2025.01.21 09:41 taylor90suk Side deck help main deck is solid
submitted by taylor90suk to Goat_Format [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 Puzzleheaded_Disk218 [PS]H: Scanner Mod boxes W: Pin Pointer Or Pounder Or Ranger 1:1
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Disk218 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 JustaAveregaGuy Since there is a RTS sale which DLC should i get back to war or tribute to d-day
As the title says im stuck between both which is better?
submitted by JustaAveregaGuy to Steel_Division [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 lame_mirror Best government body to lodge a complaint about fruit shop in NSW.
Hi guys,
Ideally i'd be able to lodge the complaint anonymously. There is a fruit shop I go to that i always got a dodgy vibe from whenever i shopped there. It was always men on the fruit registers and sometimes you can't quite put your finger on it, but it's a dodgy vibe.
Now they've got women on (which made me feel slightly more comfortable) but it appears to me that all staff in this store have gotten "training" from the top-down to skim customers.
What i've caught them out doing twice now (i'm sure they've done this in the past but just didn't pick up on it) is whenever you buy fruits or veg by the kilo, if you buy say three separate things, they'll put two out of three items in as the advertised kilo price and then enter one item in at a made-up, more expensive price per kilo.
They also don't willingly give receipts (for obvious reasons) and you have to ask for them. I thought it was weird when i asked for one and i didn't get any sort of acknowledgement from one of the women at the counter. But she ended up giving me one or else i would have had to repeat myself. Immediately checked the receipt and realised she had fleeced me and called her out for it. They always play dumb.
The other thing they don't do is list what the item is on the receipt which is important if you want to identify which item they've tried to fleece you on.
Went to Google Reviews to give a review of their business and read some others admonishing the shop for the same reasons. The women on the counters wear hijab and the customer reviews are from other followers of islam followers them out on their less-than-religious behaviour.
The owner has replied to some of the complaints and sardonically says things like: "yes, better check your receipt" as if he is taking the piss. He clearly doesn't give two phucks about defrauding customers and that customers are aware of what they're doing.
I really want to complain.
submitted by lame_mirror to AusLegal [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 franziskanerdunkel Non NIJ plates?
I have the opportunity to buy plates but they are not nij certified, they are made by a private company. We tested (shot them) and they stopped dozens of rounds with no penetration. I would be getting these for less than half the price as the equivalent nij certifed plates. Is this something you would buy? I know nij certification is very expensive for companies to go through.
submitted by franziskanerdunkel to tacticalgear [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 trogdorsbeefyarm Elon Musk's DOGE faces lawsuit as Donald Trump is inaugurated
submitted by trogdorsbeefyarm to stagezero [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 Alex-Loar Help with items
So is there a reason I can’t use both items now? Like is there a one primal weapon limit and now it’s acting like both of them are one weapon? submitted by Alex-Loar to diablo3 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 TiltsakBea Rohadtul elegem van
hogy miközben folyamatosan a "körúton belüli" liberálisokat basztatja még a Fidesszel/Trumppal nem feltétlenül szimpatizálók egy része is (olyan értelmiségi, nem teljesen írástudatlan arcok is, akik máskor tudnak egész jókat mondani, mint mondjuk Puzsér) hogy "nem az emberek valódi problémáival foglalkozik, hanem identitáskérdésekkel, béelemmel, mítúval és egyéb vók lipsiségekkel", közben meg pont, hogy a Fidesz és Trump nyomja a leghangosabban a senkinek semmiféle előnyt nem kínáló "apa férfi, anya nő" típusú szimbolikus faszságokat, abortusztilalmat, melegellenességet meg a többi konteós és/vagy vallásos faszkodást, és ehhez pont azok tapsolnak, akik szerint a politikának "az emberek problémáival" kellene foglalkoznia. https://preview.redd.it/2h06tc69fbee1.png?width=1592&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5632d0e24665cb1e67089619dd76483dd059d0e Miközben Trump látványosan telibe szarja például a klímaváltozást, ami egy valódi probléma lenne, de szerinte az is csak egy woke hiszti, a sok agyhalott meg örül, hogy jól meg lett mondva a klímahisztikéző grétatumbergnek meg a bumziknak. Ja, és persze már azért is az én kurva anyámat (mondják szintén nem Trump/Fidesz szimpatizáns, magukat gondolkodó értelmiséginek gondoló "radikális centristák") amiért agyhalottnak nevezem őket, mert az én hibám, hogy "nem mentem le vidékre" és nem próbálom megérteni vagy meggyőzni őket arról, amiről nem is hajlandóak tudomást venni, hiszen még a tévé is mondta, hogy én csak egy vók lipsi vagyok, aki utálja őket pusztán azért, mert magyarok, és az én véleményemet ezért meg se kell hallgatni. Miközben bazmeg én is fizetem az adót, én is ebben az országban élek, és én is meg fogok dögleni, ha beüt a klímaszar, hogy a picsába lehet ezt párhuzamba állítani olyan lényegtelen álproblémákkal, mint az, hogy két meleg ember örökbe akar fogadni egy gyereket? Egy olyan intézményből mellesleg, ahol elmebeteg pedofil ragadozók leselkednek rá. Tényleg ez lenne a centrizmus, hogy a laposföld és a gömbföld között is megpróbálunk valami középúton állást foglalni (egy kicsit a gömbföldhívőket jobban csesztetve) nem foglalkozva azzal, hogy az egyik egy alapvető, bizonyított tudományos tény, a másik meg egy faszság? Kibaszott reménytelennek tartom ezt az egészet és igazából semmi ötletem nincs rá, hogy mi lenne a megoldás, csak ki akartam ventilálni ezt magamból, mert egyre jobban nyomaszt és szorongással tölt el, hogy kurvára rossz irányba megy a világ emiatt, és nem csak egy olyan jól körülhatárolható, elmaradottabb kis országban, mint a mienk, hanem lassan mindenhol, és valamit mégiscsak kellene tenni, legalábbis amíg csak ezen az egy bolygón osztozunk. submitted by TiltsakBea to hungary [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 weandthecolor Please tune in to this episode of WE AND THE COLOR's art and design podcast to explore how retro-futurism continues to shape our artistic and cultural landscapes.
submitted by weandthecolor to Design_WATC [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 dopuk I have to ask guys
So, I'm (19m) and if I'm not sexually active by any ways (not even masturbation) for about week or more, it's starts being weird. After that time I'm starts leaking sperm by small drops throught whole days. And I'm not sure, it's healthy. Should I visit a doctor or it's normal?
(Sorry for my english, it's not my first language)
submitted by dopuk to sexadvise [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 LoquatDesperate8574 Buying advice for 2008 IS F
https://www.edmunds.com/lexus/is-f/2008/vin/JTHBP262685001177/?radius=6000 This is basically my first car after my parents hand me down Honda Pilot, but I've always loved Lexus and wanted to get something practical but fast. Thoughts?
submitted by LoquatDesperate8574 to LexusIS [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 chulibis I got scammed out of my savings today
Sorry in advance for any mistake, English is not my first language.
I’m in my mid 20’s and was trying to change some currency in a very familiar platform. I’ve been using this website for years, and consider myself tech-savvy when looking out for possible scams. For more context, I was helping out my parents with a transaction using my own account, the other party supposedly sent the payment, it didn’t arrive, I told them I wasn’t releasing until it arrived, and they got very heated (I now realize this was a tactic) and appealed the transaction.
In that precise instant, I got a WhatsApp message claiming to be the platform’s customer support, saying they were assigned to mediate the dispute, and that if I didn’t comply they would release the money, even if I didn’t receive it, and suspend my ability to perform transactions in the platform.
In that moment I was in a bad mental state with the stress from my mom, the buyer on the platform basically insulting me, and this “support” claiming to help and honestly, I caved. They had my info and sent me codes to both my phone and email, and asked for a facial verification to be able to “cancel the transaction”. Since those verifications are normal in the platform, I didn’t question it until it was too late. Even my boyfriend, who is more savvy than I, was fooled and was helping me comply.
Now looking back I see the red flags, obviously. I know I shouldn’t have trusted a “support” who did not come directly from the app, and I did recognize it was weird the buyer was so insistent and rude, but didn’t associate it with them being in kahoots with the person who texted me.
I can’t help but feeling dumb. I got scammed for a little over 6k, which for some may not be much, but for me if half-a-years’ salary, and that included a lot of money for my parents that they have given me and I was helping change.
I used to be very condescending of people who fell for scams, I guess this is a though love lesson about empathy, and I’m just not sure what to do from here. I spent 2 hours with the real support after the whole ordeal, and they were really understanding, but told me that due to the nature of blockchain transactions they could not reverse it, and that I should contact my local authorities (which suck btw, if you know you know).
I just want to crawl into a hole and stay there awhile. For now, since my parents need the money, I’m just going to put it all in my credit card and pay it as fast as possible.
If you’re going to comment “you should’ve know better” or something related to that, please don’t. I can do that myself. And I know it’s not my fault for being a victim, it’s theirs for being criminals, but I still have to deal with the extremely painful consequences. Any advice on how not to lose it right now?
submitted by chulibis to self [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 Main-Anything3697 (BEGINNER LOOKING FOR FRAG RECCOMENDATIONS) I'm looking for summer/spring fragrances, with a bright citrus or fruit note would be nice.
Hello lovely people, Im a beginner to the fragrance community and I currently only have Lattafa Khamrah Qahwa. I'm looking for a good fragrance which covers all of its weakpoints, like something that can be worn in the summer or spring, probably with a strong citrous note or something bright and clean and fresh. It would also be wonderful if you could mention where I can get the decants of the fragrances you mention, Thank you :)
submitted by Main-Anything3697 to DesiFragranceAddicts [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 Shoddy-Bottle904 He's so unbothered, lol
submitted by Shoddy-Bottle904 to animalsdoingstuff [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 Ron341 Microsoft 365: Windows 10 will no longer have access to Excel, Word and PowerPoint this 2025
submitted by Ron341 to latestworldstories [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 FeudalThemmady *Accidentally
submitted by FeudalThemmady to memes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 liTtlebrocoi E Money Network + Solana = Easy Crypto Spending! 💸 2% Rewards & 30% Off for 1,111 Users 🔥
E Money Network just made it easier to use crypto! They’re now working with Solana. You can load stablecoins onto your card and get 2% rewards on your spending 💸. Use it at over 150 million stores with Tap & Pay 📲. First 1,111 Solana users get 30% off with "EMNONSOLANA." Grab it now! https://reddit.com/link/1i6f1wq/video/tbchhrjthbee1/player https://x.com/emoney_network/status/1881406810000887818 submitted by liTtlebrocoi to CryptoMoonInvestors [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 CryptographerFar2016 have tickets for 25 dm me close to mrp
submitted by CryptographerFar2016 to TicketResale [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 android_tests_pac Edit comment no changes test for 21/1/2025 09:40:06
submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 Mdnovi 1/4 done & concerns, need advice
Greetings, My current strategy is to watch Bootcamp videos + unsuspend Anking cards. Pace: ~100 cards/daily (sometimes up to 150). My concern is true retention %, specially on Mature cards. Do I need to increase it? What can I do specifically to reach this goal? My daily routine in preparation for Step1 as an IMG is:
https://preview.redd.it/wc4q9bt8ibee1.png?width=1887&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbcd8dbad766d83c3b35da9b50fefd7db51f68a9 submitted by Mdnovi to medicalschoolanki [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 Easy-Worker-8819 As reactors and streamers are making diss songs, are they aware that by putting them in the court document, they can potentially be put on the Feds stand to testify? Do we also see that in the document, comments made under YT videos are also cited, which can lead to the same ordeal for fans?
Yes they are not sued but they could be used to testify. What's next? Reddit comments on this sub could be use in this lawsuit? submitted by Easy-Worker-8819 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 iwenyani Madforbrug for en familie på 4 - fra oktober til december
submitted by iwenyani to dkfinance [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 09:41 Ok_Mycologist5729 I'm a mallu.. Any cuckson who wants to talk, Mallu cucks are welcomed
submitted by Ok_Mycologist5729 to DesiMomChat [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 LandscapeAnxious8718 Is it safe to be trans in phi alpha delta and just the campus at large still?
Hey so I’m a current student, pre transition, and people seem friendly enough or at least kind their own business, but with all the current issues I just wanted to get a consensus from others. I’m looking into the phi alpha delta fraternity and I think they’re friendly but if anyone here has experience could you clarify? Thanks
submitted by LandscapeAnxious8718 to cuboulder [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 09:41 tterkys Říct si o peníze za prodej koně?
Otázka v názvu dost přesně sumarizuje, o co tady jde. Situace: měla jsem posledních 6 let v pronájmu koně. Představte si to, jako třeba mít v nájmu auto, byt. Koně jsem jezdila, trénovala, závodila na něm, což zvyšovalo jeho hodnotu. Hradila jsem za něj všechny náklady, včetně veterináře, startovného na závodech, ustájení. Mluvíme o cca 10-15tis měsíčně. S majitelkou koně jsme měly ústní dohodu, ona mě trénovala, máme přátelský vztah, proto mi koně dala takto k dispozici. Teď se mi změnily priority a majitelce jsem oznámila, že bych koně potřebovala přestat platit a že plně respektuji, pokud se ho rozhodne prodat, což se stalo. Bylo mi řečeno, že měla koně pouze pro radost a především pro mě, že ji naplňovalo, že jsme s koněm společně pracovaly, trénovaly apod. (ona na koni nejezdila, trénovala pouze mě na něm, cca 1x týdně, jinak jsem s koněm pracovala asi 5x týdně já). Kůň má nyní vysokou hodnotu. Domluvily jsme se na prodeji, já s prodejem pomůžu, koně znám nejlépe, ukážu zájemcům co je potřeba, předvedu co umí. Dnes mi začalo v hlavě vrtat, zda by nebylo fajn si za to něco říct. Je to za těch 6 let hodně času, peněz, námahy. Samozřejmě, nedělala jsem to pro peníze, byl to fin. náročný koníček. Ale přece jen, bavíme se tady o zhodnocení o tisíce euro. Je mi lehce proti srsti si o cokoliv říkat, protože kůň je 100% v majetku majitelky. Zároveň by mě potěšilo, kdyby se o zisk podělila v nějakém menším měřítku (např. já 5-10%, ona zbytek), tak, aby stále naprostou většinu zisku měla ona. Jsem v pořádku i s tím, že bych nic nedostala, nic nečekám. Zdá se vám vhodné si o procento z prodeje říct? Nebo to nechat být a čekat nějakou velkorysost?
submitted by tterkys to czech [link] [comments]