2025.01.22 06:52 Meme_tc Umek - AA2 Voice 3 [ Primate Recordings ]
submitted by Meme_tc to Techno [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:52 Housing_Market_Group Why do counties sell tax liens and tax deeds?
Counties sell them to recover unpaid property taxes that fund schools, police, and public infrastructure. Housing Market Academy explains how counties operate auctions and how investors can benefit.
submitted by Housing_Market_Group to HousingMarketGroup [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:52 suhmansuh The Happiest Boi
submitted by suhmansuh to dogpictures [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:52 juliang8 Friends feature requests?
Hey everyone!
Even though our “add friends” feature is a bit hidden, we’ve noticed more users taking advantage of it than we expected. We’re now looking to make it more visible and give it a real boost! Let us know: what social features would you love to see in the app to help you and your friends stay motivated, share wins, and challenge each other? All ideas are welcome!
submitted by juliang8 to Gravl [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:52 Chloegre what i want to do when trying to draw the other eye:
submitted by Chloegre to artmemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:52 Much-Relationship458 Что с панками в 2024 году?
Прослушивая панков Советского Союза(ГрОб, Оргазм Нострадамуса, ИпВ и т.д) у меня всплыл вопрос, существуют ли сейчас панк-рок в наше время или остался только пост-панк?
submitted by Much-Relationship458 to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 illbeyourshelter iphone 15 standard vs pro for filming?
With post and grading, how big is the quality difference? I need cutaways and inserts for a short film that used a RED camera (which we no longer have) but only have the iphone 15 base model. Should I upgrade?
submitted by illbeyourshelter to Filmmakers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 RatchetRussian [USA-FL] [H]New Modded Nintendo Switch OLEDs w/ picofly modchip [W] PayPal
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/1vkyfUb
New Mario Edition OLED (JP): $440
New White OLED (JP): $440
New Neon OLED (JP): $440
New Zelda TOTK OLED (JP): $470
System Details: This is a brand new switch system which has only been taken out of the box to install the modchip. A glass screen protector was applied to the screen the second it was removed from the box to protect the screen during the modding process. The system is in mint condition.
System Regions: Japanese systems are identical to North American ones and include the same power adapters as we use here. Hong-Kong systems will ship with a different power adapter but will include an adapter to use in North American outlets. I only sell imported systems to save on costs and pass the savings onto you.
Modchip Details: This is an official Raspberry Pi microcontroller (rp2040) which was flashed with firmware (picofly) to allow it to glitch the cpu of the switch. The code is entirely open source and it is my preferred switch modchip as a result. I do not use dat0 adapters in my OLED installs. These adapters are flimsy, unreliable and known to fail after enough time. They are a shortcut and rely on a friction-fit connection for what is a very sensitive point. My dat0 points are connected by grinding through 3 layers of the switch motherboard to reach a buried via for dat0. This creates a physical solder connection instead of an unreliable friction-fit one. With practice, this is safer and more reliable than using dat0 adapters but comes with an additional labor cost. Don't settle for a non-permanent dat0 connection.
Optional Additions:
$40 - 512GB micro sd card preconfigured with commonly used software and custom firmware. You can request any software configurations such as Linux and Android as well.
$35 - Hal effect drift-proof analog stick replacement in joy cons.
Ask me about other systems you would like listed. Nintendo Switch or otherwise.
submitted by RatchetRussian to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 mostlynonconformist If summer comes, can SUMMER (and never-ending heatwaves) be far behind?
Annnnnnnnnnd, here we go! :/ To the doctors and the health enthusiasts, how can we practically protect ourselves in the upcoming months? 📍Baranagar, North 24 Parganas. submitted by mostlynonconformist to kolkata [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 SapphireBabyBlue Is my nitrite snail unhappy or just lazy?
I bought two nitrite snails right after Christmas. One was a baby and did not live long - he was very active and kept falling from top of tank and I would have to get him off his back.
Anyway, this other snail never explores. It just wants to climb halfway up the glass and sit there for days. When he does come down, it's only because I force him to but then he goes right back up. I have never seen a snail do this.
I know they can sleep two or three days at a time, but this is getting ridiculous.
Is he okay?
I was worried he was not getting enough to eat since he wasn't exploring, so I started putting a wafer down once a week. But I'm not even sure that he's partaking in that.
I have plenty of algae on my back glass, but he never goes back there.
submitted by SapphireBabyBlue to AquaticSnails [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 skipjac Proton VPN
Has anyone got Proton VPN working on KDE Plasma?
I see it in the software manager but when I try to launch it it errors out.
submitted by skipjac to tuxedocomputers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 Negative-Ad1205 Trade groups in columbus
Hello! I was wondering if anyone knows of trading groups in Columbus? I'm sure with prices going up on everything we are gonna need it and I wanted to see here first.
submitted by Negative-Ad1205 to Columbus [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 SourceConsistent6234 REPRESENT SHORTS ( 6 COLOURWAYS ) - 28$
submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 Thatonebunnyperson CAT OWNERS HELP 😭
What cat (dry) food do you guys give ur cats that they actually like (and eat), ive been trying to find one that my cat will actually eat 😭😭💔
submitted by Thatonebunnyperson to Bahrain [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 villa_brick7 My New Hunters Hut
My new Project on Ideas Hunters Hut
submitted by villa_brick7 to legos [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 Ok-Chicken-2506 Is it possible to form the franco british union with a focus?
If not, how can I form it otherwise without commands
submitted by Ok-Chicken-2506 to hoi4 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 Brief_Length763 How screwed am I?
So I had my Epic account hacked back in September of last year, but I did not realize until late November. Once I was able to get back in, all my cosmetics were gone, my friends list was deleted, and my games were gone as well. My account got basically reset, I don't know how. I have been going back and forth with Epic since then now, and I just wanted to ask: does anyone think I'll be able to get my stuff back? I had that account since 2018 with hundreds of dollars worth of skins. Please let me know what you think! Thank you!
submitted by Brief_Length763 to EpicGamesHelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 Soft_Association4604 AIO for yelling so my dog wouldn’t run into a busy street
This post will possibly be confusing. I’m shaking in anger and still in disbelief. The situation happens an hour ago. I will be sharing screenshots to explain the situation since I texted my bestie the issue. She is too busy to get back to me for a few days. This is my next best bet. Needed backstory and situation: I am 20F my bf is 21M. I have been severely disabled since the age of 16. I have suffered multiple strokes and I’m unable to work because of it. He works and supports us. Three years ago we adopted a dog from the shelter. She’s about 90 lbs. And my ultimate decision will be to stay with him. Yes many might say leave. That just isn’t feasible. If anything we would break up and be roommates. He wants children in the future. My body can’t make them. Our option would be adoption. That will never be happening. He also wants more animals. That also won’t be happening if we stay together. I feel I can’t trust him with any life but his own and even then it’s risky. He’s the type of person to see a red light 15 feet ahead and step on the gas on purpose only to come to a screeching halt at the last second. The screenshots are me explaining to my friend what happened on the short walk we took the dog on. The dogs name is domino. I refer to her as dog, domino, it, she. Not in a rude way, I was stress texting. I did speak to him after sending my friend the message. He is sticking strong to me not needing to yell or be worried. Yes some of the names I call him are rude. I do love him. I do think he’s smart. But he is not father material. Or pet owner material. In my observations. I just need to know if it’s crazy of me to decide I’m no longer going to green light future children or future animal family members for their safety in case I’m not able to care for them and the care falls to him. I feel any living life in his hands would not stay living long. And the dog is partially service dog trained. So yes she does listen with a not loud voice volume. But she also only has one working ear. She was running fast while it’s windy. And I was panicked, I was watching my child sprint for the street so yes I freaked out. my dog is the closest thing I will ever have to a child and I consider her family. And my apologies for the screenshots swearing, anger and stress give me potty mouth. The paragraphs in the screenshots are out sentences seperated and my thoughts thrown in there. I think it’s easy to understand but I’m open to answering questions. So ya. I need to know if I’m overreacting for yelling at the dog to stop, getting mad at him for being rude about my yelling, or if I am correct in my decision to make sure there are no more children type family members adopted due to how he acts. submitted by Soft_Association4604 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 Deep_Panic4952 She makes fun of the moms for what they wear, yet puts this on
The prints on the skirt and shoes are horrific submitted by Deep_Panic4952 to dancemoms [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 SableRowan Had a short walked with this baby today.
submitted by SableRowan to corgi [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 YT-JaquanButler ShadPs4 V0.5.1 Wip Payday 2 Now Booting!
submitted by YT-JaquanButler to shadps4 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:51 topgunadventure 43 [M4F] #OrangeCounty, California - Are you a younger girl into older men? Do your friends or dad’s friends turn you on?
Whether you are shy and this is your first time with an older guy or you’ve done it before, be a good girl (please be 18 or over) and say hi!
Even if you’re shy or nervous, I’d love to gently teach you and mentor you.
I’m white, 6’1” weigh 195 lbs and I have brown hair and brown eyes. I’m also looking to actually meet and not just talk online.
As far as SFW interests, I enjoy the beach, swimming, paddleboarding, hiking, camping, traveling, hockey, skiing, and reading.
As far as NSFW interests, ask me…
submitted by topgunadventure to r4r [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 DramaticPurchase 31F perchè non riesco ad essere felice?
Account throwaway che uso solo per queste cose... Ho 31 anni, donna, attualmente in terapia, ma sento il bisogno di confrontarmi anche al di fuori del mio percorso...
Direi che il titolo dice tutto. La mia vita è costellata di obiettivi a cui tengo tantissimo ma che, una volta raggiunti, non mi danno più nulla. Mi sono laureata (e anche bene), il giorno dopo già mi sembrava che la laurea non valesse più nulla. Volevo comprare casa col mio compagno, ci siamo riusciti dopo due anni di inferno, e dopo due settimane l'entusiasmo mi era già passato. Ho vinto un grosso concorso che non è facile passare, guadagno bene, eppure dal giorno successico al concorso ero di nuovo scazzata e insoddisfatta.
Spesso quando mi dò questi obiettivi non riesco veramente a "godermi" il viaggio per raggiungerli, per esempio all'Università è stato un cieco macinare esami su esami; la ricerca della casa è stata una litigata continua non tanto per gusti diversi, ma perchè lui voleva viversela con calma mentre io volevo a tutti i costi trovare la casa così da togliermi il fastidio di doverla cercare.
Le vacanze? Detesto organizzarle, mi mette ansia ma mi forzo a organizzarle perchè, almeno quelle, una volta che poi sono in viaggio mi danno gioia. Ma insomma in linea generale non mi godo quasi mai niente.
Anche sul piano più intimo, mi ricordo che le prime volte che dovevo fare sesso col mio fidanzato di allora, il mio unico pensiero era "Vabbè facciamolo contento altrimenti se ne andrà a cercare un'altra" - è una forma mentis che, anche se con qualche miglioramento, mi porto dietro ancora oggi: "Dai al tuo uomo quello che vuole perchè se non lo fai tu andrà a cercare sesso altrove." Quindi persino il sesso è una roba che "mah, facciamolo e leviamoci il pensiero" ed è stato così con tutti i partner che ho avuto. Eppure sono sicura che mi piacciano gli uomini, quindi non credo sia un problema di orientamento.
Se le cose mi vanno male (e per male intendo meno che perfette) crollo, ho pochissima tolleranza agli imprevisti e alla frustrazione - spesso parlo con la mia psicologa del fatto che "capitano tutte a me" ecc. Se le cose vanno bene vivo nel terrore che da un momento all'altro tutto possa precipitare.
Ho deciso di scrivere questo post perchè è successa una cosa che mi ha piuttosto preoccupata. Allora, di recente mi sono sottoposta a un intervento chirurgico che ha migliorato straordinariamente la mia qualità di vita. Aspettavo di farlo da anni ed è andato tutto regolarmente. Eppure... neanche stavolta riesco a essere felice. Dovrei saltare fino al soffitto e invece riesco a concentrarmi solo sul fatto che sono scazzata perchè sono in convalescenza quindi non devo uscire, devo prendere medicine ogni tot ore, per ora non posso lavare i capelli ecc.... Sono tutte stronzate rispetto all'ENORME fatto che a) sono riuscita finalmente a operarmi e b) il mio organismo sta reagendo bene all'intervento.
Eppure riesco solo a essere scazzata. Questo mi ha fatto rendere conto che, se non riesco a gioire nemmeno per una cosa fondamentale come la mia salute, vuol dire che davvero devo cambiare profondamente qualcosa. Ma cosa posso fare, oltre alla psicologa? Avete qualche consiglio? Grazie
P.S. non ditemi, per favore, di "pensare alle persone che stanno peggio di me". Ho già tentato questa tecnica e mi fa solo stare peggio perchè poi alla tristezza si aggiunge il senso di colpa.
submitted by DramaticPurchase to psicologia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 MezzoMix01 7 day trade hold
do you get a 7 day trade hold on an item from a trade up?
submitted by MezzoMix01 to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:51 authentissil3 Zone Alarm Discount Code for January 2025
Go to this page for Zone Alarm Discount Code for January 2025. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by authentissil3 to ScreenDore [link] [comments]