2025.01.22 12:54 TechnicianTypical600 These Trump executive orders could impact real estate
submitted by TechnicianTypical600 to WholesaleRealestate [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 12:54 Pop_Budget Artwork by Serge Tsvelykh
submitted by Pop_Budget to ImaginaryMonsterGirls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 12:54 Far_Geologist3662 Provider not listening
I've been in treatment since the middle of November 2024. It has helped pretty significantly yet I am still struggling at times with SI, which was my biggest concern going into treatment.
Last week I was supposed to discuss tapering to every other week. I expressed that I felt a few more weeks of weekly treatment would help. It is my birthday this month, and a month of many triggers for me. The only time I've been hospitalized was during my birthday a few years ago, so I felt I needed extra help and asked for it.
My provider said that she believes I'm ready to go down and then used insurance as a reason. I asked if we had tried to get insurance to approve weekly treatments still and she said no, then said something about MLK day this week and it might cause issues with scheduling? At this point I became frustrated and emotional because I felt dismissed. She couldn't give me a clear answer on why she wanted me to go every other week besides she felt I was ready. I sat there crying and defeated in silence for a few minutes, then she coldly asked me to sign the encounter form and go to my treatment room.
I had brought up to her that my tech informed me there are multiple clients who don't follow the exact schedule. There is no firm policy on this. I'm not sure why she is being strict with me, as there has been a 4 week period now of my scores back in the 20s. She told me everyone is different and she won't discuss that with me.
My BP was so high after that encounter I almost couldn't get treatment. It took half an hour to calm myself down.
The provider eventually did call me after treatment (after me requesting a transfer to a different clinic) and offered me another appointment for this week. Not telling me that she was cancelling other appointment for the following week. So it seems she's deciding regardless that I am going down to every other week.
Now I have the flu and will likely have to miss my treatment tomorrow and was told there are no appointments available next week. Even though I initially had an appointment scheduled 1/27.
I'm at a loss here, when I asked about transferring the tech acted like she had no idea how to do that. I'm scared of trying a different health system, that they'll think I'm "drug seeking" or something. I just feel so uncomfortable and defeated.
Has anyone struggled with something like this? Or has transferred clinics? Thank you all sm for reading this long post lol
submitted by Far_Geologist3662 to Spravato [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 imsaixe Is there a way to tell or change what server i'm in?
Can't tell what planet i'm currently playing on tbh. 200ms+
submitted by imsaixe to diablo4 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 Edwinalfana Las Oportunidades
submitted by Edwinalfana to youtube1309 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 unkowncvnm Just like r/crappydesign post your pictures of people who designed terrible things and they should die due to there terrible cringe(if there is any cringe designs) and idk JUST POST IT HERE DUCK.
submitted by unkowncvnm to designerswhoshoulddie [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 Embarrassed_Abroad70 Kansas vs. TCU odds, prediction, time: 2025 college basketball picks, Jan. 22 bets by proven model | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴
submitted by Embarrassed_Abroad70 to fotbals [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 SeaweedFast6382 Well that's unexpected
Sakuna from sakuna: of rice and ruin will be in guardians of azuma as free dlc submitted by SeaweedFast6382 to runefactory [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 12:54 NataniButOtherWay Anypony else chuckle when booting up the G5 games with them "Powered By Unity"?
Part of me thinks they picked that particular game engine on purpose just got that.
submitted by NataniButOtherWay to MLPLounge [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 Rock_Immediate Cybersecurity Technology Capstone
I am in the Cybersecurity Technology graduate program and will have to take the capstone course later this year. Any recent graduates that can share their experiences about the capstone course?
submitted by Rock_Immediate to UMGC [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 AlmightyDarkseid Is there any complete book-form transcription of the Archimedes Palimpsest?
From what I gather, most if not all of the book has been extracted and transcribed, but I cannot find any place where it is published in a comprehensive readable format, and the xml transcriptions on the dot net website are a pain to be read directly. Does anyone know if there is anywhere that I can find the book transcribed in its entirety along with its pictures in a comprehensive format? Translations are also welcome. Thank you all in advance!
submitted by AlmightyDarkseid to AncientGreek [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 Leozin7777 host for api
I need to host a .net API with a postgress database, but Azure plans are so expensive... I need other hosting options, where do you usually host?
submitted by Leozin7777 to devops [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 Tidder_18 Neo motor mod - Mobula 8 motors
I’d like to get a bit more power out of my NEO. I have the Fly More Combo with three batteries, so flight time isn’t really a concern for me.
On YouTube, I’ve come across some interesting mods where people upgrade their NEO with Mobula 8/EX1103 KV11000 motors. It seems like this gives the drone more power, making it possible to fly more aggressively.
Unfortunately, I can’t find any videos in English. I’m Dutch and don’t speak Chinese (or other Asian languages) or Italian, so I can’t follow much of what they’re saying, but the visuals speak for themselves.
I just don’t understand why they unscrew the frame. You can access the motor wires from the bottom, so you could simply cut them there and solder the new motor wires in their place. Or am I missing something?
Here are a few videos showing how to do it:
2025.01.22 12:54 North_Moment_1345 ThrowBack JTowns Gangster TwoSix🐰♥️♦️♣️
submitted by North_Moment_1345 to JoliethoodzActivity [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 12:54 manfuture Por favor LARGUEM esse vício
Galera, lutem com todas as suas forças pra sair desse vício, isso destrói a sua vida por completo, eu sou um homem de 30 anos, entrei nesse vício quando garoto, tenho esposa há mais de 10 anos e mesmo assim não conseguia largar essa maldição, a sensação de sentir que nada dar certo em seus projetos, você tentar, tentar e tentar até a "falha" e ver seus sonhos e projetos indo por terra, é uma sensação horrível. Até o momento que decidir dar um basta de verdade, e saber que de certa forma o vício em pornografia era o que estava me afetando, eu estava tão exausto que achava que meus esforços eram o máximo, quando na real eu estava cansado e sobrecarregado por conta desse vício, eu já conheço o nofap há tempos, e já recaí diversas vezes, é uma luta diária, e nunca me senti tão bem mentalmente e fisicamente quanto estou me sentindo depois que decidi lutar contra isso, você dizer que vai largar é uma coisa, agora você decidir lutar é outra totalmente diferente, pois lutando você se coloca a disposição de brigar contra isso todos os dias para sua melhor versão, seu melhor relacionamento, e sua melhor vida. Larguem esse vício irmãos, façam exercícios mesmo que em casa, e estudem, estudem sempre, e ao haver oportunidade, compartilhe seus conhecimentos sobre o nofap para a garotada nova que vocês conhecem, não deixem elas entrar nesse vício que isso destrói gerações.
submitted by manfuture to nofapbrasil [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 Pleasant-General-706 Hittade det här helt random på Tumblr, tyckte det var underhållande
submitted by Pleasant-General-706 to jagvillbaravaracool [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 12:54 TicketOk5322 H:Full set of glowing masks W:TFJ, Red Asylum, TLC, andFCJS
submitted by TicketOk5322 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 please_dont_die Brauche Hilfe: Lehramt auf Bildende Kunst und Germanistik studieren?
Ich habe vor in Erlangen Lehramt auf BK und Germanistik zu studieren, aber Bk gibt es nicht an Unis (deutschlandweit), weshalb ich mich für das Studium einmal an der Uni und einmal an der Hs bewerben soll. Bei der Uni habe ich mich für die FAU entschieden.
Folgende Probleme:
2025.01.22 12:54 Athena_Tomasina Day 18: make the comment section look like Kajii’s search history
submitted by Athena_Tomasina to BungouSimpBattles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 12:54 IceEnvironmental3151 Dates
Why dates other than 10 and 8 feb wont showing up for NET 2 ?
submitted by IceEnvironmental3151 to NUST [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 AardvarkWestern3000 Watch izzy and supafly video - Redditor Xs
submitted by AardvarkWestern3000 to BitViewVideos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 12:54 Gothnath É o malvadão kkkkk! 🤣🤣🤣
submitted by Gothnath to 2latinoforyou [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 12:54 WorthTurnip8908 I Can Resell Expensive courses for small Fees (Dm me if you need any course)
If you're looking for a course and you can look it up for you and give it from a small fee .
submitted by WorthTurnip8908 to INeedMoneyNow [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 Ill_Basket_6576 Trades
When I got hired they stated that we have trade classes for employees. Anybody know how to find those classes? Hope you guys have a good week and do your ap4me 😊😂
submitted by Ill_Basket_6576 to Lowes [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 12:54 Alternative-Owl7459 ♒️♒️
submitted by Alternative-Owl7459 to aivisuals [link] [comments] |