I became the David Goggins of my school after losing my Grandma

2025.01.21 14:12 Cheesenolife I became the David Goggins of my school after losing my Grandma

Context: I've been very troubled over how things have been throughout 2024 for me. During the time I discovered my mom got cancer a family friend dying. As well going through a break up a week before my birthday and then two weeks after I ended up carrying and burying my grandma. I was hella frustrated and I never been the one to take things hard when going through anything, mainly cuz I'm slightly autistic and I'm not the best with my emotions. I had so many feelings going through my mind I had no clarity on how to get passed it. So I relyed on the one thing I've always done which was much myself to do something. I used the frustrations and emotions to basically do a David goggins. Once school started in August I came back different. My daily routine was to wake up at 4am and work out with 100 yd suicides and practicing golf till 7:30am. I would crazy exercise even more at school by taking weight training and do crazy cardio. And by the time I get home I would work out again out of any frustration I have for around 4 hours till 11am. To recap I work out on average of 8 to 9 hours a day. I have not missed a workout since August 3rd. This what started the motivation for other people. They saw me doing something they never thought I could ever do and they felt inspired in some way about what they see on the outside. I ended up motivating them to get out of bed earlier or want to take more actions into goals. Which don't get me wrong knowing that I inspired them gives me a bit of peace. However till now some people that I know still don't understand that I do this out of built up emotions over what I lost and what really hurts me.To this day it still pains me but it not as bad it started. People usually see me as the one to never feel any of those emotions. It's been a hell of a roller coaster till now. Getting high wins and low losses.
My main question is did I process my losses in a bad way? I look back at the time around my birthday nowadays and I feel like I could have processed everything better than the extremes. I know it's in my blood to push myself because I'm usually pent up with anger and frustration. However I didn't know how to process all these events so I just went about it the best I could.
submitted by Cheesenolife to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 BestAtTeamworkMan Trump's scam coin lost 90% value; Here's why it's the model for generational wealth

Trump's scam coin lost 90% value; Here's why it's the model for generational wealth submitted by BestAtTeamworkMan to LinkedInLunatics [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 oreocookies_1 is this legit or a scam?

is this legit or a scam? I applied for a job through Indeed, and the company responded by sending test data and asking me to create a pie chart. Is this a legitimate request, or could it be a scam?
submitted by oreocookies_1 to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 Consistent_Class5940 Light when taking a picture

Hi everyone just curious if there’s a setting to turn off the light when taking a photo/recording
submitted by Consistent_Class5940 to RaybanMeta [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 AmboNumber5 Destroyed their entire board once the weather glass went off

Destroyed their entire board once the weather glass went off https://preview.redd.it/6dg70i21ucee1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e1ffd12b43c7a70eaeb1de3f766df2f94f088a7
As soon as weather glass went off, it infinite combos with itself due to diamond Sick Burn, so Eye of the Colossus could run rampant
submitted by AmboNumber5 to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 mrbigbizzness Ashes of Creations is insane!

I'm still a new player and still learning but the more I play the more videos I watch on YouTube the more crazier it gets with all that this game has to offer with content and playabillity! THE NODE system s so fun! And so crazy with possibilities ! I also as I played the stealing aspect of when people die. I love it!! ITS MORE THEN A GAME ITS an adventure like D&D aspects with your guild! Keep of the good work DEVS! Let's make this game number 1 on Twitch!!
submitted by mrbigbizzness to AshesofCreation [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 JustaWelshMan Branch based on successful or unsuccessful db update

Hi What shape/tool/method would I use to branch based on an successful or unsuccessful db update.
Essentially if successful do this, if unsuccessful do that.
submitted by JustaWelshMan to boomi [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 idontknow12548 Deoxys attack raid 2 locals 177835567509

Deoxys attack raid 2 locals 177835567509 submitted by idontknow12548 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 average_altulis_main No subject just bad advice

No subject just bad advice submitted by average_altulis_main to cowboybebop [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 Imjust_here15 Are you looking for a server that is actually active with welcoming and friendly people? Then you’ve found the right place! Join us for a 24/7 active chat, VC every night, and gaming. We would love to have you

submitted by Imjust_here15 to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 One_pound_man He's just misunderstood.

He's just misunderstood. submitted by One_pound_man to GreatBritishMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 Han_without_Genes 2 characters that are red flags if they're on an autistic characters list

Arnie Grape from What's Eating Gilbert Grape and Michael Tribbiani from Joey.
by "red flags" I mean that to me, the inclusion of these characters is a sign that the person who compiled the list did not do their due research and is just repeating what other people are saying.
Arnie from What's Eating Gilbert Grape has a developmental disability that is not specified during the movie, but in interviews Leonardo DiCaprio has said that Arnie is not autistic, he has intellectual disability (the way the movie presents Arnie also points much more obviously towards intellectual disability than autism). One of the reasons he is often included on autistic characters lists is because he was listed as autistic on Wikipedia for a number of years and from there it got copied again and again. Especially if a listicle claims that Arnie is "autistic-coded" or if they don't even mention intellectual disability, that I do not agree with.
Michael from Joey does not have a stated disability and as far as I can ascertain, neither the actor nor the creators have ever commented on it. Over 15 years ago an anonymous person added that Michael has Asperger's syndrome on the Wikipedia page for Joey, and from there it got copied to a number of other websites with no one ever bothering to fact-check this.
obviously I'm not the headcanon police, people are free to interpret any character as autistic as they wish. but these two are very specific pieces of misinformation that make me raise my eyebrows. the first one because it is part of a wider trend of ignoring intellectual disability in favor of autism. and the second one because it is an example of everyone copying Wikipedia without bothering to fact-check anything.
submitted by Han_without_Genes to autisticcharacters [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 ghoul-gore Dad, I'm scared

Hi Dad(s), and other family members. To say I'm scared for the next four years will be an understatement. I'm a trans guy living in the states. I know that we got through 4 years of Trump before, but this time seems worse since he's making so many orders against trans folk already. I feel like it's unsafe to continue my transition and I just started T almost 4 months ago.
I'm in a safe state, I know I am, but that fear is outweighing a lot. I want to get out of America. I don't want to be here these next four years, but I feel like it'd be dangerous to be anywhere else because I'm also disabled.
I just...I don't know what to do anymore.
submitted by ghoul-gore to DadForAMinute [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 NegotiationCapital87 Reapplication and Buzzwords

When we applied from the sixth form, I knew that we had to use a buzzword in order to link our sixth form so they could access our application.
However, would I not need this buzzword if I am reapplying from university? I know that I have to tell what uni I'm currently at and what sixth form I went to. I'm just wondering how UCAS will confirm my grades and other info etc, if I haven't got a buzzword connected.
submitted by NegotiationCapital87 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 jshrlph Getting rid of ETH?

Let's say theoritcally you have 1 ETH. Based on current/recent climates, would you be content in keeping it, or would you be looking to trade for other coins? What coins would you consider looking at instead?
submitted by jshrlph to CryptoMarkets [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 Basicallywaterdrownd Why wouldn’t naoya be better with a sword?

He talked a lot about how using swords is dumb, and while I get saying that for someone like jinichi who only uses his fists, projection sorcery seems like it would be really good for using a sword, being able to cut someone hundreds of times in a few seconds is super good in battles against enemies that can heal, the only disadvantage I can think of is that it’s more difficult to touch someone to freeze them, but with how fast he is, he can quickly touch you and then give you 30 cuts. (Also gunslinging projection sorcerer would be really funny)
submitted by Basicallywaterdrownd to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 No-Employee6948 Zach, thoughts?

Zach, thoughts? submitted by No-Employee6948 to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 QingXyz Deoxys On Me 757911442494

submitted by QingXyz to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 Berserk07 Newbie here, should I saving on to these tickets for the 10th anniversary events or use them now?

Newbie here, should I saving on to these tickets for the 10th anniversary events or use them now? submitted by Berserk07 to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 hanokka_ Desenhin que eu gosto

Desenhin que eu gosto submitted by hanokka_ to RabiscosBr [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 peludno_zrnce Starter za kruh od kiselog tijesta

Ima li netko ovdje da sam pece kruh sa starterom? Moj nikako da zazivi, inace mi takve stvari dobro idu, ali ovo nikako. Ne raste, na pocetku je imao mjehurice, sad je samo pasivan. Drzim ga u staklenci, hranim ga sa brasnom za dizana tijesta i vodom iz slavine. Probala sam ga stavit na toplije mjesto (na policu iznad radijatora ili ugasenu pecnicu koja je prethodno zagrijana na 50°C), probala sam stavit obicno brasno, hranit ga vise puta dnevno ili jednom u dva dana, ali ne reagira. Neovisno o hranjenju ima jak miris na alkohol i povremeno se napravi bijeli sloj na vrhu (ne plijesan) za koji na internetu pise da je posljedica nedovoljnog hranjenja i da se treba samo maknuti. Ovaj mislim da cu bacit nakon mjesec dana pokusavanja, ali ne bih htjela skroz odustat, pa ako netko ima neki savjet neka ostavi komentar.
submitted by peludno_zrnce to kuhinja [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 ToadBefriender GF pizza kills me

Hey all, I have been experimenting with going GF because of digestion issues. Have been now for a while and doing well. Seems like every time I have GF pizza, I am hurting bad the next morning. Anyone experience the same thing?
submitted by ToadBefriender to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 slayerofgods011 Do you think can Vergil beat cancer?

Do you think can Vergil beat cancer? submitted by slayerofgods011 to DevilMightCry [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 Accomplished-Day-763 Plastic Love ❤️

Plastic Love ❤️ Pr
submitted by Accomplished-Day-763 to drawing [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 14:12 oldfarmjoy Fiction about modern homesteading? Or non-fiction first person account, funny stories, etc.

Can anyone recommend books about modern homesteading (not Laura Ingalls Wilder), either fiction or a fun, story-telling type non-fiction book? Something that tells the highs and lows in an entertaining or engaging way. (think - a walk in the woods, Bryson)
submitted by oldfarmjoy to homestead [link] [comments]
