Kleber tem que jogar mother 2

2025.01.22 11:41 Evening-Sun-669 Kleber tem que jogar mother 2

Kleber tem que jogar mother 2 Mother 2 ou earthbound aqui no ocidente e um RPG contemporâneo que inpirou vários jogos como mais conhecido sendo undertale omori Lisa entre outros são três jogos ao todo da franquia são mother 1 mother 2 mother 3 aliás mother 2 inspirou south park de stick of truth Se por milagre o Kleber jogar vai ter que ser o emulador de super Nintendo nintendinho e gba Alias tem um remake do primeiro jogo sendo feito por fãs da. Franquia Kleber se você for jogar tem tradução feita por fãs aqui no brasil dos três jogos alguém do sub concorda comigo
submitted by Evening-Sun-669 to kleberiano [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Daniyar16 Relationship with Martlet on different paths:

Relationship with Martlet on different paths: submitted by Daniyar16 to MartletAppreciation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Important-Two-5450 Nobody likes me

Posting it again. Cause can’t see the comments. Guys I failed in my career, and I’ve been at home since last 5 years. Health is deteriorating, 2 surgeries pending, weight increased to 120kgs, now parents hate me, talk to me very harshly, like how you shoo away dogs, friends left, and then I started using dating apps and because I was so hurt I would try to find meaningful connections, and would run away after any minor disagreement or fight, which made me pursue like over 20 guys. People now sl*t shame me. Like I am not getting any positivity from anyone. No job, no money, no health nothing. I’m trying to build my career but the constant criticism holds me back.
submitted by Important-Two-5450 to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Ben_The_Bishop Switched from PETG Pro to PETG Rapid

Switched from PETG Pro to PETG Rapid https://preview.redd.it/uxbzlso38jee1.jpg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69cff574e098d1f025684fb2257df9f1b286e3c
On a N4P and set this to print last night and woke up to this. Any advice?
submitted by Ben_The_Bishop to ElegooNeptune4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 RoyalAcanthisitta726 Sweater help

I am knitting the novice sweater from Petite Knits. The rows with increases are uneven. Will they flatten out when I block it or should I frog and start over?
submitted by RoyalAcanthisitta726 to knittinghelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Realistic-Bad9756 Homens, vocês se importam se a mulher usar calça e jaqueta no primeiro encontro?

É só uma dúvida que eu tenho quando vou a um primeiro encontro. Às vezes tenho a sensação de que vocês preferem short curto.
submitted by Realistic-Bad9756 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 sotirisdimi My Friend told me he would love to be taken down by Merab dvalishvili is he gay?

Hey everyone.
Long story short my friend watched UFC 311 with me. After the impressive win of Merab he told me that he would love to experience a take down from Merab. I akwardily looked at him as it was some kind of a joke but he told me again. He would love to let merab do a take down on him to feel what it is like.
Is he gay? Should i stop the friendship or is this something a lot of fans feel but not express in the fear of being called homos?
submitted by sotirisdimi to mmamemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 piece_of_peace5 I got lost in the woods

One time we went for a picnic my family stopped at a shop and I didn't notice them cause the place was crowded I was about 12 yo and I thought they continued walking I continued walking and walking until I found my self in a forest type if place sounded by humans that I don't even know luckily I met my primary teacher it was really luck she saw me sobbing and she told me that I'll be fine my family reported me missing in a police station nearby and they finally found me with the help of the police and the teacher ....the scariest part was how crowded the place was snowy and no member of family that I can see .
submitted by piece_of_peace5 to story [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Ok_Bookkeeper3661 Company increased working hours

Hey all I'm new to this sub. I wanted to share this toxic thing that is happening in my company. So we had a regular 9 hrs shift. We have some meetings, some online learning now n then like every other company and we use to put these time under meeting or diverted on our productivity tracker. Suddenly we are told no time will be allocated for meets or any such training or session and we have to show full 9 hrs under core production and all meetings and session has to be done outside 9hrs. Everybody started buzzing this is not fair n all. Now last week to tackle this issue they increased our office timings by 30 mins so now we have to work for 9.30hrs with no extra pay and reason they said is we can use this 30 mins in our meets/sessions and if there is no meets then we have to show full 9.30hrs under core production. They have implemented this in few teams and spreading across other teams as well. No revised offer letter, salary increment, transport adjustment etc just blatantly they told us to work 30 mins more for free. It's so fucked up😠😠😠
submitted by Ok_Bookkeeper3661 to IndianWorkplace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 DreamPirates Priyanka Kholgade Marathi Actress #PriyankaKholgade

Priyanka Kholgade Marathi Actress #PriyankaKholgade submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Idontevenknow082 Studiumssemester auslaufen lassen oder sofort abbrechen? Angst vor Rückzahlungsforderung

Hallo zusammen, ist mein erster Post hier.
Ich frage auch für einen Freund, da ich in der Thematik keine Erfahrung habe und er meine Hilfe benötigt. Folgendes: Kollege hat seit 2 Semestern die Uni nicht besucht (Grund sind langfristige mentale Probleme, ist seit mehreren Jahren in Therapie), plant jetzt nach Auslauf des Semesters (ca. März/April) in eine andere Stadt zu ziehen und dort bis zum September durchzujobben, um dann im September eine Ausbildung anzufangen. Kollege wohnt derzeit in einem Studentenwohnheim, welches unter anderem mit Bafög finanziert wird. Jetzt besteht nun die Angst, dass das Bafög-Amt nachhakt, wenn man nach Studiumende (= Auslauf des aktuellen Semesters und keine Neuanmeldung) sofort in eine andere Stadt zieht. Das Bafög-Amt könnte ja argumentieren, dass der Umzug schon länger geplant war, und man bereits bei der Entscheidung, dass man nicht mehr weiter studieren möchte, sich bei dem Amt hätte melden müssen. Die 2-3 Monate könnte man zwar zurückzahlen, jedoch besteht die Gefahr, dass das Amt wegen den restlichen Semestern auch nachhakt, und dann eine riesige sofortige Rückzahlung droht (da der Kollege keine Nachweise oder Belege für die letzten 2 Semester hat). Sofort abzubrechen wäre der richtige Weg, das ist mir bereits bewusst. Jedoch zieht das mit sich, dass der Kollege bis April kein Bafög mehr erhält und temporär zu seinen Eltern zurückziehen müsste, was mit viel Aufwand und finanziellen Rückschlägen verbunden wäre.
Um zu meiner Frage zu kommen: Wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass das Bafög-Amt hier nachhaken wird, falls man sich dazu entscheidet, das Semester noch "auslaufen zu lassen"? Beziehungsweise wie streng verhält sich das Bafög-Amt generell? Und allgemein: Wie würdet ihr euch in dieser Situation verhalten? Ich meine das Bafög muss so oder so irgendwann zurückgezahlt werden, nur jetzt auf einen Schlag wäre sehr hart, selbst mit Stundung.
Ich danke euch schonmal für die Hilfe. Wir sind echt am verzweifeln und wissen nicht, was hier die beste Vorangehensweise wäre.
submitted by Idontevenknow082 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Chickk_Stylishs_ American Soldier Returning Home From The Great War, Ca 1918-19

submitted by Chickk_Stylishs_ to RareHistoricalPhotos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 lnwildeagle85 Nicolas Day (Anthony)

I know I have been seeing a few reddit posts on Anthony in the last 24 hours, but what about the actor himself Nicolas Day?
Ever since he came to the Dales in Autumn last year, he has played the part very well, an experienced actor himself. Hiding away for something he done to his daughter Ruby before the flashback reveal the horrifying details in December. He has kept his composure and acted normal with not a care in the world, whereas poor Ruby has been too frightened to go anywhere near her Dad until she finally opened up to Chas and now Caleb (which were heart breaking scenes last week). Now it seems most of the village is hearing what he is, like we saw of Nicola and Laurel after he been tutoring their children.
The way he kept denying the accusations about her daughter and he was so calm about it (while standing unconscious bleed to the head after Laurel him him with a candlestick), I'll never know. It takes minutes (not seconds) to have a dizzy spell, then fell to the ground, although we did see that on the bench, but still ended up feeling OK. Keeping calm in an unused barn where Caleb took him (that's where I left it until Cain knew where he was).
When he finally meets his maker (whoever kills him in cold blood) as we have seen in the flashforward bits (no spoilers as I haven't seen Wednesday's episode yet), he will be remembered as a predator and Nicolas Day has been a good role model for this Child Abuse story. Very hard hitting, I know.
The only person who is unaware in all of this is Steph, who has been kept in the dark. When she does eventually find out (whenever that is) her life could change, but we don't know what will come up for Steph and her relationship between her Mum Ruby and Caleb (who still thinks he is her Dad). I do feel sorry for her.
What are you thoughts?
submitted by lnwildeagle85 to Emmerdale [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 DreamPirates Pooja Sawant Marathi Actress #PoojaSawant

Pooja Sawant Marathi Actress #PoojaSawant submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 UAS_SecretSales Power Pivot - Rotate, Scale, Edit, Snap & Pivot Editor Giveaway : Add Power Pivot - Rotate, Scale, Edit, Snap & Pivot Editor to your cart, then enter the coupon code KAGAM2025 at checkout to get it. No purchase necessary. Ends January 23, 2025 at 7:59am PT.. Affiliate link / ad

submitted by UAS_SecretSales to UnityAssets [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 ficvasepi Five Star Promo Code for January 2025

Check out the link for Five Star Promo Code for January 2025. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by ficvasepi to OrcusNeoSales [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 notsoepichaker Kanami - Be Shining

Kanami - Be Shining submitted by notsoepichaker to Strinova [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 WTFParts_ Proposal to ban X/twitter links.

Sup guys,
Alright I know this sub isn't political and these threads don't come up very often but I feel like we should stand in unison with other communities and outright ban links from a website that's owned by a Nazi/Nazi sympathiseNazi cosplayer.
Not sure if it's been brought up already, feel free to delete if so.
submitted by WTFParts_ to Dislyte [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Krunchy08 Can UUUU still grow much more?

I think it might peak near the recent high, but won’t reach crazy new heights. This is because there aren’t much more catalysts waiting to happen, since they are already producing steadily.
Of course, it can grow with more demand, but not as much as NXE or DNN
submitted by Krunchy08 to UraniumSqueeze [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Key_Brother Last Cloudia x Tales Of Series Collaboration - Luke fon Fabre Trailer

Last Cloudia x Tales Of Series Collaboration - Luke fon Fabre Trailer submitted by Key_Brother to tales [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 noriseaweed Update says Unsupported File System

New 12 gig patch doesn't want to download on steam and i don't know why. It has room on my local drive but every time I hit resume it fails for the same reason. The only things on the drive are this and Cyberpunk so I don't know why it keeps failing I have over 40 gigs to spare. Please don't tell me I have to uninstall and reinstall.
submitted by noriseaweed to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 GataLoca7 NI gaps. Should I pay it when I only have 15 years left till pension age?

I came to UK 3 years ago, and didn't have to pay tax on the first 2 years as my income was lower than my personal allowance. For 2023-2024 however, I made a bit more than my personal allowance, therefore I just filled my self-assessment for the period.
I was checking the status of my NI, and found out I have gaps for the years I didn't pay any tax. Now, since I am just 15 years away from my pension age, should I, or do I need to pay those gaps? I know I would need to pay 35 years in order to get a full pension and at least 10 years in order to get the minimum. How much difference in the pension would be between paying 15 (without paying gaps) or 17 years (paying the gaps)?
submitted by GataLoca7 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 AlwaysSunnyinSUR Reminds me of bronwyn

submitted by AlwaysSunnyinSUR to realhousewivesofSLC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 Terrible-Fill-2211 Audi A6 40 tfsi 2023

Hey guys probably a dumb question but how do I know if my A6 is a 201bhp or the 252 bhp model? Want to get a performance chip but don't know my base bhp. 201bhp can go to 240 roughly 252 bhp can go to 290 roughly
Deffo need to know where I'm at 🥲
submitted by Terrible-Fill-2211 to Audi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:41 sclrship Fully Funded Rotary Peace Fellowships 2026 for Masters

Fully Funded Rotary Peace Fellowships 2026 for Masters submitted by sclrship to scholarshipunion [link] [comments]
