2025.02.02 00:22 Tech_UpSkill Windows Update KB5050094 Failure ☑️ Fix Update KB5050094 fails Reddit Microsoft Finalizes Windows 11 KB5050094 in Preview and January, 2025 KB5050094 Update KB5050094 windows update KB5050094 Failure KB5050094 Not Installing Windows Update KB5050094 cumulative update KB5050094 fix KB5050094 failed
submitted by Tech_UpSkill to Tech_UpSkill [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 MeguminIsMe A Break From Politics
I recently stopped at an amazing place in Portland called Duckfat, and the food is absolutely top tier. submitted by MeguminIsMe to Maine [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 hisnameisducky lil ducky fairy 🧚♂️💛💫
submitted by hisnameisducky to finch [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 Super-Cranberry4459 Lazada
May naka encounter na po ba ng ganito? Isa lang chineck out ko and ang nagrereflect sa To Receive ko ay 2. Nakailang refresh na ako pero ganon pa rin. Now lang nangyari yan. Glitch lang ba ‘to? submitted by Super-Cranberry4459 to ShopeePH [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 deathbymanga Comp Team Strategy. Bull Horn Maneuver. Triple Dive Tank Strategy
Please read the enemy thing before you immediately jump to the comments to call it trash.
The core of this strat revolves around using Peni Parker and Venom as your core Dive setup while relying on a third Tank and Brawling/skirmishing DPS on the actual frontlines
The idea here is that Venom and Peni have the fastest maneuverability of the tanks AND have insane self-sufficiency. (for those who question Peni's ability, i recomend seeing just how fast a peni can really move if you really efficiently use her movement tools) (just fyi, peni gets a speedboost when on her webs. You can chain her tether, snare, and nest to run faster than any other tank).
Instead of using a Hulk, which will likely need to only dive mid-range so he can jump back to his team as soon as he's in danger or even a Cap (more on him later), or just using a dive dps like spider-man, using Peni and Venom together creates a dive package that wont die to anyone reacting in time. Guaranteeing a kill on one of the backline supports
Now, your actual "frontline" or as Zulu called the "Chest" will be made up of a Brawling Tank and your best DPS. I recomend Cap and Wolverine for the frontline. but Thor and Strange can also work for the tank here, and you can swap the wolverine out for literally whatever DPS your team feels best counters the enemy team. Do you know they like to run Spider-man? Use Namor. Iron Man? go hela or punisher. Same with the Tank. if you know the enemy has a solid sniper, go with strange instead here.
My choice for supports would be Luna and Rocket, but before i go into that, i'll go over Cap specifically, bc i think he's really valuable here in the flex tank role. You might be first tempted to cut out Peni for Cap. But 1. I really recomend giving peni a chance here. and 2. Cap works as both a Brawler AND a diver. being able to duke it out alongside the dps while also being able to maneuvor himself to go help one of the other divers if needed. if you go to instead use Cap as your diver, you leave Cap and Venom vulnerable if the opponent hard retreats and anticipates the your strategy.
But also, with this support lineup, you might question the singular Defensive ult among them. But Cap's Ult is basically another support ult. allowing you to functionally be doing Tripple support with your ults.
Luna as the support is obvious. her ice can stun a diver that tries to get into the backlines or capture an enemy trying to peel back to regroup. and her snowflake can help support your diver while funneling health into the frontline. Rocket meanwhile, is special. Because you're going to be going 4v6 during the initial engagement before the flankers can commit, using Rocket's BRB can help cover that weakness. Letting you recover faster. Rocket's fast movement also ensures that if being dived upon, he can escape quickly. Luna and Rocket can also funnel out a LOT of health together, and Rocket can provide additional damage.
The team is also very flexible overall. You can run Mantis if you feel you need more CC with her sleep. or Cloak/Dagger if you wanna maximize ult-health
The main appeal of this over traditional dive, is that your divers are more formidable and self-sustaining. able to comit longer to the flank than other squishies might.
submitted by deathbymanga to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:22 wrunderwood Arca-Swiss Plate for M11
The Really Right Stuff RRS B9 Arca-Swill compatible plate has an offset screw, so just barely doesn't block the battery release lever on the M11. You kind of have to dig in there, but it moves freely. Plates with a center screw block the lever. I'll be leaving this one on the camera. Really Right Stuff B9 plate
submitted by wrunderwood to Leica [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:22 Glad-Education9488 Question: This is the second YouTube creator I've seen today who claims there is a leaked email from an LE staff who said the date Sebastian was last seen and the date he was reported missing may have been mistakenly switched up. Has anyone else heard this?
submitted by Glad-Education9488 to SebastianRogers [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 Jealous-Fall-3516 Did anyone else ever see the post saying the passengers on flight 93 passed out before crashing?
I have seen the printed online document where before the crash one person yells “NO!” But also saw a scientific explanation that at the speed of descent and due to the fact they were upside down all the passengers would have passed out prior. Does anyone know the details of this?
submitted by Jealous-Fall-3516 to 911archive [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:22 ATWA444 AIO for being super annoyed by this guy who tried to "impersonate" me and wouldn't back off?
I’m a 21F navigating a situation with a 20M, whom I’ll refer to as Alexander, who lives overseas in a country currently experiencing prolonged conflict. Alexander discovered me through my YouTube channel during the spring of 2022, after a video of mine gained some viral attention. We quickly formed a supportive friendship, which grew closer over time. However, by early spring of 2024, I felt the need to establish boundaries and began distancing myself, resulting in less frequent communication.
Despite my attempts to create space, Alexander became quite attached, bombarding me with messages and lengthy audio recordings, which overwhelmed me as an introvert. Fast forward, I’ve developed a meaningful relationship with someone else—let’s call him Steven—who lives outside of Alexander's country and mine.
For some time, Alexander has bombarded me with messages—sometimes over 100 in a week—pleading for my return and sharing personal thoughts as if I were his emotional diary. I’ve set clear boundaries repeatedly, but they’ve often gone unacknowledged, followed by a cycle of apologies with no change in behaviour. Eventually, I had to delete the messaging apps where I’d connected with him and block him, leaving only Google Chats unblocked. As I was about to block him there as well, he mentioned sending a package to my home, prompting a response from me. Unfortunately, he has my address from a previous package exchange between us and another girl friend.
He claimed to be sending one or two packages and hinted at including something that might raise concerns and possibly a rejection from customs, which made me uneasy given the situation. I am assuming it is supplements, herbs, or medications as he is a pharmacist and he knows I have some health issues. I've spoken with Steven about it, and we’ve decided that the best approach is to refrain from engaging with Alexander until the package arrives. Once it does, I plan to thank him and inform him that I’m moving and prefer he no longer send anything before blocking him completely. I do not want him to be a liability for my mental health and our relationship, also that Steven and I no longer have opposite gender friends which was our mutual choice.
A week or 2 ago, while I was live on YouTube, Alexander logged in with an account that had my name and birthday as his name & username, which understandably upset me. He expressed that he was okay with just being friends, but he feels isolated. He also asked to being friends with Steven a few weeks back. When I go live, he seems to always be there, even when it is 4 or 5 am in his country. While some viewers advised him to change his username, he only complied after Steven (he did not know it was him) firmly told him to in the comments section of a video of mine a few times as I did not want to speak to Alexander.
At times, I’ve felt guilty about pulling away from Alexander, especially considering our past closeness. However, it’s important to note that my need for distance arose even before I met Steven, as I often felt emotionally drained from our conversations. I’ve discussed this with my therapist, who reassured me that I have done my best and shouldn’t feel guilty about prioritizing my well-being.
Though Alexander continues to send daily messages that I ignore, I hope he’ll begin to understand that his messages are unwelcome once he realizes he will be blocked after the package arrives. Did I overreact, particularly regarding the insistence that he change his username? Should I have taken a more laid-back approach?
submitted by ATWA444 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:22 Intelligent-Quiet152 Is this ok or not?
I've finally tried out PTM7950 instead of standard paste, which you can still see the last bit of, and some new thermal pads. I tried 3 times to install the ptm and on my last attempt I ALMOST got it, but the top right corner ripped off but, I placed it back in the corner and meshed it together with a tool. I'm wondering if this is ok, as my thermal pad replacements are significantly more mushy than the previous, and I feel taking the card apart again will rip the only thermal pads I have. submitted by Intelligent-Quiet152 to AMDHelp [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 Phillip_does_crimes sims file share problem
so i just spent an hour downloading a huge file but when it finished it showed this so i clicked it and it just opened the page i downloaded it on, what do i do and what did i do wrong? https://preview.redd.it/mfkdnehbdmge1.png?width=356&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b9e979560d6915e11763350ec3e157e92ad812b s submitted by Phillip_does_crimes to sims4cc [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 Puzzleheaded-Goal737 Anécdota en medio de parálisis
Hace unos meses atrás el año pasado mi mamá estaba vistiendose a las 5 de la mañana para ir al trabajo y como duermo con la puerta semiabierta la luz que entra del pasillo me permite ver visiblemente mi cuarto, pasa que mi mamá en eso hizo un estruendo con las ollas a la hora de escoger una en la cocina, que me despertó de golpe y en eso sufrí una parálisis de sueño, la parálisis de sueño llevaba años sin pasarme, de chico me paso dos o tres veces pero era normal ya que siempre estaba en oscuridad y al rato me holvia a mover y volvia a dormir, pero ya siendo un adulto joven al despertarme de golpe vi 2 siluetas moviéndose en mi cuarto una que llegaba hasta el techo como un enorme árbol en plena esquina y otra mas chica que parecía del tamaño de un gato, cosa rara ya que no tenemos gato, pero me asustó la mas pequeña pues pude sentir como llego arrastras por el piso sonó como si unas canicas rodaran por el mosaico del piso en eso la criatura se subió a mi cama y a mi abdomen logre ver su rostro, era del tamaño de un pequeño monito se posó encima de mí y se me quedo viendo, me asuste pues vi claramente que tenía aspecto deforme casi humano, parecía una especie de duende o gnomo, la criatura pesaba como cuando sostienes a un bebé encima de tí, me asuste pues entre escuchar en la cocina a mi mamá quejándose por que mi hermana ordenó mal las ollas, la criatura me miraba y miraba a la más grande como esperando algo, la criatura se voltio nuevamente a mi, y estaba tan asustado que empecé a gemir pues no articulaba la boca ninguna palabra, solo ruidos la criatura se me acercó del abdomen a mi pecho y sentí como me miraba con malicia, al escucharme gemir, gemi más fuerte en eso la criatura mira hacia la puerta no vi que veía o sentía y se bajó rápido de la cama, en eso mire al lado de la cama desde mi posición de parálisis y mire a la esquina donde estaba la más grande para ver que ya no estaba todo esto en menos de 2 segundos ya que en el tercer segundo, mi mamá empujó la puerta y prendió la luz de mi cuarto y me dijo que era lo que gemia en eso al verla me pude inclinar para ver que ya no estaba en estado de parálisis y que podía levantarme le dije a mi madre que no era nada y cuando se dio la vuelta mire debajo de mi cama y a la esquina de mi cuarto con la luz encendida, lo que sea que fueran esas cosas se habían ido pero aún sentía como si estuviera en mi pecho esa sensación de que algo estaba encima de tí hace pocos segundos, sin duda la única vez que me ha pasado eso en medio de una parálisis del sueño. Por que hoy sufrí otra parálisis casi igual por un ruido fuerte en la cocina por parte de mi mamá, pero fue con el ruido de la licuadora, solo que esta vez no vi nada, es mas después de unos minutos volví a moverme, solo diré que eso vez se sintió demasiado real para que haya sido una alucinación, ya que nunca me había ocurrido tall cosa. En cualquier caso hoy que tuve una parálisis de sueño recorde ese día.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Goal737 to terrorterrorifico [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:22 1rockaveli I love rock music so much
submitted by 1rockaveli to HardRock [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 knowledge_is_wealth USA and Australia fit together almost perfectly!
submitted by knowledge_is_wealth to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 Eptilo Impatient Princess not spawning despite 2000km driven
As the title says, Driven 2400km as the reference menu said, she is not spawning in her parking lot. Am I the only one ?
submitted by Eptilo to tokyoxtremeracer [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:22 mo-lucas Any offers?
Most are from Go, the others I got from GTS
submitted by mo-lucas to CasualPokemonTrades [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:22 Even-Pickle4856 I’d like some feedback on this piece , I know I need to fix the hair but other than that I was just wondering what else could be improved
submitted by Even-Pickle4856 to drawing [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:22 Mynameis-jonas B4B $jkar
send boost and it will be immediately returned.
3boosts left.
submitted by Mynameis-jonas to chimeboost [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:22 __shego Gal Gadot vs Selena Gomez
submitted by __shego to SelenaGomezObsession [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 stolas10000 O que eu posso melhorar no meu desenho ? Por favor preciso de dicas.
submitted by stolas10000 to RabiscosBr [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 MysteriousCaramel698 Yeti after his Mint bath
Needless to say, he likes mint 🤣 submitted by MysteriousCaramel698 to RATS [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 cooperdw62 Do not recommend🤢
submitted by cooperdw62 to DrSquatch [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:22 Helpful-Weird1346 Help out an animal rights activist intern 🐋💙
Hello my lovely vegans. I’m an intern trying to get signatures against SeaWorld. We want SeaWorld to send all of their whales and dolphins to a seaside sanctuary. Our goal is 300 signatures.
If yall could do this I would be so grateful 😁
Text STAR to 30933
You’ll receive a link back to sign the petition 💙💙
Thank you!
submitted by Helpful-Weird1346 to vegan [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:22 Gargantuan_Rulez I'm painting a soccer ball with K-Pop logos!
This is what I have so far. It's pretty messy, but it's a work in progress!💜
submitted by Gargantuan_Rulez to kpoppers [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:22 crystalbutts Personal biggest Nug ever. Broken coast EmergenZ😍 5.5gs
submitted by crystalbutts to TheOCS [link] [comments] |