📢 Microsoft is hiring a Account Technology Internship Opportunities!

2025.01.22 00:53 rrmdp 📢 Microsoft is hiring a Account Technology Internship Opportunities!

📢 Microsoft is hiring a Account Technology Internship Opportunities! Company: Microsoft
Location: Taipei, Taiwan 📍
Date Posted: January 17, 2025 📅
Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=echojobs.io&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly9lY2hvam9icy5pby9qb2IvbWljcm9zb2Z0LWFjY291bnQtdGVjaG5vbG9neS1pbnRlcm5zaGlwLW9wcG9ydHVuaXRpZXMtNWJyazY=
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 cml5526 Saw this on Izzy and Salty's Sonic confessions video and I had the moral obligation to spread it around

Saw this on Izzy and Salty's Sonic confessions video and I had the moral obligation to spread it around submitted by cml5526 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Val_Edits1112 So two things... Looking for a nfr vamp dragon and rb maker!! These would be my offer for each one (rb maker is for my friend's bday and vamp dragon is just one of my dp's)

So two things... Looking for a nfr vamp dragon and rb maker!! These would be my offer for each one (rb maker is for my friend's bday and vamp dragon is just one of my dp's) submitted by Val_Edits1112 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Waste-Illustrator-53 Stretch marks while losing weight????

Hey guys! I started a calorie deficit on December 31st. I’m 20F, I started at 134 pounds and i’m now down to 131 pounds. My goal weight is 125. I noticed today when I got out of the shower that I have new, red and purple stretch marks on my butt. I’m already insecure because I have a ton already from pregnancy. Is this normal? I’ve never heard of stretch marks from losing weight, especially when it’s only 3 pounds so far. If i increase my deficit and lose weight a little slower would this help? Also since their on my butt first is that where i’m losing place, that’s literally the only place in my body where I want to retain fat and not lose it. :/ Help pleaseee.
submitted by Waste-Illustrator-53 to loseit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 AutoModerator Sendwave Promo-Referral Code 2025 : TUE67

Get €10.00 for your first transfer!
Use code TUE67 on sendwave.
#sendwave 2025
submitted by AutoModerator to sendwave_officials [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Illustrious-Newt-848 Thank you, creepy IG algorithms

My FA ex admitted that she was cheating-ish but was too afraid to tell me so instead, tried to pull away. What's hilarious was all this started with my getting an IG reel about the pain FAs experienced from an FA-DA breakup. I forwarded that reel with commentary on how her previous DA ex was terribly wrong in the way he broke up with her.
Here's the hilarious part: Unbeknownst to me, they had reunited and I inadvertently was bashing her secret relationship! She though I was doing some super creepy monitoring so she blocked me. Months go by, she come out and admits that she had been getting together with that DA ex. The creepy IG algorithms exposed the secret relationship.
submitted by Illustrious-Newt-848 to AvoidantBreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Glittering-Shop-455 What are y’all favourite Alex g songs

What are y’all favourite Alex g songs I’ll go first mine is let it go or go away
submitted by Glittering-Shop-455 to sandyalexg [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 rrmdp 📢 CAIZ is hiring a Crypto Community Manager!

📢 CAIZ is hiring a Crypto Community Manager! Company: CAIZ
Location: New Delhi India 📍
Date Posted: January 20, 2025 📅
Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=web3.career&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly93ZWIzLmNhcmVlci9yLz1RVE0wTVRPX19oN3V0amQzYQ==
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 TheCollector919 My dog needs a cigarette too

My dog needs a cigarette too submitted by TheCollector919 to DOG [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 oneTargetnightstand What’s something you regret doing, but would do again?

submitted by oneTargetnightstand to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Banglapolska An abused orphan realizes their potential through education

And after years of first abuse then privation, the student not only discovers their strengths and talents, they find previously unknown relations.
submitted by Banglapolska to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 OpportunityExtra6694 Ajuda com farmácia antiga

Opa beleza? Queria ideias e sugestões para o negócio da minha família
Minha família tem uma farmácia bem pequena no interior do estado do RJ. Essa farmácia já tem 30 anos de idade, mas nesses últimos talvez 8 anos temos passado cada vez mais sufoco, ainda mais com a expansão das grandes redes.
Quem administra tudo é meu pai. Um homem muito honesto e trabalhador. Fica focado no negócio da hora que abre até a hora que fecha, porém nos últimos anos ele está cada vez mais desanimado e querendo fechar. (mas fica com um pé atrás pq ainda não se aposentou, faltam uns 4 ~ 5 anos)
A farmácia teve vários clientes fiéis por muito tempo, porém a maioria está literalmente morrendo nos últimos anos (clientes maiores) e isso foi o que mais afetou o faturamento
Nos últimos meses apenas conseguimos pagar as contas e funcionários, alguns meses ainda saímos no negativo.
A maior dificuldade é bater de frente com os preços de medicamentos de grandes redes. Na verdade acredito que seja impossível. Já vimos (muitas vezes) um remédio na grande rede sair mais barato do que caso meu pai fosse comprar na distribuidora
Gostaria de algumas dicas de como fazer para ter mais vendas e alcançar mais clientes.
Desde já, obrigada e desejo muito sucesso para todos!
submitted by OpportunityExtra6694 to empreendedorismo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Oreoicecream00 Cleansing after sunscreen

I’m on accutane and I know wearing sunscreen is a MUST while you are on accutane. I’m using cetaphil gentle cleanser and crtaphil cream and sunscreen for japanses biore. I used to use oil cleanser when i wear make up or sunscreen before taking accutane. should I still need to use oil cleansing after use sunscreen? cus accutane makes ma skin sensitive and i’m wonder if i can still use oil cleanse… how did yall cleans ur face after wore sunscreen?
submitted by Oreoicecream00 to Accutane [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 kaizokuseb a thief child in riften?

so i used to play on pc, and my brother set it up for me with a few mods, so i didn't always know what was modded and what was base game. now i'm playing on the switch, and i'm missing something. is there a child thief in riften? or somewhere? i think you had to go on a little quest to get her to let you adopt her, but i cannot find her in the game or online, even looking up mods. does anyone have any idea what i'm talking about?
submitted by kaizokuseb to skyrim [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 peakingoranges Nori thinks we have no idea he’s amongst our toddler’s toys…

Nori thinks we have no idea he’s amongst our toddler’s toys… He is always guarding her and doesn’t like leaving her at bedtime, when we usher him out.
submitted by peakingoranges to OneBlackBraincell [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 rrmdp 📢 Bank of Montreal is hiring a Senior Manager, Talent Technology!

📢 Bank of Montreal is hiring a Senior Manager, Talent Technology! Company: Bank of Montreal
Location: Remote 📍
Salary: 92K - 171K 💰
Date Posted: January 18, 2025 📅
Level: Senior 👵
Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=echojobs.io&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly9lY2hvam9icy5pby9qb2IvYmFuay1vZi1tb250cmVhbC1zZW5pb3ItbWFuYWdlci10YWxlbnQtdGVjaG5vbG9neS1haTVlNg==
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 sdaz17 Has Anyone Received Christmas Merch?

I ordered the purple christmas double cup on december 14th and havent gotten any update
submitted by sdaz17 to DaveBlunts [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Aggressive-Prior-785 Took a leap of faith with tithing and experienced an unexpected blessing!

Hey everyone,
I wanted to share a personal experience that has really strengthened my faith. For a while now, I've been feeling a pull towards tithing – giving 10% of my income to my church. I was hesitant, if I'm being honest. It felt like a lot of money, and I had some financial worries in the back of my mind.
But lately, it seemed like I was getting signs everywhere encouraging me to take the plunge. It wasn't my church pressuring me or anything, it just felt like God was nudging me in that direction. So, I finally decided to trust my gut and set up an automatic payment for my tithe.
Guess what? The VERY NEXT DAY, my boss called me in and gave me a raise! This was completely unexpected, especially since he had told us earlier this year that raises weren't likely.
I can't help but feel like this was a direct result of my decision to tithe. It's like God was showing me that He will provide, even when I step out in faith.
This experience, coupled with my commitment to keeping the Sabbath, has really opened my eyes to the blessings that come with obedience and trust in God. I feel a sense of peace and purpose that I haven't felt before.
Has anyone else had similar experiences with tithing or other acts of faith? I'd love to hear your stories!
Jesus Christ is the best <3
submitted by Aggressive-Prior-785 to JesusChrist [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 Creative-Damage-1138 Just bought one, and just found out about the shader issue

Just bought one, and just found out about the shader issue Should I return, or is it really that bad?. Can’t seem to find info about what is affected. Is it stand alone emulation or something with Retro Arch and ROCKNIX? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Creative-Damage-1138 to retroid [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 masenae Mem memmy me memy mem m memmy (Mem wants to tell you a story)

Mem mem, memmy memmem, memmy me memymem memmem mem M memy memymemy memmy me Me Memmem Memm’m memy, me memymem m memymymem Memymemy Memy mem me mem mem. Memy memy memy mem memy, me memm’m memy memy mem me mem memymemy, mem me mememe’y memy. Memy me memmy me, me mem memymem me mem memy memmem, memmem memmem memy m memmy — memymemy memymymem me mem memymem. Me memymem me memmy m memy mem me memmy memmy mem memy. Memymem, memymemy memy, memy memmem mem memymymem memy, memy memmem memmy me memmy me mem memy, mem me memymem mem memy memymymem memy mem memy memmem me mem memymemy... Me mem memmy memy me me memy mem memymymem me mem memy, me memmy me memmem me memymymem memmy memmem. Me, M memymymem me memy me memmem, memmy me me mem memmy me mem memmem, mem memmy mem memmem me memymem m memy mem me. Me memymem memy memy me memymemy mem memymemy memymem me memmem mem memmy, me memmy memymem me memy memy mem memy. Mem memmem memy— memymymem memy me’y memmy memymemmem — mem memy memy memm’y memy mem memymem memy memymemmem memy memmem memy memmem... Mem memymem mem memymemmem me mem memymymem memy. Mem, M memy mem memmy me memmem me mem mem. Memmy memy memy memymymem, memy memmem memmy mem memy? Memmy me mem memymemy memy, mem memmy m memy memy memy mem memmy mem Memymemy Memy memy? Me memmy m memy mem me, mem memy me, memmem me mem memmem memy memy memmem mem memmem me m memy?
submitted by masenae to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 1murdock It is!

submitted by 1murdock to LICENSEPLATES [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 halamadrid1995 Replacement 4K DVR w/ 8 channels for Current Annke System

Hi all,
I currently have an Annke DVR that needs replacing (this was already replaced before). I was wondering if anyone has some good alternatives to Annke as I'm tired of their system. I currently have 7 4K cameras around my house which are hard wired. As a result, I need a DVR that has analog inputs. I'm in Canada, so that might limit what's available to me but I need to make sure it has at least 8 channels and can record 4K video.
The alternative is for me to completely replace everything, cameras incl. with a brand new system. I'm not too keen on this because the cameras are working fine and doing the job (and it's more expensive). If anyone can provide some suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by halamadrid1995 to SecurityCamera [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 SchloinkDoink How should I go about a week-long fast?

I've only done 48 hour fasts before. How do I fast for a week? Do I need supplements? Do I need to refeed out, like with soup and stuff?
I use reddit to talk to people, not to read articles, so unless it's genuinely against the rules or is poor etiquette please don't tell me to read the rules thing.
submitted by SchloinkDoink to fasting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 wanna-brie-gangster How do you decide which models go into the dagger, hammer and shield?

Do you just split your army up and then randomly assign or is there a specific reason as to which models get placed in which group?
Still fairly fresh to warcry so I'm not 100% there with all the rules yet 😅
submitted by wanna-brie-gangster to WarCry [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:53 rrmdp 📢 CHEFS CULINAR Software und Consulting GmbH & Co . KG is hiring a Junior IT Consultant (m/w/d) bei CHEFS CULINAR Software und Consulting GmbH & Co. KG!

📢 CHEFS CULINAR Software und Consulting GmbH & Co . KG is hiring a Junior IT Consultant (m/w/d) bei CHEFS CULINAR Software und Consulting GmbH & Co. KG! Company: CHEFS CULINAR Software und Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Remote (Weeze, Deutschland) 📍
Date Posted: January 16, 2025 📅
Level: Entry-Level 👶
Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=www.newnew.jobs&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3bmV3LmpvYnMvam9icy8xMDQ2MjI4NTEtanVuaW9yLWl0LWNvbnN1bHRhbnQtbS13LWQ=
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]
