Any Mixed Race Kenyans here?

2025.01.22 11:44 sammarsmce Any Mixed Race Kenyans here?

What has your experience been like and do you live in Kenya or abroad?
submitted by sammarsmce to Kenya [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 Musbrn I want all 3 if I could!

I want all 3 if I could! Hiya! I’ve been craving for a dark brown bag and these 3 are my options.
I don’t carry that much with me around but I also do want the option if possible.
Please help me pick! Thanks!!
submitted by Musbrn to handbags [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 vilomstren Avis Promo Code for January 2025

Follow this link for Avis Promo Code for January 2025. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by vilomstren to MementoOffers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 sam644 هل في امهات بدون جنة تحت اقدامهم !؟

ينمو الطفل مع احتياج طبيعي للشعور بالحب والقبول غير المشروط من أمه، وبينما تؤكد الصورة الذهنية النمطية عن الأم أنها نبع الحنان ومصدر الأمان، فعلى عكس المتعارف عليه هناك أمهات بلا جنة تحت أقدامهن، يواجهن معاناتهن الخاصة، ولا يستطعن التعامل معها، يبدون وكأنهن لا يعرفن كيف يحبون أبناءهن، أو على الأقل كيف يُعبّرن عن هذا الحب بطريقة صحية، وكأنهن أصبحن أمهات استجابة لسيناريو مُعَدّ سابقا بلا رغبة حقيقية في الأمومة
ماذا افعل !؟
submitted by sam644 to Egypt [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 Feliks_WR Why isn't Wamai 1-speed and Jäger 3-speed?

submitted by Feliks_WR to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 ficvasepi Footasylum Promo Code for January 2025

Use the link for Footasylum Promo Code for January 2025. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by ficvasepi to OrcusNeoSales [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 Mysterious-Sale402 18f woke up very horny today, anyone want to feed me their kinkiest hentai for me to explore? Will do my best to masturbate to it :3 K9FZEV97Q

submitted by Mysterious-Sale402 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 sreesarathi Need help on my project

Currently taken up to do a project on autonomous trash collection robot, with conveyor system and a bin( more like a boat with a trash bin)but i also want it to travel on land after collecting the trash and un hook the trash bin. This project is challenging and needs work. Kindly help me on this
submitted by sreesarathi to ROS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 JimFan1 What Are You Reading This Week and Weekly Rec Thread

Please let us know what you’ve read this week, what you've finished up, and any recommendations or recommendation requests! Please provide more than just a list of novels; we would like your thoughts as to what you've been reading.
Posts which simply name a novel and provide no thoughts will be deleted going forward.
submitted by JimFan1 to TrueLit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 Ok-Design-4911 is this real? 🤔🧐

is this real? 🤔🧐 submitted by Ok-Design-4911 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 fromamomof2 2022 QX80?

I have an 08 QX56 we call the war wagon as it has served my family well with 275k miles. It burns through oil like water now and my mechanic said its time. Contemplating a 2022. Anything to look out for specific to that model year?
submitted by fromamomof2 to infinitiqx80 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 Watterlolly hi welcome to cheese review here we will be rating cheeses on a scale of 1-10

submitted by Watterlolly to cheesereview [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 lhscf1 wtf

Teach your students and athletes empathy and you’ll receive the same in return.
submitted by lhscf1 to ucla [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 Sakhalia_Net_Project Placer Prohibido [ Explicit Lyrics ] [ 18+ ]

Placer Prohibido [ Explicit Lyrics ] [ 18+ ] submitted by Sakhalia_Net_Project to MusicPromotion [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 Land-Cool REFERRAL CODE

submitted by Land-Cool to CUE_CardGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 One_Dragonfruit_8635 Solar storms, solar winds, and coronal mass ejections could provide energy for magic or enhance the effects of spells? How could this energy be harnessed in magick? Is high solar activity correlated with planetary transition?

The Sun is currently in a solar maximum period and experiencing intense solar activity, even producing solar storms that could have caused a Carrington event if they had hit Earth. This is likely related to the supposed planetary transition and the supposed elevation of consciousness that is taking place on planet Earth. I've even seen reports from people who felt this transition in progress. Did you feel anything different in the planet's energy these days, especially on January 1st? Do you have more information or theories about the planetary transition and how it connects with the increasing number of bizarre events happening lately?
With all of this happening and so much solar energy reaching Earth, could this energy be used to enhance magic or is it enhancing magic that occurs during this period?
submitted by One_Dragonfruit_8635 to Esotericism [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 Mobile-Commission-88 18f Kinda sad rn, I really need someone to talk to

I honestly can’t be bothered with creeps, I’ve had a horrible day and I need someone to chat with tn. It’s almost 10pm here. I don’t have anyone to chat with Someone please message me, male, female, I don’t mind Tell me ur age and gender plz
submitted by Mobile-Commission-88 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 Own-Lawfulness-38 Yes and ho!

submitted by Own-Lawfulness-38 to thethickofit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 shortstory1 Drunk teachers are the best

Drunk teachers are the best, and when a teacher is drunk students tend to learn better and more quickly. When Mr Southall teaches his students while sober, nobody seems to learn anything or understand anything. Then when Mr Southall taught his students while drunk, suddenly the whole class just seemed to learn more quickly. Our brains seemed to just absorb information better and nobody seems to know why this was the case. Mr Southall isn't so nice when he is sober and he has no enthusiasm to teach as well. When he is drunk though any information or knowledge that he teaches us, it just flows into our brain.
Mr Southall is also more forgiving when he is drunk and when the 3 naughty kids are causing trouble inside the class, he simply forgives them. The 3 naughty kids first take this as a sign of weakness but as time goes by, the 3 naughty kids started getting angry at Mr Southall for forgiving them. The 3 naughty kids demand that Mr Southall stopped drinking and start to hand out punishments whenever students misbehave. The rest of the class didn't understand why the 3 naughty kids were having problems with Mr Southall drunken ways.
Everyone was learning much better and quicker, and Mr Southall was so forgiving. The 3 naughty students were becoming more desperate for Mr Southall to not forgive them. The 3 of them seemed more desperate to not be forgivened. They then started attacking Mr Southall house and he was still drunk, and then the next day Mr Southall while still drunk had forgiven the 3 students that attacked him. The 3 students started feeling pain and their bodies were twitching and vibrating. It's like they were changing and the drunk Mr Southall kept saying that he forgives them no matter what they do.
The evil inside the 3 students started growing stronger and more menacing. The 3 students begged Mr Southall to punish them, so that way the evil inside cannot grow anymore. Mr Southall while very drunk in class couldn't forgive while drunk and the students in his class were so intelligent now, as our brains could just sponge and absorb the information that he teaches. Teachers are the best when they are drunk and other teachers are following suit and they are teaching while being drunk.
The other students in the school are also starting to absorb information. The other teachers are also forgiving students because they are drunk, and the evil qualities inside bad students keeps growing while it consumes them. Then they have to be forgivingly shot down.
submitted by shortstory1 to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 Famas_1234 Do you know? In MHGU official manual website, you can get the moveset flowchart for all weapons and hunting styles (I post the Guild Style here)

Do you know? In MHGU official manual website, you can get the moveset flowchart for all weapons and hunting styles (I post the Guild Style here) submitted by Famas_1234 to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 Ban_Porn Sayantani Majumder

Sayantani Majumder submitted by Ban_Porn to dailydoseofindianpits [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 FiggsEnthusiast Hot take: OG sucks

The loot is so bad, finding heals is like finding a gold scar, and the map is lacking so much POIs, landing in a big one is like guaranteed death, it's generally a slow game mode. Hopefully they have something better for us at season 2 OG
submitted by FiggsEnthusiast to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 KillMaimDevour7 About The Game's Difficulty 2

So I have been giving the game another chance since my last post. Much of the story hadn't lived up to what I had heard regarding its challenge (especially the CODE-7 Exam), and I had left the game after beating the final story mission of CODE-7. What was left was the Post-Story content in CODE-8 and the various Special Operations and Retributions. At the time, I was not willing to give what optional missions I hadn't done the time of day as I was drained of any motivation to continue.
And then I gave the game one last chance.
The mission I chose was a Special Operation I had stored for later as I wasn't geared up for it when I first got it: the Retribution against a Ramosa and two Ramosa-a's. I decided to play online for it to get other players sentences down with me. It started off simple enough and we tore the initial Ramosa apart with no issues. The first Ramosa-a didn't fare much better. It wasn't until the second Ramosa-a that things got interesting, as everyone was low on items. For the first time in the whole game, I actually had to put in genuine effort.
And then I kept going.
We kept doing Special Operations late into the night (Well, for me. I was playing with Japanese players, so it was probably the middle of the day for them. lol). And eventually I got my sentence to 0. Now I'm just working to fully upgrade my main weapons.
Don't get me wrong, it isn't a great thing that it took until the Post-Story for the game to give me a decent challenge. BUT!! I still appreciate that I finally had a play session where I wasn't just rolling my eyes in boredom. I still think the story itself wasn't that special, and that some of the mechanics don't hit home (seriously, for a measly 0.1% increase to Critical Damage from the random extra stat weapon upgrade from a drop I have to use super-endgame materials to even level up a weapon once?). Some things need buffs, while others need serious nerfs.
All in all, I've played much better. But I've also played far, FAR worse as well.
submitted by KillMaimDevour7 to FreedomWars [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 AuckLnd the horror

the horror submitted by AuckLnd to WorldConqueror4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:44 ItsAgeent Namalsk

It seems like there is no good Namalsk vanila + server. I was playing on Karmakrew but q is so big. Is there any good Namalsk server ? I dont like heavy modded servers. Map, group sistem is ok..
submitted by ItsAgeent to dayz [link] [comments]