
2025.01.22 15:01 Nankipie Pisces

Idky but I started laughing my ass off. He lies so bad 😭 They say he's pisces sun and Libra moon btw.
submitted by Nankipie to Sagittarians [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 janglinjosh It's the day.

Here's a proofread version with some grammatical and stylistic improvements while maintaining your original tone:
I'm sitting in a hotel at 2am, with a hospital appointment at 6am. I've been waiting for my third open-heart surgery for eight months. It's been a long, long wait. It was originally meant to be 45 days. I'm having a ROSS procedure performed by one of the best—and only—surgeons in Australia who does it. He's lovely and I trust him.
I have a St. Jude's valve in my aorta (well for another 10 hours), but my body started rejecting warfarin and never stabilised, which caused me to have 17 minor strokes over the past few years. It took ages to figure out that the wafarin was the issue —so it has to go and so does the valve.
This certainly part of my life plan and it's written off most of last year, and with recovery at least half of this year too.
I know my surgeon is highly skilled, and I've got age on my side, but I'm still terrified. I know there's a risk every time they open my chest again. I also have FND, which will have a huge impact on my recovery.
I'd greatly appreciate any good vibes, prayers, and advice.
Side note; I can't bloody wait to get rid of the ticking noise. Small wins.
submitted by janglinjosh to openheartsurgery [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 Soupe7Legumes Congés Payés et solde tout compte

Je suis allé aujourd'hui à mon ancien travail pour récupérer mes indemnités de congés payés, néanmoins mes anciens employeurs ont refusés de me les donner si je ne signais pas le solde tout compte. Je ne l'ai donc pas signé et suis parti sans.
Que faire dans cette situation svp ?
submitted by Soupe7Legumes to droitdutravail [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 krsy123 Chapter 212 [RAW]

Chapter 212 [RAW] submitted by krsy123 to OnePunchMan [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 AutoModerator [250123] Weekly r/skzcollection thread

Welcome to the weekly skzcollection thread! Similarly to the straykids weekly thread, please feel free to discuss anything here, it does not necessarily need to be about Stray Kids nor collecting!
Please do not post sale and trade requests here, these need to be submitted as posts that follow the post rules. Linking to a post that follows the rules is fine!
submitted by AutoModerator to skzcollection [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 wewdwtnizrub HotelsCombined Promo Code January 2025

Find the HotelsCombined Promo Code January 2025
Unlock Savings of up to 90% with HotelsCombined Promo Codes in January 2025.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to coupdealzone [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: principal

principal translates to principal
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @ https://wordofthehour.org/discord
submitted by sharewithme to CatalanFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 wezterdan Help please

Sometimes I'm turning on my pc and makes 4 short beeps (I think they are short) as I have seen may be a failure in the first slot of the ram or a problem with the timer of the bios the thing is that it does not beep whenever I turn it on someone could give me a solution? thanks
submitted by wezterdan to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 GreedyAge3089 I am losing my patience with Zodiac Academy

I hate ZA. It’s so whiny and bursting with teen drama that somewhat grosses me out and the bullying makes zero sense at all…
I can’t stop reading ZA. I need to get to the end. Who ends up with who? How do they defeat the nymphs and Lionel?
Do I love ZA? Is this the meta bully romance chasing me down hallways, stopping me in the middle of walking the dog or taking out the trash or a nap, demanding I read just one more chapter?
I am on book five. My frustration is rising because not only can I not remember how to cloak spoilers on Reddit but also the mcs made these stupid stupid choices and I somehow see MORE. BOOKS.
Give me a piece of hope here. Are the next books worth reading or am I in for a world of pain? I’m already in pain I just wish for when my life was normal and I wasn’t raging over these characters and their hormones and idiot decisions.
Read Ruthless Boys and it was fun but they wrapped it up neatly within five books I think? (And even the fifth one felt like a little overkill).
I need rehab.
submitted by GreedyAge3089 to fantasyromance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 Key_Low4771 What’s the Biggest Challenge You Face on B2B Marketplaces?

Selling on a B2B platform can be great, but it’s not always easy. From finding the right buyers to dealing with fees, there are many things to think about. What’s been the hardest part for you?
submitted by Key_Low4771 to b2b_sales [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 JuxtaThePozer Based Pepe, my moonshot this cycle

Based Pepe. What's all the fuss about? Buckle up frens, let's get into it.

Could likely see minimum 10-40X from here imo, with favourable bull-run conditions (NFA). Just take a look at the chart, so clean and organic, respecting fib levels
Ticker: $PEPE Chain: Base CA: 0x52b492a33E447Cdb854c7FC19F1e57E8BfA1777D

Check out 0x52BasedPepe, step through the Lion's Gate and be based 🧢🐸
submitted by JuxtaThePozer to AltStreetBets [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 classic_costello They are coming along nicely!

Update: 20 days into cut and pattern transition. Brushing for 360 swirl. Didn’t scalp. Just down to a 2 and two a day brush sessions since. I welcome all advice and suggestions on this journey. Thanks brothers!
submitted by classic_costello to 360Waves [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 WRXtranceformed [WTS] Oak & Oscar Humboldt GMT White

[WTS] Oak & Oscar Humboldt GMT White submitted by WRXtranceformed to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 NoCommute New remote job at Credit Acceptance

Credit Acceptance is hiring a Market Area Manager - Thousand Oaks, CA
NoCommute is a daily newsletter with just-posted remote jobs. To get hundreds of jobs like this sent to your email 5x a week, subscribe here.
submitted by NoCommute to NoCommute [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 Affectionate-Low8310 Reggaeton music production kristididmeed

Looking for collaboration songs https://soundcloud.com/animegirlrideyitohomeschoolt-kristididmeed?si=35d3fabd9d53425bb3c8a206e267e3c8&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
submitted by Affectionate-Low8310 to Reggaeton [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 Odd_Sheepherder2981 Graded Written Paper

what do i submit for it? applied to princeton w cs background. what to submit?
submitted by Odd_Sheepherder2981 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 Hairy-Advertising964 Dicas para encontro em sp

Galera vou sair pela segunda vez com uma menina sábado agora, Alguém pode indicar algum barzinho legal pra ir em sp?
Tava pensando em um lugar que não fosse tão bagunça e toque músicas boa.
Sou de santo André e aqui tem uma rua chamada Figueiras com vários barzinhos, acho legal se tiver uma rua assim em sp com vários bares e restaurantes.
submitted by Hairy-Advertising964 to saopaulo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 binnievoir não tem MESMO como trocar o período no primeiro ano?

passei em letras, mas passei no noturno e (principalmente pela distância da minha casa em relação a fflch) não vou poder fazer o curso se for nesse período :( pesquisei aqui no sub e disseram que só pode trocar o turno no segundo ano. não tem mesmo MESMO nenhuma alternativa no primeiro ano? toda a felicidade que senti em ver o meu nome na lista foi drenada de mim porque se for noturno, vou ter que desistir do curso que tanto quero
submitted by binnievoir to USP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 chuchutrain2 Anyone else have wacky proportions? 6'5" with size 7 feet here

I shot up like a bean pole when I was about 17 but my feet and hands did not. Anyone else with similar issues? Not a huge deal but my 5'4" girlfriend finds it hilarious I can wear her shoes (hence the photo)...and handshakes can be a bit awkward. How common is this?
submitted by chuchutrain2 to tall [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: অধ্যক্ষ

অধ্যক্ষ ** translates to **principal
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @ https://wordofthehour.org/discord
submitted by sharewithme to BengaliFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 infinax Invisible indestructible platform

Invisible indestructible platform I was messing with a few mods and accidently disables one that added a few shipping containers to the game (nuggubs' Mega Mod), Unfortunately this has cause me to be left me with invisible platforms that i can't destroy, I've tried everything i can think of, placing blocks over them, explosives, even turning lava into obsidian on them (the obsidian just failed to form) so anyone have any ideas on what i can do?
You can see the hitboxes I'm dealing with
submitted by infinax to starbound [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 kasinkun Blonde beard

Blonde beard Requesting thoughts and opinions, getting ready for a trim but she’s gotten pretty long, I like it where it’s at, should I just clean it up, grow longer, cut back, any thoughts in general shape? I’ve based everything I’ve done to my beard off a YouTube video I watched years ago so I’m always worried I’m doing something wrong or it looks terrible. Plus my beard is as white as i am which is it own unique challenge
submitted by kasinkun to beards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 unblue_shmurf Light Speed SIMs no longer included in starter kits

I recently tried starting a pool and during the process I was offered starer kits. There was no mention of which SIMS would be included, so i assumed it was all 3 or perhaps just warp and LS as that is what i got last time. I wanted light speed because I am currently with Fi, which uses T-Mo and it works well it my area and so i don't want to switch.
The starter kits came with only warp and DS and support says I'll need to order the SIM separately if I want it.
I have no problem with needing to pay for the sim cards, I could even get one free using the reddit code, but overall it seemed like I was being steered away from LS.
Is the fact that Light Speed was removed from the starter kit indicative of any plans to discontinue or de-prioritize the network?
submitted by unblue_shmurf to USMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 dave7892000 CMS or Fully Custom- what's in the middle?

Hello folks,
I am an intern level programmer, most of my experience is in RoR. I've been asked to create two new websites for groups with small budgets- both are family/friends/passion projects.
Both sites will be largely static, but will have a few user features like contact form, appointment scheduling, possibly make payments, donations, etc.
I have exactly 0 experience with CMS's, but I don't feel like these sites need to be full custom Rails sites.
Could you give me your advice on where to start helping these small clients?
submitted by dave7892000 to webdev [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:01 No_Enthusiasm_3121 Tengo miedo de autosabotear mi relación

Hola, soy una chica de 22 años que actualmente lleva dos meses con un chico de 20.
Es un amor de hombre, tierno, cariñoso, sincero, directo y un sinfín de cosas buenas. El caso es que yo siempre he estado en relaciones vacías/malas y la última rozando el maltrato psicológico. Yo quiero a este chico y adoro poder disfrutar de algo sano por una vez en la vida pero mi parte de estúpida con complejo de salvadora me dice que me terminaré aburriendo por qué el es un chico bueno. Quiero seguir con el y tener un futuro juntos pero me da miedo que termine llevando yo el rol de persona dañada que hace daño.
¿Como puedo saber cuando estoy autosaboteandome?
¿Significa esto que seré yo la mala en la relación?
submitted by No_Enthusiasm_3121 to relaciones [link] [comments]
