Mods: Petition to require a twitter/x link to post in this subreddit.

2025.01.22 18:12 CryptographerPrior18 Mods: Petition to require a twitter/x link to post in this subreddit.

submitted by CryptographerPrior18 to ChicagoCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 fonsograsa Is it worth buying 1 bed flat in CW

Looking to get some advice on whether buying a 1 bed second hand flat in the Canary Wharf area makes sense or not.
Albeit slightly higher prices compared to other parts of London, they seem rather fine given finishing qualities. I’m thinking of the likes of the Landmark building.
Most flats I’ve seen in the area are at 450k. How do you guys see the market moving forward? Is it a reasonable choice to start putting some money into property? Any other pros/cons you can think of?
submitted by fonsograsa to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Cool_Switch_7183 Send Emails to Republican Congressmen in the Trump Regime

Sent all of these Republican congressmen hate email. You can make them fear for their safety without threatening their lives. I've been doing it for decades, and so far, no secret service person has come to my front door.
You have to choose an address in their state district like a restaurant and use that address, phone number, and zip code. You can't use your own information.
The Trump regime wants war against our LGBTQ+ community, so let's give it to them.
submitted by Cool_Switch_7183 to gay [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 millman882 New truck

New truck Traded my 2016 F-150 Lariat for this as we want to get a camper and the size we were looking at was just too big (we discovered when we rented one to try it out). Of course, now we are looking at mid-sized bunkhouse fifth wheels.
submitted by millman882 to superduty [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Ambitious_Lady_1984 Happy Mail & After Dark Completed

Happy Mail & After Dark Completed Got some awesome Happy Mail today! I am so excited y'all, I have officially completed all of the main Halloween/After Dark/Mystic Magic series 💜🦄 (I know there are a few more I need like the set of 3 and I think the 5", but I think I have all of the LE's). It is such a great feeling to finally feel like I am caught up with these...although I am sure only until the next AD release.
submitted by Ambitious_Lady_1984 to Tokidoki [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 cr42yr1ch NewGRF - Full English - UK Townset

Processing img ukxcom5f5lee1...
As we're doing town NewGRFs, I have to show off "Full English - UK Townset"!
submitted by cr42yr1ch to openttd [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 hendrixlennox RNR to RAF Regular Officer

Good Evening,
I am currently in the RNR as a Rating and still doing my branch training. Also I'm an ex RAF Regular and was a mighty SAC in the Air & Space Ops branch. I'm getting a bit older now with a family but really miss being in the regulars and I want to commission this time. Has anybody made the leap from another reserve force to regulars?? I will speak to an AFCO but it's always better getting gen from people who've actually made the switch.
submitted by hendrixlennox to RoyalAirForce [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Legitimate-Can-8500 bring back the roasted chicken

been a loyal customer since 2016 and I'm so over the changes.
submitted by Legitimate-Can-8500 to sweetgreen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Reasonable_Rip_536 Thoughts on Superpro wishbone?

Thoughts on Superpro wishbone? I'm considering changing my wishbone as I'm getting a few creaks on cold due to the winter weather, and I'm thinking about upgrading to a higher caster as it statested that it improves handing. Has anyone used these and are they are good and more reliable than the stock ball joints and bushings? Thank you
submitted by Reasonable_Rip_536 to FiestaST [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 throwawaywinnercar Question about G2 extension

I got my G1 in August of 2021. Due to personal/financial circumstances I haven't been able to get my G2 yet. From what I understand, you have 5 years to get your full G license from the date you get your G1. Does this mean I have to get my G2 before August of this year so I can get my full G license by August 2026? I've heard there is an option to extend your G2 but not entirely sure how that works.
If I get my G2 later than August of this year will I still be able to get my G or will I have to start the process all over again?
submitted by throwawaywinnercar to Ontariodrivetest [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 jakethedog555 First time player

I am playing the tutorial now and the control seem a bit laggy. Is that normal or something that I can adjust in settings?
submitted by jakethedog555 to dishonored [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 vrryhaevy (sell)(US to US) mostly BPAL FS

hi! I have a kitty, btw. $6shipping. Some are 2nd hand. PayPal goods please and thank you 🙂
most of these are very lightly used/ v full unless otherwise indicated. Shipping is $6 US.
Please DM meee. Thanks for having a look!
I typically ship within a few days of payment with a delightful padded package
FULL sizes unless noted! I ship promptly, most of these have been tested a few times, partials noted. A little haggling is okay
Is he you know? $24 (new from lab tested 2x)
Jaunty tater $20
Artists entrance half $17
Solved Mysteries half $16
ecclesiastical excesses (at shoulder) $17
Drag is for everyone $23
Horn of malediction $24
Tovenares: $20
snake haired moirai $22
Nasty woman (at shoulder) $20
odd portents (at shoulder)$20
Coral Snake (slightly less than half) $13
Little Flora (1/4 partial) $7
$20 Woman as dragon
$26Vintage Witch Blow Mold
$26Lavender coconut creme pie
$20Haunted full
$20Baku full
$28Raspberry Sufyaniyot shoulder
$16Dead leaves, pistachio, marshmallow creme half
$24Booboo eyes full
$26Mummy milk shoulder
$24First day of high school neck
Chocolate caramel ln: 13
Marshmallows brawl (at shoulder) $15
submitted by vrryhaevy to IndieExchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 mikeatgl Always Remember

Always Remember Another world is possible (at Myrtle-Broadway.)
submitted by mikeatgl to Bushwick [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Hefty_Ad3315 Tengo un problema con Banco Azteca (ojalá alguien pueda ayudarme)

Hola, tengo un problemilla con banco azteca, en algún momento alguien que consideraba mi amigo necesitaba dinero urgentemente, entonces yo (en mi estupidez y confianza de 22 años) saqué un prestamo en banco azteca por 18,500 Pesos, el caso es que todo iba bien, me pasaba el dinero de su abono puntual, pero esto solo duró un mes jaja, después simplemente desapareció de la faz de la tierra, no tengo ni pvta idea de donde se metió y el caso es que pues ya practicamente ese problemón es mio.
Cabe mencionar que trabajo por honorarios y gran parte de estos ultimos 2 años estuve viviendo literalmente al día y pagar el abono semanal no fué opción.
El credito ya lleva bastante tiempo atrasado y pues hoy uno de sus despachos, esos que te molestan por teléfono y te contestan 1 de cada 100 llamadas me esta cobrando 100k 💀💀💀 jajaja Y yo asi de: ¿pues que pedo? Eso es muchisimo mas del triple que sus terminos y condiciones expresan, cabe aclarar que en la app realmente aparece un adeudo de 38, 695.
Me gustaría saber que puedo hacer en este caso porque me interesa resolver el problema.
No dejando todo al sentido común es obvio que la busqueda del supuesto amigo ya se hizo y nunca apareció.
submitted by Hefty_Ad3315 to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 VertigoDelight What is your childhood "sick" food (and where are you from)?

submitted by VertigoDelight to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 summerwalkin tirzepitide and your biometrics

I am just curious if anybody is taking tirzepitide or another GLP one and what effect you have noticed on your biometrics? I am considering doing a micro dosing program and just I’m curious if I should or not.
submitted by summerwalkin to ouraring [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 ExaminationFalse6581 Körmös ajánlás főként 9.kerület vagy 11. Kerület.💅🏼

Sziasztok! Ha ismertek olyan körmöst, aki nagyon szépen dolgozik, készít erősített gél lakkot és még fogad is új vendéget, akkor légyszí írjátok meg .🙈🥰 Volt pár körmös, akire ráírtam, de azóta se válaszoltak szóval, ha lehet akkor megbízható is legyen . Köszii
submitted by ExaminationFalse6581 to szepsegtippek [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Commercial-Spite-429 Antonia Valadao

Antonia Valadao submitted by Commercial-Spite-429 to Amadorat__hot [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 UnexpectedEmuAttack Season 2 roadmap

Season 2 roadmap submitted by UnexpectedEmuAttack to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 CamCannibus Blaster Boxes For Sale

Blaster Boxes For Sale submitted by CamCannibus to footballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 tani_sprout viper buffs

i was wondering if riot would ever buff viper again, since fracture is back in rotation and icebox is also coming back next update, but with the harbor changes i doubt it 😭
submitted by tani_sprout to ViperMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Fox_the_foxy Im looking for a model for roleplay, and one for storytelling (so, a writer. I just feel that LLM's for chatting are not good in dedicated storytelling where they are not a character, but maybe im wrong). Its been some times since I messed with LLMs locally, and I'm not sure which is good right now.

My cards are: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
Display Memory: 8159 MB
Dedicated Memory: 128 MB
Shared Memory: 8031 MB
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Laptop GPU
Display Memory: 15979 MB
Dedicated Memory: 7948 MB
Shared Memory: 8031 MB
submitted by Fox_the_foxy to MistralAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 robneir New study shows that shared reading aloud fosters intelligence. If you can't access the article, the first comment below will have a summary of the findings.

submitted by robneir to IntelligenceTesting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 ProjectMcDavid What XP collectibles packs to get for Toty/nominees

Haven’t used any s2 or s3 collectibles yet
submitted by ProjectMcDavid to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 DryRow3003 [EU] Betafrost looking for rifler

Hello Betafrost is looking for a new rifler for our team.
We are currently a 4 man norwegian core. + coach
Betafrost is a serious Norwegian org that looks to play the norwegian Goodgame leauge.
We play 3rd div
Our roster:
Leefo3k (17)
Quattrogte (15)
ToneyTrany (18)
Quattro (16)
Add me on disc: leefo. or steam
submitted by DryRow3003 to RecruitCS [link] [comments]