ASTS | AST SpaceMobile Announces Proposed Private Offering of $400.0 Million of Convertible Senior Notes Due 2032

2025.01.22 21:53 Stock_Titan ASTS | AST SpaceMobile Announces Proposed Private Offering of $400.0 Million of Convertible Senior Notes Due 2032

ASTS | AST SpaceMobile Announces Proposed Private Offering of $400.0 Million of Convertible Senior Notes Due 2032 submitted by Stock_Titan to StockTitan [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 Visenya_simp A bíró táncol

Véget nem érőn folytatódott a tánc s a csizmás lábak alatt döngött a padló a hegedűsök meg ocsmány vigyorral a képükön veszetül fűrészelték nyiretyűjükel a vállukhoz szorítot száraz fát. S a táncolók forgatagából toronyként magaslik elő a bíró alakja aki meztelen táncol. Kalácsos kicsi lába fürgén tapodja a padlót imár ketőzve a lépést közben a hölgyeknek hajbókol s hatalmas fehér és szőrtelen testével olyan mint egy óriáscsecsemő. Sohasem alszik – mondja. S azt mondja: sohasem fog meghalni. Meghajol a hegedűsök felé és most aprózva lábujjhegyen hátrafelé lépked és hátraveti a fejét s a torka mélyéből rekedt kacaj tör fel és mindenki őt nézi rajongva. Lekapja a kalapját s tar koponyája úgy világlik mint a telihold az olajlámpák fényében aztán sarkon perdül és magához ragadja az egyik hegedűt és egy piruett után tánclépéseket lejtve maga húza tovább a nyiretyűt. Lépte könyed és kecses. Sohasem alszik. Azt mondja: sohasem fog meghalni. Szakadatlan járja a táncot járja a világosságban és járja az árnyékban és mindenki rajong érte. Sohasem alszik. A bíró sohasem alszik. Csak járja a táncot. Azt mondja: sohasem fog meghalni.
submitted by Visenya_simp to masolatteszta [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 Competitive_Low_2965 X’s nudes GC

submitted by Competitive_Low_2965 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 Brave-Self-6410 Can’t Change Profile to Private?

I just noticed you can no longer change your profile to private anymore? My profile used to be private and I haven’t checked for months but thought I would check the other day and now I see my reviews? Did anyone notice that or am I doing it wrong? I go into my profile, edit, there is no longer a selection for hide profile?
submitted by Brave-Self-6410 to AmazonVineCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 Particular_Steak7221 Hilfe! Ich (w35) fühle mich wie ein verliebter Teenager

Hallo! Kurz zu mir und meiner Lebenssituation: ich bin Mama von 3 Kindern, habe einen außerordentlich tollen Partner an meiner Seite und behaupte mit beiden Beinen fest im Leben zu stehen und in dieser Situation auch sehr glücklich und zufrieden zu sein. In meiner Partnerschaft läuft wirklich alles Bestens. Wir sind als Eltern ein tolles Team und auch als Paar kommt Nichts zu kurz. Alles in Allem bin ich wirklich glücklich mit dem Leben, was ich gerade führe.
Nun ist es so, dass seit ein paar Monaten ein Mann auf meiner Arbeitsstelle aufgetaucht ist, welcher mir buchstäblich die Luft zum Atmen raubt. Wir haben keinen engen Kontakt, laufen uns nur ein paar mal in der Woche über den Weg. Ich kenne ihn nicht und wir haben bisher auch nur wenige Worte miteinander gesprochen. Es ist wie verhext, ich fühle mich wie in meiner Jugend als ich für die Sänger von Us5 geschwärmt habe. Dieser Mann läuft an mir vorbei oder steht 2m neben mir und mein Herz schlägt so schnell dass ich kaum atmen kann. Ich komme mir so albern vor. Das Gefühl ist schön und unangenehm zugleich, denn ein Abenteuer kommt für mich eigentlich nicht in frage. Zumal er ja auch selbst keinerlei Interesse signalisiert.
Es tut gut dies einfach mal aufzuschreiben. Was ich hören will? Keine Ahnung! Vielleicht eine kurze Bestätigung, dass ich nicht völlig Banane bin und sowas schonmal passieren kann 😂
submitted by Particular_Steak7221 to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 Lopsided-Look7853 How is 0 sec possible?

submitted by Lopsided-Look7853 to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 e_87 i’m scared i’m some how pregnant

idk i haven’t gotten my period in two months, im lowkey constipated, and have been getting cramps. i haven’t had sex with anyone recently but it’s like probally two months ago i got with a guy but we didn’t do anything except makeup and grind on each other. now im worried something happened when i was sleeping yk... i feel stupid, stressed, scared, and idk what to do. i’m looking up everything on google trying to find a conclusion to why i feel like this. pls help.
submitted by e_87 to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 jillyapple1 How would I make a visual like this, showing start and end times per employee for a selected day?

How would I make a visual like this, showing start and end times per employee for a selected day? Here's the end-result I'm looking for (forgot to include AM and PM in data. Oops. Pretend it's there):
I am guessing I would need to build a dimensional time table that has hour and minute, since all start and stop times are rounded to the nearest minute. How would I get the axis (and the data) to be continuous instead of categorical? What visual would I use?
My fact table looks like this:
Screen Film Start Time End Time # Seats Taken # Seats Total
Screen 1 Movie A 8:15 AM 9:46 AM 63 80
Screen 1 Movie A 10:00 AM 11:31 AM 70 80
Screen 1 Movie A 11:45 AM 1:16 PM 78 80
submitted by jillyapple1 to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 TranslatorCheap2046 Great result.

Those changes at 60minutes really changed the flow for the game rice was outstanding and happy to see Ethan back in the squad 💪
submitted by TranslatorCheap2046 to ArsenalFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 lipassassinx I feel so cute in bright pastels! Especially pink🩷

I feel so cute in bright pastels! Especially pink🩷 Really loved my makeup and how it tied in with the color of my dress :)
submitted by lipassassinx to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 Frodogun Federal job

I recently got hired in the irs back in june 2024. Ive heard about reduction in force. Since i am veteran and was recently Veterans preference for RIF in my SF50, do i need to worry about a lay off?
submitted by Frodogun to usajobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 IamYammas Anyone able to photoshop a ghost in the window of this door

Anyone able to photoshop a ghost in the window of this door I work in a hospital and I'm trying to prank my colleague saying I captured a ghost in the window of this door. Please do your magic and thanks.
Also accepting funny edits too :)
submitted by IamYammas to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 RevolutionaryDig6894 Rush Fans Deserved More for R50—Here's My Remaster Project Instead!

submitted by RevolutionaryDig6894 to rush [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 AnonymousStar_4 باركوا لأخوكم جاب لاب توب

نخش في الموضوع علطول، قبل ما الباقة اللي عندي تخلص ايه المفروض أنزله على اللاب أو اظبط ايه عامة؟
submitted by AnonymousStar_4 to CAIRO [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 TyLa0 To everyone who says ghosts don't exist

submitted by TyLa0 to StrikeAtPsyche [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 KlyntarSuitedSpidey Slowing getting back into Marvel.

Love this game so much. I may be a little addicted but like in a fun way lol Been adding a little to my collection ever since. Never thought I'd be looking fcr good doctor strange figure lol
submitted by KlyntarSuitedSpidey to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 Skratcher14 Buying a First-Floor Flat. Confused About Flood Risk and Insurance.

Hi everyone,
I’m in the process of buying a first-floor flat (technically the second floor, if you count the ground floor as the first). However, the searches came back indicating that the property is at a high flood risk. I’m a bit confused about what this actually means for me and whether it should influence my decision.

I’m struggling to figure out how much of a concern this should be for me:
  1. Since the flat itself is elevated, will the flood risk still impact home insurance or cause other complications?
  2. Should I be more worried about the garden and any potential damage there?
  3. Is there anything else I should consider or check before moving forward with the purchase?
I’d really appreciate any advice or similar experiences to help me make an informed decision. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Skratcher14 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 DisgruntledGoat17 Replaced headlight, still not working. Subaru Crosstrek

Looking for any insight, I have a 2016 Subaru Crosstrek that the right headlight went out on. I replaced it and it still is not working. Thing is, the same thing happened when I replaced it a few years ago but since it was right before state inspection replaced it and said there was no issue they just put the new one in. I checked the fuse, even though the other one works. Anything else to check/try before taking it in?
submitted by DisgruntledGoat17 to autorepair [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 PrintCold1107 Help with Homunculus AI

Hello friends! I recently started playing after a long time. I'm on a creator, and I'd LIKE to use my homunculus, but the AI is trash. I've tried to figure out how to work it, how to install a different AI.... currently I'm at a loss. I have the files for AzzyAI in my folder, but my Cup of Jello doesn't use it's auto-cast...
Can someone point me in the direction of an AI that.... WORKS ???
submitted by PrintCold1107 to RagnarokOnline [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 Equivalent-Poet998 3-0 to arsenal lets fucking go

feels good to play game like that 3-0 simple and good performance let's hope we bring back the form
submitted by Equivalent-Poet998 to ArsenalFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 LycanFerret Why are the female variants of Wolf Armor, Forsworn Headdress, Expert/Master Robes, and some of the Shirts so ugly?

It feels almost like they purposefully made them look awful, because they have some amazing looking armors. And they didn't even put Aela in the Wolf Armor, that is how ugly they made it. No one in the game wears it. And it's a shame because the male variant looks soooo coool. I want to wear it, and I can't because I get stuck with the 1" skimpy skirt, steampunk Tim Burton looking robot tube limbs with round insect shell pauldrons that is the female Wolf Armor. Who looked at this and said it was fine? Ugliest armor by far. Falmer Armor looks significantly better. If you want to know how to make armor look good, do the exact opposite of the changes made between the male and female Wolf Armor.
The Robes are a huge let down. They look like potato sacks. There is zero texture, zero adornments, it's just a big tube that you slide over your head. I never go over Adept until I get Savos Aren's robes cause I refuse to wear them.
And while some shirts are fine, the long darker colored dresses and overalls and blacksmith/barkeep/miner's look great, the Belted Tunic and the dresses with the stitched long rectangular strip down the chest and the weird belt... no. No. Wrong. The male version looks so much better. Something just looks wrong with these clothes.
Forsworn Headdress really just... I don't know why they made it that, but there is a mod to make it the male version so I don't really have to be upset by it. I guess multiple people felt strongly enough about it.
submitted by LycanFerret to skyrim [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 Queasy_Active_8318 Another skit finna come up can’t wait for this one 🤣🤣🤣

Another skit finna come up can’t wait for this one 🤣🤣🤣 submitted by Queasy_Active_8318 to allisonmaesnarkk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 munchauzen accidentally smoked out a stranger's car at Loveland

Title. Same make/model year and color. Approximately same parking spot but one row ahead of my actual vehicle. As I was walking up to it, it beeped and I thought my GF has remotely unlocked it for me. Popped open the hatch and there was even a red gear bag exactly where I had placed mine.
I went and sat in the drivers seat and fired up a pocket doobie. A couple puffs in I started to wonder where my phone holster was. As I looked around the floor for it, I quickly realized that this vehicle looked much cleaner than I had remembered it. Then it dawned on me.
Hopped outta there quick and hoped nobody noticed.
submitted by munchauzen to COsnow [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 Swaggyb9ker “Crash Out” by From The Ceiling

“Crash Out” by From The Ceiling submitted by Swaggyb9ker to promotemusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:53 dunkeyfurt Top loader Deco: Michelle Visage and Crystal Methyd

Top loader Deco: Michelle Visage and Crystal Methyd So in addition to being a drag race fan I am also a kpop fan, and I have a bunch of stickers and top loaders (from decorating photocards) and I had the brilliant idea to decorate photos of some drag race stars. I printed out a bunch of photos but with the stickers I had, I ultimately chose the picture of Michelle and Crystal Methyd and i’m OBSESSED with how they came out. I was decorating with some friends and my one friend did a Plasma one and Carson Kressley one and they looked SO GOOD.
submitted by dunkeyfurt to rupaulsdragrace [link] [comments]