Which mini gt should I buy and from where should I buy them any seller ( in budget)

2025.01.22 09:57 jdmkid__ Which mini gt should I buy and from where should I buy them any seller ( in budget)

submitted by jdmkid__ to MiniGTIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 PutsAShiftIn Sell Out (Half Speed Master) vinyl going cheap! (Rarewaves UK and EU and maybe US?)

Good morning! I came across a deal for Sell Out on vinyl for £12.98, seems like a steal compared to what I’ve seen around and delivery is free if you are also in the UK. Thought I’d do the honourable thing and pass it along in case anyone’s looking for a copy!
Here’s the link to the deal
submitted by PutsAShiftIn to TheWho [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 el_wakim A Silver Bullet: 1959 Porsche 356A 1600S Coupe | EN.WHEELZ.ME

submitted by el_wakim to wheelz_me [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Potential_Wonder_775 I cant download the 19 39 44 update, am I doing something wrong? I thought that was the one to download?

submitted by Potential_Wonder_775 to revancedextended [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Ok-Hamster-5351 Best dorms for freshmen?

Hii! Incoming freshman here and I’m trying to figure out the best dorm options. I’ve heard mixed opinions about the dorms here...some say they’re pretty bad, while others don’t seem to mind them as much. I also saw there’s a new dorm under construction, and I’m really hoping to live in that one if it’s available.
Does anyone have any recommendations for freshman dorms or advice on what to expect? Are the dorms as bad as some people say, or are there hidden gems I should know about?
submitted by Ok-Hamster-5351 to williamandmary [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 windowhihi Reminder that Ellen's figure is available for Pre-order now in Amiami.

Reminder that Ellen's figure is available for Pre-order now in Amiami. submitted by windowhihi to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 wewdwtnizrub Nextdoor Promo Code January 2025

Here is the Nextdoor Promo Code January 2025
Discover Discounts: Up to 60% Off Nextdoor Items in January 2025!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to coupdealzone [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Ok-Hamster-5351 Best dorms for freshmen?

Hii! Incoming freshman here and I’m trying to figure out the best dorm options. I’ve heard mixed opinions about the dorms here...some say they’re pretty bad, while others don’t seem to mind them as much. I also saw there’s a new dorm under construction, and I’m really hoping to live in that one if it’s available.
Does anyone have any recommendations for freshman dorms or advice on what to expect? Are the dorms as bad as some people say, or are there hidden gems I should know about?
submitted by Ok-Hamster-5351 to williamandmary [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 No_Street_9853 Postcard from Seattle

Happy New Year People of Seattle !
I collect postcards but I don't have one from Seattle.
Can someone send me a postcard from there?
Thank you in advance! :)
submitted by No_Street_9853 to SeattleWA [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Forward_Zucchini3549 مساعدة لحالة ميؤوس منها

يشهد ربي اني مو عارفه كيف افتح الموضوع لأني تعبت وانا اشرحه للاقارب للجهات المختصه للمعارف ومافيه اي استجابه.. شيء يخيب الامل انا فتاة يتيمة الابوين بعمر الزهور مقتبل ال٢٠ سنه من ام سعودية واب اجنبي
عشت مع والدتي معظم حياتي لكن قدر الله وماتت من ورم بدماغها و بعد ما توفت نقلت انا واخواني الاثنين الصغار عند اعمامي قبل ٣ سنين تقريبا وكان شيء ضد رغبتي لان كانت اخر سنه لي بالثانوي وانحست مرررره مع المواد (مقررات) والشرقيه مافيها اولويه لطلابها والمنافسه نار. كان يمديهم يخلوني سنه وحده مع جدتي واعتني فيها زي ماشلت البيت فوق راسي الشهرين الي اضطرينا ندرسهم بالرياض بعد ماتوفت امي لكن رفضو وقالو انه مايقدرون يصرفون ايجار شقتين نقلنا الشرقيه عند اعمامي. كلهم كبار وعزاب اصغرهم ٣٥ سنه وعماتي ٥٥ سنه وكان صعب جدا اننا نفهمهم بجيلنا والاشياء الجديده ونظام الدراسه الجديد وصعب اني اقنعهم ان اخوي حاله خاصه لان عنده طيف توحد وADHD وماينفع الصراخ معاه ويبيله صببرررررر لما تدرسونه لكن طنشوني وما اهتمو لأوراق الاخصائية حقه وقررو يسمون حالته (عناد) بدال مايفهمونها... ولا كأنها شيء والحي سيء من جميع النواحي ماكان يناسبنا كأيتام صغار ابدا. مخدرات وشباب عزابيه ودوريه واقفه عشان المخدرات بالميكرفون يصارخون عالرايح والجاي يعني شيء شيء سيء حتى الماء كانت تقطع والكهرب تفصل لكن تحملنا عشان مافيه احد بياخذنا غيرهم كل شيء كان قابل للتحمل لين قررو يخلونه من مستنقع يحيط غرفنا الى سجن داخل المستنقع هذا ممنوع نطلب من برا حتى لو احتياجات خاصه الا بإذن عمي. انترنت وقت مخصص باليوم ماحليتي واجباتك/اسايمنتس؟ مشكلتك. ممنوع ناكل من برا. ممنوع نخرج حتى لو عند اقاربنا من طرف أمي. لازم احد يفضى منهم حتى مستشفى مانروح الا لو بنشوف الموت وهكذا كان الحال وزاد سوء لما اصبت بإكتئاب حاد لدرجه كل يوم اروح مواعيد وفحوصات كل يوم كنت اتمنى الحق اهلي ولا اقعد بهذاك البيت واعرف انها افكار سيئه وغلط الان لكن وقتها كنت بس ابغا الفكه من الدنيا فكرة ان الناس الي الكل حرصنا عليهم جالسين يأذوني بشتى الطرق خلاني انهبل عقليا خالي ضربني بعد عزاها ب أسبوع بس. وكان يردد علي اني انا سبب موتها انا سبب عنائها وتعبها... انه انا "قتلتها". كيف بطفله عمرها ١٥-١٦ سنه ممكن تقتل امها؟ الان الحمدلله عمري راح يصير ٢٠ سنه واعرف انه الطفله هذيك مالها دخل لكن مشى علي كلامه علي لاني كنت بزر واصدق اي شي وهالشيء خلاني اتعب رحت فضفضت لعمي وقلت له الي صار متوقعه يجي ياخذنا ويربت على ظهورنا ويهتم فينا لكن طلع اخس منه هذا انسان حرمني من الدراسه. قفل كل باب بوجهي(حرفيا) وقالي مافيه طلعه لين تعطيني كل شيء يخصك من اوراق وجوازات محتاحتها عشان اسجل جامعه الى حسابي البنكي ورقم السر الخاص به. شيء غير معقول كون عمري ١٩ سنه الى ماجا اليوم الي شفته اخذ كل اجهزتي وقفل باب البيت علي وكسر باب غرفتي (علما بانها غرفه بنات بالغات اشاركها مع اختي وسبق اخذ مفتاحها) تمسكت بجوالي لانه اخر امل لي اتصال اخير ممكن يخرجني يومها وحضنته قرب صدري بأقوى ماعندي لكنه واحد متعافي يروح نادي فكك اذرعي بقوه واخذه لدرجه انه صارت مليانه كدمات من المسكه بس يأست. جدًا. الى ما اخذت خطوه جريئة و(غبية) وسويت نفسي بيوم اني راح اداوم طبيعي وماعد رحعت للبيت هذاك هربت لمول قريب من كليتي واتصلت على عمي الكبير الي هم قاطعينها معاه وقلت له ياخذني لاني مو راجعه انا الان هربت من عندهم قبل كم شهر ورحت سكنت مع عمي الكبير ومرته لأن التعب النفسي ماكان يحتمل.. وزني كان ٤٠ ولا كنت انام ولا اصلي ولا داومت ترم كامل من الثانوي من التعب. واجلت ترم من الجامعه بسببهم ايضا السؤال هنا طيب انتي وش تبين الحين خلاص طلعتي الحمدلله السبب الوحيد الي خلاني اجمع شجاعه كافيه واطلع واقاتل افكاري الانتحاريه لحد الان واوقف بوجه الاكتئاب هو اخواني. ما ارضى اشوف الي صار لي معهم يصير لهم. ولا ابغاهم يضطرون يسألون عن حقوقهم الي مفروض تكون متوفره لهم بكل ارياحيه. ولا ابغاهم ينضربون ويتعنفون او حتى ينلامون على شيء مالهم يد فيه. خصوصا اني اكتشفت انه قانونيا مو ولي امرنا وماله اي حق يتصرف كذا انا اداوم جامعه واتعلم بس عشانهم وعشان اقدر اوقف على رجولي واوفر لهم كل شيء. بالنسبه لي الدنيا وكل مافيها ماتتقارن بسعادتهم وشوفتهم مرتاحين انا تعلمت سواقه بس عشان اقدر ازورهم وعشان بيوم ما..اقدر اطلعهم.. لكن المصيبه هي وين السياره؟ وين ورثي من امي؟ كيف راح اامن سكن ومأكل لهم؟ كله عند خالي اخوها وانا ماعندي قدره نفسيه اكلمه واسمع صوته ارسلت له رساله لكن لا يوجد رد. مرته تكرهني مره وحاولت اتواصل معهم قالت ماعندنا ورث امك وعورتي راسنا وسببتي لنا مشاكل يعني وين بيطير خصوصا انهم قالو مايقدرون يدفعون ايجارين بعدين فتحو مطعم واشترو ارض. How. كيف ممكن اوقف على رجولي بهالدنيا بدون سند ابغا اتبخر واوقف اعيش لكن اعرف ان هذا اخر شيء امي وابوي يبونه لان اخواني امانه برقبتي واسوا جزء من كل هذا انه صارلي شهور ماشفتهم(ولد ١٠ سنين و بنت ١٧ سنه) اختي رافضه تكلمني وفيه كره كبير بقلبها لي وتشوفني انانيه لأني اتخذت هالقرار ماتبقى لي من عائلتي يكرهني؟ whats left for me? Is it worth it to continue fighting? هل كان الي سويته صح؟ هل هروبي من المكان هذاك لصالح اخواني فعلا ولا انا انانيه؟ Help me please. ***لحد يقول زواج
submitted by Forward_Zucchini3549 to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 ladywhiskerdawn sniper sniper sniper

sniper sniper sniper submitted by ladywhiskerdawn to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Purple_Writing_8432 Beat China With Fortress Am-Can: Doug Ford in WSJ

submitted by Purple_Writing_8432 to canadian [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 That-Background-1322 REQ)20 CASHAPP

Can someone help me please need it for gas will pay back on Friday
submitted by That-Background-1322 to BorrowmoneyOnline [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Pitiful_Ad_1391 What's up with this farting thing across India?

What's up with this farting thing across India? submitted by Pitiful_Ad_1391 to delhi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Sea-Giraffe2008 Carbon fibre printer

Does anyone in Switzerland have a carbon Fiber printer or does anyone know of carbon fiber printer services in Europe or Switzerland I need some smaller drone stuff done
submitted by Sea-Giraffe2008 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 next_pppplease Question about tax credits or something along those lines when having a child.

I live in Zug. I have a B permit and married to a Swiss.
We had our first child early last year and I was told by my colleagues that I should receive some money every month for the child or a reduction in my tax payment at the end of year (I do not pay quellensteuer) or both. I’m not sure - something like that.
My employer asked me to fill in a form about having the child. I did this late last year so 6/7 months after the child was born. I have not received anything in terms of money or letters.
Do you know what, if anything, I should get? Perhaps my colleagues were wrong? My company HR wasn’t helpful at all.
submitted by next_pppplease to Switzerland [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Ms_Masquerade Me👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏻Irlgbt

Me👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏻Irlgbt submitted by Ms_Masquerade to me_irlgbt [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 1Rikki What’s the hardest life lesson you’ve had to learn, and how did it change you?

For me, it was learning to let go of things I can’t control.
submitted by 1Rikki to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 BloodAncient7459 What should we fix about the map of the pasig

What should we fix about the map of the pasig Like making stuff bigger making stuff smaller,renaming thing, and making up new area this is just for fun
submitted by BloodAncient7459 to Pasig [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 BGRDF12 Twitch drops

Twitch drops Hey all.
There are twitch drops currently on for Warframe. There will be new ones coming out on Friday.
You can get this drops by watch my stream on Friday 24th
submitted by BGRDF12 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Ill_Usual888 helix piercing swollen

got my helix pierced 5 days ago now. it’s started swelling really badly the past 2 days. i’ve been salt soaking and using saline solution on it. the jewellery is a standard helix barbell with a snake. i clean 2-3 a day. is this normal or is it infected? it’s very painful and hurts even when i’m not touching it. since the salt soaking and saline spray i did this morning it’s gone down a tiny bit but not much.
submitted by Ill_Usual888 to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Responsible_Cow_1654 Sparking Zero rant

Im just gonna list a few things that irks me about this game and how it could improve.(Post DLC 1 release)
1) The lack of maps.
The current maps are getting boring, we need variety. The fact that they have maps in the game in story mode and we can't use them in online/offline mode is nuts. Why didn't they release the Red ribbon army map with the DLC 1?! Like seriously...Wth I would hope we get to see the likes of Beerus planet, Kami lookout, universe 6 tournament, and Tuffle planet to name a few.
2) Missing Characters that should have been base game.
Characters like Super 17, Buu saga Shin, Fasha, King Vegeta etc. Even the exclusion of an entire arc of super characters like botamo, mageta, jaco from the universe 6 arc and some more characters from the Tournament of Power, like the two namekians Saonel and Pilina, also Basil and Lavender. Hopefully we see them added in a few new packs after The next two Daima packs. In the form of GT pack and super pack etc. Also don't forget the lack of OG Dragon Ball characters...
3) The story mode "Episode Battle".
The episode battles felt half finished, just slide shows for most of it. It did have some really good moments, especially the What ifs. The choice to not include the universe 6 tournament is bizzare to me and the missing battles for most of the characters. For example Vegeta Vs God Toppo.... It's one of Vegeta's best fights in Super... And they exclude it. They didn't even add Super hero episodes for Gohan and piccolo. Also piccolo only has fights upto the cell saga and thats all.
Final thoughts: I think this game has so much potential and yet I feel they aren't doing it justice. The game feels half baked. Don't get me wrong its gameplay and graphics are heavenly! But on the content side of things it's lacking. If they want to keep this game alive as long as XenoVerse 2 then they need to listen a bit more to us. Add a couple of small packs in between the big ones. Have community challenges to unlock stuff. Even add parallel quests like XenoVerse 2. That gave the game so much life with the fun dialogues during those quest and the random match ups.
Maybe if they add the rest of the Tenkaichi 3 roster periodically as free content that'll be good. I hope they add more episode battles, stages, costumes etc in the future.
I wonder if I'm asking too much and being a bit excessive? As it stands it's a good base game, but feels like a cake without frosting at the moment.
Here's to the hopefully bright and long future of Sparking zero!
submitted by Responsible_Cow_1654 to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Rude-Possession5235 Every night, I live and die, meet somebody, take 'em home. Let's kiss and then take off our clothes ✨

Every night, I live and die, meet somebody, take 'em home. Let's kiss and then take off our clothes ✨ submitted by Rude-Possession5235 to SoundTripPh [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 PitchApprehensive658 Gear for sale

Gear for sale Not looking to take home so hoping to sell before Friday. Gloves are 16oz very used but still have life left. Shin pads are XL with tons of life left, well taken care of. Located in chalong Phuket
submitted by PitchApprehensive658 to MuayThailand [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:57 Reseda_alba Tasks bug

Tasks bug Sorry if the tag is not appropiate, didn't know which one to use.
But since yesterday, I've been experiencing a bug that makes dissapear my tasks (see the screenshot) even when I've not completed them.
Has anyone experienced this same problem, and if so, do you know how to solve it? Right bow the only thing that has worked is adding more tasks, but once I exit and reaccess the app it shows again like they have been all completed 😕
submitted by Reseda_alba to finch [link] [comments]
