2025.01.22 19:02 rusakovic 📩 Sr. Billing Administrator Salary: 💰$72,900 - $109,400. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States
submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 tronco-do_prazerkkk Playlist perfeita pra isso
submitted by tronco-do_prazerkkk to ShitpostBR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 JobsucheRegional [Willich] Teamassistenz (m/w/d) als Verstärkung für Büro gesucht
submitted by JobsucheRegional to JobsKrefeld [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 Worldpeacee007 Most Overlooked Niche Horror Films: A Discussion
I see a lot of the same films mentioned on this sub and would love to get a discussion going in regards to films that are often overlooked, considered niche or ones that are just plain underrated. Whether it was due to marketing, the time they came out, or the fact they are shot in a different language, there are many great films in the genre that people either haven't seen or heard of- myself included. What are some horror films you think flew under the radar or are deserving of more praise? This is your time to get real nerdy
Here is my personal list (some of these might not be considered underrated or overlooked, but I do think they should be talked about more in conversations like this)
The Others (2001)
Raw (2016)
Goodnight Mommy (2014)
The Innocents (2021
Braindead (aka) Dead Alive (1992
Come And See (1985)
The Neon Demon (2016)
House (1977)
Under The Skin (2013)
Let The Right One In (2008)
Altered States (1980)
Climax (2018)
His House (2020)
Controversial but I think the first 2 V/H/S films are great for what they are. they were quite fun when they came out
Green Room (2015)
submitted by Worldpeacee007 to horror [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 TemporaryGoose8570 Sou babaca por não gostar que comam minha batata frita?
Quando eu vou comer no mc donalds, BK ou restaurante de lanche artesanal, SEMPRE tem alguém comendo as minhas batatas. Óbvio que eu ofereço - por educação - mas quem pega não pega 5 ou 8 batatas, pega quase metade e vai até comendo até que sobram as batatas pequenas ou meio queimadas pra mim (aquelas do fundo que são as piores, tipo pipoca que não estourou direito). Nossa como eu tenho ódio disso, tipo, se vc quer batata, compra a sua, ou eu compro 2 pacotinho de batata e cada um come o seu. Que ódio. Eu pedi meu lanche com batata frita e eu quero comer minha batata sozinho krl
submitted by TemporaryGoose8570 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Live-Safe-6487 What are the consequences of begging your ex to stay?
submitted by Live-Safe-6487 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 MrDarkSpud12 Coolant temperature drop after hard acceleration
I have an '09 2.5 with a little over 100k miles. Mods are intake, catback, downpipe and IE tune if that helps at all. Also sorry for the long story but I know details help.
While on my way home, I decided to have a little fun and take some back roads I don't usually take and get on it a little. I had been driving for about 25 minutes and car was fully warmed up. I downshift to second gear around a curve and pull to 3rd, shifted early at around 5k rpm and immediately let off when I looked down and saw my coolant temperature start plummeting. My heated seats were off, and my heat was on with fan speed at 1 (low). No other heated accessories were on. What would cause this? It's about 6° F where I am right now as well.
submitted by MrDarkSpud12 to jetta [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Equivalent_Hand1549 Trump warns Putin he'll be the next tariff target over the Ukraine war, but the US hardly has Russian imports to levy
submitted by Equivalent_Hand1549 to UkrainianConflict [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 JobsucheRegional [Wuppertal] Anwendungstechniker (m/w/d) für CNC Bearbeitungszentren und Drehmaschinen gesucht
submitted by JobsucheRegional to JobsWuppertal [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 BaconLordMLG Question about 2 handing
Is there any practical benefit to 2 handing outside of the 1.5x strength buff? I often like to 2 hand certain dex weapons like katanas and twinblades since I find the movesets to be smoother and more satisfying, but is there any practical benefit to this as far as like poise and frame data, or is it literally just cosmetic?
submitted by BaconLordMLG to Eldenring [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 JobsucheRegional [Hannover] Ingenieur*in (jeglichen Geschlechts; FH-Diplom oder Bachelor) der Fachrichtung Elektrotechnik oder vergleichbarer Studienrichtung gesucht
submitted by JobsucheRegional to JobsHannover [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 Public_Minimum8224 Swap class
I am willing to drop the Fre 1001 for JPN if someone wants to trade classes
submitted by Public_Minimum8224 to Baruch [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 JobsucheRegional [Essen] Kaufmännisch-technischer Angestellter (m/w/d) gesucht
submitted by JobsucheRegional to JobsBochum [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 audrabot LED light for an old school lid
Does anybody have this style of tank/lid with a modern LED light? Do you have the light shine through the plexiglass window? This light isn't cutting it anymore. I also have an LED light that suction cups to the underside of the lid, but I'd like to get something nicer and I'm not sure exactly how to do it. Any experience/advice would be greatly appreciated. submitted by audrabot to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 JobsucheRegional [Darmstadt] Steuerfachangestellter (m/w/d) (Voll- oder Teilzeit) gesucht
submitted by JobsucheRegional to JobsDarmstadt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 JobsucheRegional [Nürnberg] Elektroniker als Servicetechniker Elektrotechnik (m/w/d) im Außendienst in Bayern gesucht
submitted by JobsucheRegional to JobsNuernberg [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 Ell_Portador Cómo le hago?
Que onda banda, les platico rápidamente mi triste historia.
Yo trabajo en una oficina en el centro de la CDMX, tengo Home Office así que solo voy 3 veces a la semana. El problema comenzó está semana por qué nos cambiaron los lugares (ya se habien hecho grupitos de amigos y la banda se estaba haciendo bien pendeja) El chiste es que el lugar donde me tocó es justamente frente a la salida del aire acondicionado para toda la oficina. No quiero ser la morra castrosa que se queja del Aire. Pero no chinguen desde las 7 am hasta las 4pm tengo el puto aire frío dándome con todo y de lleno en todo el cuerpo. Traigo una chamarra térmica con pila para que se caliente y ni con eso se hace aguantable el pinche frio. Le comenté esto a mis superiores y su respuesta fue: "tssss si hace frio, encuentra un cartón para desviar el aire por qué no podemos apagar el aire"
Ahora les pregunto a ustedes: Que chingados me recomiendan hacer? Estos weyes como no sienten nada no van a hacer nada por cambiarme y por lo mientras yo llevo lunes y martes congelandome las pelotas dentro de la oficina.
submitted by Ell_Portador to ayudamexico [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 JobsucheRegional [Trier] Vertriebsexperte (m/w/d) für Immobilien gesucht
submitted by JobsucheRegional to JobsTrier [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 JobsucheRegional [Tuntenhausen] Maschinen- und Anlagenführer / Maschinenführer (m/w/d) gesucht
submitted by JobsucheRegional to JobsRosenheim [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 Imadethisaccount4yal How to save Kate and Gabe TWDS3
You have to reject Ava's offer, Inject AJ, And Obey them with AJ, one more thing people forget to add you HAVE to kill Dr. Linguard or there will be a rift of trust between you and Clementine and you will only be able to save ONE person.
submitted by Imadethisaccount4yal to TheWalkingDeadGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 cfjc_today Cache Creek under boil water advisory for two days
submitted by cfjc_today to kamloopsnews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 Userror404 Poll: What time do you take your shot and why?
I see this question pop up now and again in different threads and I thought, why not make a poll and collect the answers and reasoning/experiences. What time do you take your daily shot and why? What are the pro's and con's of that particular time for you?
View Poll
submitted by Userror404 to liraglutide [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Head-Independence574 Sunset in riverside
submitted by Head-Independence574 to InlandEmpire [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 tinymounstro That one roleplayer on Tumblr...
They're no longer around the Tumblr rp scene but this person was popular for their call outs, mostly those towards the copycat known as Ri(fake name). However I still remember how she would witch hunt anyone she didn't like, as well as having a clique that later fell apart because they were all awful people lol.
I had some friends that got attacked just for asking if they could use the same FC. Like, the entitlement of this person was insane.
I do still miss the 2010 - 2013 before all the call out bullshit began. Her writing was bad, so I'm not surprised she was the main writer of the VD game.
Her OC was some convoluted chick with purple hair and green eyes(generic I know) and was very sadistic and an overall asshole. Not to mention she always wrote in fucking purple prose and if I'm honest while I do like it here and there some of the words did not make sense at all.
I just wanted to get this off my chest cause she was / is a bad person. She never got served the consequences that she needed to receive. Like, her friends would send stuff to other people so the people she didn't like wouldn't rp with them.
It just made me so angry bro. Like, No one said anything to that clique because they were afraid of being witch hunted (me included).
submitted by tinymounstro to BadRPerStories [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 GameOnBrother Now in theaters, The Colors Within has a whole new spin on ‘forming a band’ anime
submitted by GameOnBrother to GamesAreLife [link] [comments]