
2025.01.22 15:32 Bulkabubble Бюджет

Всім привіт🤍 Хочу почути пораду та Вашу думку, щодо сімейного бюджету 😀 Почну з того, що ми з моїм хлопцем готуємося до розписки (весілля зараз не плануємо і усі фінанси на святкування - розподілені). Отже, ми знімаємо квартиру, вартістю 7500грн + комунальні до 1000) Всі витрати на комунальні послуги, інтернет, квартплату бере чоловік, він відносно гарно заробляє (до 50тис.), але працює майже весь день, пізно повертається додому, мене це хвилює, тому що я хвилююся за нього, він майже завжди втомлений та виснажений. Я теж працюю, але моя зарплата до 8тис. Плюс він дає мені гроші на якісь мої потреби, або ж на дім, але я часто відмовляюся, тому що мені не зручно. Я працюю з дому тому постійно тут, готую, прибираю, ходжу у магазин по продукти, побутові речі і так далі, витрачаю бюджет на книги та свої потреби, можу щось купити йому. У вересні я залишила роботу, яка приносила мені більше грошей, до вересня ми ділили квартплату навпіл (хоча ні, він всеодно оплачував більшу частину), я його говорила, що коли знайду нову роботу буду знову оплачувати свою частину, він погодився, але зараз я не можу цього робити і мені не зручно через це, здебільшого від того, що він інколи може мені нагадувати, жартома, що наступний місяць оплачую все я, але він прекрасно знає що цього я зробити не можу, я підтримую ці жарти, говорячи: Якщо оплачую все я - то ми будемо жити під будинком на вулиці, готуйся, або ж у машині) Питання: 1. Як я маю йому пояснити, що мою зарплата не дозволяє мені оплачувати квартиру, тому що я тоді залишуся без грошей 2. Як Ви розподіляєте сімейний бюджет 3. Чи маю я платити за квартиру, враховуючи те що всі хатні справи на мені і продукти теж з яких я готую йому, та готую обід йому на роботу. Уточнення: Він ніколи не відмовляв мені у грошах, ніколи не переходив на образи щодо цього, це все жартома, він допомагає мені з миттям посуду, коли я працюю, а він вдома - готування їжі на ньому, я про це не прошу, це його вибір, я знаю що він мене любить і хоче допомогти мені, я знаю що він не хоче мене образити, але цим змушує почувати себе не зручно
submitted by Bulkabubble to reddit_ukr [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 dentz2 Bambu Lab turmoil - what are the alternatives?

He there,
I was about to order a Bambu Lab P1S combo to replace my well used Ender 3 after over 6 years. I still like m ender but in recent times it broke too often because some things just needed too much maintenance and tinkering and I wanted to invest in a more reliable and ease of use printer. I also wanted to be able to print multiple colors without manual filament swaps.
Now given the recent developments and discussions I am uncertain on how to continue.
If I decide not to go with a P1S, what would be some good alternatives?
What do you guys think about the Anycubic Kobra S1 or which other options do I have in that price range?
Thank you in advance!
submitted by dentz2 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 t_Raposa How to edit Item Descriptions?

Im modding my game adding passives and effects to armor pieces, but I don't know how to edit the descriptions of the itens to show thei effects.
submitted by t_Raposa to EldenRingMods [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 West-Attempt6797 The Phantom Hands of Groww – Who’s Really Placing Your Orders? switch to a ma

Imagine this: You set a GTT order on Groww at ₹120 for an option contract. The price dips to ₹118, lingers, then shoots up—yet your order? Never executed. Strange, right?
Fine, maybe just market volatility. So you switch to a market order at ₹122. Instantly, Groww fills it at ₹126. A clean ₹4 jump in less than a second. Meanwhile, traders on other platforms get their fills at ₹122-₹123.
It's almost like Groww has a hidden algorithm making sure you always pay more. Almost like someone’s sweeping up at your cost. Almost like… a rigged game.
If you’ve been trading options on Groww, you already know what I mean. Stay sharp.
Every fu¢king time it happens with groww. Tried other apps like Dhann and Fyers ,never happend on then
submitted by West-Attempt6797 to NSEbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 siv7865 Married Filing Jointly or Separate

My Wife and I live in Washington State, and got Married in December 2024. Below, you'll see some tax related info.
a. I own a Condo that we live in
b. I make $60k W-2 Salary and Wife has $135k W-2 Salary
c. I have a few thousand dollars in some stocks and index funds and I sold around $1,500 in stocks.
I believe the IRS technically considers us married all of 2024, even though we got married in December. My question is, is it better to file Married filing Jointly or Married filing Separate? Also, would we be able to file for free using Taxact or TurboTax or would we have to pay a Tax PrepareCPA? I've always just filed on my own for free because I've always had very basic and easy to do Tax Returns. Any advice would be much appreciated.
submitted by siv7865 to tax [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 Obglen It's so cold out that hot steam turned into icicle, the fact that thus icicle is not falling off from the hot steam means it's very cold outside?

It's so cold out that hot steam turned into icicle, the fact that thus icicle is not falling off from the hot steam means it's very cold outside? submitted by Obglen to mildyinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 larrybronze Amateur looking to make a CNY menu: are either of these 'longevity noodles'? (yidu longxu or kimbo taiwan)

Amateur looking to make a CNY menu: are either of these 'longevity noodles'? (yidu longxu or kimbo taiwan) Hi all,
I rarely make chinese food (we love it but I'm a little intimidated) but I like to make themed dishes for my family timed with major holidays of the world. I'm interested in making longevity noodles (which I think are traditional around this time of year?) and my 99 ranch has these products. Would either of them be traditional for the longevity noodles dish?
submitted by larrybronze to chinesefood [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 JournalistWild1446 90’s

I miss this game too much… I feel old
submitted by JournalistWild1446 to gamegrumps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 Valuable_Shower_2137 I relapsed after 12 days.

I managed to do a personal best of 12 days without porn or any masturbation.
I took a nap and opened my phone (the error was right there to bring my phone in my bedroom), and then I look at a video and touch my P for literally 5 seconds and I instantly came (like crazy) without actually seeing sex, just hearing a girl moan. I was like ohh COME ON.
Right after,, I wanted to lie to myself that if I took a hyper cold shower and did 30 minutes of meditation, it would "cancel the sin" so to speak. But I think the only way to beat this addiction is to be truly truly honest with yourself, otherwise you're not really in control, the devil is.
That night, I got so anxious and slept like real shit, this is actually why I want to beat this addiction, to finaly be at peace with my mind, and sleep like a little baby again.
Stay strong y'all and one day at a time.
submitted by Valuable_Shower_2137 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 UltraZWarrior Guys listen to this its amazing

submitted by UltraZWarrior to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 PrettyCottonCandy I think squirrels live in that tree...

I think squirrels live in that tree... submitted by PrettyCottonCandy to Pareidolia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 FarCardiologist7801 Send me your favorites without an explanation or context. 05938146f3c3477193279e39190efee61c1819240dd378bfb3dab5be41abaef916

submitted by FarCardiologist7801 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 mantekill Estimaciones de BICE Inversiones para 2025

Estimaciones de BICE Inversiones para 2025 submitted by mantekill to BolsaChile [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 jimmyflyer Erin Andrews, 46

Erin Andrews, 46 submitted by jimmyflyer to PrettyOlderWomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 CarusoLombardi Won the emblem with this deck

I just built it for fun and trying out dragons. Apparently they're good, but most importantly very fun. I've been having a ton of fun beating celebis with 8 energy's, getting taken out with a single Draco meteor.
submitted by CarusoLombardi to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 Series7Guru Are Some Digital Assets Unregistered Securities? Series 65/66 Exams

submitted by Series7Guru to Series66 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 Civil_Application_13 Selling 1 CAS Gurgaon ticket (GA BACK) at mrp

Dm if interested!
submitted by Civil_Application_13 to gurgaon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 Successful-Season-93 alguem quer bater p minha namorada? só chamar dm

submitted by Successful-Season-93 to desabafosdavida [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 TofuBOI2003 Help somethings are missing

Found this porche 964 at my local toy shop but there are somethings missing
submitted by TofuBOI2003 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 Obama_The_Based "Normal"⁉️⁉️⁉️

submitted by Obama_The_Based to Shark_Park [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 prblm-solvr No decision update for some applicants while others have been notified.

Program: MS information management University: University of Washington
Other applicants were notified of admission, rejection and even waitlist. However, some of us (a minority of applicants perhaps) didn’t receive any kind of decision at all. All of us applied for the same round.
How should this be perceived? I wrote an email to the admissions team, they aren’t replying. :/
submitted by prblm-solvr to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 Mindless-Formal-1450 Sky1.9-DC? a link that works

Sky1.9-DC? a link that works https://preview.redd.it/umn5g9dndkee1.png?width=651&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7be90a1704c987cbe1b4f80c11288c403c279ec
submitted by Mindless-Formal-1450 to assettocorsamodding [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 HomeRunEnjoyer When the pawncel says something so schemephobic that you gotta hit him with the true strategist stare

When the pawncel says something so schemephobic that you gotta hit him with the true strategist stare submitted by HomeRunEnjoyer to AnimeMeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 MsSkullCrusher Lost Forest with Merlin

Lost Forest with Merlin submitted by MsSkullCrusher to Dreamsnaps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:32 DrawingOk8989 3/5 DREAM BREAD

3/5 DREAM BREAD submitted by DrawingOk8989 to 6thForm [link] [comments]
