Will a sexual 7w6 act a lot like 7w8 because of sx6 energy?

2025.01.21 12:10 Real_Alternative_661 Will a sexual 7w6 act a lot like 7w8 because of sx6 energy?

I am a sx7 and I am pretty sure my wing is 6 because I am always confused with my thoughts, never sure of my opinions, kinda need authority or someone to be sure of my beliefs and have a harder time going after what I want unlike 7w8. But when I am angry or in a argument, I raise hell. there is no doubt or anxiety left in my body. I am willing to lose everything just to win the argument (I sometimes assume everyone is like that but people have told me otherwise). times like this makes me wonder whether I am a 7w8 instead of 7w6. So I am curious because if sx6 tends to be like 8s in ways they confront and go towards fear. maybe thats why I have those 8 like tendencies even though though I am 7w6.
Overall my question is, Is the wing is influenced by instinct as well or is it just the core type?
submitted by Real_Alternative_661 to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 The_invalidSalad 24M anyone want to come rate me?

Anyone (18+) want to rate my looks? I'm aware there are subs for this btw just more comfortable sharing me one on one vs to a whole sub. Basically I'll send you 3 pics of me (all sfw they'll be from my dating profile) and you can let me know what you think of my appearance anyway you want, you can be as honest as you wish
submitted by The_invalidSalad to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 Demintres Looking for...

Who has Blood Lord Spear (New Universal Asgore skin) or Heart//Shaper? If u trade he and want something good - DM me.
submitted by Demintres to AUniversalTime [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 mommyofben Any experience with newborn circumcisions message me I’m a hospitalist and I need some advice

Please message me if you can thanks
submitted by mommyofben to physicianassistant [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 itsnisrin Video awareness, tell me your experience!

Hey guys, I was recently diagnosed and this sub helped so much. I’m making TikTok explaining this disease although I don’t have much knowledge myself. I was wondering if there’s anything you would like to input about your experience or anything you want to bring awareness to/how you explain to people what it is? I’ll probably be posting screenshots so if you don’t want your username in the video then let me know and I’ll blur it out🫶🏽
submitted by itsnisrin to AddisonsDisease [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 Fun_Bother_3222 Lost fic (taekook) please help 😭

Hey! I read a fic a long time ago and I wanted to read it again but I can't remember the title :( I entered the tags on ao3 that I remember but I can't find it anywhere!
Here's a quick summary of what it was about: Tae was a fairy(?) and Jungkook was a wolf. When Jungkook was younger, he came to the kingdom with his father. (I will add that they lost their wings and magic due to the disaster and only Tae had it, but his parents told him to hide it.) And when they both grew up, the wolf king died and Jungkook wanted to marry Tae. Then Tae went with them back to the fortress somewhere in the south, where it was very cold. Jungkook also finds some soil for him to grow plants there.
Does anyone know this??? I would be grateful, really. I've been looking for this for so long 😭
submitted by Fun_Bother_3222 to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 Wild_Panda873 Irene Cara - Fame (Live)

Irene Cara - Fame (Live) submitted by Wild_Panda873 to The1980s [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 lean_cloud My bf saw the hat man last night

My (21f) boyfriend (22m) saw the hat man last night. I woke up to him shaking me right before he had to leave for work. I said “I just woke up from a weird dream that I had to buy a baseball bat to defend myself but I don’t know from what.” He said to me, “I don’t even wanna tell you about my dream. I saw the hat man again.”
He’s never told me about a hat man of any sort. So, confused, I asked him to tell me about what happened.
Apparently mans had sleep paralysis last night. According to him, the TV in our bedroom was still running playing a nature documentary of some sort. He said he couldn’t move only his eyes were moving and it felt really real. The “hat man” wandered into our room, hunched over, but without a hat. I didn’t know what this meant. Supposedly, the figure walked over to my bookshelf and started taking books and other various items off of it, putting them into his bag? All the while my boyfriend is trying to scream. He watched the figure move towards the door again, rustle around his bag, pull out his infamous top hat, put it on, and looked at him for a bit before leaving.
I pretty much shot up into a seated position, terrified, and started grilling him. I thought he was joking but no, he was completely serious and still seemed a bit frazzled. I started asking him more questions about what his face looked like, what his hat looked like. He said his face was completely black even without a hat on, and his hat was a shorter top hat. My boyfriend pretty much re-enacted the whole ordeal for me, pretending he was the hat man, and mimicking the way he walked from one side of the room to the other.
I guess he’s been having visions of this figure since he was about 12-13 years old, he just never told me about it. Frightened, I looked it up and apparently thousands upon thousands of people have had very similar experiences with the hat man (so many that there’s a subreddit dedicated to it) so I figured I’d come here.
My question is - how do I cleanse this house and remove this spirit so I don’t ever have this experience and he doesn’t have to suffer with this recurring issue? This sounds like a horrible experience and I don’t want him to be put through that ever again.
submitted by lean_cloud to HatMan [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 Mediocre_Lack7097 Hi! Does anyone know what this is? :)

submitted by Mediocre_Lack7097 to Handwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 PlatypusTotal7477 Peak fanart(not mine btw)

Peak fanart(not mine btw) submitted by PlatypusTotal7477 to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 Jealous_Service3951 Guys and girls on Reddit, what's something in your private album on phone that you'd never want a any person to see?

submitted by Jealous_Service3951 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 IIIIIIAGENTIIIIII 2x AIO possible? How?

How do I connect 2 pumps/aios into my system....
There is just one pump header.
Does that matter?
To which header do I connect the 2. Aio?
submitted by IIIIIIAGENTIIIIII to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 lbop97yt Hypochlorous Acid Q

Has anyone tried hypo21 and compared it to any other brand hypochlorous acid spray? I'm wondering why it's so much more expensive and if its worth the £££ Thanks!
submitted by lbop97yt to EczemaUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 Heavy_Midnight_7460 Any info is appreciated

Anybody know what the max rank is for origins. I saw somebody at 101 when they did the ultimate challenge for the lubu xia pi boss fight. So I was just genuinely wondering
submitted by Heavy_Midnight_7460 to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 chintanski Coldplay AMD

Coldplay AMD submitted by chintanski to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 ssoorrtt Any advice?

Any advice? Last visit ko sa Dentist 2020, nung nag pa extract ng wisdom tooth, ano po ma advice nyo? okay pa ba mag pabraces? i'm turning 33 this Feb.
submitted by ssoorrtt to DentistPh [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 happyrue test posting videos

testing if auto play is working
submitted by happyrue to test [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 Such_Substance3795 It’s been a year Part 1

The past week has had me twisted in knots. Another stepping stone on the path of healing.
I understand pain. Hell, I’ve defined myself by my tolerance of it because it became a forgone conclusion to me that it’d be the only constant in my life. But over the past 6 months I’ve learned a much more powerful truth. In that truth I see how so many of my values and beliefs were distorted by that core belief in me and unfortunately it caused incredible damage in my life. All of which I will rightly live the consequences of for the rest of my life and taught me that healing the things within me that caused such damage can only be purged through fire. And burn I did. For almost 2 years. It was the worst thing that’s ever happened to me and how I finally accepted the pain and allowed it to change me will always be the point I look at and say “ That’s when I decided to change my life. Zero excuses. Relentless accountability. Immovable standards. That’s when I became the woman I wanted to see in me” It’s the first vow I made to myself that I’ve kept as sacred as the very spirit that created it. Indeed, I do see this as very precious. The purpose of my remaining life. To honor that vow and love. Just love as best I’m able day by day. It’s that simple for me now. I honored myself and therefore created space to heal and mend my broken marriage even as it was being crushed and violated right in front of me. And it’s been mending- slowly at first. So very painfully for us both. You can not imagine the agony for me- you simply can not, unless you’ve been there, know what it’s like to give devotion and faith to someone undeserving and actively betraying you. But my spirit had spoken and I had a vow to keep to myself and so at times all I could do was be still, mend myself, and give love- kindness. Day by day. That’s the thing- no one is without fault. My sins too had had their part and for that I understood that I must honor the pain I caused by stepping forward- someone must always step first. My spirit had spoken. I knew exactly what I wanted (want) and so with so much fear in my chest I chose to leap forward rather than step…. Sometimes that’s what it takes. This morning I woke- as I most often do, covered in sweat, rigid, freezing.. mentally clouded and emotionally flooded. It’s SO HARD, these episodes are painful in every way- but that’s ptsd for ya. I went to the bathroom as I do, ran a shower, read a little and headed back to bed. My love had gone about his routine and we met there as we do. His morning was a tough one too. This used to keep us utterly disconnected, neither of us understood before how to allow this process and really understand what it was for ourselves. No matter how educated you are, sometimes it’s actually a disservice to you, that very much the case for us. But now- it’s…. Amazing actually. We just lay there and touch and hold one another- we cry when we need to. I do almost everytime. My “flashbacks” are very consuming- the rigidity and shaking culminating to crying and release. It sounds like a lot and it is. For both of us. At first I felt very shameful- I felt like a child. But when they started at first I had no control of it- I’d just start crying and it’d feel like my whole body had turned to wood. I didn’t know what was happening to me- I did- but not me? Not really? It couldn’t have all been so bad that I’d end up here right? I’m not one of those women. But I am. And I’m healing. And he so quickly began soothing me during those in such a way that I can’t say enough that I know I wouldn’t be where I am already if he hadn’t stepped up and been as devoted as he has to ensuring I’m not drowning in this. He’s held me and told me over and over and over that I’m safe. That he’s right there. That he’s not going anywhere. That he’ll hold me till it doesn’t hurt anymore…. Until I started to believe it. It’s truly something to be shattering apart like that in the arms of the person who caused that pain and to have them lean in and hold you and bear it and take it and hold it with you. ( I can’t not cry as I type that because it’s the very thing that’s shown me how deeply and sincerely he sees, hears, and feels the pain he’s caused me.) it’s profound. It’s been life changing for the both of us. The evidence is there everytime we get through these mornings. And right now, that’s more than most. And yes- it’s gets so tiring and frustrating because that’s what growth and healing are. But it’s also beautiful. I get to see him for who he really is again. He gets to see me for who I really am again. And we get to be together in one another’s presence without having to hide or hold anything back in fear. We both feel safe, heard, seen, and very much loved. I didn’t mean to start writing this way but it’s pouring out. The last couple of time I opened up and this morning while I was crying- he said “ give it to me baby, give me the pain, I’ll take it for you- give it to me.” I wish I could write the look on my face as I think on these things. I’m positively swooning and breathless. THIS is what they mean when they say actions are louder than words. Even though I want to hear him say so much and there are things I still do….. the reality is there’s nothing he could say that would come close to matching the devotion and patience and respect he’s showing to me through our every day lives and in our deepest moments of struggle. I just think it’s important to let you know these things. That some perspective about the very real truth here will perhaps help. People write scenes such as I described in love stories. I most of all didn’t believe things like this truly existed anymore (I had once upon a time when we fell in love when we were 16) I stopped believing in the man he was when he became someone else - But he came back when I did…. A little while after but he came back to me. I knew he would- I knew it last year before I’d lost hope. The deepest part of me spoke when I said I knew that no matter what we’d do, what we went through, that ultimately it’d be him and I holding hands and walking to the castle for the fireworks….
But this is just part one
submitted by Such_Substance3795 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 JohnnyBlaze- What's your biggest pet peeve?

mine is people who play combo decks and can't combo fast. ,
submitted by JohnnyBlaze- to masterduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 FristeOne RP system

Hello UFL family, I am an active user of the official discord of this game. Everyone agrees with me that the RP system needs a huge change. I understand that Eugene recently confirmed on X that changes are coming and there will be no RP deductions when someone does not play. Despite this, I think the RP system should be completely reworked. What is the point of constantly increasing the tax? I have a whole squad of 91 ov, I am constantly being deducted almost 60k reputation per week. With such a strong squad I cannot make any changes to my squad. Why? It is boring. I want to try at least 500 players in this game and not be stuck with 20 and not be able to buy anyone more.
I have already sent my ideas on discord but here they are:
Option no. 1: Give us less RP, buffed ones -1.5k and if you win more and more reduce the amount of RP awarded during one day. Then remove enhanced RP completely.
Option no. 2: Only deduct tax on matches played in a given week. The more you play, the higher the tax will be, if you don't play there will be none at all.
The current system is terrible, you won't make any money from it because it only discourages current players from playing and literally kills returning players because after a 2 month break they will come back with -250k rp. This is a serious game killer.
submitted by FristeOne to UFLTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 101justinm Orion Pax and his legacy.

Orion Pax and his legacy. submitted by 101justinm to transformers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 investingop Men of this subreddit, send her your bicep pics!

Men of this subreddit, send her your bicep pics! submitted by investingop to Indiangirlsontinder [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 roboticfedora I'm waiting to get banned.

I'm waiting to get banned. They're looking up who Old Hickory is. They'll get back to me soon.
submitted by roboticfedora to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 Ed_Derick_ Blood Bath

Blood Bath submitted by Ed_Derick_ to left4dead [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:10 KobraKaiKLR I didn’t catch the screenshot before this for my streak

I didn’t catch the screenshot before this for my streak I swore I did, but unfortunately I didn’t. I was at 69 days 😭😭😭 And what happened? I lost my phone temporarily in between my car seat and the center console, all the while I thought I had left it at the previous store I was at. Gotta do this shize all over again. 1st world problems, amiright?
submitted by KobraKaiKLR to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]
