2025.01.22 15:55 Confident-Aardvark69 Vasco rebate nota do Madureira e orientam adversário a buscar inspiração nas escolas de samba
submitted by Confident-Aardvark69 to Lance_News [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:55 FriendacrosstheRiver 28m looking for some friends to talk about Nerd stuff, especially Arcane
My gf doesn't like Arcane and I know no one in rl who even watched it. I really need some friends to talk about this amazing show.
submitted by FriendacrosstheRiver to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 lelouch963 Question regarding zealantis
I casually watch the live ranked play just now. can someone explain to me why the opponent monster (lady labrynth) didnt return back after banished by zealantis
submitted by lelouch963 to masterduel [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 CmdrTaco Airplane Ice Crashes into Bedroom
submitted by CmdrTaco to TacoZone [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:55 Big-Cartographer5211 YO GUYS ITS LIKE EPIC WHISP WHEN IT PLAYS
submitted by Big-Cartographer5211 to MySingingMonsters [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:55 javinpaul 5 Free Courses to Crack GCP Associate Engineer Certification Exam in 2025 [UPDATED]
submitted by javinpaul to javarevisited [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 LongjumpingCamp9975 is Jee Le Zara is back?
Today Kriti Sanon was spotted at Zoya Akhtar's house. Maybe Zoya wants to revive Jee Le Zara with a new cast.
submitted by LongjumpingCamp9975 to BollywoodHotTakes [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 CarelessBroccoli7239 Portugal Wine Recs
What producers that I can’t get/is expensive in the US should I be looking out for at restaurants and bars while I’m out in Portugal (Lisbon, Porto, Duoro)?
I’m going to be on the lookout for Luis Seabra Mono C & Cru, but would love to know if anyone else has any recs or favorites.
submitted by CarelessBroccoli7239 to naturalwine [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 Beautiful-Tension399 Bedroom Door open. Boyfriend has friends over. This is the only way to the bathroom.
submitted by Beautiful-Tension399 to soleslovers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 Jazzlike_Barnacle_60 Excited to pop these in (BKP Juggernaut)
submitted by Jazzlike_Barnacle_60 to 7String [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:55 IJC2311 Facebook login problem
Hi, my gf did facebook password reset and now she cant log in into candy crush with facebook. She has lost all progress and Google has not been helpful.
Any idea how to solve this? I tried reinstalling facebook and candy. Shes not connected with King id or Apple id
submitted by IJC2311 to candycrush [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 RoachBeBrutal 2yr old Cheyenne on euthanasia risk at anytime ‼️ Corpus Christi TX 🚨 Cheyenne and many like her all deserve the love of a good home! Please Pledge & Share
submitted by RoachBeBrutal to escue_network [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:55 South_trap H: Mods(as well as 7 polished), 20 leaders, yellow asylum sit W: demon or fiend mask or leader
submitted by South_trap to Market76 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:55 DenseTooth5523 What are these boots
I can't find these boots anywhere. I bought them at a garage sale. They are Versace brand but I don't care for the brand I just want the type. I got a similar hit on paratrooper boots but they are all lace up these have a really sweet zipper. The picture I have is before the soles fell off but after I took them to the cobbler.
submitted by DenseTooth5523 to malefashionadvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 AaronChristner1 Is this what a spoiled steak looks like?
I bought some New York strips from the market and it was frozen solid. I put it in fridge for about 36 hours to thaw out and I check it and it smells spoiled and it has a weird look the ends of it. Is this what normally happens and am I leaving it in the fridge for too long? submitted by AaronChristner1 to steak [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:55 SelectionOptimal7348 “Bitcoin has no use case!”
submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:55 Exciting_Finance_467 BLKNWS Out of Sundance
Just heard the news that BLKNWS: Terms & Conditions just got pulled out of Sundance. Pretty disappointed; this was definitely one of my top 5 movies I was most looking forward to.
This is only my second year attending Sundance. Does anyone know what the protocol is for people who bought in-person tickets?
submitted by Exciting_Finance_467 to Sundance [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 ChampionshipOk2648 Vivian's wife is a very chalak lady
First thing I wanna know what was the point of throwing a party where someone like Vivian' who considered as a superstar of tv ,couldn't beat someone who is not even considered in A Listers as per him.
I think she did it because rajat and vivain fans Were already running trends against kv and calling him scripted winner and what not.
She invited every tom,harry and dick because obviously if they will come they will are gonna call him real winner and janta ka winner and Vivian's PR will spread all this.
Also she is such a begger sabke dm mei jaake vote appeal ki. Jinse vivian ka koi naata bhi nahi tha.
submitted by ChampionshipOk2648 to biggboss [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 Own-Progress6223 I am screwed and don't know how to get out of this situation.
I have been working in an organization for the last 3 months. I have over 5 years of experience in tech writing SEO, content strategy, and many more. I know my payment is not that good as per my experience but currently, I am not getting any opportunities. Now, they made me install software on my laptop (they didn’t give me any system) by that software they can take screenshots whenever they want they can find my mouse keyboard usage and everything.
For 15 days, my laptop was showing BSOD errors and stuff even my keyboard mouse got broken. So my company’s CEO called me and said you are not working etc etc we are tracking you.
They argue that I am not working even though I am rapidly generating numbers through my content.
Now I am working straight 8 hours recorded 8 hours of working in the software but it shows 7 hours and 40 minutes working because 20 minutes were counted as a break. After all, I wasn’t moving my mouse as I was reading the blogs so these 20 minutes were not from a single break they were like 1 minute in the morning 7 minutes during the afternoon 9 minutes during the evening. So my senior told me they would deduct my payment.
Even they created a Google sheet and want me to add hourly efforts on the specific tasks. 15 minutes ago he called me and said what are you doing we have to change your work and stuff.
This thing is haunting me because currently I am not getting another job and recently I got married and have a loan. So they are putting constant pressure on me to fill 8 hours of work even though I am completing every single task in 7.5 hours. Also generating impressions of around 100k every week!
Finally, my work is around creating tech content, creating content strategies, and distributing the content to build the brand. However, they are now telling me to generate 50 leads per month. What to do!! I have couple of loans as well so can't leave the job as well.
submitted by Own-Progress6223 to IndiaCareers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 justin_quinnn Some grocers, restaurants hold line on passing along soaring egg costs
submitted by justin_quinnn to FoodNewsHub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:55 brokenb3ar $800 —> $55k IN 2 WEEKS DEGEN ALL IN PLAYS (NVDA,NFLX,AMD,JPM, QQQ, SPY)
Haters gonna hate. I know this ain’t big money but 55k is life changing money for me at this moment. Ima go buy some steaks. submitted by brokenb3ar to wallstreetbets [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:55 Ok-Range4863 Do you guys know of a aftermarket parts for the super baja rey 2.0 and where can i get them?
There’s a page called three d printing designs and they have a bunch of accessories for the 1/10 baja rey but i need for the super baja rey 1/6 scale, any instagram accounts that sells parts for it please comment them 🙏🏻 submitted by Ok-Range4863 to rccars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:55 teldric43 Basiert die Rede von "Israelhass/-feindlichkeit" auf echter Rechtsprechung?
Hallo allerseits,
eine Frage, die mich seit einer Weile beschäftigt: in den letzten anderthalb Jahren habe ich immer öfter in Artikeln gelesen (zuletzt hier beim HR), dass Polizei, Staatsanwälte oder Innenministerien über strafrechtliche Ermittlungen oder Anschuldigungen zu "Israelhass"/"Israelfeindlichkeit" sprechen. Ist das nur eine politische Stellungnahme, die halt aus welchen Gründen auch immer so formuliert wird, als ginge es um Straftaten - oder kann in Deutschland etwas, was man als Israelfeindlichkeit bezeichnen könnte, also bloße 'Feindlichkeit' dem Staat Israel gegenüber, wirklich eine Straftat sein?
Das soll gar keine in dem Sinne politische Frage sein, ich lese es nur immer öfter und denke mir jedes Mal, dass das doch so nicht stimmen kann und doch 'Feindlichkeit' einem Staat gegenüber keine Straftat sein kann, aber wissen tu ichs nicht, da ich mich nur mit Arbeitsrecht ein bisschen auskenne.
Danke im Voraus falls ihr was dazu wisst :)
submitted by teldric43 to recht [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 Sorry-Top-9282 Im donating for the second time!!
Im doing it at my high school in 20 mins. Ive drank so much water but i still think they are gonna tell me I haven’t drank enough. Last time they couldn’t find a vein in my right arm so I got stuck by the needle in both arms last time :(. Donating blood is so important and if you are reading this and haven’t before please consider it. It might be scary but it’s for a good cause.
submitted by Sorry-Top-9282 to Blooddonors [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:55 Wilnietis Nenatūrali gyvenimo tėkmė kaip industrializacijos pasekmė
Išplitus industrializacijai ir urbanizacijai, iškilo būtinybė sukurti griežtą gyvenimo struktūrą, kuri užtikrintų stabilų ir nuspėjamą darbuotojų srautą į sparčiai augančius miestus. Ši sistema buvo reikalinga kapitalistinės mašinos poreikiams, užtikrindama ekonomikos augimą ir suteikdama valstybėms galimybę konkuruoti globalizuotame pasaulyje.
Ši struktūra, kurią sudaro mokykla, universitetas, šeima / vaikai, karjera iki išėjimo į pensiją, pensija ir mirtis, buvo industrializacijos, urbanizacijos, plačiai paplitusio švietimo ir globalizacijos rezultatas. Tai palyginti naujas reiškinys, nepasireiškęs didžiojoje žmonijos istorijos dalyje (150-20000 metų į praeitį) ir vis dar nėra visuotinai taikomas daugelyje pasaulio vietų. Žmogaus egzistencijos didžiojoje laiko juostoje šis modelis gali būti vertinamas kaip eksperimentas, kuris nėra natūralus žmonėms ir niekada nebuvo praktikuojamas tokiu mastu.
Vienas iš pastebimų šio eksperimento šalutinių poveikių yra tas, kad daugeliui žmonių sunku įsilieti į šią sistemą, net ir nuo mažens pripratę jį vertinti kaip natūralų gyvenimo ciklą. Jie retai susiduria su alternatyviomis gyvenimo struktūromis, todėl jiems nėra aiškaus kelio, jei jie negali prisitaikyti prie šio.
Kita šios struktūros problema, ji buvo sukurta siekiant teikti pirmenybę ekonominiams ir pramonės poreikiams, o ne asmens gerovei. Todėl daug informacijos, kuri atskleidžia šios sistemos netobulumus, yra paslepiama arba nepaisoma. Pavyzdžiui, genetiniai tyrimai rodo, kad tik apie 40% vyrų žmonijos istorijoje kada nors turėjo vaikų. Tai rodo, kad šeimos nesukūrimas istoriškai buvo įprastas nemenkai daliai vyrų. Tačiau šiuolaikinė visuomenė propaguoja idėją, kad šeimos sukūrimas yra universalus gyvenimo tikslas kurį kieivienas gali pasiekti. Tai sukuria pernelyg didelį spaudimą asmenims ir ignoruoja realybę, kad daugelis liks vieniši arba bevaikiai, kaip visada buvo ir bus.
Taip pat pramoninėse visuomenėse daugelis žmonių gyvena nuo atlyginimo iki atlyginimo – tai yra statistinis faktas. Industrializacijos propaguojama idėja, kad vien sunkus darbas garantuoja ramų ir patogų išėjimą į pensiją nėra realus. Tačiau toks pasakojimas skatina žmones išlikti įsipareigojusiems sistemai, kuri nebūtinai jiems atlygina taip, kaip buvo pažadėta.
Ką norėjau pasakyti kad žmonės kurie yra vieniši ir galvoja kad nebesusilauks vaikų bei šeimos ar tie kurie nesugeba sukurti karjeros ir tapti turtingais yra visiškai sveiki žmonės kuriem reikia suprasti kad tokia išvardinta gyvenimo struktūra ira nauja industrializacijos pasekmė, kuri nėra natūrali žmogui pagal istorinius faktus, todėl kiekvienam reikia ieškoti alternatyvių gyvenimo būdų ir domėtis istorija kad nereikėtų vaikytis fantazijų kurių tik nedaugeliui istoriškai pavyko pasiekti.
submitted by Wilnietis to lietuva [link] [comments]