Feed me one of them 05209e85c3551fe9c28042c4925189e5b7d3cb13dcc0bf54d6bece94b427d0c732

2025.01.22 09:40 Deep_Detail83 Feed me one of them 05209e85c3551fe9c28042c4925189e5b7d3cb13dcc0bf54d6bece94b427d0c732

Feed me one of them 05209e85c3551fe9c28042c4925189e5b7d3cb13dcc0bf54d6bece94b427d0c732 submitted by Deep_Detail83 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 TheGamerkidMC Anyone w/ DPDR and Sensorimotor OCD?

 To clarify, I have not been diagnosed by a medical profession nor have I ever came forward about this topic in general to a doctor. However, since these disorders are very specific and peculiar when compared to most things, I think I can say with 95% certainty that I most likely do have both DPDR and Sensorimotor OCD (aka Somatic OCD). With that being said, I am curious to know if anyone in this subreddit shares my sentiment of having DPDR and Somatic OCD? 
For a quick recap, I first began having extreme DPDR suddenly one day in the summer of 2018. It affected my whole summer that year and beyond. I was in a near constant state of feeling "off", where my whole reality shifted to feeling alien yet familiar. Observing myself from an outside lens. Floating. Feeling as if I was not in control and following a script. As if my mind and body were two different entities. All this mixed with bombarding myself with questions about my existence. Am I real? How am I here? Why am I me? Are my movements my own? Am I even controlling my movements? Am I in control even when I am explicitly making sure I am in control? Along with a ton of other existential and hyper aware questions.
 In the years that followed, I just marinated myself with these issues. Eventually I learned to live with it, albeit slowly. Becoming a normal thing. Somedays are good, somedays are bad. I'll have extremely good days and sometimes extremely bad ones. I know the DPDR never left, but I learned to managed. Recently on Jan 18th, I had another extreme wave of DPDR. Like a sudden attack. On par with my first attack that happened in 2018. I've been fighting on and off since. Currently as I'm writing this, I suddenly feel great after a difficult day. It's probably because I've been in bed and distracted myself with some drawing. My brain entering a "rest mode" before sparking up again. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. 
Anyways, let me finally get to the Somatic OCD. I believe I've had this much longer than DPDR. To put it in a nutshell, I am constantly hyper aware of all my bodily functions. Blinking, breathing, chewing, swallowing, heartbeats, you name it. Much like with my DPDR, it comes and goes.
With all that being said, maybe even a bit too much was said, I would like to hear if anyone can relate to my various experiences with these two combining problems.
submitted by TheGamerkidMC to Dissociation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 SomCoffeeee Time waste!!😖 Why are they even here on STI?🤷‍♂️

submitted by SomCoffeeee to sharktankindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 PrestigiousCan9502 [Urban Legend Maker] Yandere Yuan Shinji before GTA-6

[Urban Legend Maker] Yandere Yuan Shinji before GTA-6 submitted by PrestigiousCan9502 to Manhua [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 EcoPeakPulse Viral anime nature wallpaper in 4K quality.

Viral anime nature wallpaper in 4K quality. submitted by EcoPeakPulse to midjourney [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 kimme Onko tässä Lapin seuraava turistimagneetti? Aavasaksasta rakennetaan ”tasku-Leviä”, mutta luonnon ehdoilla

Onko tässä Lapin seuraava turistimagneetti? Aavasaksasta rakennetaan ”tasku-Leviä”, mutta luonnon ehdoilla submitted by kimme to Sapmi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 yesseruser [Discussion] Which modules do you use?

I'm looking for some modules other than Zygisk and Play Integrity Fix. Which ones do you use?
submitted by yesseruser to Magisk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Exlife1up Quick reminder to fix your physical space, it doesn’t take long and does wonders for your mental space <3

Quick reminder to fix your physical space, it doesn’t take long and does wonders for your mental space <3 submitted by Exlife1up to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Solsanguis Why my Strange is so weak?

Why my Strange is so weak? I understand if u r gonna say that I need T4 him, but damn he seems stronger in Dr Strange 2 uni than the last one. What can I do? What to improve?
submitted by Solsanguis to MarvelFuture_Fight [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Aggressive_Guest_30 What's one thing you'd add/change to the lore if you could?

I would have liked UNISG to appear, especially in HoC.
submitted by Aggressive_Guest_30 to stalker [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 vvoec سؤال عن بقاء الجيش السوري في لبنان بعد اتفاق الطائف

إخواني اللبنانيين تحية لكم.. أود أن أسألكم عن سبب بقاء الجيش السوري في لبنان بعد اتفاق الطائف. هل كانت النية الأصلية انسحاب الجيش عقب سنة؟.. قرأت في عدة مواقع أن الجيش السوري كان من المفترض أن يبقى حتى سنة 1991 ثم ينسحب.. ولكن ما حدث هو أن حافظ الأسد نقض الاتفاق تدريجيًا، بدءًا باغتيال رينيه معوض، ثم بتوقيع اتفاقية من نوع ما بين البلدين، إلى أن تبلورت الأحداث بانسحاب الجيش السوري من لبنان.
تحياتي لكم
submitted by vvoec to lebanon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Tiny-Situation9085 Bath House in Hot Springs, AR USA

Stopped by some bath houses during a cross country trip. This was inside one of them. The smaller ones are windows, the larger one was on the ceiling.
submitted by Tiny-Situation9085 to StainedGlassHeaven [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 gofancyninjaworld I have a feeling there won't be a chapter this week but just in case can someone post the raw?

Okay, while I am here, been thinking of what I would like to see from the next chapter.

  1. I would very much like Void dead. Preferably by being turned into salt. His evil, hero-murdering ways can't be left unchecked. Blast freaking out and pining for his partner is a bonus.
  2. Loot for Flashy Flash and Sonic, please.
  3. Some loose ends tying up around the ninja village. Also, we have some trussed turkeys, um I mean ninjas, to take into custody.
  4. Solve the mystery of if Saitama got his curry udon.
What is on your list?
submitted by gofancyninjaworld to OnePunchFans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Greedy_Enthusiasm_46 Ye kya ? Mereko kyu daat rahe ho mene to form bara bhi nahi h tumhara

Ye kya ? Mereko kyu daat rahe ho mene to form bara bhi nahi h tumhara submitted by Greedy_Enthusiasm_46 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Ok_Fondant_9563 Should i talk to her ?

Should i talk to her again?
Me and my gf are from diff countries , through our relationship, we showed so much love and support and care we were 24/7 on facetime i know everything like every single detail in her life and how her day goes i know everything and the same with me , we had a lot of fights and arguments through our relationship but we always loved eachother , she has a lot of guys on her acc and i didnt like it at all , when she told me to remove some girls because they liked my posts on ig , i didnt think twice and removed them at the moment, when i told her to remove some guys she did too , and she blocked them not only removed them , 2 days ago , we had a fight because my gf like specific ethnicity of guys , btw I’m from this ethnicity, and she had them on her acc when i told her to remove them , she said i didnt tell you to remove any girl randomly , but it wasnt randomly i had an enough reason to tell her remove them , you LIKE an specific ethnicity and you have guys from this ethnicity on your account , but all what she was saying , i love you and only you i dont care about them they’re nothing to me , then why you resisting so bad to remove them ? While we were arguing , i was scrolling into her followings and found a guy that she blocked before , she unblocked him and i found out that they follow eachother again , i didnt even try to listen to her , all of that was on a call , we’re always on facetime , i faced her , and the only thing she said , “i dont follow him” in a very innocent tone , she unfollowed him after i faced her and said “i dont follow him” then i hung up on her , after i gave her some hurtful words , and then blocked her everywhere but i forgot about one application that i didnt block her on , she said i cant live without you , i cant see myself in any other relationship , etc.. , i said forget about me I’m gone , then blocked her , 1 day later , she added my friend on sc , and he told me right after she added me , he gave me his account and i pretended i was him , she said that i left her and i hate her and take care of him and make him happy and always show me him , she ranted to him , i love him and only him , i cant see myself in another relationship after him , i will wait for him forever , when i asked her what happened , she refused to say the reason , but after i was keen on knowing the reason she said it , and her excuse was that we were arguing and she unblocked him and then he followed her , like what!! , how did he even notice that you unblocked him that quick ! , and why do you even unblock him , and why ESPECIALLY him , when i asked her why did you do that , she said i didnt know what i was doing it was dumb and i regret it , “im talking to her on my friends acc as i’m him” , i told her i will talk to him about this , and she keeps asking about me and how I’m doing and says take care of him and show me him , im confused, i can’t believe all of this , if you love me and have your eyes only for me , why would you do that ? , why especially this guy that you unblock him , this means that there’s something between you and him , at the end , i still miss her otherwise i hate her so much now , i still miss her and love her , i need your opinion about this.
submitted by Ok_Fondant_9563 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 bobbykataria007 Selling iPhone 14

Asking price 38k Battery health 89%
submitted by bobbykataria007 to delhi_marketplace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Hardshadow420 Pink Top

Pink Top submitted by Hardshadow420 to perfectlookinggirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Mazpan9 help

Does anyone know what it's called? It's your manhwa. I'm looking for it and it only comes up as Celestial Blood Star and it sends me to a generic manhwa.
submitted by Mazpan9 to manhwa [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Odd-Act-8713 Glowing outlines and l4d hints

How to make glowing outlines under selection and l4d hints? And can i do it with mapbase?
submitted by Odd-Act-8713 to SourceEngine [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Agreeable_Oil6479 Mixed signals and dont know how to interpret this

Hey Reddit, I’ve been going through a tough and confusing situation, and I need to vent and maybe get some outside perspectives. Apologies in advance for the long post, but this has been eating at me for a while.
A few months ago, I met this girl at the gym. We hit it off and dated briefly, but then she broke things off. After that, she started avoiding me at the gym, even adjusting her workout schedule to avoid seeing me. It hurt, but I figured it was her way of moving on.
Fast forward to now: her behavior has been all over the place. She’s started showing up at the same times I do again, doing exercises near me, and making subtle glances in my direction. When we lock eyes, we both quickly break contact, which adds to the weird tension.
Here’s where it gets tricky: she’s now with a new guy, and I’ve seen them together a few times. The thing is, her actions don’t seem like someone who’s fully into their new relationship. When she’s with him, she avoids looking at me, almost like she’s nervous. They don’t seem super affectionate—more like they’re friends than anything else. Despite this, she occasionally posts him on social media, but never in romantic ways, which makes me wonder what’s really going on between them.
On top of that, I’ve caught her doing things like glancing at me while using her phone, and at times, she chooses exercises or spots where I’m clearly within her line of sight. It feels like she’s trying to keep me on the hook while also keeping her distance.
I’ll admit, I was really into her when we dated, and she played me pretty well back then. I invested a lot emotionally and even took her on nice dates, only for her to pull away and start this whole game-playing thing. I’ve tried to move on and even ignore her when we cross paths, but her subtle actions keep looping me back into the situation.
I know I need to stay indifferent and let things play out, but it’s tough when the unresolved tension lingers. Part of me thinks she still has feelings for me but doesn’t know how to address them, while another part thinks she just likes the attention. I don’t want to waste energy on someone who isn’t serious about me, especially while she’s with someone else.
Have any of you been in a similar situation? How do you handle mixed signals from someone who clearly hasn’t moved on but is also with someone else? Should I just keep ignoring her and focus on myself, or is there a way to bring closure to this without creating more drama?
submitted by Agreeable_Oil6479 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Academic_Ruin3131 I'm just wondering

Does anyone here live in Argyll and Bute because I am in Argyll and Bute, By the way have any of you been to Islay, mull or Gigha?
submitted by Academic_Ruin3131 to Scotland [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Amazing-Coach-2822 23m trying to understand how attractive I am

submitted by Amazing-Coach-2822 to truerateme [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 cyuenlee Meteor APP soon

Meteor APP soon submitted by cyuenlee to nearprotocol [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Striker_111 What SD card should i buy now? I need 32 GB micro SD card

Assalam aliakum everyone. So i went to a store to ask about the price of an SD card. And What the heck is it expensive as hell.
32 GB kingston micro sd card : 1150 rs
Like just for 32 GB its this expensive. If it was 700 or 800 it would've been fair.
Should i go for daraz they have cheap ones but I'm scared that they won't be compatible with my phone.
submitted by Striker_111 to PakistaniTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Redufuture Good hotels near Centara grand & Bangkok convention center

Hello everyone I need a good and reasonable priced hotel near Good hotels near Centara grand & Bangkok convention center within budget 50$ a day , I’m booking for parents . If you know some hotels please give me the name
submitted by Redufuture to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]
