2017-02-10 如何使用windows操作系统自带的FTP 1 2006-07-13 如何将电脑设成FTP? 29 2012-12-22 如何将自己电脑(WIN7系统)设置成FTP 9 2013-09-03 如何将自己的电脑设置成FTP服务器 15 2013-12-25 怎么用自己电脑做FTP服务器? 2 2013-11-17 在局域网中如何设置我的电脑为FTP服务器? 5 除了迅雷,有什么软件能同时集成ftp、ed2k、磁力、bt,p2p下载的? 看了这个答案,但是还是不能一个软件解决所有问题。 除了迅雷,还有什么其他下… 显示全部 推荐几款免费ftp服务器软件? - 知乎 检查FTP服务是否已打开. 2.1 进入控制面板,选择查看方式为:“类别”,并点击“程序” 2.2 点击 “打开或关闭Windows功能” 2.3找到“Internet信息服务”,把里面的“FTP服务器”中的“FTP服务”和“FTP扩展性”都打勾。 2.4找到“TFTP客户端”,并打勾 FTP站点部署好之后,可以通过多种方式访问:ftp工具、Windows资源管理器、IE浏览器三种,本文详细介绍。 关于如何打开ftp连接,方法很多,最直接的是下面两种: 1.直接浏览器打开即可,现在绝大部分浏览器都是支持FTP的 2.如果你使用的是Windows系统,还可以在资源管理器地址栏粘贴并回车打开。 在网上我们经常可以看到很多如何搭建ftp服务器的经验,但是却缺少详细的如何登陆ftp服务器的经验,当然对于电脑熟练者来说这可能很简单,但是我想也有相当一部分人不知道如何从ftp服务器上下载文件,下面小菜就给大家来介绍两种比较简单的如何从ftp服务器上下载文件的方法。 在我们安装完成Windows FTP服务器后,在服务器的电脑中可以正常的访问ftp服务器,但在其他的机器上访问FTP会出现无法访问的情况,这主要的原因是Windows的防火墙未做相关的访问设置导致。下面以Windows Server 2016为例,介绍如何开启防火墙中FTP端口的访问限制。 纯FTP的服务器推荐Filezilla Server, 如果想要web+FTP都能访问的 文件服务器 , 推荐使用: Wing FTP Server, 刚刚发布的V6.0版本已经对个人用户免费了, 虽说有10个用户的限制, 但是个人或者小公司用用足够了。 亿志云紧贴成本的定价策略,已为2万小微企业、6万用户降低上云成本、省钱上云技术为一体的服务型企业,是您放心的选择,值得信赖,专注行业多年,经验丰富
2025.01.22 05:03 liamfellows06 WTB FTP Batting Gloves
If anybody has the sizing chart/measurements of their pair, please let me know.
submitted by liamfellows06 to fuckthepopulation [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:03 Sniper_King202 H:17k quantoms W: perfectly preserved pie
I'm too god damn fat and I need room
submitted by Sniper_King202 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:03 farawaybyeasha does anyone know how much this would go for?
submitted by farawaybyeasha to Soundmap [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 05:03 Quantisnow Nasdaq Report Identifies Between $25 Billion and $50 Billion in Potential Efficiency Gains in Banks' Risk and Compliance Functions
submitted by Quantisnow to Quantisnow [link] [comments] |
We can't still stand idol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The HOTA BURST SPAM are still there 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
submitted by QWEASDZXC1123 to DiabloImmortal [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:03 donniedarko2point0 Not sure how to ask this, but here it goes
I'm 30m and have dated a wide variety of women, mainly black women because thats what I am most attracted to.
But one thing that I have always had a struggle with is the type of woman that I'm most attracted to, because the type of woman i like the most? 9/10 times wouldn't even have a convo with me.
I guess you can say I'm a "polo and khakis" guy. The type of black women that actually take me seriously look like Candace Owen. Sometimes I'm attracted to them, but what i really like is the women with more style and flavor, if you understand.
Before it's brought up, its not just the physical attraction. Yeah, it is a big part of it. But also, I don't want to talk to Candace Owen. I like the girls from the more city/urban background, because for whatever reason, the drastic difference socially and culturally is so attractive to me
TLDR does Ron from Parks and Rec even have a slightest chance at Brenda from Scary Movie? Serious question...
submitted by donniedarko2point0 to BWWM2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:03 Academic-Ad-77 Perfect timing
submitted by Academic-Ad-77 to OneSecondBeforeDisast [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 05:03 telephonecompany India’s Economy Slows Down Just When It Was Supposed to Speed Up
submitted by telephonecompany to india [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 05:03 Anything-Academic HS junior needing World Language Credits
So I went to an international elementary school where you are put into either Japanese or Spanish (random assignment) and you do your classrooms split half the day in Japanese for STEM subjects + the language and then English for LA and history. Did that in elementary school, then went on in my middle school with 6 periods, 2 electives, to take orchestra and Japanese all 3 years too. We took a test called the STAMP test in 8th grade which gave me 3 credits, nearly 4 (like if I got 2 more answers right I'd have gotten 4, which gives you the seal of biliteracy), and then in 9th grade I somehow got placed into Japanese 2 intead of 3 or 4, which I took alongside Orchestra. Apparently that credit is just the same as one of the STAMP credits, so I've got 3 credits of language, but yknow, 10 years of taking it in school, I can speak Japanese fairly well. So I decided my sophomore year that I wanted to finally take an actual elective, because I never had before, and so I took Aerospace Engineering 1 semester 1 and Robotics 1 semester 2. My middle and high school only have 6 periods, 2 spots for electives, so I was either going to just take the same classes the entirety of my pre-college academic career or quit orchestra or language, and I am way more passionate about orchestra + wanting to do a career related elective (I'm thinking aerospace, astronomy, or physics). This year, I'm dual enrolled at my local community college (running start) and taking a bunch of stem classes, but I've still got one more quarter that I can change my classes for (the next one) before deciding my classes for next year. The problem is, many top schools want 3 or 4 years, and I hear that they want them both all in the same language and within high school. What should I do? I take 2 classes at my high school (being AP us history and orchestra) and 2-3 classes a quarter at community college, 3 quarters a year. My CC only offers Japanese 1 and 2 or French 1 and 2 (and like spanish but those are the ones I'd be taking, half of my family is French Canadian so if I had to learn another language it would pretty obviously be French), and the Japanese 1 and 2 syllabus are things I already know from my extensive experience taking Japanese + would probably look kinda odd on my transcript to be taking after so much Japanese. Should I: 1) try and take Japanese 3 at my high school next year instead of AP gov, 2) bite the bullet and take Japanese 1 and 2 at my CC, 3) take French 1 and 2 at my CC or 4) try and do courses through Language Bird or a similar option for online credit, or even 5) try and study for some sort of language proficiency test in Japanese, like N-3 level or something? (Or the elusive 6th option, try to explain it on my additional info section) I’m not sure what the best course of action is, the options don’t look very good haha. Would love some input, esp on whether or not I can just start a new language (french) and whether that would look bad.
Thanks! Sorry this post got so long-
TL;DR have 3 language credits, only 1 in high school rest from middle school and learned the language (Japanese) since elementary school, where should I try to get my other credits I need for top colleges world language requirements?
submitted by Anything-Academic to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:03 RobertFrippsThirdEye Sanklai's domination of Anantasak
submitted by RobertFrippsThirdEye to MuayThai [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 05:03 hokie4life DIY NAS build - what hardware to look for?
I’m planning to build my own NAS for media management and Plex. I want to make sure I choose components that can easily accommodate more drives in the future. Can you help me find a motherboard that supports this? I know I need a lot of SATA ports, but is there anything else I should consider? Thanks!
submitted by hokie4life to HomeServer [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:03 OkNeighborhood5839 Which show had the the best prime seaseon (which is the best out of these ?)
submitted by OkNeighborhood5839 to cartoons [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 05:03 Extra-Replacement217 Stray game is emotion!!!!!!!!
submitted by Extra-Replacement217 to stray [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:03 ButtHoleCum69420 What speed does the average diarrhea shot come out of the anus at?
submitted by ButtHoleCum69420 to stupidquestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:03 Themetalin Do you think Koreans are actually offshoot of Chinese?
Is the view against Koreans in China similar to the Russian view against Ukrainans?
submitted by Themetalin to AskAChinese [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:03 Greenmoss17 Question about CA tax residency and storage units
Hi all, I’m a California resident moving to Florida soon. I want to keep some belongings in a storage facility in California. The reason is that in 2-3 years time I’ll be moving to Australia and it will be cheaper to ship them from California across the Pacific than have them moved to the east coast into storage and then back again in two years. I’ll become a full resident of Florida, ship my car over and register it there, get my FL license, have a lease on an apartment there, and be transferred to the FL office of my company. Would anyone know if having a storage unit would present an issue in terms of CA claiming I’m still a tax resident there? Thanks!
submitted by Greenmoss17 to tax [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:03 RNAXITACHI Added beard
submitted by RNAXITACHI to MarvelLegends [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 05:03 Boosterkingg Let's play a game, who's the oldest collector in here? I'm 21 years young
submitted by Boosterkingg to HotWheels [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 05:03 Bluemountains78942 What is it like working for Metrolink?
Hi, I got a job offer for Grads on Career Track - Finance. If anyone has worked this position before what was it like? If anyone has worked for Metrolink before what was it like? I want to know what to expect. Thank you.
submitted by Bluemountains78942 to LAMetro [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:03 RollingMeteors Sure would be nice if my street had this much drip - Hollis between 34th & Peralta
submitted by RollingMeteors to oakland [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 05:02 compscitutoring800 would be happy to pet sit in the Goleta area as well
submitted by compscitutoring800 to goleta [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:02 Chance-Increase6714 Does anyone else's * pucker when you don't read the "terms of service" that you agree to?
...if you've seen South Park you know you are reading everything you sign since you've seen that show. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
submitted by Chance-Increase6714 to stupidquestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:02 banana_kzckz ADVICE WANTED: help me get a refund from lsat tutor
Hello fellow legal minded people! I found an independent LSAT tutor here on Reddit and received online tutoring at a great rate in preparation for the November test. However, I did not use all the hours I'd paid for upfront and was told via text that I would get the remaining hours refunded. I also signed a contract he made about our agreement so I have that in writing. He has since deleted the reddit account on which he advertised his services--his name is Shervin if anyone comes across him though. He had multiple other clients who emailed me positive testimonials. I have his phone number and email and have texted multiple times asking for my money back. Has anyone had any similar experiences and advice or tips? I am out about $275--which I know is not a lot in the grander scheme of life, but it is an amount which I'd like back of course.
submitted by banana_kzckz to LSAT [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:02 yt-app New Game Craves Upload: Tails isn't His Real Name! #funfact #gamecraves #sonic #sonicthehedgehog
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by yt-app to GameCraves [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 05:02 Samael_Official Unboxing The Air75 + First Impressions
submitted by Samael_Official to TinyWhoop [link] [comments] |