Real Car Parking And Stunt

2025.01.22 14:56 mentolatux Real Car Parking And Stunt

Real Car Parking And Stunt submitted by mentolatux to BestCrazyGamesWeb [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 wombat_2024 Save big on your new TESLA with my referral

Get up to US$1,000 / 500€ / £500 / CA$1,300 off a new or inventory Tesla with my referral link (worldwide):
👉 👈
Have fun with your new Tesla. Thank you very much!
submitted by wombat_2024 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 NeedleworkerOk8830 Polar Vantage V2 stopped measuring swimming distance

Polar Vantage V2 stopped measuring swimming distance Hi all, since recently my Polar Vantage V2 doesn't measure any distance when swimming. I recently did some skiing activities and here it counted the distance normally. I restarted the watch and tried different sorts of swimming settings on the watch. But the distance remains 0.
Anyone have any ideas how I can get it to count again?
Thank you for the help!
submitted by NeedleworkerOk8830 to Polarfitness [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 DarknessFalls21 Amazon licencie 1700 employés au Québec

Amazon licencie 1700 employés au Québec Oof dommage le service va bc mieux depuis que c’est Amazon et pas Intelcom
submitted by DarknessFalls21 to montreal [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 SiennaBloom Septum would look good for me... or facial piercings not my thing?

submitted by SiennaBloom to SelfPiercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 CeC-P Finding a device that doesn't want to be found.

Note: I suck at networking. Reviewing our network vulnerability scan report and have an IP address that allegedly has a specific severe vulnerability. It's somewhere in the office I work at and I can ping it.
RDP - nope nslookup - nope IP in our remote management software? - nope arp cache on the switches? - nope the third octet isn't even in a range we use
Well that's all the things I know how to do. Any other tips for identifying the magical ghost machine?
submitted by CeC-P to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 blue_buddy_6 Whats your thoughts of incest fantasy?

Hey first of all thank you for answering my past question why incest son become cuckson. If we talk about real world some say incest is wrong and some say incest is right what's your thoughts on it .
I have my personal opinion on it and I want your comments on it .
If in family dad is potential to satisfy mom and every thing in that case become incest is wrong I ln that case you becoming third person how come in between your mom dad relationship what cause separation/ divorce. ( In real divorce is very bad things)
If in family dad is not potential to satisfy mom mean dad work out of home , out if state / country and not able to spend time with mom in that case there will high possibility that your mom find some one to satisfy her need sexually and love both. In that case if you become incest become that person how give her love and sex that will good
What you guys think?
submitted by blue_buddy_6 to DesiMomChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 lawherloading Do you disclose your disability on job applications?

Do you disclose your disability on job applications?
Applying for a new job and wondering if I should just be honest and click, "Yes, I have a disability."
submitted by lawherloading to migraine [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 Sad_Kangaroo7184 pulling away after commitment talk

what do you do if a guy said he wanted you to be his girlfriend but then he’s acting distant.
on our last date i said “i need to ask you something” and i just wanted to ask where things are going to make sure we’re on the same page and HE JUMPED IN AND SAID “i know. yes i want you to be my girlfriend.”
he said he wanted us to be official but now he’s cancelling on me, hasn’t asked me to be his gf, and he’s telling me he needs time.
he hasn’t even called me in two weeks. i suggested calling because i wanted to talk about why he’s weird, and he is ALWAYS “busy” he texts me everyday, and even double texts if i don’t answer. im so confused. i don’t like how anxious its making me.
i understand if he doesn’t want to be with me, but i don’t understand why he would lie about it???
it hurts a lot like if he had said before “i need to get to know you more” or something like that i could’ve understood but he initiated it….
i suggested that maybe we shouldn’t continue, and he said “no i want to try”
what the hell do i do?
submitted by Sad_Kangaroo7184 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 CorleoneBaloney Deep in the Gulf of Mexico lies the ‘Jacuzzi of Despair,’ a deadly brine pool that kills anything that enters its waters.

Deep in the Gulf of Mexico lies the ‘Jacuzzi of Despair,’ a deadly brine pool that kills anything that enters its waters. submitted by CorleoneBaloney to Damnthatsinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 MugShots NV Energy Alert

NVEnergy Alert Under Investigation in 89101 612 customers affected ORT: 2025-01-22 05:37:00.000-08:00 ETR:
submitted by MugShots to AlertVegas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 Meliora25 Profiles & Presets

I Have...
Bohemian Reverie Embrace Presets
Cara Mia Film Kaleidoscope Prism
Cara Zagni Moon Pack I Moon Pack II Editorial Edit
Carley Mae Jade Pack
Cassidy Lynne Creamy Dreamy Honey Boba Make It Pop AI Brushes Matcha Glow Satin Summer
DAWN CHARLES Dawn Charles Pack 1 to 5 Dawn Charles Film Pack Dawn Charles x Alex Mari Editorial Pack Dawn Charles x Emily Magers Redwood Pack Dawn Charles x Gina Paulson Pacific Pack Dawn Charles x Josie Brooks Couture Pack Dawn Charles x Karra Leigh Effortless Pack Dawn Charles x Lauren Scotti LSP Pack Dawn Charles x Nicola Dixon Balearic Pack
Dawn Charles Rise PhotoAcademy
Dawn Charles Posing Deck Couples,Family,Portrait,Wedding
Dawn Charles Wedding Handbook Dawn Charles Client Toolkit
Film Is Fun
FilmicLab-Classic Film Pro 2
G-PRESETS G-Presets Pack 03 mk II G-Presets Pack 04 G-Presets Pack 05 G-Presets Pack 06 G-Presets x Abbey Jo G-Presets x Beba Vowels II G-Presets x Beba Vowels III G-Presets x Dawn Photo - Twilight G-Presets × Dawn Photo - Open Roads G-Presets x From The Daisies G-Presets x In Frames Photography - The Lightning Pack G-Presets x Janelle Elise Pack G-Presets x Janelle Elise Pack II G-Presets x Miles Witt Boyer - Abide G-Presets x Nicole Kirshner G-Presets x Sydney Noelle
GREATER THAN GATSBY Clean Workflow Collection Darkroom Collection Fleetwood Collection Golden Hour Collection Hitchcock Collection Innocence Collection Newborn Collection TinyDancer Collection Watercolor Collection Wedding Collection Zeppelin Collection
Henry Tieu HD Pack I HD Pack II HD Pack III
submitted by Meliora25 to LightroomDiscover [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 koshop Finally my full rotation is in ultra , now I'm working towards ultimate barb

Finally my full rotation is in ultra , now I'm working towards ultimate barb submitted by koshop to SquadBusters [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 omergelirtarihh Osmanlı ordusu Subayları ve bir kaç Avusturya-Macaristan subayı ile Galiçya cephesinde poz verirlerken 1917 kışı. (Galiçya Cephesinin diğer fotoğraflarını daha sonra renklendirerek kademeli olarak yayınlayacağım)

Osmanlı ordusu Subayları ve bir kaç Avusturya-Macaristan subayı ile Galiçya cephesinde poz verirlerken 1917 kışı. (Galiçya Cephesinin diğer fotoğraflarını daha sonra renklendirerek kademeli olarak yayınlayacağım) submitted by omergelirtarihh to Turkey [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 soycowboy [WTS] Alsta NAUTOSCAPH Bronze Diver with Silver Dial

[WTS] Alsta NAUTOSCAPH Bronze Diver with Silver Dial submitted by soycowboy to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 Advanced-Gur7982 Need independent room in sarkanda

Need independent room sarkanda near ashok nagar for bachelor’s.
submitted by Advanced-Gur7982 to Bilaspur [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 Transition333Flashy Crowds gather outside Bombay's Imperial Theatre to watch a Devika Rani film in 1935

Crowds gather outside Bombay's Imperial Theatre to watch a Devika Rani film in 1935 submitted by Transition333Flashy to ClassicDesiCool [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 2357_shifting_sand What's wrong the Android version?

What's wrong the Android version? I'm new to Last FM.
Recently, I installed the Android version & found it too buggy. I have even tried installing previous APKs but still the same issues arise.
For one, I try to music from my offline music player, it gets some scrobbles & misses some. It works well when I'm on WiFi but still it skips some scrobbles.
  • Does the app not work when offline?
  • What APK version do you recommend that has been working relatively well for you?
  • Is there an alternative to counting scrobbles from my offline music player app?
submitted by 2357_shifting_sand to lastfm [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 peachy_scribbles Treba mi savet: Dečko postaje sve više opsednut trenutnom vlašću i situacijom u zemlji a treba da se seli(mo)?

Zdravo svima! Pišem ovde jer mi očajnički treba savet i možda drugačija perspektiva.
Trenutno sam zbog posla i životnih okolnosti van Srbije, dok je moj dečko još uvek tamo. Plan je bio da se i on uskoro preseli kod mene, ali u poslednjih mesec dana primećujem da je sve više opsednut trenutnom situacijom u Srbiji, posebno politikom i protestima. Njegove misli su skoro u potpunosti zaokupljene trenutnom vlašću, stanjem u zemlji i tim dešavanjima, i dosta je na strani vlasti.
Dok ga potpuno podržavam da ima svoj stav i mišljenje, kako vreme prolazi, sve se više brinem da bi ovo moglo da ga natera da odustane od selidbe. Iskreno, meni povratak u Srbiju trenutno nije opcija (vezana sam poslom i obavezama za zemlju gde živim trenutno, ne mogu ni da izadjem iz nje).
Zabrinuta sam da ova promena u njegovom razmišljanju znači da ćemo se sve više udaljavati, i ne znam kako da mu priđem u vezi sa tim bez da zvučim kao da ga ne podržavam ili ne razumem. Meni politika nikad do sada nije bila bitna i stvarno ga puno volim i očajna sam a na drugoj strani sam sveta i bukvalno ima jako malo što mogu da učinim preko vacapa i video poziva.
Kad god krene da priča o politici i protestima bukvalno se pretvori u osobu koju više ne poznajem.
Umesto da provodi vreme da uči jezik i da radi na našoj budućnosti (skoro pet godina smo zajedno) on ide na mitinge, sluša svaku reč na vestima itd itd. Nisam pametna i ne znam sta da radim. Ne želim ni da zvučim kao da me je baš briga za stanje u Srbiji, posebno jer volim zemlju i nisam odatle pobegla jer sam htela nego jer sam morala spletom okolnosti, ali kad god probam da ga smirim i da malo predstavim i drugu stranu (stranu ljudi koji protestuju) on me samo isproziva i kako ja ni ne trebam da dajem mišljenje kad sam već “odustala od zemlje i pobegla." Što nije tačno, i on to dobro zna, i taj komentar me još više izdeprimira nego sve ostalno što misli i priča.
Da li neko ima iskustva sa sličnim situacijama ili savet kako da ovo rešim?
Unapred hvala na svakom komentaru, izvinjavam se što vas smaram i opterećujem ovime 😔
P. S. Nisam ni sigurna da li sam postavila dobar flair za ovo izvinite ako nisam
submitted by peachy_scribbles to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 Meliora25 Profiles & Presets

I Have...
Bohemian Reverie Embrace Presets
Cara Mia Film Kaleidoscope Prism
Cara Zagni Moon Pack I Moon Pack II Editorial Edit
Carley Mae Jade Pack
Cassidy Lynne Creamy Dreamy Honey Boba Make It Pop AI Brushes Matcha Glow Satin Summer
DAWN CHARLES Dawn Charles Pack 1 to 5 Dawn Charles Film Pack Dawn Charles x Alex Mari Editorial Pack Dawn Charles x Emily Magers Redwood Pack Dawn Charles x Gina Paulson Pacific Pack Dawn Charles x Josie Brooks Couture Pack Dawn Charles x Karra Leigh Effortless Pack Dawn Charles x Lauren Scotti LSP Pack Dawn Charles x Nicola Dixon Balearic Pack
Dawn Charles Rise PhotoAcademy
Dawn Charles Posing Deck Couples,Family,Portrait,Wedding
Dawn Charles Wedding Handbook Dawn Charles Client Toolkit
Film Is Fun
FilmicLab-Classic Film Pro 2
G-PRESETS G-Presets Pack 03 mk II G-Presets Pack 04 G-Presets Pack 05 G-Presets Pack 06 G-Presets x Abbey Jo G-Presets x Beba Vowels II G-Presets x Beba Vowels III G-Presets x Dawn Photo - Twilight G-Presets × Dawn Photo - Open Roads G-Presets x From The Daisies G-Presets x In Frames Photography - The Lightning Pack G-Presets x Janelle Elise Pack G-Presets x Janelle Elise Pack II G-Presets x Miles Witt Boyer - Abide G-Presets x Nicole Kirshner G-Presets x Sydney Noelle
GREATER THAN GATSBY Clean Workflow Collection Darkroom Collection Fleetwood Collection Golden Hour Collection Hitchcock Collection Innocence Collection Newborn Collection TinyDancer Collection Watercolor Collection Wedding Collection Zeppelin Collection
Henry Tieu HD Pack I HD Pack II HD Pack III
submitted by Meliora25 to lightroompresetstrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 borderlinejon Stuck updating

Stuck updating Been stuck on this screen for 15 minutes. I'm scared to click off it. Is it normal for the update to take this long? Because it's usually only taken less than a minute.
submitted by borderlinejon to EmuDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 Valuable_Teacher_578 Jane Austen events at The Vyne in 2025

submitted by Valuable_Teacher_578 to janeausten [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 Faiiven New Zealand 🇳🇿 in North Korea 🇰🇵

New Zealand 🇳🇿 in North Korea 🇰🇵 submitted by Faiiven to ForeignPlatesSpotting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 AliensRipley Any HAL 9000 fans here?

Any HAL 9000 fans here? submitted by AliensRipley to scifi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:56 Oracle333_ Lower heart rate?

I just have been on this med 13 days. My heart rate is quite a bit lower now. I'm wondering if that's the med working or wondering if that's normal? I still experience anxiety but it's a bit less then normal Usually when anxious my heart goes really high but it's sitting at 80 ish which I know is normal but I'm still worried
submitted by Oracle333_ to cymbalta [link] [comments]