What dlc should I get first?

2025.01.22 13:00 HaiYolo_ What dlc should I get first?

I’ve had dcs for a while but haven’t downloaded it until recently and was wondering what aircraft I should buy to learn the ropes with? I’ve used dcs on friends’ rigs and have loved it but have struggled to enjoy flying the su-25, especially as I’m struggling to get to grips with the controls. I mainly fly comerical aircraft on sims like a350s or the 777s. All the dlcs look great…. But expensive so I was wondering what dlc should learn how to fly on dcs well.
submitted by HaiYolo_ to dcsworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional.

🌐 24/7 Video Game - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional. submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 Stock_Titan MDAI | MDAIW | Spectral AI Provides Update to Investors

MDAI | MDAIW | Spectral AI Provides Update to Investors submitted by Stock_Titan to StockTitan [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 Psychological-Gift-6 Deoxys pls help 244587035560

submitted by Psychological-Gift-6 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 JannetHWatt Sakura

Sakura submitted by JannetHWatt to SakuraMiyawaki [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 PurplishLoganberry let me try

submitted by PurplishLoganberry to Redditgetsdrawnbybot [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 tj0vtj0v Bloodmoons more chill than normal Nights

Bloodmoons more chill than normal Nights After a bloodmoon
After a normal night
How come that my Walls take more damage in normal Nights? Has anyone experienced this too? (Happens after around 700 days)
Before Both Nights all Walls were at 3200 HP.
submitted by tj0vtj0v to FinalOutpost [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 ww2database Today in WW2 History, 22 Jan 1941: [Photo] Australian troops in Tobruk, Libya #ww2 #onthisday

Today in WW2 History, 22 Jan 1941: [Photo] Australian troops in Tobruk, Libya #ww2 #onthisday submitted by ww2database to ww2database [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 oberlinx Info Spread Sheet

So here is the current and most updated Rotation and Resources Table.
Now including R&D Calculator: R&D Calculator
submitted by oberlinx to LetItDie [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 StringSquare6291 Soundhound targeting underrated revenue streams 🎯

submitted by StringSquare6291 to Soundhound [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 Used_Contribution_65 Who should i sacrifice to get henry ?

Who should i sacrifice to get henry ? submitted by Used_Contribution_65 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 celebjoefun Swimming

Swimming submitted by celebjoefun to MillieGibson_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 RealZolyS Vitézy: Mesterséges intelligenciával készített képet az arab befektető a Maxi-Dubajról

Vitézy: Mesterséges intelligenciával készített képet az arab befektető a Maxi-Dubajról Látva a botrányt, az Egyesült Arab Emírségek uralkodója által kijelölt befektető gyorsan látványterveket tett közzé a Maxi-Dubajról - persze egyiken se látszik a szerződésbe foglalt 500 méteres torony, ahelyett inkább egy random parkról szóló látványt tettek közzé. Csakhogy, ahogy Smiló Dávid építész rámutatott a pirossal bekarikázott pontokon, nagy valószínűséggel mesterséges intelligencia készítette a gyorsan közzétett látványtervet.
Lehetne kérni az arab befektetőktől, hogy ne nézzék hülyének a budapestieket már a szerződés aláírását követő legelső perctől?
submitted by RealZolyS to hungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 koolforkatskatskats Today this fashioner met the secretary of his first lodge at the Freemasons Hall. Thank you for being part of this journey. I believe my seemingly opposite worlds can live in harmony. ☯️

Today this fashioner met the secretary of his first lodge at the Freemasons Hall. Thank you for being part of this journey. I believe my seemingly opposite worlds can live in harmony. ☯️ Also thanks to the secretary for buying me this Freemason Duck! 🥲 🦆
Red Design is by my good and talented friend Aless Bester and photo by Cal_the_pixel
submitted by koolforkatskatskats to freemasonry [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 ficvasepi Joanns Promo Code for January 2025

Visit this page for Joanns Promo Code for January 2025. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by ficvasepi to OrcusNeoSales [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 Shhammieee Miserable.

Miserable. submitted by Shhammieee to anxietymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 Grujah [Round 143055] [RuPaul's Drag Race #18] [Season 17 - ????] Coords of this mystery Queen!

[Round 143055] [RuPaul's Drag Race #18] [Season 17 - ????] Coords of this mystery Queen! submitted by Grujah to PictureGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 tomwolfe_composer Tom Wolfe’s ‘Ambient Frost’ for Vital out now, featuring 50 gorgeously glacial ambient presets - just $19.99 (regularly $29.99) until 4th February

Tom Wolfe’s ‘Ambient Frost’ for Vital out now, featuring 50 gorgeously glacial ambient presets - just $19.99 (regularly $29.99) until 4th February submitted by tomwolfe_composer to AudioProductionDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 No-Risk-1136 Hice bien o mal al separarme?

Anécdota gay. Aviso.
Él, un Colombiano (20H) y yo, un argentino (20H) estábamos teniendo una relación a distancia y a pesar de eso nos llevamos bien. Me escribía todos los días y nos mandabamos cosas por IG, todo re buena onda.
Lo conocí en una app para hacer amigos y pegamos buena onda. No me dí cuenta hasta después de un mes que en su perfíl tenía a varios chicos que aparentaban ser muy chiquitos, de 13 a 17 años maso menos, y que se seguían mutuamente. El día que me enteré me quedó un nudo en la garganta feo y una sensación asquerosa, dudoso de si era lo que pensaba, quise imaginar que eran primos o parientes. Me llamó la atención sinceramente.
Cuando se lo comenté a mi psicóloga, le conté que en esa misma app a mí tmb me escribían menores y por supuesto rechacé tener contacto con ellos y avisándole que no era una app para ellos. Así como a mí me escribían estos chicos, a otros seguramente tmb, y entonces entre en duda si él pudo haber tenido conversaciones con ellos.
Yo no tengo pruebas de nada, pero sabiendo cómo él era de intenso en las conversaciones, me da un poco de qué desconfiar. Yo corté toda relación con él, nunca le dije el porqué ni tampoco le pregunté. Hoy me siento mal y con culpa por no haberle preguntado, y no me importaría quedar como tóxico preguntándole si habla con esas personitas, porque es algo serio para mí el tema (yo pasé por algo así de chico).
Entonces, le pregunto a mi psicóloga si hice bien en irme de esa "relación" sin preguntar ni confirmar nada. Y si fuera el caso, también me siento impotente al no poder evitar tal asquerosidad. Me siento re mal.
submitted by No-Risk-1136 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 Emergency-Cellist-40 Link plz

Link plz submitted by Emergency-Cellist-40 to CShortDramas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 Remarkable-Author856 My thoughts

Ok so basically savs saying that october is edited but Gia literally said that it happened october 13th.
submitted by Remarkable-Author856 to ashleybarnesnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 hotandcold-app Hot and cold #56

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by hotandcold-app to HotAndCold [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 wewdwtnizrub Prana Discount Code January 2025

Visit here for Prana Discount Code January 2025
Looking for Discounts at Prana in January 2025? Get the Best Deals with Promo Codes, Coupons, and More!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to WalmartCouponCode [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 3Naito3 Will high humidity and relatively low temperature cause damage?

I moved to Portugal recently and have some concerns about high indoor humidity and relatively low temperature during winter months. There is a desktop PC and a gamig laptop in use, and some computer parts stored, all in a humid room.

Internal computer temperatures were measured using RealTemp. The temperature of the room ranges between 10 °C / 50 °F and 18 °C / 64 °F. Humidity varies between 70-90%, usually lower in the morning and climbing as the day goes. These measurements were taken with a cheap temp+humidity meter from aliexpress. On the package it claims to have a +/- 1 °C accuracy for temperature and +/- 5% for humidity.
These conditions last a few months each year, usually starting in early December and ending in late February / early March. Are the laptop, PC, and the PC parts in danger from condensation?
submitted by 3Naito3 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:00 The_Hexolotl Yoo i found an ask anything thread

Ask me anything i guess lololol
submitted by The_Hexolotl to HexolotlWorship [link] [comments]
