Fortnite x Hi-Fi Rush

一个偏僻的临海小镇,黄发小青年吴仁耀(刘昊然 饰)依靠摩托特技为生,他喜欢上了美丽女孩周欢颂(刘浩存 饰),谁知却因此招惹上了欢颂的哥哥周欢歌(尹正 饰)。欢歌颇为欣赏阿耀的车技,于是将其招入自己的车... 1、观影感受 《极速风流》(英文名:rush)根据奥地利f1赛车手尼基•劳达和英国赛车手詹姆斯•亨特在上世纪七十年代互相竞 争、巅峰对决的真实故事改编,由朗•霍华德执导,克里斯•海姆斯沃斯、丹尼尔•布鲁赫主演,甚是精彩! 《尖峰时刻》是成龙在好莱坞拍的第一部英文电影,影片讲述了李警官和詹姆斯卡特两个搭档营救韩大使的女儿小秀,与军火商钱涛激战的故事,中西文化的撞击,性格差异巨大的搭档,有欢笑有紧张,动作戏并不是很过瘾,但喜剧段子够搞笑,一个负责打斗,一个负责逗乐,搭配之中碰撞... 尖峰时刻4电影简介和剧情介绍,尖峰时刻4影评、图片、预告片、影讯、论坛、在线购票 立夏和程七七(柴碧云 饰)是从小玩到大的青梅竹马,彼此之间感情十分要好。两人双双考入了大名鼎鼎的浅川一中,在那里,两个女孩邂逅了傅小司(陈学冬 饰)、陆之昂(白敬亭 饰)和遇见(夏梓桐 饰),五人结为... 性情古怪的奥德曼先生(杰弗里·拉什 Geoffrey Rush 饰)是一家顶级艺术品拍卖行的鉴赏拍卖师,在他几十年的职业生涯中几乎从未失手,他最大的爱好就是收藏各种时期的女人肖像画。比利(唐纳德·萨瑟... 无敌破坏王(约翰·C·赖利 John C. Reilly 配音)生活在一个80年代出品的低精度游戏中。他的设定身份是一个反派,每天的生活就是在游戏《快手阿修》中大搞破坏,其后由玩家操作的英雄人物快手阿... 贫富不均对社会有什么影响?穷人真能掌握自己的未来?国际非营利组织STEPS INTERNATIONAL 所推动的《为什么贫穷?》(Why Poverty?)跨媒体计划,参与协同制作工作,与全球同步播出... 贤惠妻子伊丽莎白(海伦娜·邦汉·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)为了帮助丈夫,到处寻访名医,但是传统的方法总不奏效。一次偶然的机会,她慕名来到了语言治疗师莱纳尔罗格(杰弗里·拉什 Geoffrey Rush 饰)的宅邸,传说他的方式与众不同。 这一集,给予它由衷的褒奖。 两个案子,Gary Rush 和 Mercedes Cordoba。 Rush 入室行窃,并虐打老英雄。Cordoba携毒入境。 两个案子本身的设定就已经很吸引人,但更妙的是其背后对法律原则的渗透和对现实的揭示。

2025.01.22 19:22 Same-One-9155 Fortnite x Hi-Fi Rush

Fortnite x Hi-Fi Rush submitted by Same-One-9155 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 Zealousideal-King726 UGlobe Access

Does anyone have a uglobe account that they have not needed to use that has a reset option remaining? I am willing to pay the difference! I just signed up for my MCAT retake incase this cycle doesn't work out and I am really hoping to not have to pay for an entire package again:(
submitted by Zealousideal-King726 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 curious_gravity Is this why my bike won't start/ run

Last Thursday 10 minutes into my ride bike sputtered out and would not start. I replaced the spark plug, fuel pump filter, and fuel line filter and got it to start and run for about 10 seconds but would not keep running. Cold start valve CPL is cracked at the threads. Is this likely the culprit?
submitted by curious_gravity to Husqvarna [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 Medical_Medium8618 Finding This

Does anyone have the link to download "Organic Chemistry, 4th Edition (David Klein) ISBN: 978-1-119-65959-4"
submitted by Medical_Medium8618 to FreeTextBook [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 SpecialistAnxious704 help me answer illogical questions for my fiction novel. Plz?

It may be stupid, but it’s my dream to write it: (Didn’t wanna detail everything) in the near future after a big revolution, that they call the “wa conflict,” (you can change the name to your liking) It was between the working class and the government / corporations for many reasons. Is left a devastating end result; cities were destroyed, people killed. But after some time societies started to form. The “Techs” (you may come up w a more creative name) who valued technology, and innovation, and were kinda more scientific . They lived in artificial cities at random locations, but also wanted to be sustainable and eco-friendly.
Then the other society, by the name of “trads” or traditionalists (you may give another name) valued a more conservative perspective, these are more artistic people who wanted to preserve cultures and history, and live with nature as well, they made so called “reservations”, or historic / heritage centres, where they revoke the past eras, -rebuilt buildings and dressed like from that era, but with a (mostly) modern mindset. - Imagine ancient Athens revived - but only the look and atmosphere, or jazz Age of NYC - imagine living in an Air bnb but it’s a castle from medival times, anx the people act like it too. So mainly the good parts / rich stuff , ofc there would be exceptions- like who wants to be in 1960’s Wyoming playing a cowboy and have a chill life, can do that.
3rd society Then there was the “two worlders” again you can come up w a better name (Kinda imagine our world of these melt pot of everything - poor and rich) - who were the intermedium between the two, tech and tradition, or couldn’t settle for one
important jobs/ positions: “diplomats” -promoting peace and info between two “The council” deciding democratically (for example what era to revive, based on people’s wishes) “The engineers” they make the cities sustainable (for smart cities to be eco friendly for example; for historic centres to be efficient- like seamless and hidden modern infrastructure)
“The scholars” Who would write up all the data, and write into the Big Book -sort of like a moral codex, what people have to follow -different to each communities, but to preserve a modern and ethical mindset (Like no discrimination against this or that, just frickin peace)
“The survillance” Kind of like a police, who would check if there are any wrongdoers
Plus info:
Kids: when they become a certain age, they may choose where to live, or who to become, but have to go through tests for their knowledge, there is ofc education available, because they value it the most- both intellectual and emotional, but people’s minds are still different.
There’s grants or like scholarships for kids - And tourism options -like exchanges between cities to see the way of life for each. To not experience immense culture shock, they learn and prepare prior.
Techs have very real looking video games and virtual realities, but trads prefer the real touch and essence of nature, so augmenting their reality is not an option.
Now there is a dark side / conflict ofc :
There’s not a place for everyone yet, those who were left behind -the mass, are mainly workers to keep these cities alive, but they have opportunities to join them-
(here lies a question? Maybe somewhat of games? Reviving old conflicts - battle of this or that - gladiator games- but don’t want to be too hunger gamey) but there could be intellectual/ wit games/ situational/ skill tests as well, depending who you’d like to join.
The criminals could be killed (?) for entertainment in different ways - but not too said edgy, some wealthy are just bored, that’s why.
submitted by SpecialistAnxious704 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 HectorZapato Iam the only one Who played these nostalgic ones?

Iam the only one Who played these nostalgic ones? Old but gold 🥹🥲
submitted by HectorZapato to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 Selbstredend Now we know his problem.

Now we know his problem. submitted by Selbstredend to memes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 Available-Kitchen439 That blanket 🤮

That blanket 🤮 Look at the butt crack part 🤢🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮
submitted by Available-Kitchen439 to carriewalls7 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 KaXiaM Jerrod Johnson could be leaving, too

Jerrod Johnson could be leaving, too submitted by KaXiaM to Texans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 Chessiekit 1 day post op

Hey there! I had my tubes taken out yesterday morning,it was my first surgery and a rather traumatic experience. I had a ✨terrible ✨ reaction to the anesthesia meds and tried to rip the mask off and fought the doctors before going under,had tachycardia the whole surgery, and then screamed and cried and flailed for 30 mins coming out of it and threw up several times.
Today I'm doing a bit better,on oxy/Tylenol/Motrin. I am having issues getting in and out of bed to pee or roll over though, does anyone have any tips or techniques to make that easier?
submitted by Chessiekit to sterilization [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 XA36 Just because it's been discussed on the podcast before. This is exactly the reason disarmament during a stop of a minor infraction is fucking stupid.

Just because it's been discussed on the podcast before. This is exactly the reason disarmament during a stop of a minor infraction is fucking stupid. submitted by XA36 to nass [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 ElleEveH Asking for £20 to get us through to Friday

I am writing here out of desperation as I do not get paid until Friday and I desperately want to get some bits and pieces, milk, bread eggs etc. It is myself, disabled mother and little sister. I truly am desperate. I don't have any money apps, just my bank details if anyone is willing to help
submitted by ElleEveH to Assistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 Icy-Employee-1928 What are the best resources for learning prompting engineering

Hi everyone,
Could you please share some resources for learning prompt engineering,
Courses Blogs Communities YouTube channels
I'm looking to learn from the basics, not for a job, but to develop new skills faster using AI. I'm interested in resources that teach practical use cases, not just theory, and focus on how to write better prompts to get high-quality outputs.
submitted by Icy-Employee-1928 to ClaudeAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 Acrobatic-Lie3333 Just jumped out of my seat

Just jumped out of my seat submitted by Acrobatic-Lie3333 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 kdbleeep We found these hippos right before the winter storm hit here in the south. Keeping them warm until we can there family.

submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 keerthisha Do you want to see more closely?

Do you want to see more closely? submitted by keerthisha to uvulas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 nicolai1997 Evgo credit? Dealership is useless

Does anyone know of any way to escalate on how to get my EvGo credit ? I still haven’t gotten it, my lease started 12/9.
I called OnStar on 12/13- waited for emails. Called 12/20 and they said it can take up to 2 weeks, called My dealership and they said the same.
Went to Mexico for 2 weeks and I came back 1/10- called and my OnStar is expired so I can’t do anything through my in car button besides report a crash or schedule for a recall. I’ve called the dealership and they have 0 idea. I’ve called Honda service and started a ticket but that was last week and they haven’t got back to me.
submitted by nicolai1997 to HondaPrologue [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 mybrotherpeeiswhite Stuck in a infinite loading

Today I went to travel to a different area and got stuck in a loading I tried everything and nothings works,even made a new character and I get stuck in that loading too Does anyone have a fix? I'm on ps5
submitted by mybrotherpeeiswhite to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 Adventurous_Past_936 My new coffee station on YouTube

I’ve started documenting my coffee journey on YouTube, sharing my first steps with the Bambino Plus espresso machine and trying latte art. As a photographer, I’m also trying to make the videos visually engaging. Please let me know your opinions, advice, and comments. Here’s the video: []
Would love your tips, feedback, or ideas. Let’s connect and chat all things coffee!
submitted by Adventurous_Past_936 to espresso [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 Key_Onion_8412 4o vs 1o?

So how are y'all deciding when to use 4o vs 1o? 1o for everything except when you need to search the internet?
submitted by Key_Onion_8412 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 No_Camera8758 Mew Booster pack!

Mew Booster pack! submitted by No_Camera8758 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 Admirable_Apple_7959 TikTok is now reportedly flagging the phrase ‘Free Palestine’ as hate speech.

TikTok is now reportedly flagging the phrase ‘Free Palestine’ as hate speech. submitted by Admirable_Apple_7959 to IsraelCrimes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 Solid-Confusion5223 Indiana Lawmakers Look To Michigan And Illinois As Guides For How To Legalize Marijuana With The Right Regulations

Indiana Lawmakers Look To Michigan And Illinois As Guides For How To Legalize Marijuana With The Right Regulations submitted by Solid-Confusion5223 to cannabis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 kinsleyleigh New hand tattoo leaking a lot, should I dab it off, wash it off, or leave it alone?

Just got a full color hand tattoo 2 days ago. It is leaking a lot more than any others I’ve had. Should I just use a paper towel and dab the liquid off? Is washing it off the best advice? Or should I just leave it?
submitted by kinsleyleigh to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:22 RadiantCitron Buyout my car lease or ALL IN on MSTY/CONY?

Similar to another post today, I am wondering if I should buyout my car lease in cash to stop my monthly payment, or do I put the cash into either CONY or MSTY and use the monthly divi for my car payment? Around a year ago I put 20k into IBIT, which is now worth just over 30K, with a goal of being able to buy my car outright (would cost around 29k, so all of my cash). However I feel like with that amount of cash saved up, it might be better long term to keep it invested and/or change my investment so I can start earning money via dividends. Thoughts? I did some quick math based on the average divi payout for MSTY over the last year, and it would give me roughly a $3k per month dividend, which would pay my car payment and then some. Am I being foolish here even considering this? I know the volatility that comes with MSTY since I already am all in on IBIT so that part doesnt scare me. I want to payoff my car but that is so much cash to just be gone in an instant. Obviously I need to weigh the pro's and con's here so it is my decision but would like your thoughts if anyone else has been in a similar place and what you did.
submitted by RadiantCitron to YieldMaxETFs [link] [comments]