第三步:弹出对话框后,注意软键盘第一行数字所在的位置,用鼠标点击、1、2、3、4即可插入“Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ”符号。 本回答被网友采纳 已赞过 已踩过 数值表示中,1.00e+00,2.3e-03怎么换算的来着?以前学过,忘记了……e加上后面的数就是10的多少次幂的意思1.00e=1乘以10的0次方 ... 这个一般钢管、镀锌管的尺寸用的较多。中国喜欢用米、尺、寸来表示。 1米=3尺 1尺=10寸 一寸=10分 也就是1寸=33.3mm 1分=3.33mm 3.达蒙被抓的时候还一脸得意,估计是手里握着上面的人的把柄,觉得自己很快就被放出来了,但是为什么他被勒死了呢? 一个可能是影片最后佟丽娅从病房出来,门sir跟她交换了眼神,是门sir看不惯达蒙逍遥法外,派人搞死,另一个就是模仿爱泼斯坦的故事,上面的人怕他说出来就直接灭口了。 四级标题:以“(1)(2)(3)”开头,使用小四号宋体字,不加粗,顶格书写,并缩进二个字。 二、论文题目的书写与排版要求 论文题目,也称为总题目、题名、总标题、篇名,是用以简洁明了地揭示研究报告主题和概括内容的词语。 3 个回答 2024年度三农人物 年度三农人物大型公益推介活动自2005年以来,已成功举办十六届,由农业农村部办公厅指导,中国农业电影电视中心主办。 2024年度三农人物推介活动旨在把乡村振兴伟大征程中涌现出来的“三农”楷模镌刻在时代的光荣榜上。 2022年3月21日,东方航空云南有限公司波音737-800型客机(注册号B-1791),执行MU5735昆明长水机场至广州… 3、october。英语10月,来自拉丁文 Octo,即“8”的意思。它和上面讲的9月一样,历法改了,称呼仍然沿用未变。 4、December,罗马皇帝琉西乌斯把一年中最后一个月用他情妇 Amagonius的名字来命名,但遭到元老院的反对。 本问题包含大量剧透请谨慎阅读!图片来自微博 @日_推 中科院SCI分区,是 中国科学院文献情报中心 期刊分区表中SCI期刊的分区,包括1区、2区、3区和4区,算是国内的分区标准。 查询期刊所在分区,JCR分区,可以去web of science查询, 中科院 分区可以去中国科学院文献情报中心查询或中科院分区小程序查询。
2025.01.22 00:57 AgileShopping2454 Deoxys 3 locals 009861367352
submitted by AgileShopping2454 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 h3yw00d Anyone have a coupon for dominos?
I'm struggling rn and could use a little comfort food. Does anyone have a coupon for dominos that'll bring a pizza to below $3?
submitted by h3yw00d to povertyfinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 TheSummerOfJoj Just back for one post. Pterostylis amabilis (Coffee Greenhood) and Eriochilus magenteus (Magenta Bunny Orchid) in Cathedral Rock National Park, NSW
submitted by TheSummerOfJoj to NativeOrchidsAus [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:57 Rossage196 The music scene is a great way to connect and unite with your neighbors.
To anyone that attends shows in Bellingham, Seattle, Portland etc, don't be afraid to bring up ideas of secession when you're waiting between sets. I guarantee most people will have interest and somewhat similar views. Smaller venues/ DIY spaces are certainly more attuned to that political wavelength in my opinion.
Great revolutions of the modern era have been defined by local music scenes: look at riot grrrl and grunge. A vibrant scene already exists today and I think it could start radical social change.
Talk to your neighbors, make new friends, take care of eachother. We need to stand together if we want to survive in the future of uncertainty.
Remember that nobody can sensor your voice if you're speaking directly to the other people.
submitted by Rossage196 to Cascadia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 shittybtcmemes a screen shot of the white paper and coin market cap...Yawn.. So glad i took my 30% and dumped on you guys again last night.
submitted by shittybtcmemes to XYONetwork [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:57 3rd-party-intervener It’s obvious DAs/Judge used Duhrell for personal gain
Now that Leslie Bosie has been sworn in as district attorney it is obvious that the DAs and judge used Duhrell case for personal career gains. Let's revisit:
1) judge dorow ran for the Wisconsin Supreme Court right after case finished. She lost cuz of the shady dealings of her son and some other case where she went lenient , but it's obvious she was using the publicity of Duhrell trial to win a bigger judge role
2) Leslie ran for DA and won
3) Zach is running for a judge spot that will be decided in a few months, again highlighting the Duhrell case as he makes his case. My guess is he will win
Looking back , my opinion has somewhat changed on them now that this angle has come into play. They deal with narcissists all the time so they knew exactly how to needle Duhrell for a reaction , which would then go viral , which would boost their profile. Someone with rage issues and who can't speak English properly should not be allowed to represent themselves.
Just look at 1)on day Duhrell was being coy about when Ericka would be called and he said in the afternoon of the next day. But then when next day comes he has to call her in morning before the 10:30 group. And it triggers him into his "your life is not on the line" rant which has over a million YouTube views. Surely in the morning at start of procedure they could've told him that "hey due to her schedule she will be in morning batch." But nope they wanted the reaction imo for the reasons I listed above and as such triggered him to get the viral reaction; or 2) judge letting him go on endless irrelevant rants , irrelevant questions which everyone then praised her as a result for her patience; or 3)Zach bringing in other acts and evidence of being sex offender which also now is a viral video with millions of views.
It's all fun and games until we realize hundreds of victims friends and families had to sit through this, but it's apparent to me there was a individual strategy to use the Duhrell case for their own gains by needling Duhrell to get reactions .
The only thing missing is a Sue Opper memoir or short video series , and I have a sneaky suspicion one day we will see it.
submitted by 3rd-party-intervener to DarrellBrooksJr [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 WorkingBreadfruit323 Does the Marriage Minded tag on Seeking mean a woman is looking to date up financially and settle down?
I have never done sugar dating before, but I am in my late 20s, and it looks like that's my only option for finding my first girlfriend (I am quite short and not exactly genetically gifted in the looks department). My career and education have worked out. Should I filter by marriage minded to find a woman who is looking to eventually settle down / become a stay at home girlfriend instead of an arrangement? I am still figuring out if I can afford this in NYC, as I am only at around 250k a year currently, which feels rich as a single dude, but maybe not supporting the ideal lifestyle for a partner. Presumably 500k a year is the minimum where this actually makes sense. Sorry for the stream of consciousness. I just really want to find someone willing to go out with me lol. It's kind of making me unable to think about anything else.
submitted by WorkingBreadfruit323 to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 meloncholy_vendor Ventana IHC
I've always loved a "what could've been" scenario so I'm going through with this post anyway, but anyone have experience on or working with Ventana?
submitted by meloncholy_vendor to Wildfire [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 cjirishlez My new apple watch band
I was gifted this for Christmas but the size was wrong so I had to ship it back to exchange it out. Today is the anniversary of losing my sister and this arrived today. It fits perfectly I’m so happy. It has all the album names on it.
submitted by cjirishlez to TaylorSwiftMerch [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 montorul Vaultboy Calls's Post
SOL - 9 wallets purchased #labo @ $0.00085 Volume: $56,618.26
submitted by montorul to VaultboyPortal [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 BoxFun4405 Seriously tough time mentally
Salam alaikum all, long story short I am 22M based in London and as a khaleeji we do not talk about mental health openly in family and whatnot, long story short I am going through a very tough time mentally as I didn't get to marry the person who thought would be my naseeb, has anyone gone through this as I am questioning everything and life feels awful right now, barakallahu feekum
submitted by BoxFun4405 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 GrowBeyond RANK 1 Magik, with ONE ABOVE ALL support teach you how to RANK UP, GUARANTEED (midfight rotations)
submitted by GrowBeyond to rivalslokimains [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 PTD27 How to get Starcraft cards?
Is the only way to get Starcraft cards from the mini-set, or will they be available as packs or prizes or the like?
submitted by PTD27 to hearthstone [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 Ok-Start-7291 I started shaking! Should I get it graded
submitted by Ok-Start-7291 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 Opening-Language-476 Comprar en web panameña y enviar a otro país
Hola! Necesito comprar un artículo en una web de panamá que no hace envíos internacionales. Estoy en Uruguay, aunque tengo direcciones para recibir en Chile o Costa Rica.... alguien sabe de alguna casilla que funcione para esto?
submitted by Opening-Language-476 to Panama [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 AndrewLanger Private Guided Beatles Tour in Liverpool?
...that (unfortunately) _isn't_ Dave Bedford's tour.
It took us a bit to get the dates and more than a very general itinerary together for a trip to North Wales and Liverpool, and as such, we missed the opportunity to book one of Dave Bedford's fabulous private guided Beatles tour (since he's booked on what is the day we've set aside to do it).
So, if you're going to Liverpool and want a private guided Beatles tour and you _can't_ have Dave Bedford as your guide, who would you go to?
submitted by AndrewLanger to beatles [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 VanaheimrF HelsaStudio IG 22/1/25
submitted by VanaheimrF to ElsaHosk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:57 MaterialIce7409 I’m always down for a little mischief if you are
submitted by MaterialIce7409 to egirls_sfw [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:57 UrameshiYuusuke Was fixing an action figure and found these gentlemen
submitted by UrameshiYuusuke to Pareidolia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:57 ElGatoObeso mari (blue archive) - By milk box (leoleo963852741)
submitted by ElGatoObeso to FeetShrine [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:57 0skullgutz Why is beardie care so contradicting
Everywhere I've seen blah blah these greens are good and should be fed daily. And than others for example my vet says that they should be offered in limited quantities and something else should be fed daily. And so many things are like this, people say substrate is better than reptile mats, and others say reptile mats are better and substrate is bad because it causes congestion. I don't understand why you see so many people saying one thing and then other people saying so many different things. How the hell are you supposed to know what's bad and what's good if everyone has a different opinion on care?? Shouldn't it be pretty straight forward??
submitted by 0skullgutz to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 aqua-snack BF4 Gun balancing
Anyone else miss how balanced the guns used to be? obv there was certain guns like the aek and ace 23 but I feel like bf3 and bf4, even bf1 had some of the best gun balancing of all time. I could use any gun on bf4 and still finish with like 40 kills but in bf4 and 2042 it’s just not like that. maybe because everything was op in bf4? not sure would love some opinions on this and ur favorite guns in bf4!
submitted by aqua-snack to Battlefield [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 MrMooOr Forced eBay return
eBay allowed the return of an item that I said no returns accepted. The buyer did this under the title and description did not match item. But it did. I sold a mouse box with its excessories. (Was a Logitech mouse, with weights & adapter worth 25-30$ alone on the eBay)
Anyways buyer did that I opened a case and explained my situation. and eBay I don't know when authorized a return and I see the returned item in my mailbox. THE SAME EXACT DAY it returned eBay refunded the buyer without me checking the item condition. Fast forward the case resolution was to refund the buyer within 2 days of returns. But the item was delivered 7:33 and item force refunded 10PM. I lost 20$ in eBay fees and they did not let me say anything prior to return or after.
What do I do in the future? What could I have done then?
submitted by MrMooOr to Ebay [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:57 TheDraciel [Highlight] Paolo Banchero drills a step-back three over Jakob Poeltl
submitted by TheDraciel to nba [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:57 Branflake_94 Anyone’s M4 Mac Mini heating up in Sleep Mode?
Basically just the title: I bought an M4 Mac Mini a few weeks ago, and it randomly starts heating up while in sleep mode. It’s not running anything in the background, and I have occasionally turned off WiFi to see what would happen. Any ideas?
submitted by Branflake_94 to macmini [link] [comments]