Bambulab vs. ELEGOO PLA

Hi guys! I’m kind of new to this whole 3D modelling and printing world, but I just bought my X1C machinge. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what program I could use to make my own models as a beginner? I don’t usually print sculpted models, more “engineering” models. Preferably something that is free or doesn’t cost me a leg and a arm each month. 🙂 I am using the standard supports (I can’t use tree style for my pieces), and they’re at the default settings. The results are excellent, however, there are smaller sections where the supports are super tough to remove. I wind up using the clipper tool and it takes forever and ups the chances of damaging the piece. What key setting(s) should I be changing to make them either a little less ... We understand your concerns and prioritize your satisfaction. Our goal is to provide exceptional after-sales support. Contact us via Live Chat to get immediate assistance related to questions about orders, product questions, account issues, pre-sale, etc. For questions related to Technical Support issues, please open a Technical Support Ticket and provide detailed information about the problem ... Section dedicated to announcements and updates coming from Bambu Lab about new products, changes, and improvements. This is the place to check the newest information about our work. I currently use about 7.0 and have also worked with 12.0. Standard values for Bambulab machines in combination with special material. So my biggest problem at the moment is the Liftof despite the adhesive and brim. To what extent other temperature conditions can help here is still to be found out. Introducing MakerLab - PrintMon Maker! With this AI modeling tool, you can generate adorable creatures from text or images, ready for 3D printing. Join our beta test and bring your imagination to life. Sign up now I have a set of 4 stl files that I think were created for a single color printer so like print file 1 in blue, then file 2 in white. Pretty obvious. Is there a way to merge/stack them so I can print them as a single stl? Rather than stick every file in this message, here is the link to the set, along with pictures. A little back story to this. In the course of about 9 months, back in 2016 I ... It’s a good tool to get a base mesh throw it into blender and improve on. The technology is still a work in progress, and will only get better with time. Here’s what it’ll take for me to stay with Bambulab over something like Qidi’s Plus4 or some yet unreleased sub $750 printer: (click on Arrow to expand) Summary. A $ 700 price point Qidi is at $800. Nozzle temp support for all FDM filaments without upsells. Easily swappable nozzles, like on the A1. Bed temp supporting all FDM filaments. If in official Bambulab studio is mentioned X1E with specific picture, it is hard to ignore those facts in any other assumptions. From the interview it’s pretty clear that they hesitated between making an X1 XL and the A1 for a long time. Could well be that they added both into BS and perhaps had prototypes for both going on.

2025.01.22 20:43 quadasaurus Bambulab vs. ELEGOO PLA

I've been printing on my A1 mini since December, going through 2 reels of Bambu PLA basic, every print was flawless out of the box. After using that up I purchased some Elegoo PLA from Amazon and the printing is very poor, even test printing some of the previous print models for comparison.
The printer hasn't moved, ambient temperatures etc are the same - is the difference in filament just that severe?
submitted by quadasaurus to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 hygonews SoftBank CEO Son: Trump approves things faster & “bigger”, OpenAI Altman & Oracle Ellison

|| || |1/22/2025:| |Facebook US registered user community with high engagement comments:| |SoftBank CEO Son: Trump approves things faster & “bigger”, OpenAI Altman & Oracle Ellison|
submitted by hygonews to USAPoliticsNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 Agitated-Trick I hate Snake Plant

I hate Snake Plant submitted by Agitated-Trick to slaythespire [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 gredman9 Teaser List Updates: Aetherdrift (01/22/25)

We’ve completed the first lap, and now it’s on to Day 2! We’ve seen a small bit of reveals already, but there’s a lot more left than I expected. I suppose the season is a bit longer than some of the others we’ve had recently. But let’s not wait any longer!
Link to the clues below:

As always, let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed!
submitted by gredman9 to magicTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 AcceptableDrummer962 New Scam Exchange

Don't deposit to this FAKE exchange. You won't be able to withdraw your funds. They are Scammers.
Created: 2025-01-12
YouTube channel:
submitted by AcceptableDrummer962 to Crypto_Scam_Exchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 mycarena Lamborghini Urus huren? Ontdek hoe wij je kunnen helpen!

Altijd al willen rijden in een Lamborghini Urus? Deze luxe SUV combineert prestaties, comfort en stijl op een ongeëvenaard niveau. Bij mycarena helpen we je bij het vinden van de perfecte Urus, zelfs als deze niet standaard beschikbaar is bij verhuurbedrijven.
Van persoonlijke begeleiding tot toegang tot een exclusief netwerk van verhuurpartners, wij zorgen ervoor dat je snel en zonder stress de beste huurdeal krijgt. Binnen 24 uur ontvang je een overzicht van alle opties, inclusief prijzen en voorwaarden.
Wil je meer weten of direct aan de slag? Lees hier hoe wij je kunnen helpen:
Laat je droomrit werkelijkheid worden!
submitted by mycarena to mycarena [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 Viddao Courtesy of Grok 2

Courtesy of Grok 2 Viddao32 is a self-described "Based Writer" and "Memelord" who believes that "Free Speech" is a judicial power grab, that America has too many immigrants, and that public opinion polls are biased towards the status quo.
Viddao32 has been stirring the pot with hot takes on AI, politics, and cultural critiques, from praising Trump's speaking skills to questioning the existence of the greatest country.
Extreme hatred of AI and extreme love of AI are both extremely cringe.-
submitted by Viddao to Viddao [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 No_Sun_4267 Vehicle disappeared

Parked my vehicle on a frost mountain, went to explore a cave, came out and my ride was nowhere to be seen. Wtf
submitted by No_Sun_4267 to LEGOfortnite [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 alysslut- Questions for AGPs who identify as men

(if you're a transwoman or anyone else who does not identify as a man, feel free to answer but please state what you are, and which stage of transition you're at)

  1. When you crossdress and look in the mirror at yourself, what do you feel? Do you like what you're looking at?
2a. Do you ever think of yourself as a woman outside of sexual situations? (eg. brushing your teeth, watching TV, going to the supermarket)
2b. What is the ratio of sexual to non-sexual fantasies as a woman?
2c. Do you ever daydream of yourself as a man? What are you thinking of?
  1. Have you ever imagined yourself as a woman having sex? Were you "yourself" in the fantasy or were you someone else in the fantasy?
  2. If you had a pill that could instantly turn you into a passable post-op transwoman permanently, would you take it? (reminder that you'd have to explain it to all of your friends, family and colleagues)
  3. In your fantasies, which would you say best describe you?
    • A man who looks and sounds like a woman
    • A non-op trans woman
    • A post-op trans woman
    • A cis woman
  4. What are your thoughts about getting pregnant and becoming a mother?
submitted by alysslut- to askAGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 NedIsakoff Freeland to Scrap Canada Capital Gains Hike If She’s Elected

So Feeland is going to rollback the Capital Gains Tax Hike
submitted by NedIsakoff to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 Sad-Constant-2097 [17m] looking for some new friends

So anyway before I start I want to say that English isn’t my first language so my grammar might be a bit wonky at times.
Like I said I’m 17 m I’m from Sweden I go to culinary school because I love cooking more then pretty much anything.
I listen to music basically 24/7 mostly old school rock like AC/DC and queen you know. I like to draw even tho I’m shit at it I watch movies sometimes and anime every now and again.
I started playing more games now that I got my ps working again and most of you probably won’t care but I also play
in your first message I would like more then just a Yoo or hello.
Also I got high functioning autism specifically Asperger’s syndrome and adhd
Im also be up for vc.
if you are swedish thats just a plus.
My biggest flex in the world is that I’m in the 0,000038% of the tallest people in the world.
Also if you read this far us the magic word WATERMELONS
submitted by Sad-Constant-2097 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 MrNsN Duvida sobre desfazer merge completamente em uma branch (GIT)

Olá galera!
Então, estou com um problema relacionado ao GIT aqui, segue cenário, problema e duvida.
Cenário: Atualmente temos um fluxo de trabalho bem simples com branchs (talvez não o ideal, mas ok). Somos em 4 devs para pushar para a main. Só temos duas branchs principais de trabalho, a main, onde estão as coisas estaveis que estão em produção e a branch develop, onde tudo que está sendo testado pelo QA e não pode ir para produção ainda. Seguindo, antes de começar qualquer tarefa, o dev deve criar uma branch a partir da main, fazer seus devidos commits e assim que estiver pronto para ser testado fazer um PR para develop para que o QA possa testar. Esse dando o OK, é feito o PR da branch do dev para main.
Problema: Um dos devs, estava trabalhando numa feature em uma branch normalmente e mandando para a develop a feature e as correções de bugs da mesma constantemente para o QA testar. Até ai ok, porém quando o QA liberou a feature dele, ele erroneamente, fez um merge da branch develop na branch da feature dele, nesse caso com várias coisas que ainda estavam em teste e quebradas, e pior jogou tudo na main através de um PR. Agora a main está quebrada e não pode ser publicada em produção de maneira alguma, até esse merge ser revertido. Um outro dev tentando resolver o problema fez um revert no merge da feature com a main, ok, tudo foi desfeito e a branch main voltou ao estado estavel. Porém a um problema, o commit do revert é um commit novo revertendo tudo que foi feito naquele merge, e quando tentamos integrar a main com nossas branchs agora, ele sempre tenta desfazer tudo que foi desfeito na main pelo revert.
Duvida: Visto toda essa bagunça, há alguma maneira de "Apagar" um merge e todos os commits que entraram com ele na branch main?
PS: Eu tentei dar um reset --hard no commit do merge na main, porém ele só desfaz até o commit do merge e todos os commits antigos da develop que devem ser revertidos tbm permanecem lá. O problema é que não consegui achar um commit onde desse para voltar e ficar tudo como estava antes na main, pois tem coisas na develop que estão sendo desenvolvidas a bastante tempo e como foram para main estão antes de commits mais recentes que foram integrados depois.
submitted by MrNsN to brdev [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 Unfair-Fly9987 CLASSIFICAÇÃO!!!!

Gente, coloquei para a FEARP para o curso de finanças e ADM noturno. E tava vendo que teve uma discrepância considerável para o último classificado matriculado do ano passado mas eu estou com uma dúvida que é a seguinte. O último clássificado da segunda chamada para ADM noturno foi de 359 e para Finanças foi 410. A minha classificação para ADM noturno é de 352 e para Finanças de 389, será que eu ainda tenho chances???? Sou EP
submitted by Unfair-Fly9987 to USP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 vegbruiser Suggestions for a whitelabel payment portal and metering system for an AWS-hosted SaaS

Hi all,
I am new to SaaS infrastructure and AWS in particular so apologies if I have missed some obvious offering/tool available on AWS itself, but I am helping a friend of mine build a platform/service that is hosted on AWS and although the technology works, we are both complete noobs when it comes to AWS and in particular the above-named topic.
A bit of searching using the post title reveals that possible solutions are any/all of the following:
Configuring metering for usage with SaaS subscriptions - AWS Marketplace
AWS Marketplace: White Label Payment Gateway - MONEI
Building a Third-Party SaaS Metering and Billing Integration on AWS | AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog
GitHub - aws-samples/saas-metering-system-on-aws: This project shows how to implement a simple SaaS metering system on AWS
That last link seems like a good jumping off point, but what other suggestions can people recommend?
submitted by vegbruiser to SaaS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 rythuliian definitely just a me problem but.,.

definitely just a me problem but.,. been going thru a health flare-up, won’t get into it, yall can go read all about it; it’s my only other post here haha but after i collectively heard all 5 of my tamagotchis do their death rolls because i couldn’t take care of them, i decided to take their batteries out for now
which has been a sad thing for me to do bc they were something for me to take care of; which helps a lot for my depression and stuff- it used to be my snake but he sadly passed away in 2021
idk it’s just so quiet without the occasional beeping and stuff- feeding them and playing with them- tamagotchi is one of my special interests as well, so but being able to engage with it because I’m sick is really upsetting me lol
anyway I’m gonna go ahead and share my digital babies here; i like taking pretty pictures of them;; maybe if yall want, you can ask about them. ik this is a chronic illness sub, but i feel like sharing interests that help us cope should be an ok thing to do maybe?
lmk though if not and ill take a note for the future :)
submitted by rythuliian to tooyoungtobethissick [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 AlternativeSetting58 Sophomore Yr; Think I'm too stupid for college.

For context, I go to a state school (2nd best in the state) and major in Poli Sci, I added Marketing this year to give myself a bigger scope but I lack any big passion or ideas the last six months. My freshmen year I was super excitied and wanted to be involved, I got into student government, won an election, etc. I had a lot of leadership positions lined up and everything looked great. Last fall I had the biggest crash ever, I had to quit half my orgs because I couldn't keep up, I'd be late to meetings or too tired to some of the work I needed to do. My ability to prioritize and time management was horrible, I had frequent mental breakdowns (I live alone) and would rely on going out with my friends during the weekends to feel anything emotionally. I just felt so empty and like I was a failure.
Due to last semester my GPA dropped from a 3.4 to a 2.8, I've never felt more hopeless, I wanted to go to law school. That was my only pre-existing dream. And there's no way that's possible anymore. Today I overslept due to my phone breaking and missed an interview to run for re-election (I'm litterally on the exec board). I cried all day and was going to drive four hours to the nearest apple store but realized I can't due to weather and have to wait for tommorow, so I can't even explain myself immediately.
I have killed my reputation, my gpa is low, and I can't seem to make any good choices. I don't know what to do other than cry and sulk which makes it worse. I feel so alone, so dumb, and like a failure. Strangers on the idiot, please give me advice. I don't want to live like this but when you don't tell your close friends your struggles ( I don't want their opinion of me to change), your decision making isn't the best.. I don't know if other people also struggled like this
submitted by AlternativeSetting58 to college [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 Aggravating-Bit9161 🚀 Innovative Problem-Solving in Engineering Design 🚀

🚀 Innovative Problem-Solving in Engineering Design 🚀 submitted by Aggravating-Bit9161 to mechanical_design_FEA [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 VurThePerson What would happen if Max and Chloe swapped places with Nicole and Ari?

What would happen if Max and Chloe swapped places with Nicole and Ari? Also how y'all feel about Life is Strange?
submitted by VurThePerson to Classof09Game [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 SourceConsistent6234 Casablanca tee - $14.69

Casablanca tee - $14.69 submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 Chicken_Rice_Spinach $15 if someone could kindly change this outfit to a long sleeve button-down (magenta, navy blue, black) for a professional headshot. Other attire ideas are welcome. Thank you!

submitted by Chicken_Rice_Spinach to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 Single_One4367 Remington 1100

I inherited my dad's Remington 1100 shotgun. Is this a good shotgun? It's got a 28 inch barrel and beautiful wood stock.
Part of me wants to get a pump action like an 870 for home defense but maybe I can just get a shorter barrel for this one.
submitted by Single_One4367 to Shotguns [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 josvicars One more southern truck that has never seen snow til this week

One more southern truck that has never seen snow til this week She loved it. Turns out it has the cold package
submitted by josvicars to ram_trucks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 Advanced_One_7553 Let’s gooooooo

Let’s gooooooo submitted by Advanced_One_7553 to VentureMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 Lost-Imagination9009 Rip imani

First day at college and i got rear ended :(
submitted by Lost-Imagination9009 to G37 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:43 saijanai From the TM organization: A Celebration of the Life of David Lynch

These are channels open to the public, so I expect that everyone is welcome.
submitted by saijanai to transcendental [link] [comments]