The channel also needs to have content and be active on YouTube. Sometimes, YouTube may also proactively verify channels with fewer than 100,000 subscribers that are well-known outside of YouTube. Distinguish your channel without verification. If your channel isn't verified, here are some other ways to distinguish your channel from similar ... It is important to understand that your YouTube channel or YouTube Brand Account is just a product on your Google Account and that you sign into your Google Account in order to use your YouTube channel or YouTube Brand Account. In short- this is actually about signing into your Google Account! In order to sign into your Google Account (so that you can use your YouTube channel or YouTube Brand ... Getting started | How to subscribe to a YouTube channel and why. Subscribe to the YouTube Viewers channel for the latest news, updates, and tips. Subscribe to a YouTube channel. On a computer, sign in to YouTube. Go to a video whose channel you want to subscribe to. Under the video player, click Subscribe . If another creator is featured in the ... You can upload videos to YouTube in a few easy steps. Use the instructions below to upload your videos from a computer or from a mobile device. Uploading may not be available with supervised experiences on YouTube. Learn more here. Upload videos in YouTube Studio. Sign in to YouTube Studio. In the top-right corner, click CREATE Upload videos . You can change your YouTube channel name, just make sure it follows our Community Guidelines. After changing your name, it may take a few days for the new name to update and display across YouTube. If you change your YouTube channel name and picture, it will only be visible on YouTube. Use the YouTube Studio dashboard to get an overview of your channel analytics, comments and more. View your dashboard. To open your dashboard, either: Go directly to YouTube Studio. From anywhere on YouTube, select your profile picture YouTube Studio. Navigate your dashboard. On the dashboard, you'll see a few different cards. Channel Permissions in YouTube Studio: Invite People to Help Manage Your Channel Subscribe to the YouTube Creators channel for the latest news, updates, and tips. Note: If you give channel access to a teen user (13-17 or the relevant age in your country or region ), a guardian supervising the teen will have access to a dashboard with public info about your channel. Create a channel by clicking Create a new channel. Create a YouTube channel for a Brand Account that you already manage by choosing the Brand Account from the list. If this Brand Account already has a channel, you can't create a new one. When you select the Brand Account from the list, you’ll be switched over to that channel. If you connect your YouTube channel to your Google Account: Who can manage the channel: Only you can access the YouTube channel and you have to use your Google Account. What name and photo show: The YouTube channel uses the same name and photo as your Google Account (and rest of your Google services, like Gmail or Google Docs). Use a Brand Account To sign in to YouTube, you'll need to create a Google Account. A Google Account lets you use many YouTube features including Like, Subscribe, Watch Later, and Watch History.
2025.01.22 20:54 Scared_Salad_3085 Check out my YouTube channel
Hey guys I’ve been making YouTube vids for a few years now I’m sure some of you guys would enjoy my videos I post how to pov driving videos , parts install , even diy stuff feel free to check it out would be very appreciated !
submitted by Scared_Salad_3085 to GenesisG70 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 flowerlovingatheist Petition to ban twitter links
(Note that I shall be referring to the company and social media platform calling itself "X" as twitter, as I simply refuse to call it that)
So in case you don't know, Elon Musk did a hitlergruß (nazi salute) on live television. If you do not believe me or think it was a cherrypicked angle/frame, here's a video recording of it. He did it two times, and it is very clearly a nazi salute. Utterly disgusting piece of shite human being he is.
There's been a little bit of a movement on some (a lot, actually) of reddit's subreddits to just outright ban twitter links. While twitter posts aren't often linked here, I believe it is not unreasonable to say that we, as decent human beings, should be doing everything we can to diminish traffic to twitter. This isn't censorship, this is not tolerating nazis and fascists.
Plus, it's not hard to do. Make the automoderator automatically remove any submissions that include links whose second level domain is "twitter" or "x". If necessary, works perfectly as a gateway to see twitter posts without giving it traffic, and links can be used too.
submitted by flowerlovingatheist to Gentoo [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Dazzling-Internet-55 Poor guy is still waiting...
submitted by Dazzling-Internet-55 to chutyapa [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 DrewDevs [US-CA] [H] Neo65 Grey [W] PayPal
Grey, Copper Weight
Tri-mode Non-flex cut Hotswap PCB
PC and POM Plates, all foams
Comes with OG accessories, case, and stock stabilizers
Keycaps are NOT included
Price: $75 shipped
submitted by DrewDevs to mechmarket [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Competitive_Log6620 TIFU by dislocating my finger while putting on my sock
Okay, while this did happen a week ago, i think it's appropriate to put this here. I had been hitting the gym for a solid 2 hours. I was done with my workout and walked to the changing rooms. I showered, changed clothes, and it was time to put my socks back. (I use different socks for gym shoes) I changed my socks and I noticed that my feet were very sweaty. Not just sweaty, they were downright soggy. And I knew that the battle with the sock was inevitable. I went in Roman style, full on attack. Put the sock against my wet foot, and started pulling. I pulled and pulled, until...... snap. I wondered what happened, something was feeling off in my right hand. I looked, and goddamn, my middle finger was looking like a drawn seagull or a wave. I panicked a little, luckily I was alone in the changing room. I left the changing room fast with my shoes on without the socks. The finger started to swell, and hurt. I was holding back tears at this point, but i fought my way to the hospital. There I showed the finger to a doctor who told me to sit down, he put a local anesthesia shot in the finger, and started operating. He was observing and fiddling it weird and asking how i feel and shit, until he suddenly just popped it right back. It felt kinda discomfortable but it was worth it. This entire procedure took only an hour or so, insane. It hurt for the next few days. Still does a little. The most embarrassing fuck up of my life so far.
TL;DR: I dislocated my finger while pulling up a sock on my wet foot.
submitted by Competitive_Log6620 to tifu [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Overthehightides New England Revolution sign defender Damario McIntosh as Homegrown Player
submitted by Overthehightides to newenglandrevolution [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 full_variant take a drag, put it on shuffle, and vibe [JAZZ]
submitted by full_variant to SpotifyPlaylistShare [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Comfortable_Survey56 Están invitados
submitted by Comfortable_Survey56 to ElSalvador [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 lightning-has-struck Should I taper my 4 month old off topical steroids?
My son is in a current flare at 4 months old. He has staph on his cheek and I am using muciprocin on that as well as oral antibiotic for staph and he has an ear infection. The rest of his body is being covered in 2.5% topical steroid 3x a day for 14 days. I’ve read about the awful effects of TSW and keep seeing to taper off steroid instead of doing it cold turkey, but my instructions from the peds does not include tapering off. I’m wondering from this community if that is something you all would do even though it was not told to me directly? Should I still moisturize him after steroid and antibiotic cream or not until treatment is over?
I just feel so horrible for him and want to learn as much as I can to bring him relief and not make it worse.
submitted by lightning-has-struck to eczema [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Imaginary-Package699 C4C
Code is: 80000369 I will return click for yours thanks! submitted by Imaginary-Package699 to TemuThings [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Able_Freedom_3093 Gameplay
Hi Guys, does someone else has a hard time to win any games since the new patch? The amount of BS that I have seen the last 2 days is mindblowing, in my last game alone I shot 7 times on the post, passes aren’t going in the direction that I aim ect.
submitted by Able_Freedom_3093 to EAFC [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Medium_Leather8365 Would you eat her out first or have her suck your dick
submitted by Medium_Leather8365 to magalyrdss [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Informal_Currency505 Children's story with a giant purple slug monster called Broonlark
I've got this posted on whatsthatbook, but it won't hurt to have it here as well.
This would likely have been a children’s book which was read on one of the many ‘education for schools’ programmes in the United Kingdom in the 80s and 90s.
The story was possibly some kind of adventure tale, with potentially two children as protagonists.
During the course of their travels, they ran into a giant, purple slug whose name was ‘Broonlark’ (as far as I can remember).
Broonlark was very distinctive; dark purple and black coloured, and the drawings in the story had him with four eyes (two on his eyestalks, and two on his olfactory stalks). All of his eyes were yellow and glaring.
I remember specifically the characters pointing out that Broonlark was accompanied by a terrible stench, and he appeared at at least one point in the story blocking the path of the main characters.
This was likely from between 1987 and 1992 (at least that’s when I would have seen it being read on TV.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, as I’ve been trying to find out what it was for the last couple of decades but with no joy.
submitted by Informal_Currency505 to LostBooks [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 ConfidenceAgitated16 Having trouble seeing anything over this tiny mountain of snow on the hood that I couldn’t reach when cleaning it off
submitted by ConfidenceAgitated16 to notinteresting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Due-Promise-5269 Problem with library python-bitcoinlib and openssl
I am beginner and do not know why but when I run these lines code: from bitcoin.core.script import * from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinSecret, P2PKHBitcoinAddress
Then I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "......./Starter Code/", line 2, in
from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinSecret, P2PKHBitcoinAddress
File ".......\anaconda3\envs\blockchain2\lib\site-packages\bitcoin\", line 23, in
import bitcoin.core.key
File "........\anaconda3\envs\blockchain2\lib\site-packages\bitcoin\core\", line 28, in
ctypes.util.find_library('ssl.35') or ctypes.util.find_library('ssl') or ctypes.util.find_library('libeay32')
File "..........\anaconda3\envs\blockchain2\lib\ctypes\", line 442, in LoadLibrary
return self._dlltype(name)
File ".......\anaconda3\envs\blockchain2\lib\ctypes\", line 364, in __init__
self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
TypeError: LoadLibrary() argument 1 must be str, not None
I substituted my personal file path with dots for privacy reasons.
I tried with python 3.10 and then switch to python 3.7 because I thought that was the problem. First use as virtual environment with venv then switch to conda. I also download ssl from the official website( and add it to the environment variable path but nothing seems to work. I am using windows 11 64 bit if it may of any helps.
submitted by Due-Promise-5269 to learnpython [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Abject-Ad9844 CORTEIZ CARGO TROUSER BLACK / RED
Ordering process was smooth, and the item arrived in great condition via EMS shipping. Code:300189808 Link: submitted by Abject-Ad9844 to JoyabuyOfficial [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Bombadilo_drives Holy hell, did we get *Siuhy*!?
Just saw the news that Siuhy was moved to inactive, and it seems like an insanely good pickup for us. Probably wouldn't mess with qualifiers either.
I like everyone on the roster now and I hate to see anyone go, but picking up a top IGL and letting Twistzz move back to just star rifling is a win-win.
It's possible G2 swooped in, but after missing Malbs this seems like such a slam-dunk I'm hoping our leadership is all over it.
submitted by Bombadilo_drives to teamliquid [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Direct_Interview_882 Cote r pour pharmacie
Je suis étudiante au cegep et ma cote r est 34.315 est-ce que c'est assez pour entrer en pharmacie?
submitted by Direct_Interview_882 to UdeM [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 TimPLakersEagles First time Honor OS user with some questions
I just received my Magic 7 Pro Gobal version and this is the first Honor device i have owned. I'd appreciate if someone can answer a few questions for me.
2025.01.22 20:54 sn0r EU aims high ahead of mission to India in late February
submitted by sn0r to europeanunion [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Sufficient_Tough1142 Lc pls (AW 18 Titanic)
submitted by Sufficient_Tough1142 to VETEMENTS [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 ownedbyjelly why are you sitting around when you should be praising black brats for existing
submitted by ownedbyjelly to blackfindomlovers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Sunset3730 Suggestions?
Any suggestions for anything? submitted by Sunset3730 to fishtank [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Whey-Men Republicans on an Iowa Senate panel advanced a bill Tuesday that would ban cities from having citizen police review boards to review police misconduct and discipline.
submitted by Whey-Men to Bad_Cop_No_Donut [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Desperate-Cicada1817 Anxiety
These last few days anxiety is really killing me!!!! I just want the exam to end as soon as possible. Just can't take it anymore.
submitted by Desperate-Cicada1817 to GATEtard [link] [comments]