Awesome movies that are shot in real time with minimal cuts?

2025.01.22 07:59 Ok-You-1802 Awesome movies that are shot in real time with minimal cuts?

Awesome movies that are shot in real time with minimal cuts? submitted by Ok-You-1802 to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 auenbear 1999 Stag’s leap Fay

I’ve got a 1999 Fay from Stag’s Leap in Napa
I love Stag’s and have been a member for years (we go 5 or 6 times per year for tastings and pickups)
Last time I was there, I purchased a ‘99 Fay. Trouble is now I can’t figure out a good enough time to drink it LOL
anyone have any suggestions for occasions or meals to have it with?
It’s still good right? It’s been stored properly!
What do we think???
submitted by auenbear to wine [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 MyOthrCarsAThrowaway So what’s the punchline?

So what’s the punchline? submitted by MyOthrCarsAThrowaway to learnpolish [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 slayer0527 Black Armors Showcase

*Used modding tools to remove meshes/change colors*
*Jin's face is from a mod downloaded from nexus mods*
submitted by slayer0527 to ghostoftsushima [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 NEPats3803 My grandpa is describing a, possibly 90s, thriller movie

My grandpa is attempting to tell me about a thriller where a man is trying to make a life as an actor, though he suffers from claustrophobia. A fellow actor (described as having blond curly hair) takes advantage of his phobia. He uses this man’s girlfriend as a tool to get into the man’s head by having an affair with her. There’s a scene where the antagonist buries this man alive and the man cannot scream for help as he is fighting this phobia and is petrified with fear. There’s also a scene where he sees a “bad guy” with an electrical weapon about to kill a girl, and then his attention is diverted to sparks from a welding torch wielded by a man in a plague mask. Sorry for the messy description, this is all I was given.
submitted by NEPats3803 to whatsthemoviecalled [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 imohammadaqib Finally completed the century

Finally completed the century submitted by imohammadaqib to Redditachievments [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 Kindly_Soup_9648 Bro 😭😭😭💀

Bro 😭😭😭💀 I literally live in georgia wtf is my order doing in peurto rico carolina 😭😭😭 am i cooked chat 💀💀💀
submitted by Kindly_Soup_9648 to delta8resellers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 solivagantsoull ببكي

الدكتور هاوشني لاني ماسكه الجوال ومو مركزه معه ومره فشلني، وطلعني قدام قال يلا اشرحي! قلت ماعرف وعصب وقال ممنوع ايبادات بالكلاس الله لايوفقه وش هذي الدراما كلها عشاني سهيت ٥دقايق وجعع
submitted by solivagantsoull to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 AntAccomplished1317 Unacademy Judiciary Subscription - 2 Years for Rs.15,000.

Hi there! I study law at the Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University. I am looking to renew my Unacademy judiciary subscription. At the moment, it is available at Rs. 30, 000 for 2 years. If someone is interested in sharing the same, it would come round to Rs. 15, 000 for the both of us. Feel free to DM or reach out at +91 8279822441 for further contact. Thanks!
submitted by AntAccomplished1317 to judiciaryexams [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 Tamim_Al_Ahad Is ReZero and Frieren worth the watch?

My faves are AoT,Code geass and Steins Gate
submitted by Tamim_Al_Ahad to anime [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 AmogusMogusAmogus Im an idiot

I gave my second translator to stick bug cuz i misclicked. I HATE MY LIFEEEEEEE
submitted by AmogusMogusAmogus to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 Many_Lie2326 Really struggling right now.

Before I type out this post, I’d just like to acknowledge that I am very well aware that I’m not the only one in my current position and that there is others out there who definitely have it worse than me but just want to vent and get some other Langley residents to weigh in.
So I turned 24 just over a month and a half ago. I go and see my peer support worker at Foundry Langley weekly, I’ve been seen by a psychiatrist there too - I’m on top of getting myself help mentally when I need it. What am I struggling with currently? The same thing as thousands, if not millions of Canadians. Work. I was laid off from my seasonal gig in November. Had a promising perspective job but it ended up being a crock of shit/illegal work. The guy never took any of my tax info, didn’t even want my SIN. After he fired me without cause it took him nearly three weeks to pay me and he did so via e transfer. Due to the fact that I have no record of employment there, I’ve been denied employment insurance and the wait time for welfare is currently 60-90 days. I can’t ask my mom for any more money. I’m already in debt so I’m avoiding pay day loan places at all cost. I’m at the point now where I don’t want to be here anymore. I’ve had 50 interviews since November 2nd, I keep getting told that they’ll be in touch and then get ghosted after. I’ve practiced my interview skills with my occupational therapist and she had no notes. Even had a stranger compliment me and tell me I ‘killed’ my interview. Anyway, I just don’t know what the fuck to do anymore. I’m overqualified for minimum wage work and even after dumbing down my resume - still no job offers. I’ve done temp agency work before but my chronic pain has flared up really bad recently so I don’t have the physical stamina to do any construction or warehouse work. Living doesn’t seem worth it to me currently.
If anyone has any bags of empties they’d be willing to donate to me, I’d forever be in debt to you. Or I’ll pay it forward eventually. Thank you for getting this far if you read the whole thing.
submitted by Many_Lie2326 to Langley [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 Old-Acanthisitta8220 I broke my mouse playing fisch (again)

Ive since had to change 2 mouse due to the repetitive pressing of the Shake button in the game.. is there a way i could keybind a button on my keyboard to press instead?
submitted by Old-Acanthisitta8220 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 Responsible_Bird3384 Had to buy new knickers

That’s the update in a nutshell. Old knickers falling down, new knickers size 12 🙃☺️
submitted by Responsible_Bird3384 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 masri88 Cleaning Solution Dispenser

I’m wondering about the solution that gets injected into the water. I have a s8 maxV and inside there is the extra tank for the cleaning solution. I’ve added the solution in it and put on the smart refill in the app. But somehow it doesn’t get less. It kinda stays on the same level. Does it actually inject the solution into the water on that small percentage, so I don’t see the difference ?? Anyone with a similar problem? If I squeeze the tank, it’s leaking the solution, so the tank is capable of releasing the solution…
Hallo. Einmal kurz und knapp auf deutsch… Bei dem s8maxV gibt es ja den Behälter für die reinigungslösung. Ich habe die dort eingefüllt und in der App das smarte nachfüllen aktiviert. Seitdem habe ich das Gefühl, dass das nicht wirklich weniger wird. Ist das so wenig, dass ich da keinen wirklichen unterschied bemerke ?? Wenn ich den Behälter drücke, kommt Flüssigkeit raus, es funktioniert also theoretisch….
submitted by masri88 to Roborock [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 ConsequenceAfraid584 Heyy soo I was seeing what type of piercings I should get but I don’t know what would look good on me?

Heyy soo I was seeing what type of piercings I should get but I don’t know what would look good on me? submitted by ConsequenceAfraid584 to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 ZacBobisKing Why is cafe baras not on Amazon uk

Why is cafe baras not on Amazon uk
submitted by ZacBobisKing to boardgames [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 seanprime This guy cooks for sure..

Not sure what he cooks but I know he looks hella awesome while doing it and has been doing it for quite a long time judging by the hair.. Makes me want to level a monk to feel this drip myself lol
Blizz ain't getting it right with the current server issues atm but sometimes they do.
submitted by seanprime to wow [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 Numerous_Ticket_7628 Storm Eowyn

Storm Eowyn This looks like a really severe storm. The models are getting worse and we're looking at winds in Glasgow and the central belt of around 80-90mph, even 100mph off the west coast. I imagine if the models are still showing this tomorrow alerts will be upgraded likely to red and transport, schools etc will be off on Friday. This is hurricane bawbag strength if not worse.
submitted by Numerous_Ticket_7628 to glasgow [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 Odd-Pineapple-4272 Do you think a GA or apostle will ever confess to the world it’s not true?

Do you think a GA or apostle will ever confess to the world it’s not true? I’ve always wondered this. When I realized it for myself and dove into church history of what actually happened I’ve always had this question . “What about the apostles?? Like they HAVE to know it’s not true”
Do they oath to just not say something to the members because they think they created something “good” So it’s okay to lie?
Are they delusional? (Yes but you know what I mean)
After watching this video I’m not surprised they seek out help.
I wonder if a GA or apostle will come out one day and make a statement like “yeah it wasn’t true. I committed for so long to not tell the truth because the church still does good. But I can’t keep this to myself and lie to everyone”
I know regardless even if this hypothetical were to happen, a lot of members will do Olympic style mental gymnastics to talk their way out of this one.
I do have hope with younger millennials and gen Z becoming general authorities one day a lot of the truth will come out
submitted by Odd-Pineapple-4272 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 Excellent-Math-98 Donna

Anyone wanna chat about Donna paulson looks and curves during the show?
submitted by Excellent-Math-98 to suits [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 wildbaby67 whichAlgorithmisthis

whichAlgorithmisthis submitted by wildbaby67 to ProgrammerHumor [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 Exotic_Incarnation_ S-pen not registered when lightly gliding? Pressure stays at 0 unless I press harder. Pen is touching the screen in the video but doesn't write unless I press down.

S-pen not registered when lightly gliding? Pressure stays at 0 unless I press harder. Pen is touching the screen in the video but doesn't write unless I press down. submitted by Exotic_Incarnation_ to S24Ultra [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 why_dontsleep a spider net

a spider net submitted by why_dontsleep to pics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:59 prisonerofshmazcaban What comfort shows are you watching or rewatching right now?

submitted by prisonerofshmazcaban to AskReddit [link] [comments]