt wegen Gelbhaar-Affäre bei den Grünen aus
submitted by Merion to de [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:00 ponawpsuxika Are DDR5 really out of stock ?
I ordered my corsair ram sticks a month ago from a greek shop.
Till this day , they have not arrived yet . they keep telling me that they are awaiting for their supplier to bring them some stock. I mean thats understandable but it’s been a month.
I checked online on corsair.eu , apparently DDR5 sticks are still on backorder ? I’ve been checking everyday and everyday the shipping date changes and gets even more delayed in the notification area (yknow that box that says that its expected to ship on some random date)
I know this post is dumb and maybe irrelevant but does any insider know anything about this? How long is this gonna last ? I cant wait man , i wanna build my poor pc and i dont wanna get another brand of RAM😭
submitted by ponawpsuxika to Corsair [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 NemesisGXIII LF Pounder Custom on Benny's
submitted by NemesisGXIII to GTADupe [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 marikoyori [FOR HIRE] DnD Character Art Illustration open for commission, DM for Details and let's discussing further
submitted by marikoyori to artcommissions [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:00 AutoModerator What are your moves tomorrow?
Share trade ideas, daily plays, stock watchlist and your neighbourhood baba's predictions..
submitted by AutoModerator to dalalstreetbets [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 android_tests_pac Post stats revamp test from pdp for 21/1/2025 09:59:20
submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 japp182 I finished Eventide's Mimic cycle
submitted by japp182 to custommagic [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 Kirito_Alsufi [Dragon's dogma 2] I need to watch sousou no frieren after getting this plat
submitted by Kirito_Alsufi to Trophies [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 Successful-Item-1844 Women should only find careers that men would care about, also something about wasting time until they’re “prime fertility years are over”
submitted by Successful-Item-1844 to NotHowGirlsWork [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:00 AutoModerator TTC Tuesday - January 21, 2025
For those of you who are currently TTC, here is your day to discuss! Post charts, things you've peed on, ask about CM... it's all about TTC!
submitted by AutoModerator to WTT_graduates [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 igloouk New Members Intro
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by igloouk to Leicester_info [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:00 Danielshling מגמת תקשורת_במ
אני אחרי שיעור תקשורת על פרסומות מוזרות submitted by Danielshling to ani_bm [link] [comments] |