Alternative to this Miu Miu sweater

2025.01.21 10:31 yosimon30000 Alternative to this Miu Miu sweater

Alternative to this Miu Miu sweater submitted by yosimon30000 to findfashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 bobtthe4h Best headphones under 2kphp

My current choice is jbl quantum 200 because of its (mainly) mic, i would consider others but they dont have microphones built in, any thoughts?, also maybe durability factor
submitted by bobtthe4h to PHGamers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 DreamPirates Pooja Sawant Marathi Actress #PoojaSawant

Pooja Sawant Marathi Actress #PoojaSawant submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 Scott45uk Great start anyone else?

Great start anyone else?
submitted by Scott45uk to Steam [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 InternetPretend4003 Kein Bock mehr auf die Fitnessstudio-Mafia

Hallo zusammen,
ich hoffe, hier ist jemand mit Erfahrung, der uns helfen kann.
Vor fast 5 Jahren hat meine Mutter eine Mitgliedschaft bei Smile X abgeschlossen. Das war ein "Ladies Only"-Studio, weil sie sich in einem gemischten Studio nicht wohlfühlt. Allerdings hat sie die Mitgliedschaft kaum genutzt – es kam Corona, die Studios waren lange geschlossen, und danach war das Thema für sie eigentlich abgehakt.
Jetzt das Problem: Smile X hat Insolvenz angemeldet und wurde von einem gemischten Fitnessstudio übernommen. Sie soll jetzt weiterhin zahlen, obwohl es keine "Ladies Only"-Leistung mehr gibt – also genau das, wofür sie sich damals bewusst entschieden hatte.
Das Absurde: Wir haben zwischenzeitlich eine Kündigung erwirkt. Trotzdem wollen die diese Kündigung anscheinend nicht anerkennen und tun so, als ob der Vertrag weiterläuft. Es fühlt sich einfach nur noch wie ein endloser Kampf an.
Kann das überhaupt rechtens sein?Hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht oder weiß, wie wir hier vorgehen können?
Ich wäre wirklich sehr dankbar für jeden Tipp oder Ratschlag, wie wir hier aus dieser Sache rauskommen können.
Danke schon mal für eure Hilfe!
submitted by InternetPretend4003 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 Express-Paramedic376 help me open rcproject folder from 2011

help me open rcproject folder from 2011 Hi, I found an old rcproject folder from 2011 containing several files and folders as you can see in the screenshot. I don't have any of the footage used in the project, just this rcproject folder.
Is there anyway I can open it and get something to watch out of it?
Movies folder is empty. Proxies folder contains folders with .data files inside.
I tried to drag it in Final cut pro (trial) but the software couldn't open it.
Please help me! Thanks :)
submitted by Express-Paramedic376 to finalcutpro [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 shivabreathes Defeated my first Lynel

Second play through. First time I didn’t dare to face any lynels, was too focused on completing the game. After I completed it I realised exploring the world of Hyrule is more interesting than the main quest. So I’m taking a lot longer in my second play through and just exploring lots of random stuff.
Defeating a lynel was on my “bucket list” and finally achieved it today. Lots of bomb arrows, avoiding his attacks, did manage to stun him, mount and deal damage, but I would say the most important thing was having a bow that could shoot x3 arrows and then hitting him with a bunch of bomb arrows. I have still not mastered the flurry attack, FYI.
Honestly, defeating the lynel felt like a bit of a let down at the end of the day. His weapons are cool and I’m guessing his body parts are very effective in elixirs, but for the amount of effort it takes to defeat them I’m just not sure it’s worth it. Is it?
submitted by shivabreathes to Breath_of_the_Wild [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 Kooky_marshy Any good wedding party recommendations?

Having a quick ceremony in Montana De Oro and planning to have the reception near by ( all the way down to Pismo and up to Morro Bay and of course anywhere in San Luis Obispo is recommended)… pls send the nicest places / beautiful and had a great time at … thank you
submitted by Kooky_marshy to SanLuisObispo [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 Redcuppycakes Why not hop on to the next trend?

Why not hop on to the next trend? Shoot the words!
submitted by Redcuppycakes to Modern_Family [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 Empty-Perspective287 I feel like I’m going insane

Hi, I’m wondering if there is a medical professional that may be able to help me, with either some reassurance or advice on what to do..
I’m 28F, and for the last 6-9 months I have had some weird symptoms in my chest/ body. The main ones that are causing me concern is, the feeling of pressure on my heart, it feels like someone holding my heart in their hand and squeezing it. I also have dizziness and palpitations/ racing heart. I have been to my GP & the ER, have had numerous ECGs & blood tests. All “normal”. They have declined an echo or further testing as I’m young, and my bloods, ECGs and blood pressure are normal every time they have checked. They have put it down to anxiety. Which I do have. But I cannot shake the fear of something being wrong with my heart. Do I just trust them? Or do I push for further testing? Cause these symptoms are driving me insane and they’re incredibly uncomfortable.
submitted by Empty-Perspective287 to askCardiology [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 Toledo0761 Why is this so difficult

Just want a cup of real coffee. Tampa area
submitted by Toledo0761 to marriott [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 xx_xxElisha What’s my hair type? (Sorry for the bad photos)

What’s my hair type? (Sorry for the bad photos) submitted by xx_xxElisha to hairtype [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 Ill_Ad_3695 deoxys defense wb 046126652553

submitted by Ill_Ad_3695 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 simplybuiltdiffrent Is there any way to fix this

submitted by simplybuiltdiffrent to SBCGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 ahmede2020 There is a Crypto or Bitcoin executive order among the first 200 according to Bitcoin Magazine CEO, David Baile

There is a Crypto or Bitcoin executive order among the first 200 according to Bitcoin Magazine CEO, David Baile! More likely within next 4 hours!
list Donald Trump's Promises
Making the U.S. the Global Hub for Digital Currencies: Pledged to position the U.S. as a global leader in the crypto industry.
Establishing a Cryptocurrency Advisory Council: Composed of industry experts to shape supportive policies.
Halting the Development of a Digital Dollar: Opposed to a U.S. CBDC over privacy concerns.
Appointing Pro-Crypto Officials: Assigning key government roles to crypto-friendly figures.
Creating a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve: To bolster national finances.
Rolling Back Restrictive Regulations: Including the repeal of the "SAB 121" rule.
Pardoning Silk Road Founder: Ross Ulbricht, as a gesture to the crypto community.
Encouraging Crypto Investments: Allowing public pension funds to invest in cryptocurrencies.
Supporting Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Developing clear regulations for innovation.
Issuing Pro-Crypto Executive Orders: Treating digital currencies as a national priority.
Projects listed under the "Made in USA" category, such as those featured here on CoinGecko, could be the primary beneficiaries of these policies.
submitted by ahmede2020 to WallStreetBetsCrypto [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 kunal28parikh Has anyone used vectorized backtesting in their trading strategy? What are the key benefits and challenges?

Hi everyone,
I’ve been learning about vectorized backtesting and how it can potentially speed up trading strategy testing, but I’m curious to hear from others who might have experience with it. What are the main benefits of using vectorized backtesting over traditional methods? Are there any challenges or limitations that traders should be aware of when implementing it?
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences!
submitted by kunal28parikh to algotrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 christykurian Kappa Biriyani With Video

Kappa Biriyani With Video Recipe -
submitted by christykurian to itzcurry [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 GoldenStealth44 Recieve Up To $1,000 Off A Brand New Tesla Using My Referral !

Join Life In The Fast Lane With A Tesla !
submitted by GoldenStealth44 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 udonthaveadad fuck this game man, deleted my fucking save after another 30 hours just because i only quicksaved

like it pisses me off that it never mentions "hey we do delete autosaves and quicksaves, so make sure to manual save!" all of my phantom liberty progress is just gone and all of the ncpd scanners are back just because manual saves are just less convenient than quicksaves, fuck this stupid shit man
submitted by udonthaveadad to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 mustache_guyy LISTEN TO MY CALLS!

submitted by mustache_guyy to Farmyourkarma [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 JenniferXeno HW0218 Index Swap (COS/SPMS)

Looking for: Friday 0830-1020 Have: Friday 1430-1620
submitted by JenniferXeno to NTU [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 Wonderful-Photo-9938 Trivia: Captain Ichimaru Gin is the only Captain who has a Winning Record against Ichigo (2 - 0)

Ichigo had controversial wins against Byakuya. Also against Zaraki.
He also defeated Aizen in the latter part.
Interestingly, the one Captain he fought, and never beat was Ichimaru Gin.
Above Pics during SS Arc. Ichimaru literally one hitted him.
Below Pics, that is after Ichigo already defeated a strong Espada in Ulquiorra. Yet, he was low diffed by Gin.
Idk, Ichigo seems to struggle against Gin's Zapakuto Abilities.
submitted by Wonderful-Photo-9938 to bleach [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 PrestigiousPension Einladung zum Auswahlgespräch, Aufgabe?

ich bin zu einem Auswahlgespräch für die Ausbildung zur Verwaltungsfachangestellten einer großen Stadt eingeladen. Neben dem strukturierten Interview, stand in meiner Einladung auch, dass ich zuvor eine Aufgabe bekomme, für die ich vor Ort etwa 40 Minuten Bearbeitungszeit habe. Gibt es Erfahrungswerte, was auf mich zukommen könnte? Aufsatz? Oder eine Wiederholung des Eingangstests?
submitted by PrestigiousPension to OeffentlicherDienst [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 DghtroftheKing Concerning?

Concerning? This mole suddenly popped up on my back.
Dad: Hx of melanoma
submitted by DghtroftheKing to skincancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:31 NightfuRy_297 Looking for a flatmate

Hey folks, I am looking for a flatmate with who I can team up and look for 2/3 BHKs in HSR, BTM, ITI layout or Teacher's colony
I am a vegetarian and would prefer a vegetarian flatmate as well.
My budget is approximately 12-15k max my share
Let's connect and get this over with, it is so tough to find a place and flatmate of liking and within the budget :/
submitted by NightfuRy_297 to bangalorerentals [link] [comments]