
2025.01.22 10:51 Affectionate-Disk812 Parrying

I don’t know if it’s me but partying doesn’t seem to block the enemy attacks at all. I’ll press the parry button when the enemy does a normal attack, and the shield will be out and everything yet it won’t parry, much less block and they’re just goes through, causing me to lose fights.
submitted by Affectionate-Disk812 to GodofWarRagnarok [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Jasbaer Reihenhausgarten braucht Zuwendung - Plan?

Reihenhausgarten braucht Zuwendung - Plan? Hallo Gartenfreunde,
meine Frau und ich haben im Frühsommer 2024 ein Reihenmittelhaus erworben und seitdem erfolgreich saniert. Nun sind wir eingezogen und so langsam können wir uns dem Garten zuwenden. Insbesondere für größere Rückschnitte tickt ja bekanntlich im Februar die Uhr, ich möchte aber auch nicht überstürzt den Garten roden. Ich brauche also eine Zielvorstellung - wo will ich mit dem Garten mal hin? Für mich ist es der erste eigene Garten. Ich brauche also ein bisschen Unterstützung... Könnt Ihr mir bei der Planung helfen?
Zuerst mal eine Skizze und Bilder damit ihr euch einen Eindruck verschaffen könnt:
Bemaßte Skizze, im Norden das Reihenmittelhaus mit 3,5m breitem Faltfenster
Blick von Terrasse in den Garten (ca. Okt/Nov 2024)
Blick vom OG in den Garten (Nachbargärten geschwärzt)
Blick von innen in den Garten (Ende November)
Wer sind wir?
Junge Familie mit einem 3 jährigen Kind. Eventuell ab Sommer mit einem zweiten Kind.
Was ist uns wichtig, was wünschen wir uns?
  • Privatsphäre, aber auch keine vollständige Abschottung / Einfriedung
  • Naturfreundlich - Insekten und Vögel sollen sich wohl fühlen
  • Pflegeleicht - lieber klein anfangen und steigern als überfordert sein...
  • Sommerwohnzimmer - die Grundfläche im Erdgeschoss ist klein, wir haben nur eine kleine TV Ecke, dafür einen großen Essplatz direkt am Fenster. Deshalb möchten wir auf der Terrasse keinen zweiten Tisch mit Stühlen, sondern eine kleine "Lounge" - gerne mit einer kleinen Feuerstelle
  • Sonnenschutz / Überdachung die Terrasse sollte vielleicht überdacht werden, zumindest braucht es aber einen Sonnenschutz, auch wegen der Südausrichtung des großen Fensters
  • Kinderfreundlich - nichts giftiges und ein bisschen Platz für eine (1er) Schaukel und zum Spielen. Kein Sandkasten
  • Gartenschuppen zur Aufbewahrung von Gartengeräten und ein Durchgang zum rückwärtigen Weg
  • Küchengarten mit Kräutern, vielleicht 2 Tomatenpflanzen, eine Gurke - ggf. ein Mini-Gewächshaus?
  • Ein Komposthaufen oder Schnellkomposter für das was so in der Küche anfällt - Grünschnitt wird anderweitig entsorgt
  • Ein Platz für den Grill
Was glaubt ihr, ist das machbar oder ist die Wunschliste zu groß? Ich befürchte dass man sich bei dem "kleinen" Garten schon früh überlegen muss was wohin kommen soll um den Platz gut auszunutzen...
Habt ihr Ideen wie man den Garten aufteilen könnte?
submitted by Jasbaer to Garten [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Johnnyappleseed84 Farfel

Farfel submitted by Johnnyappleseed84 to lookatmydog [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 cool_boy1111122 Abomination

Abomination submitted by cool_boy1111122 to TrevorHenderson [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Paxgard Remexian 14/1 White Widow

Remexian 14/1 White Widow Hab mir jetzt mal das günstigste Cannabis geordert bei 3.25 € das Gramm. Bei der Cannabis Prime Apotheke, Etwas zu trocken Geruch sehr schwach vorhanden hab es jetzt seit einem Tag im Glas mit Boveda ist schon besser geruchlich. Leider sehr verseucht mit kleinen Seeds Microseeds kann man das schon nicht mehr nennen die sind halb so groß wie ein Pinnenadelkopf, nach dem aussortieren geht es aber mit dem Rauchen. Naja würde ich mir nicht mehr holen die Wirkung ist zwar vorhanden aber erst nach 4 Ladungen im Vaporizer so wie ich es Brauch. Geschmacklich leider auch echt nicht gut. Für den Preis kann man es machen aber da geb ich lieber 2-3€ das Gramm mehr aus und hab was womit ich wirklich zufrieden bin. Ich würde es nicht empfehlen hab auch schon 2 richtige Seeds in 3 Gramm drin gehabt zu den kleinen, vielleicht ist es ja aber nur die Charge von mir. Denke ich verbacke den Rest, Rauchen Werd ich es nicht
submitted by Paxgard to Cannabis_Apotheken [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 mevin_ Which festival was you favorite and why?

submitted by mevin_ to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 JerSucks 250111 Winter

submitted by JerSucks to kimminjeong [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 kikimorra_ Ticks

Hello need po ba prescription pagbibili ng nexgard? Tyia
submitted by kikimorra_ to DogsPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Dapper_Fan3056 Found another one guys

Found another one guys submitted by Dapper_Fan3056 to dankmark [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Heroman3003 Taking Care of Broken Birds [Part 26]

Thanks SpacePaladin15, thanks NoP community, big chapter, bird time.
[First] - [Prev] - [Next]
Memory transcription subject: Krekos, Krakotl Refugee
Date [standardized human time]: June 28th, 2137
We arrived almost an hour earlier than we should have.
Catching a ride to the picnic spot together with Ristal was a given. The same driver that I call every time got me to her house first, and then to the picnic spot. To my surprise, Ristal actually had a small bag with her in addition to her usual satchel, and informed me that she was bringing her own food. I didn’t want to spoil Kirlt and Tansi’s surprise, so I didn’t say anything. Part of me wondered if I would have thought to bring something for her if everyone else didn’t think of it first.
Regardless, when we arrived, we apparently made it just after Tansi and Kirlt had, with them still setting the place up. I have no clue whether it was his friendly attitude, or his terrifying-to-humans appearance, but Kirlt actually reserved a gazebo in the park exclusively for our group. I hoped it was the former.
The setup was going smoothly, and Kirlt only flinched subtly at Ristal’s sudden movements or speech.
“Uhm... I was w-wondering...” Kirlt began, digging through one of the food coolers he brought with him. “You can’t d-drink alcohol, right?”
He wasn’t looking at Ristal at all as he asked, the arxur herself helping Tansi with giving the gazebo a quick wipe, to make it look cleaner.
“No. There are some fermentations that work as alternatives, and miniscule dosages have proven to not be harmful, but I can’t ‘drink’ the same way you or humans can.” She spoke. Her tone was hushed, reminding me of the way she was around me when we just met each other. That was her ‘as non-threatening as possible’ voice.
“I see... I did bring some alcohol, of varying strength... But I can just not serve it to not exclude you.” Kirlt offered, still staring into the cooler and avoiding shifting his head even slightly, avoiding looking at Ristal even in the periphery.
“Go ahead, I don’t mind.” Ristal answered.
“Don’t worry, you won’t be the only one excluded.” Tansi spoke up, her tail wagging mischievously. “All that stuff is human, so I won’t be able to even taste the alcohol in it, much less feel any buzz. We can be sober buddies.”
Ristal and Kirlt both let out different laughing sounds and both quickly stopped, reacting to one another. I wasn’t sure if it was Tansi’s joke or the way the arxur and the tilfish were awkwardly stumbling around one another, but I let out a laugh of my own. That got Ristal to shoot me a very pointed look, embarrassment and happiness mixing with a hint of annoyance, making her brow ridges frown just right to make her eyes look particularly cute. I couldn’t help but bloom lightly, breaking the eye contact and focusing back on adjusting the tablecloth. It was a fascinating puzzle, putting a rectangular tablecloth onto a big circular table inside the gazebo.
“What about you, Krekos?” Kirlt called out. “What’s your tolerance?”
“I... don’t know.” I admitted. “I’ve only tried alcohol once, and it was only one drink and it was light enough that I never got really drunk.”
“Only once?” Tansi called out with surprise. “Actually, nevermind, that’s not too surprising, you don’t seem like the type to go hard like that.”
“I am not supposed to ‘go’ at all.” I huffed, yet again adjusting the tablecloth’s angle. “I am technically underage by krakotl standards.”
“I’m underage by human standards, but adult by venlil standards.” Tansi flicked her tail dismissively. “Ages are weird.”
I had nothing to say to that. I wasn’t even sure if mine and Ristal’s foray into the bar was illegal in the human legal system. Is underage substance use even illegal here? Are there any punishments? And if it is, and there are, what would the consequences even be?
I shook my head and focused on the accursed tablecloth, taking it off the table entirely and trying to fold the corners up to make it more circular.
We continued setting up together, Kirlt constantly thanking the two of us for the help, until we heard the sound of another car in the distance, on the dirt path through the place. This one, however, didn’t leave, just shut down, as two gojid approached the gazebo.
“Oh! There’s Bakir and Tikni! Hey, over here!” He called out to them and waved.
“Yes. We know. You sent a precise location pin.” Bakir barked.
“I brought some fresh veggies!” Tikni butted in, stopping her partner from being too abrasive.
“Oh, thank you!” Kirlt trilled.
The gojid couple came over, with Bakir pointedly trying and failing to twirl a keychain with a car key on it on his claw. After nearly dropping it, he grunted and put it into his bag. Seems like he got his car after all.
As the two gojid passed by Ristal specifically, they paused. There was a moment of silent tension in the air, but after a bit she spoke up, her tone still in the ‘nonthreatening’ mode.
“Good morning.” She mouthed quietly, looking away from the two.
“Hey.” Bakir raised his hand dismissively in passing. Tikni mimicked the gesture, though she was much more reserved in her mannerism. Bakir, in the meantime, added more words. “Speak louder, arxur. The gojid aren’t built to pick up on whispers.”
Ristal snapped her head to the two, her mouth gaping slightly in shock at how brazen Bakir was. My beak was gaping in surprise too. I knew he got used to Ristal’s presence in class, but not this much.
“Oh, cut it out. I plan to live here among predators already. Not much to be scared of from a prehistoric one that’s exactly like humans.” He grumbled with a wave of his hand.
Ristal’s tail wagged a little but she didn’t say anything in response. As the gojid proceeded to take sitting spots at the gazebo, Tikni approached me and quietly whispered.
“Thanks, Krekos. Things at the camp are still tense, but Bakir told me you two made up... It means a lot.” She gave me a friendly earflick before returning to her husband, who was already skeptically examining Tansi’s grill.
With everyone there, Kirlt quickly finished preparations by taking the food out of his cooler and setting it on the table. For the first round it was various sandwiches and salads, while Ristal got a plate of some sort of meat slices. She looked a bit jealous of the variety the rest of us had, but didn’t say anything, and everyone got to eating.
Tansi and Tikni wound up gossiping while Kirlt found Bakir’s ear perfect to buzz into about some fascinating human cultural topic. I decided to focus my attention on Ristal.
“Hey... You okay?” I asked her, gently brushing against her forearm with my wing.
“I’m fine. It’s going much better than I expected.” She sighed, putting a meat slice into her mouth, consuming it in a single chomp. “I just sometimes wish I could have been born a human or...” She eyed others, realizing they could potentially hear her. “...nevermind.”
I shuffled closer to her and raised my head to peck lightly at her neck. That got her to look less moody, though she tried to push me away weakly.
“S-Stop... There’s people...” She half-whispered.
That was when I realized that everyone else was quiet. Kirlt’s features were as unreadable as ever, but Tikni and Tansi both had light bloom on their faces, while Bakir looked... frustrated. Then he grabbed Tikni by the waist, pulled her in closer and nuzzled her nose with his.
Tansi looked at the two and sighed.
“Of course you would make a competition out of a gesture of affection.” She shook her head.
“What? I can’t show the world how much I like my betrothed?” He bragged, giving her another nuzzle. Tikni herself clearly did not mind if the way her quills quivered happily were any indication.
“You two are getting married?” Kirlt asked curiously.
“Were planning to for a while.” Tikni answered. “But then...”
Cradle’s destruction. She didn’t need to finish. The planet was far from uninhabitable, but pretty much all the infrastructure was gone. There were plans for rebuilding made but between the new gojid colony in mazic space and just more gojid colonies surviving, the current main priority for SC was Nishtal and its rebuilding. I knew it wasn’t fair to the gojid, but selfishly, it felt nice.
“What about you two?” Bakir switched the topic, pointing the claw in direction of me and Ristal. “I don’t got anything against miscegenation, but I won’t lie, I am curious how far you two are taking it. Family plans?”
I spluttered, a pickle from the sandwich I was biting getting stuck in my throat. While I was coughing it back up, Ristal answered on our collective behalf.
“It might happen.” She said, causing my spluttering to intensify and the pickle to land on the table. I looked up at my girlfriend in shock, less surprised that she was actually thinking that things between us might go that far, and more surprised at the fact that she was okay voicing it in front of the others like that.
I must have looked extremely purple, if everyone’s giggles at my reaction snapped me out of my shock. I tried to cover my face with my wings, struggling to get emotions under control.
“It... might. We’ll have to wait and see...” I mumbled. I felt Ristal’s tail wrapping around one of my legs. I couldn’t return the gesture with my own tail so I just gently gripped at the tip of her tail with my talons.
The idea of staying with her wasn’t unappealing in the slightest. In fact, I liked it. Even if the food budget might be high with us being unable to share almost anything.
The others returned to the idle gossip between one another. I focused on eating, and enjoying the more subtle physical affection with Ristal.
The picnic continued. We all slowly ate, with Tansi regularly running back and forth between the grill and the gazebo, bringing grilled fruit and vegetables over. At the same time, all of us were chatting about various things, ranging from random biology trivia from our studies, to various weird human things that humans do, and to the greater politics of the galaxy and the aftermath of the war.
“I plan to be first in line for gojid trials!” Bakir announced proudly.
“I didn’t know you were that eager to try meat.” Tansi flicked her ear.
Bakir and Tikni both cringed at that.
“No, he’d never.” Tikni firmly said.
“Right you are.” Bakir affirmed. “It’s the stupid allergy that I’m worried about! If I’m to live on Earth, I have to make sure I won’t choke on a piece of bread or something.”
I made a pained sound. Bakir was correct, that would, in fact, be a very humiliating way to die.
“I wouldn’t mind trying.” Kirly piped up. “It’s not like it’s real animals, right? It’s all just made in a test tube. Can’t be worse than that nevok candy.”
“Eugh...” I couldn’t help but shudder. “I tried that once. Dad bought it thinking an expensive treat would taste better. I am pretty sure dish soap tastes less chemical-filled than that stuff.”
“Well, at least something transcends species-specific taste preferences.” Ristal chuckled. “I tried human candy that had no plant products in it, thinking it’d be good for me. I should have known that something ‘vegan’ that has no plants in it might be bad...”
Bakir nearly howled with laughter, while Kirlt turned his attention to me.
“What about you, Krekos? Are you planning to get un-cured?” He chittered.
“Yes.” I stated firmly. The decision was one I have been considering since I first learned of what has been done. Less so because I wanted to become a predatory flesh-eater and more to be safe. Being able to get rid of an allergy was an objective benefit, and Dr. Harla’s teaching impressed the danger of not accounting for allergies upon me well. And way later there was the egg bread incident, which completely reinforced my decision.
“And meat? Are you planning to try it?” Tansi followed up, swaying her tail.
“I...” I noticed Ristal looking at me from the side. Her eyes were hopeful, but I didn’t want to lie either. “I don’t know yet. I was mostly thinking about it the way Bakir was. Being safe.”
Ristal didn’t look upset by my words, and turned back to her empty plate that had the meat slices before. Then she sniffed at the air curiously, perceiving some scent too subtle for my own sense of smell.
“I think the hotdogs are done.” She commented.
Tansi’s ears shot up and she scrambled out of her seat and rushed over to the grill, taking the small meat tubes that were cooking on the slow heat of the coals off. She quickly loaded them onto a plate, cover it up with a transparent lid and moved it over to the table, intentionally putting it right between her and Ristal, and away from everyone else. Then she removed the lid.
“...I hate that it smells good.” Bakir grumbled, as he tossed another grilled vegetable cube into his mouth.
The smell was not particularly strong, but it wasn’t pleasant either. It just smelled like burning to me. Kirlt was not reacting at all, though he was seemingly absorbed with looking at Ristal.
The arxur carefully picked a hotdog up with two claws, looking it over from all sides, before just tossing it into her mouth whole. After only a few seconds of chewing, she swallowed. Everyone was silent, except for Tansi’s tail, thwapping excitedly against the gazebo’s seats.
“So? Was it good?” She asked.
“It’s... alright.” Ristal admitted. “Nothing groundbreaking, but can’t say anything bad either.” She paused for a bit, making sure her eating or reaction weren’t eliciting any negative reaction from any of us. Then she continued. “Hotdogs mostly taste like if you took every meat imaginable and mixed them into mush.”
“How would you even have a variety of meat?” Tikni asked, tilting her head.
Ristal froze momentarily. She was probably thinking of different people she had no choice but to consume throughout her childhood...
“Have you not been to the meat part of the human store? Humans love their variety.” I offered an explanation in Ristal’s stead.
She looked down at me and gave me a slow blink of gratitude before turning to Tikni.
“I endeavored to try as many different things as I could.” She clarified further. “Sorry...” She pulled her head into her shoulders, preemptively expressing guilt at bringing up the topic.
“Bah, don’t apologize.” Bakir waved his hand. “It’s hard to take a predator seriously when they have less spine than a prey!”
“I bet Krekos knows all about taking predators seriously.” Tikni commented, before quickly sipping on the glass of orange juice.
Bakir howled with laughter again, Tikni lowered her face as she turned blue, Kirlt was as unreadable as ever, though the way he was rubbing at his antennae probably meant something and Ristal... was redder than ever. I didn’t need to look in the mirror to know I was no less purple than she was red.
“It’s... not like that.” I tried to excuse myself. First Kenneth, now Tansi... Things were easier when people weren’t comfortable enough around me to make those kinds of jokes.
When I heard a set of footsteps ruffling through the grass, I was momentarily thankful for the distraction. Then I actually used my peripheral vision and saw who it was. Ristal, having been distracted by the smell of freshly grilled hotdogs, must not have noticed...
“Well, well, what do we have here.” Victor hummed.
“Vitya, shut the hell up.” Marina stomped on the male human’s foot, making him wince.
There was a third human with the two of them. A scrawny, thin man. I recognized him, vaguely. He was the waiter from the restaurant where Marina and her group tried to ambush me. He looked a lot less dignified without the waiter clothes.
Tansi and Bakir both stood up. Tansi’s tail was straight as a pipe, and Bakir’s quills were fully raised.
“You’re the human that tried to attack them yesterday...” Bakir growled. He must have still been in the store and witnessed it from a distance when it happened.
“I didn’t attack them. I tried to stop the lamb over there from stealing. She started eating shit without first paying.” Victor countered. “Like an animal. Police understood and let me off with a warning.”
Tansi growled, one of her hands balling into fist, while another looked ready to scratch some binocular eyes out.
“Jesus, Vitya, just shut your garbage can.” Marina hissed at the man again, before turning attention to us. “You can have your xeno picnic or whatever. We’re only here to chat with the fucking bird.”
“You will not be chatting with him.” Ristal hissed. I didn’t even notice when she moved. One moment she was sitting beside me and the next she stood right behind Tansi and Bakir, appearing there without a sound. Even those two startled for a moment, though remained focused on the humans.
“Th-that’s her!” The waiter pointed at Ristal. “The croc I told you about!”
“Thanks, genius.” Marina huffed, crossing her arms and looking up at Ristal unimpressed. “What do you care? He was in that bloody fleet. How many people did his bombs kill? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? But the UN are spineless wretches too afraid to upset anyone by actually giving out due punishment. Life sentences... leeching off our money for the rest of their lives.”
“You’re soldiers sent b-back from the frontlines... You’d be l-leeching too...” Kirlt tried to quip but between his chittery stutter and him already half-hiding under the table, it did not come nearly as impressive as it could have been.
“We fucking deserved it! We fought for this planet, bled for it!” Victor shouted, only to get punched in the shoulder by Marina.
“Get a hold of yourself.” She hissed before turning back to us. “Surely aliens have the concept of ‘justice’ at least. You are all here, enjoying your life because he and his lot failed. Otherwise most of you would be dead alongside us, and alongside our planet.
“At least you lot still have a planet... You don’t hear me demanding justice from humans for exposing us to a deadly threat!” Bakir shouted.
“And Krekos has been exonerated of all charges, he’s innocent!” Tikni chimed in from behind her partner.
“There are many people who have done the most heinous things but are alive and enjoying their lives because the law says they’re ‘innocent’...” The waiter human says, glaring right at me. “And it's up to the people to correct those mistakes.”
“Do you seriously expect us to give up our friend?” Tansi shouted, pawing at the ground with her foot, ready to charge into another fight with humans.
“You lot know what that bird’s done and you’d call him a friend?!” Marina’s own patience was wearing thin. “He was with the god damn fleet! He is an exterminator! I have no clue what cocks he sucked at the UN to be free, but we're doing the world a favor by getting rid of him!”
I was still sitting there, still too shocked. Too afraid to act. To speak up for myself, to even assume combative stance. But if I didn’t do something, anything, there might be a fight. I’ve been trying so hard to understand why they would do this, why they would be so persistent. I doubted my words could convince those humans, but I had to try... If only to protect my friends.
I fluttered my wings and landed on Ristal’s shoulder. All humans were glaring at me with burning, utterly predatory rage. I stared head on at Marina.
“I am not an exterminator! If anything, I killed more of them than you have!” I shouted.
My choice of words might have been poor, as Marina, the one who has been stopping Victor from getting into the scuffle so far, now had her hand inside her hoodie. Reaching for something... But she stopped. For a moment she didn’t look at me, but I could see her focused eyes darting. She was gauging everyone else.
Tikni and Kirlt were hiding behind the table. They wouldn’t be a threat in a fight. I only really fought someone once in my life and it was a wild animal, and what little training I did get in the military was exclusively about firearms and flamethrowers. I had no clue how good Bakir would be in a fight, but at least he seemed more ready to physically defend himself than I was. Tansi was actually a somewhat good fighter, from what little I could remember of her scuffle with Victor. And Ristal... I imagined that if she showed all of her training and skills, she could eviscerate half a dozen humans all on her own. But then she’d be exposing herself, even if it was self-defense.
Against us were three humans. Two veteran soldiers, at least one presumably armed with a gun, as well as a scrawny waiter.
It was a standoff.
“She’s one of the tame ones. An ice cube.” Victor mumbled, eyeing Ristal, probably thinking he was being quiet enough only for other humans to hear.
Marina narrowed her eyes and then removed her hand from her hoodie. She wasn’t holding anything. Then she took a few steps back, though still kept looking at us.
“We’re not fighting this lot.” She announced to the other two. “We’re leaving.”
“What?!” The waiter shrieked, turning to her.
“This isn’t over, shitbird.” She said, before spitting in my direction. The glob of saliva didn’t fly high enough, and landed on Ristal’s midsection instead. Marina did not care. She just turned around and went back the way she came. In the distance, on the same dirt path where me and Ristal got off the taxi, there was a car waiting. Other humans were clearly dissatisfied with the outcome but followed her.
Once the far off car was riding out of sight, all of us relaxed and went back to our seats. The mood was shot though.
“How’d they even find us here...” I mumbled. It couldn’t have been the stupid alien watching and picture sharing group, nobody saw us here!
“That car was the same taxi me and Tansi took.” Kirlt explained, rapidly rubbing at his antennae. “The driver... They must have heard me and Tansi talking about our plans on the way here... And... they must have been with them...”
“It’s not your fault.” Tansi reassured the tilfish.
“At least they didn’t seem to touch my car.” Bakir grumbled, looking out to the distance where his car was left. “Stinking idiots, no better than those at the camp.”
Tikni just sighed. It was hard to come back to casually chatting about our plans for the future after something like that.
“Krekos... You should tell someone.” Kirlt spoke up. “Like with Cimq.”
Someone. Someone! That’s a way to put it. Someone...
“I will.” I answered. “Once this is over, I’ll make a call tomorrow. I thought that if I just avoided confrontation, they’d realize I had no animosity...”
“Bah! As if.” Bakir grumbled.
“You should have done this all the way back when the restaurant incident happened.” Ristal commented, dipping her head.
“Yes. I should have...” I agreed. It was fine when they were just after me and I could avoid them. Threatening all of us was too far.
“Krekos...” Tansi spoke up. I could instantly sense she wanted to change the topic, but her tone made me feel apprehensive about it.
“Yes, Tansi?” I took the bait.
“What did you mean when you said that you killed more exterminators than that woman?” She asked. Her ears were lowered and her entire face screamed that she felt bad asking.
I did not want to answer. Not when I managed to establish an amenable relationship with everyone. Not when Kirlt just finally got over his fears of Ristal. Not on this happy day.
But the day was no longer happy. Because I failed to act. Because I failed to do anything.
Because all I can do is stand there and watch as everything falls apart around me.
Just like back then.
I felt like I owed everyone some answers now. And yet...
“Are you sure? It’s... not the best of stories to tell over lunch.” I tried giving them an out.
“As if there’s any appetite to be had here.” Bakir grumbled.
“I’m curious too.” Tikni added.
Tansi flicked an ear in agreement, Kirlt looked at me with curiosity and Ristal gave me a look of interest and pity. She knew I felt guilt for the death of Dr. Harla before, but this was new even to her. As open as she has been with me about her past, I’ve still refused to recall my own.
“Alright... After getting you into this mess, I owe you as much. It was after I ended up crashlanded. My mentor was dead, I was left alone and I was in the clutches of a bunch of evil predators who were now taking me to deal with some ‘situation’...”
Memory transcription subject: Krekos, Medical Intern, Krakotl Extermination Fleet
Date [standardized human time]: October 17th, 2136
The humans were bringing me over to someone else. Presumably their leader. That much was clear. Though why they were questioning me as they led me there remained to be seen. I did my best to answer truthfully, but a lot of what they asked I had no clue how to answer.
“Kesalim is a... captain...?” I offered.
“No, I asked for a specific rank!” The ‘Schwartz’ predator growled.
“Captain... That’s a rank... I’m p-pretty sure...” I mumbled.
“Damn, he really is a civilian.” The one predator whose name was yet to be called out commented.
“There’s no civilians aboard those damn ships.” The ‘Jim’ predator growled. “Only the enemy.”
I failed to suppress a caw of distress, but I lowered my head and cowered under my wings as I kept walking. I was consigned to a farm fate... It was inevitable...
After I failed to answer any questions in regards to fleet size, how many crashlanded, how many landed safely, how many people there were per ship normally or even what exact rank my commanding officer was, as apparently ‘Captain’ was not a satisfactory answer, they ceased trying. I was useless to these predators...
Eventually we got to a clearing in this predatory forest. While clearing was nondescript, I could see a big chunk of the ship just slightly further in. In fact, it was most of the ship. The ship I was serving on. That was the rest of it, crashlanded. The rest of the crew was likely inside...
In the clearing itself, there was a bigger group of humans there. The moment I entered, every soldier present pointed their weapon at me. I cowered and shook.
“At ease, you idiots. This one’s cooperative. Earth’s group got that one.” A voice of a female human commanded. When I opened my eyes, guns were no longer pointed at me. That did not make me feel safer. Gunshot is a quicker death than teeth and claws.
“Ma’am.” The ‘Hel’ human spoke. “Prisoner delivered as requested.”
“Good. You.” The commanding human addressed me directly. “You’re a medic, right? What’s your name?”
“K-Krekos...” I stuttered out, beginning to grovel. “And I’m an i-intern, yes...”
“Eugh... Interns. First I hear reports of kids in some other locations, now medical interns...” She said with disgust in her voice. It was unsurprising. Humans, being predators they are, likely saw kids and medics as weak and pathetic. “Krekos, you surrendered peacefully. Correct?”
“Y-Yes...” I stammered.
“Well, you’re the only one. We managed to pin down a group of your crewmates. They have yet to leave the ship, but they also refuse to surrender. We don’t have all day here. They aren’t the only ship to crash in the area and we have to sweep for any stragglers. So we need them neutralized, one way or the other.” The predator commander briefed me, for some reason.
“I-I... I d-don’t understand...” I said honestly, partially hoping that my uselessness might make the predators just kill me on the spot.
“I’m giving you a chance to go to your mates and convince them to surrender.” The predator threw up her arms and groaned. “It wouldn’t be hard to storm the place, but the bastards inside are more communicative than average, even if its just obscenities in bird language, and I am hoping for a peaceful resolution with no losses on either side. We’re not the arxur. We will not harm those who surrender peacefully.”
It was a bold lie from a predator. But... Dr. Harla believed that, didn’t she? And so far all of my limbs were still attached. They could have just torn off pieces and not lost anything too vital... And if I were to honor Dr. Harla’s wishes...
“I’ll try.” I agreed to the predator’s whims.
“Alright. Get over to the ship and enter. You have twenty minutes before we just storm the place. Try flying away and we’ll see who here is the best duck hunter.” The commander motioned towards the ship.
I was shocked that the human was letting me go, but it wasn’t really freedom... They were just sending me into where the rest of the krakotl were trapped. It would be easier and more fun to slaughter us en masse...
I walked towards the ship, my legs hurting. I didn’t even walk too much today, but the stress was getting to me, and I was starting to feel fatigued. I lost my teacher, I was captured and questioned by predators, I was marooned on their predator world with no way out, I was doomed, dead bird walking...
The ship was easy to enter through the giant hole where the medbay once was. From there I knew the way through the ship well. Yet, as I passed by crew quarters, I realized that they completely collapsed during the crashlanding... How much of the crew ran to hide there as the ship fell? I hid in the cleaning closet...
Going further, I managed to follow the one obviously intact path through, eventually reaching the bridge. Only as I turned the corner and entered the doorway of the clearly-broken bridge door I had several flamethrowers pointed at me.
“Die, pre-- Krekos?! By Inatala, you’re still alive?!” Captain Kesalim squawked in shock.
“C-Captain...!” I attempted to salute but my wings were trembling too much.
“Let him through.” He commanded to the exterminators watching the door. They lowered the flamethrowers and I rushed onto the bridge. I could only count about two dozen krakotl there. Only a third of the crew... Kesalim didn’t give me time to consider the implications, rushing up to me and staring at me with a look more predatory than that of the actual predators. “How did you make it here? Are the predators outside gone?! Where’s Harla?!”
“Dr. Harla... She... I...” My eyes welled with tears.
“I see. No time for crying, keep answering, I need the answers!” Kesalim batted me with a wing.
“I... I was c-captured... By the predators...” I admitted. A murmur of horror ran through the room. Before Kesalim could bombard me with more questions, I continued. “They b-brought me here and demanded that I convince you all to s-surrender!”
“Oh, you fool... Death before capture. You’re lucky the predators got greedy. They want all of us! Hah!” Kesalim laughed, looking maddened.
“S-Sir... Dr. Harla said... The predators might be t-telling the truth... They might really n-not harm us... They didn’t harm me at least...” I tried suggesting, not wanting the crew to go down fighting. They stood no chance against the humans, not with those numbers and not as ragged as everyone looked.
“Shut up.” Kesalim’s eyes suddenly narrowed at me. “You fell for predatory deception. That’s why Harla shielding you from all the training was moronic. You became an easy prey. But that’s fine... Nobody on this ship will become prey. Not today.”
“Connection to the self-destruct has been restored, sir.” One of the engineers suddenly chirped.
“S-Self-destruct?” I gaped.
“Yes... Something I had installed specifically to be extra deadly... The predators are right outside. Tossed one of their communicators in there, demanded we surrender.” Kesalim pointed a wing to a small device on one of the tables. “But we’ll be taking them with us. Death before capture!” He announced.
“Death before capture!” The rest echoed.
“May Inatala’s grace be upon us all...” Kesalim said, and headed towards captain’s console.
“No!” I shouted and leapt forward. I didn’t want to die! Not like this! Not after Dr. Harla told me to try and live!
I blocked the captain’s path to his console. Likely where the mechanism was activated. Kesalim narrowed his eyes at me again.
“Ah... I see.” There was a flash and I found myself crumped on the floor. Kesalim held a sidearm in his claws. My head throbbed. “It appears that the short time Krekos spent in predators’ clutches has rendered him incurably diseased. This is what happens to those who fall to predatory deceptions! And we can’t let a diseased freak join us in a graceful return to Inatala now, can we?”
There was a murmur of agreement. Why...?
“I j-just want to go... P-Please let me go... I don’t want to d-die...” I begged.
“You die today either way. Be grateful it is by a merciful hand of your brethren and not a predator’s.” Kesalim spoke as he pointed the sidearm right at my head. I could see everyone else in the room watching, focused entirely on the two of us. “May Inatala have mercy upon this wayward soul as it is purified of the taint in--”
Kesalim’s head disappeared. Some of the pieces were splattered over me. Then his corpse collapsed over me. I screamed. My screaming was quickly drowned out by shrieks of krakotl and sounds of flamethrowers being lit.
But it was too late. The humans used Kesalim’s impromptu attempt at an execution as a distraction for an ambush. Not that I could process anything. I was shocked. Screaming. There was gore all over me. My feathers were more purple than cyan from all the blood. Kesalim’s blood. I didn’t notice when the fighting around me ceased. I didn’t even notice when my throat was too raw to make a sound in my attempts to scream.
All I knew was that a hand landed on me. A predator’s hand.
“Hey, buddy, it’s okay. They won’t hurt you anymore. Sorry for exploding his head over you.”
It was one of the predators that captured me. One without a name.
“Shit... At least we stopped them from blowing this thing. We’ll need a bomb crew here soon, ideally with a venlil or a zurulian, to disarm this whole ship.” The human commander spoke.
I barely processed it. My beak still hung open as I struggled for air. It hurt to breathe. My throat just hurt from all the screaming.
“Ma’am, I think we should get the prisoner out.” The ‘Hel’ predator suggested.
“Right. You two, get him out. Treat any injuries if he got any.” Commander agreed.
“C’mon. We won’t hurt you.” The nameless predator spoke, pushing Kesalim’s corpse off of me and straight up picking me up. I had no energy to resist. To fight. Even to speak or scream. I just got up with the human’s support, limping to follow after him. My beak still hung open, breathing heavily.
“Moron... First brags about self-destruct with an open mic, and then distracts his own door guards.” The human commander scoffs, picking up the communication device that Kesalim said humans threw at him. “I hoped this one would go smoother... But the bastards just wanted to take us with them. Good luck finding the next crashlanding now.”
Somehow that stirred something in me. I wanted to not think of the slaughter and krakotl bodies littering the bridge. I wanted to talk about anything but that. So I did, directing my question to the predator carrying me and the one accompanying him, ‘Hel’.
“You aren’t...” I began, my voice hoarse. “...tracking the distress beacons...?”
“I assume not. Didn’t even know you people had those.” The nameless predator shrugged.
“We do!” I countered, shocked that the predators would assume we were so heartless as to abandon our own. Seeking proof, I reached to a console we were passing. A few taps of my claws to get the password in and a few more to get another... And there it was.
There were too many distress beacons. Way too many. All over the planet. The fleet as a whole... it must have failed. The humans won...
“Shit... Helen, are you seeing this?” The nameless predator called out.
“Vince, if they don’t give you an intelligence job after this, they’re wasting talent.” ‘Hel’ answered. “Commander! We need you here!”
“What is it, you two? I told you to get the prisoner–” She stopped as she saw the map on the console. I realized it was still updating. More dots were appearing. Some were disappearing as beacons got disabled. Likely from system failures. “I need to get this to my superiors. The intelligence are still figuring out their systems, this is big.” Then the human leader looked right at me. “I’ll make sure word of you giving us this reaches the right places.”
It was only then that I realized. I realized what I had just done.
I had just given humans the locations of every single crashlanded ship that was calling for help. I didn’t doubt they would eventually crack our systems and find them themselves, or just find them visually... But I just made sure that everybody in those ships had a lot less time.
I just doomed the chances of survival for whatever was left of the fleet. Just like I just slaughtered all of my crewmates...
I was too deep in my thoughts to notice being led back outside. Eventually loaded into a vehicle. Taken elsewhere. All I could think of was guesses of how many I killed that day.
Memory transcription subject: Krekos, Krakotl Refugee
Date [standardized human time]: June 28th, 2137
There was silence around the table. I hug my head in shame. I was prepared for them to confirm my worst fears.
“Well, fuck ‘em!” Bakir said.
“What he said.” Tansi concurred.
“You… don’t think I’m a bad person…?” I asked hesitantly.
It wasn’t that I thought I was guilty. I was, to an extent, but I understood, I knew that Kesalim and the crew’s deaths were inevitable, as were those of any other exterminators on the planet. But that was logically. Emotionally, I felt like I was the one who failed to preserve their lives.
“Never.” Ristal firmly said, wrapping her claw around me. “Krekos, you were lucky to survive in that situation. You did what you had to.”
Ristal… would know about that.
“You probably saved a lot of people by allowing humans to intercept the exterminators sooner…” Tikni added.
“And it’s not like it’s hard to track down distress beacons anyway!” Kirlt further agreed.
“I see… Thank you.” I looked around. I didn’t entirely like that my friends were more proud of me for doing it than disappointed, but I was glad they didn’t hate me for it. Then it hit me. “Wait… Vince! That soldier’s name!”
“That’s Kenneth’s last name…” Ristal mused. “Is it common?”
“I’d… need to ask. But if so, he was the one who… Who saved me. Did he… forget?!” I gasped in shock. That would sound like him, alright.
“Humans often complained that we’re hard to tell apart.” Tansi supplied.
“I will definitely ask him when I’m back home.” I mumbled.
“Hey, Krekos?” Ristal addressed me. “I… Do you want to stay over at my place tonight?”
I did. After today’s scare with the humans, Ristal’s comfort was something I craved quite a lot…
“Yes. Yes, thank you.” I bloomed lightly.
“I think we should all go and rest early.” Kirlt moved, starting to gather up the plates.
“And to avoid any bad taxi drivers, I’ll give everyone a ride!” Bakir bragged, trying the key-spinning trick again. He failed.
With that, we started packing up. It didn’t take long and although the ride was a bit cramped, with me sitting in Ristal’s lap for the ride back, we made it back unharmed. After parting ways, I joined Ristal in her apartment and on her bed.
As we cuddled, holding each other as close as we could, we basked in each others’ warmth and comfort all the way into the peaceful lull of sleep. Knowing each forgives the other and that together we might build a better future for the both of us.
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submitted by Heroman3003 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 wewdwtnizrub LinkedIn Learning Discount Code January 2025

Discover the LinkedIn Learning Discount Code January 2025
Check out these exclusive LinkedIn Learning discount codes for January 2025 and save big on your next purchase.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 4ben2 My heart goes out to you $Vmax

My heart goes out to you $Vmax submitted by 4ben2 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 SandWarrior18 Parabéns! Senhor presidente

Parabéns! Senhor presidente submitted by SandWarrior18 to japan_insoul [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Ujowo Is sniping crypto profitable?

Understanding Crypto Sniping and Its Profitability Crypto sniping refers to the practice of purchasing newly launched tokens immediately after they become available on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) or liquidity pools, often within seconds or milliseconds of their listing. The goal is to acquire the token at its lowest possible price before demand surges, then sell it later at a higher price for profit. This strategy is heavily reliant on speed, automation, and insider knowledge of token launches.
Mechanics of Crypto Sniping

  1. Token Launches and Liquidity Pools: New tokens are typically launched on DEXs like Uniswap or PancakeSwap by adding liquidity to a trading pair (e.g., ETH/TokenX). Snipers monitor blockchain activity to detect these liquidity additions in real time.
  2. Automated Tools and Bots: Manual sniping is nearly impossible due to the speed required. Instead, traders use custom bots or platforms like Maestro or Banana Gun to execute buy orders the moment a token becomes tradable. These bots scan blockchain data, front-run transactions, and prioritize gas fees to ensure their transactions are processed first.
  3. Gas Fee Optimization: Sniping requires paying high gas fees to miners/validators to prioritize transactions. During periods of high network congestion, gas fees can spike, significantly impacting profitability.
Factors Influencing Profitability 1. Token Quality and Hype 2. Market Conditions 3. Competition 4. Transaction Speed and Slippage 5. Regulatory and Security Risks Risks and Challenges
  • Rug Pulls and Scams: Developers may remove liquidity immediately after launch, rendering the token worthless. Tools like Token Sniffer or DexTools can help identify red flags, but malicious contracts often evade detection.
  • Front-Running: Advanced bots exploit Ethereum’s mempool to front-run snipe transactions, buying tokens before others and selling them at inflated prices to latecomers.
  • Capital Loss: Failed snipes or rapid price collapses can lead to near-total loss of invested funds. Even “successful” snipes may yield minimal profits after accounting for gas fees and taxes.
  • Ethical Concerns: Sniping exacerbates wealth inequality in crypto, as those with technical resources exploit retail investors. This undermines trust in decentralized ecosystems.
Strategies to Improve Success Rates
  1. Pre-Launch Research: Investigate the token’s team, contract code, and social channels. Avoid tokens with anonymous developers, unaudited contracts, or copied websites.
  2. Bot Customization: Configure bots to avoid tokens with excessive holder limits, transfer taxes, or liquidity locks. Use private RPC nodes to reduce latency.
  3. Portfolio Diversification: Allocate only a small percentage of capital to sniping. Spread risk across multiple launches to mitigate the impact of individual failures.
  4. Exit Planning: Set predefined profit targets (e.g., 2–5x) and stop-loss thresholds. Avoid greed-driven holding, as most snipe gains occur within minutes.
  5. Layer 2 and Alternative Chains: Explore sniping opportunities on L2 networks (e.g., Arbitrum) or newer chains (e.g., Base), where competition and fees are lower.
Real-World Profitability Analysis Sniping is profitable for a small subset of participants: - Top 1% of Sniper Bots: Entities with colocated servers, custom algorithms, and insider launch calendars consistently profit. - Retail Traders: Most lose money due to slower execution, poor token selection, or inability to compete with institutional tools.
Data from platforms like DexTools suggests that ~70% of new tokens decline in value within 24 hours of launch, while ~20% generate short-term gains. Only ~10% sustain growth beyond a week, often tied to legitimate projects.
Final Considerations Crypto sniping is a high-risk, high-reward strategy that resembles gambling more than investing. While technical proficiency and infrastructure can tilt odds slightly in a trader’s favor, profitability is unsustainable for most participants. Success requires continuous adaptation to evolving market dynamics, bot competition, and scam tactics. Long-term crypto wealth is more reliably built through fundamental analysis and holding vetted assets, rather than speculative sniping.
submitted by Ujowo to cryptoQandA [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 coffeeandawater97 Smith River Falls, Oregon

submitted by coffeeandawater97 to natureisbeautiful [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 wantpookwantpua M

M submitted by wantpookwantpua to sorucozumu [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 oggupito_ Nightmares about car accidents as a kid, anxiety about driving as an adult

Hey all, new to the subreddit.
I'm 24 and had recurring nightmares about car accidents as a kid, which (along with mental health struggles) has contributed to a massive sense of anxiety whenever I even consider trying to learn to drive again.
My nightmares about cars as a kid usually consisted of brake failures rolling down hills, crashing on motorways, or just something in the car malfunctioning. I feel like these nightmares set the tone for my feelings about driving later in life, unfortunately. I do have my learners license, which I got before COVID hit. It was simple enough for me since all it took was motivating myself to study road laws for the written test.
I did one driving lesson after I got my license and started crying out of nowhere at the end of my lesson (which was awkward for my poor instructor lmao). To be fair, after my practice which was on an empty housing development road, my instructor *did* lead me onto a main road with several traffic light intersections because they believed I was capable - while I was scared beneath the surface - so that probably spooked me a lot as well.
While I was in my lesson, I hated the hyperawareness of everything while somehow not fully comprehending anything I needed to do... all of it being under my control was such a tense feeling that I just didn't want to experience more of. As well as the fact that I felt I was almost "not all there" from trying to focus on what I had to do next when driving.
Admittedly, most of my reason for wanting to drive is because I feel like others judge me for not driving, or that they want better for me - or just myself thinking that I'm "not responsible enough." I also hate feeling like a leech when I get lifts to places sometimes. Mostly I just walk or use public transport if I don't have a lift somewhere anyways. I don't really go out much other than working part time. I did have a car, but I never drove it so I sold it to a family member after a while.
Honestly I've considered just buying a motor scooter (not a motorbike) to use for trips to town and things like that, since a car feels almost like a metal zorb ball around me that I have to constantly monitor distance from other road users and hazards. I'm aware there's more risk to my own safety the smaller the vehicle is compared to the other cars, but maybe it might ease my worries enough to try driving again. Would a scooter be a good way to ease myself into the idea of driving, or would it be best to just bite the bullet and try again with a car?
I'd love any advice on steps I can take to curb my fear of driving, and any thoughts from anyone who has had similar struggles with nightmares and anxieties affecting them this way.
Thanks all :)
submitted by oggupito_ to drivinganxiety [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 SirRealisticOne I love that she's my property.

submitted by SirRealisticOne to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 eggstudios help with motion tracking flick im new to motion tracking and any way to make it more real
i see this flick/huge spike that flips the camera around i dont know why and when i delete the one thats causing the huge spike the tracking freaks out
the video in using is longer but i had to shorten it because the trackers stop working after a frame 55
also is there a way to make it look more realistic i for camera perspective like the tank damaging the grass
submitted by eggstudios to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Sensitive-Future9532 i

submitted by Sensitive-Future9532 to inspirationalquotes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 MwspNL Bale old gen review?

Hey everyone,
How's Bale on old gen? I've seen reviews on new gen but old gen feels a bit different of course. I'm looking to replace Malen on the right side. Ona battle wil go in an evo. 😜
submitted by MwspNL to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 TOMDeBlonde What Prince albums should I listen to more of in 2025?

What Prince albums should I listen to more of in 2025? I may never come down from the cloud of Lovesexy & Around The World In A Day and Sign O' The Times but I know some album's have dimensions I haven't noticed so I'm eager to check out some I ignored in 2024.
submitted by TOMDeBlonde to PRINCE [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Happy_Ska Vertragsklausel zu Abschluss einer weiteren (kostenpflichtigen) Vereinbarung

Hallo zusammen,
bei uns wird aktuell Glasfaser verlegt und die Firma ruhrfibre möchte, dass wir für die entsprechenden Arbeiten einen Grundstücks- und Gebäudenutzungsrahmenvertrag unterschreiben. Falls der Hausanschluss mehr als 20 m von der Straße entfernt ist (bei uns der Fall), wäre das Ganze allerdings nicht mehr komplett kostenfrei. Dazu steht im Vertrag:
"Überschreitet der Gebäude- bzw. Hausanschluss die Länge von 20 m (gemessen ab der Bordsteinkante), schließen die Vertragspartner eine gesonderte Vereinbarung über die entgeltpflichtige Errichtung des Gebäude- bzw. Hausanschlusses."
Mündlich wurde uns mehrfach mitgeteilt, dass, wenn uns vom Techniker die genauen Kosten mitgeteilt wurden, wir auch einfach "Nein" sagen können und das Ganze damit erledigt ist. Nun steht im Vertrag aber, dass eine Vereinbarung getroffen wird. Heißt das, das man auf jeden Fall eine kostenpflichtige Vereinbarung treffen muss? Da die Konditionen noch nicht feststehen, wäre das ja sehr vage.
submitted by Happy_Ska to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 DifficultCase3262 Bergen Nordic 13/03/2017

Bergen Nordic 13/03/2017 submitted by DifficultCase3262 to Ships [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Iaphith_KamiKazi90 [INT][LFC][XP]

Looking for a clan that's Warhammer themed
submitted by Iaphith_KamiKazi90 to warframeclanrecruit [link] [comments]