plz sir may i have some karma D:

2025.01.22 07:04 Glittering_Pilot_630 plz sir may i have some karma D:

submitted by Glittering_Pilot_630 to Farmyourkarma [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 officialmidas3 [US/MO] [H] Iron Fist Omni, Hellboy Box Set, Deluxe HCs and More [W] Paypal

Looking to sell or trade depending on whats offered. Shipping included on orders $50+
Iron Fist Omnibus $80
Deadly Class Deluxe $25
Nice House Deluxe $15
Hellboy Box Set $45
Spiderman life story tpb $5
Thor Complete Collection $15
Nightwing HC Vol 1-6 full set $25
submitted by officialmidas3 to comicswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 bbb23sucks "Why are We Asking These Questions in the First Place?" The Most Important, Yet Least Discussed Aspect of the Culture War

There are many questions within the culture war, yet one almost never seems to be asked, even of this subreddit: "Why are we asking these questions in the first place?"
This, despite being, the least asked one, is the most important one; and its answer tells us more about the culture war than any amount of studies on hormones ever will. There is a lot of questioning in the culture war: from questioning gender to questioning the elite; yet one thing that never seems to be questioned is the basis and origin of the culture war. Some people refute the culture war, calling it a distraction from real issues. And while they are right about that, they still don't actually answer what the source of it is. At most, they might say it is a psyop created to distract the proletariat, by the CIA, bankers, billionaires, etc. But I find this answer unsatisfying, first of all, I don't really think the empire is that competent to create a narrative this widespread yet without any leaks coming out. Second, materialist explanations are just better in general. Even when there are conspiracies, they usually just aid in existing processes or interests, they don't just come about because of "evil men". Finally, I feel that the answer I attempt to summarize in the following paragraphs is incredibly elegant and washes away any prior explanations one might have had after its realization.
One of the common explanations on this sub for the origin of the culture war is as an attempted to the potential creation of proletarian class consciousness in the US following the 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement. While I also think that identity politics originated from Wall Street, I think what happened there three years earlier is it’s true origin.
Following the 2008 financial crisis, financial capital desperately needed a mechanism to internally stabilize and organize itself. This was fulfilled in the form of the universal commodification of two-way influence: that is, where two parties both gain connections and contacts within each other and mutually benefit. This is opposed to lobbying, which is one-way influence: the lobbyists' influence is sold indirectly to anyone who needs it, and the party that it is sold to does not directly interact with the party being lobbied.
Two-influence cannot be sold directly because it requires that both parties interact directly and thus cannot be sold by a broker since that broker would already have to have had both parties in contact with each other prior to the sale, thus rendering the broker and their product useless.
The solution to this came about in the form of PMC activism, PMC activist organizations propped up that allowed the PMC of many companies to meet and become acquainted with each other, thus forming these two-way connections. The activist organizations exist as a public service in this part of the cycle, their income is derived through their ability to associate themselves with particular companies through marketing.
DEI and similar initiatives exist so that corporations can gain two-way influence with other corporations by having an internal PMC that can interface with the PMC of other corporations mediated within the activist organizations. The amount of influence gained by an intra-PMC interaction is described the formula I1 / (I1 + I2) * C where I1 is the perceived total influence of the first agent, I2 is the same for the other agent, and C is a constant. Notice that this interaction is symmetrical, so the only way to gain influence in the first place is via externally imparting it onto society. This is the second purpose of the activist organizations. In order for a corporation to gain that virtual influence ("virtual" because it is not real influence within the PMC, but can be used to gain real influence because it still contributes to I1) in the first-place that they need to get the real influence they need, they partner with the activist orgs to market themselves under their activism, which allows them to attract the influential PMCs they need to get high-value connections.
Identity politics is adopted by the PMC because it very naturally represents the connection-based system I have described. Identity politics claims there is an identity that is essential about someone and is supposedly immutable, yet at the same time, it must be dynamic and changing lest it become obsolete for its purpose and lose its motivational power. Identity maps well onto the PMC because connections to other people is what defines the PMC, and yet simultaneously their purpose is to impart change onto them. The PMC's usefulness is dependent on their ability to influence other people, so they must at times make and break connections. The essential yet changing nature of these connections map perfectly onto the system of identity politics, and the PMC's role of influencing others maps perfectly onto the nature of identitarian activism being about perpetually changing something.
One of the things that confuses nouveau critics of identity politics is why it is so seemingly divorced from the concerns of "average" people. At least with populists and nationalists, their ideas are at least popular with a sizable portion of the populace. So why is PMC identity politics so prevalent when it is so much less it is much less popular than lower level identity politics? The answer is that it is far more than low level (or petite bourgeois identity politics).
Petite bourgeois identity politics exists in the interim and follows boom and bust cycles. The strategy of all petite bourgeois identitarians is to generate hype amongst their base so that they can extract money from them. Usually, this terminates when it is either no longer profitable, or the donors behind find another scheme that is more profitable. For example, for anti-immigrant identitarians, they spend years blaming all of society's ills on immigrants and soliciting funds with the promise of "fixing" society in some, but once they take power, there is no benefit to actually implementing any of their promises. Actually implementing political promises is costly and complicated, and even if they did succeed, there would no benefit since they no longer have a reason to exist and thus cannot raise funds. Of course, they could focus on a new issue, but the donors could just find a new party to do that without needing to bear the cost of political change. If, by chance, a petite bourgeois identitarian movement does not become unprofitable, it will have to continue to find new scapegoats to hype up its base and take harsher measures against them. This deathspiral is what fascism is. You can see how this happened in Nazi Germany, Ukraine, and Israel.
PMC identity politics on the other hand does not depend on the infliction of actual change, but the perception of it. In fact, actual change is bad for PMC identity politics because PMC identity politics is dependent on its opposition for its success. In petite bourgeois identity politics on the other, opposition is always a threat that can undermine and is to stopped at all costs. Scapegoats of course are always needed, but real action is needed against them to satisfy the base and they can't just be merely propped up and opposed performatively. The reason PMC identity politics can become so alien to the majority of the populace is the same reason the stock market can experience volatility. PMC identity politics is a largely self-affecting system. It's next alliances and dramas largely grow out of current ones combined with the fact that everyone is in the system desires more influence, yet at the same time, all existing methods of creating it are becoming less effective as they become outdated and the lines of them begin to settle. You can't continue to boast about how you belong to one side when the sides are largely decided and there aren't people likely to be able to be convinced. These three factors combine to create ever-increasing turbulence that becomes increasingly alien to the those not insiders despite it becoming exponentially more widespread at the same time.
This brings us to virtue signaling. In order for influence to be gained, it must be recognized and seen by everyone else. For virtual influence, how this works is clear. But for intra-PMC influence, it isn't and this can significantly impede its growth. Thus virtue signaling was born, a quick way to know who your connections are and who you side with. A business card for the status quo of change. This is also why radical-liberals constantly come up with wreckerish questions, because they are effective in showing this.
The ultimate conclusion of this short essay is that PMC identity politics is not a conspiracy, but a natural development in history; that both PMC and petite bourgeois identity politics must be opposed vehemently by the proletariat and organizations of the proletariat; and that the above features so common amongst radical-liberals show that their class character is fundamentally PMC.
This is as an attempt to explain some of the basics of my theories about the PMC and identity politics, eventually a plan to make a full essay that will go into much greater depth.
submitted by bbb23sucks to stupidpol [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 psykomorph Feedback needed for design studio/company

Lezn is just another fancy way of saying divine or heavenly. There is no particular relation with the logomark and name. Name will be used prominently. Appreciate all feedback
submitted by psykomorph to logodesign [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 Nisansa weCanDoItInAweek

weCanDoItInAweek submitted by Nisansa to ProgrammerHumor [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 LazyExamination7551 Quitting this sub for good

“I am a gem with 8/8/8 acads and did not get a single BLACKI call even with 98.5+. Taking the CAT is useless, no idea what to do in life” - is there absolutely no light ? MDI ? IIFT ? SPJ ? XLRI ? IITs ? IIMM ? SIBM P ? Yar with a fucking high percentile even IIMC, FMS call and don’t even see your acads that much.
“GMAT and doing MBA abroad is worth it more for GEMs” - really ? I dont have a crore to spend for an MBA abroad ! A lot of us do not have that.
Why are people with bad profiles expecting only BLACKI in the first place ? And if there is no blacki, what about the 10 other colleges in the top 15-16 list ? Are they really not worth it ?
And if you are actually so smart and deserving, will not you be able to get into the top 40% of batch and get the top 40% offers ?? Just look at the placement figures of the top 40% of the batch in any of the top 15-20 colleges. I don’t think if thats bad for a start then what even is good !
There is no point staying in this sub anymore. Because all i see everyday are rants and people crying their hearts out and tbh thats demotivating af. This sub is literally just a safe space for you all to rant and cry and not a CAT prep platform.
Quitting this sub and uninstalling reddit for good now. Each post here is so demotivating and gives more reasons to do bad than good. Probably this is also another reason why i couldn’t do well in my exams this year.
For every 1 post that gives hope there are 15 others which shatter that hope and even the hope of doing ANYTHING good in life.
Hope everyone of you do well in life. For those spreading negativity - I hope you find peace and do really well in life and become people who inspire others and spread positivity.
submitted by LazyExamination7551 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 DistinctOrdinary3987 Sharvari Wagh

Sharvari Wagh submitted by DistinctOrdinary3987 to Actress_Hub98 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 MeinIRL Whats with all the cars being burnt out in sligo?

Two or three cars burnt out in brooklawns recently, and last week that dodgey af house at the bottom of gallows hill had 2 cars burnt out at the front of it. Is this gang related? That house always had people going in and out of it all day and something fishy there. But brooklawns car burnout where people completely innocent to any crime. Two cars burnt out the back of quayside also Whats going on?
submitted by MeinIRL to Sligo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 Clean_Community_5406 Is this a good buy?

I'm looking for a second car. I am confused between a 7 seater (Pilot or eqv), proper 4x4 offroader (FJ cruiser or eqv) or fun to drive sedan (bmw 3s, 5s or eqv). Came upon this ad. Is it a good deal?
submitted by Clean_Community_5406 to WhatCarShouldIBuyGULF [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 downquark9009 this sub's mods are lazy af

make this sub grow man cmon
submitted by downquark9009 to SSNChennai [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 yodabdab We banning links like all the other states or…?

We banning links like all the other states or…? submitted by yodabdab to Indiana [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 dalegribble__96 Brian on stage April 1973

Bottom photo. Practically right before the bottom fell out. Annoyingly ruined by Gerry Beckley of America
submitted by dalegribble__96 to thebeachboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 FrankieWuzHere Kenshi Fact of the Day #44

-Instant Blood Loss-
Whenever you take cut/pierce damage from combat you will always lose at least some blood instantly, as well as some more over time through bleeding.
Today we will cover what I call instant blood loss; bleeding will be covered another day.
*The FCS value is "immediate blood loss" but I refer to it as instant blood loss... So, call it what you will.
The amount of blood lost instantly upon being hit is determined by...

Or to write it out to help make sense of what I am saying...
(Cut damage done)(Racial Bleedrate of unit hit)(Blood loss of weapon)(0.2)
Say we had a Scorchlander who was shot by a Crossbow which hit them for exactly 125 pierce damage (ouch). Scorchlanders have a racial bleed rate of 0.9, and as a Crossbow was used the Blood loss of the weapon would be 2.0.
That would result in 45 instant blood lost.
Additional notes
Pretty short one today. Trying to cut down on the amount of time I invest in these so I both don't run out of facts too quickly. Will probably cover bleeding in another post in the near future, we'll see.
Thank you for your continued interest :)
submitted by FrankieWuzHere to Kenshi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 Repseba Best updated batch of J4xTravis Scott

Best updated batch of J4xTravis Scott Hi people I'm looking for the best batch of this classic J4 some people told me GX but some people told me that the color is a bit off so idk 🤷, what do you think? 🤔
submitted by Repseba to RepSneakerFans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 StatisticianEast1742 Try it it works@

$104000002$://🎉 Claim 5 free SHEIN products now! 🛍️Just copy the text and search for it on SHEIN to accept the invitation.
submitted by StatisticianEast1742 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 Legitimate-Cut-6760 Mein Vater ist gestorben und ich fühle mich befreit und glücklich

Für viele sicher ein merkwürdiger Titel.
Mein Vater ist gestern gestorben. Er lag im Krankenhaus, es war absehbar das er sterben wird. Er wollte das ich noch zu ihm komme in seinen letzten Stunden aber ich wollte lieber Arbeiten.
Für viele mag das sicher abstoßend klingen. Ich bin mir selber unsicher ob das eine Schockreaktion ist oder doch einfach nur Genugtuung.
In meiner Kindheit war mein Vater mir Gegenüber immer Gewalttätig. Jeder wusste es, Ärzte, Behörden, meine Mutter, andere aus meiner Familie, jeder hat weg gesehen. Alle dachten ich würde das vergessen. Aber damit lag jeder falsch. Selbst als ich damals von Zuhause weg gelaufen bin, die Polizei mich gesucht hat und ich ihnen alles erzählt habe, nichts ist passiert. Ich habe gelernt damit klar zu kommen, stark zu sein. Nur wenn ich stärker bin als er, werde ich eines Tages ein besserer Mensch sein und nicht so werden wie er. Und ich lag mit meinen 10 Jahren damals absolut richtig.
In meiner Kindheit hatten wir viel Geld. Mein Vater hat für große Unternehmen als ITler gearbeitet was Anfang 2000 wirklich viel Geld gebracht hat. Wir hatten ein großes Haus, waren oft im Urlaub. Es hat uns damals an nichts gefehlt. Dann wurde er gekündigt und hat Sozialleistungen als den besten Lebensweg gesehen. Schnell haben wir alles verloren weil er alles verzockt hat und wir sind nur durch Glück nicht auf der Straße gelandet. Da war ich 6 Jahre alt.
Danach folgte ein Leben am sozialen Abgrund. Unsere Wohnungen waren immer ekelhaft und die Nachbarn sehr fragwürdig. Für Essen und Schulsachen war nie Geld da. Aber für Zigaretten schon. Meine Mutter war auch nie Hilfreich denn die hat nichts auf die Reihe bekommen. War ständig überfordert und hat ihre Wut an mir ausgelassen. Sie hatte beste Möglichkeiten zu arbeiten. Mein Opa hatte eine Firma, sie hätte dort arbeiten können aber sie war einfach zu faul. Dementsprechend hat sich der Rest der Familie von uns abgegrenzt.
Ich weiß noch gut wie ich von Müsli, Nudeln und Toast gelebt habe weil meine Eltern lieber eine Stange Zigaretten gekauft haben als das sie das sie essen eingekauft haben. In der Wohnung war es immer voll mit Zigarettenrauch. In der Schule würde ich gemobbt weil ich mir Kleider vom Altkleidercontainer geholt habe oder auf dem Flohmarkt gekauft habe. Gemeinsame Stunden im Freibad mit anderen oder generell Freunde konnte ich da nicht unbedingt finden. Es war einfach schwer weil man mir meine Familie angesehen hat.
Mit der Zeit habe ich mich schulisch weitergebildet. Hab mich vom Hauptschulabschluss bis hin zum Master hoch gebildet und arbeite seit einigen Jahren in einem tollen Unternehmen. Natürlich habe ich direkt nach dem Auszug den Kontakt zu meiner Familie begraben. Meine Mutter ist mittlerweile Alkoholkerin und Kettenraucher. Sie will und wird nie davon weg kommen. Viele in meiner Familie sind Alkoholker. Ich habe zu keinem wirklich Kontakt.
Meine Familie besteht aus den Leuten die mir damals geholfen haben aus dem Albtraum zu entkommen und alles besser zu machen.
Ich brauche allerdings Rat. Jeder aus meiner alten Familie kommt auf mich zu bezüglich der Beerdigung. Ich sollte doch alles zahlen, ist ja mein Vater, meine Mutter möchte daraus eine große Show machen weil er ja so ein toller Mensch war.
Meine Frage wäre, soll ich da irgendein Cent rein stecken? Soll ich da hin gehen? Oder doch lieber frei nehmen und den Tag mit was besserem verbringen?
submitted by Legitimate-Cut-6760 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 skynaq Is JsFiddle broken or its just me?

Recently I noticed JsFiddle UI is all black and broken on my screen, the cursor does not appear, also menus are no longer readable as they appear background and text having all the same color... I tried to clear cookies etc but didn't work... Is it working for you? How can I fix it?
submitted by skynaq to AskProgramming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 rriri- How to get closer to Allah after a difficult trial

‏السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ، I don’t want this to be a post were I just trauma dump but I’m genuinely seeking advice as a 21 lost girl. My father suddenly passed a way from a heart attack at home with me and our family bedside him, for someone to go from so healthy and present to gone within a few minutes has been a lot for me to process . Alhamdulilah I consider myself practicing and someone who studies the deen however, this test has made me more lazy when it comes to my Islamic duties, I stay up constantly so it makes it hard to prayer fajr on time , I stopped attending my quarn classes since I’m so behind now and I constantly scroll through social media to fill my mind from overthinking idk I feel like tests are meant to make you closer to Allah (swt) however I feel like I’ve taken steps back I’ve lacked soo much and I’m developing bad habits ik nobody’s perfect but I’m disappointed in myself. I have a good support group but idk how to get back to my normal life / change for the better I feel guilty and sad I act like I’m fine in front of everyone so I’m not a burden but truly im broken deep inside. If anyone’s been through something similar or could just make dua that this trial brings me closer to Allah I would really appreciate it
submitted by rriri- to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 Theprotagonist5 Best online store to buy fragrances in US

Hello ,I am from India and I want to buy fragrance in US .Which online website are best to buy discounted and not fake Fragrances?????
submitted by Theprotagonist5 to Perfumes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 NoSirHaha2 can we normalise speaking in trdes

the amount of times ive had someone trade me 2 add smth in the trde n not speak 2 me will drive any1 to annoyance. ik i cant be speaking bc im antisocial but can we plz normalise telling people what we want im not a mind reader
submitted by NoSirHaha2 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 WarlordGameGear Would adding a drop of purple alcohol ink help counter yellowing from UV exposure when curing clear resin?

Using an ELEGOO mars 3 on standard settings in chitubox for clear resin. Set to cure for 5 mins in an ELEGOO mercury wash and cure.
Seen that color correcting purple toothpaste and (I know it’s probably a scam) was wondering if the same principle applies to resin printing. Has anyone tried this?
submitted by WarlordGameGear to resinprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 Original_Act_3481 Timesquare if adblock is on

Timesquare if adblock is on submitted by Original_Act_3481 to funny [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 roboticzizzz UK competition watchdog chair ousted by government

UK competition watchdog chair ousted by government submitted by roboticzizzz to SocialPressBlog [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 noBrother00 The Latest Celebrity Tech Scam…

The Latest Celebrity Tech Scam… submitted by noBrother00 to DecodingTheGurus [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:04 Specialist-Edge2655 A-League Off Air

A-League Off Air submitted by Specialist-Edge2655 to Aleague [link] [comments]