2025.01.22 22:15 decker12 2025 Forester Touring - Radio / Infotainment Volume Questions
Hey everyone, loving my new 2025 Forester in the week I've owned it.
Couple of quick questions that I can't seem to figure out:
2025.01.22 22:15 YourMotherIsInFactBi genius idea
Jeff Kinney should just make different books apart of different canons. That way I don’t have to feel bad reading the bad books saying “It’s unfortunate that the witty characters from before are represented like this now” instead we can just say “yea that one was bad but it was part of the 3rd wave canon so who cares” I don’t actually think this idea is that genius I just think it kinda fun. Also I didn’t make the picture I found it on okbuddychicanery submitted by YourMotherIsInFactBi to LodedDiper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:15 Pure_Chemistry580 ازاي ابقا Solution Architect
مسا الخير انا محتاج اعرف ازاي اقدر ادخل مجال الاركتكتشر و انا اصلا اشتغلت باك اند ب spring boot لمدة سنتين و هل محتاج ازاكر حاجات تانية غير الباك اند و لو فيه roadmap يبفا فل قوي
submitted by Pure_Chemistry580 to Egypt_Developers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 BlueDergOrd The Only Links allowed
You are only allowed to post links that relate to this subreddit It has to involve lbb
And the links are not allowed to be malicious links either
submitted by BlueDergOrd to Fucklittlebrownbear [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 gcolbert777419 Knowing what you know now, what would you do on day 1 of learning about fly fishing?
I know this is super broad but quite frankly I don’t know where to start at. I’m a big bass/ trout fisherman but I’m looking to get into the fly world. I’ve watched quite a bit of YouTube videos and that’s helping but I was wondering where you would start at day 1 knowing what you know now! Thanks!
submitted by gcolbert777419 to flyfishing [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 elhombrepalito :(
submitted by elhombrepalito to repollitos_criptidos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:15 evo4gIzMo Tesla Gigafactory, Berlin
submitted by evo4gIzMo to Hasan_Piker [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:15 Greekcitytimes Teenager Arrested for Vandalizing National Hero’s Statue in Thessaloniki
submitted by Greekcitytimes to GreekcityTimes [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 Papa_Smurf82 Work in progress space marine
submitted by Papa_Smurf82 to warhammerActonfigures [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:15 -dert- Hdd for long time storage
Hi, I'm thinking about getting a new hdd for storing files. Should be 5tb+, any suggestions for a long lasting good drive?
submitted by -dert- to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 Dokkancents Is there a way to directly buy new Japanese promo cards?
As the title suggests, is there a way to directly buy newly released promo items from Japan (such as from a pc etc) without having to go through a secondhand shop? Or will I always pay too much in import?
submitted by Dokkancents to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 aqa5 Laden kaufen / was beachten?
Frage für einen Freund (ja wirklich :) ). Der will einen Laden kaufen. Bei Immobilien hätte ich ihm helfen können, weil das habe ich schon einmal hinter mir. Was muss man dabei beachten, dass man nicht über den Tisch gezogen wird und wie ist der Ablauf?
Ich habe ihm den Rat gegeben, von einem Anwalt einen Vertrag aufsetzen zu lassen / sich beraten zu lassen. Auch dass das Inventar, das mitgekauft wird, muss natürlich durch die Inventur und bewertet werden.
Vielleicht fallen euch noch ein paar Tips ein, die man beherzigen sollte.
submitted by aqa5 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 ItzNoka Welcome new tama :D
After essentially performing surgery on my tamagotchi and resetting my previous character, Melon (Neliatchi), I present to you my new Pachikutchi: Miracle :] submitted by ItzNoka to tamagotchi [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:15 emacsomancer strange (x)input issues with particular Emacs build/environment
On one of my machines (a Guix machine running StumpWM), I've had a frustrating issue with input. For this particular build of Emacs and in this particular environment (though not under StumpWM running in Arch Linux on a different machine), I seem to be able to get either character-compose (with Right_Alt/
) to work in Emacs or Emacs being able to read Shift+SPACE (rather than registering it juts as SPACE), but not both at the same time.
I've come up with a temporary stupid fix (which I detail here) to work around this Emacs claiming not to know what
(But I'd like to eventually get to the root issue at some point. Presumably either details of the particular Emacs build, or else some combination of StumpWM and Guix.)
submitted by emacsomancer to emacs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 Powerful_Shock5301 How do you collect refined items from your home world?
As soon as I got my home world and built my steel refinery..... I dumped a huge load of rocks in it. I waited like 30 hours for it to finally finish running so I could pick up my steel. But it store running with no sign of my new inventory. I'm so frustrated and sad. Am I missing something? ?
submitted by Powerful_Shock5301 to MyLittleUniverse [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 Jayfore Iron Mountain Anvil - Low Health?
Hello! With this item on sale today and looking good, I'm interested. However, learning from experience, I now Google all items before buying. I see posts from about a year ago, saying this thing has almost nonexistent health so it gets destroyed constantly and from like 2 hits. Does anyone have this item and know whether or not this was ever addressed? Not wasting atoms on something that will just end up being a pain to use! Thx
submitted by Jayfore to fo76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 TheGeicoLizard32 Does anyone have crochet washing advice?
My boyfriend gave me back his crochet plush to spray with my perfume, and he feels a little dirty, so I want to clean him before I spray him (the plushie) with my perfume again. Is it possible to hand wash him so he doesn’t get damaged in the wash? And he has plastic eyes, not crochet ones, so I want to know if I should take those out before I wash him. submitted by TheGeicoLizard32 to plushies [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:15 No_Bench_9510 Deepika padukone
submitted by No_Bench_9510 to DeepikaPadukoneSexy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:15 ObligatoryID Maybe he’s the wrong guy to ask for help…
submitted by ObligatoryID to youvotedforthat [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:15 just_answer_ KP, you need to take your ass to rehab ASAP this is ridiculous.
She mixing and it's a deadly combo. submitted by just_answer_ to Lesbiantiktok_exposed [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:15 Beefstah Quality before space?
I've been on my first run for a bunch of time, and I'm now feeling ready to start again with everything I know.
The thing is, I didn't touch quality at all in my first run, and I'm wondering if I should this time before making it to space?
As I see it, the pros. are I'll have better things to take with me to new planets...but I'll then have to refactor for higher quality once I unlock them.
The downside is it being a lot longer before I get to new planets
Any thoughts?
submitted by Beefstah to factorio [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 MrGingy_ Is this guy any good? Awakened him once but never used him
submitted by MrGingy_ to DragonballLegends [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:15 HIIII__- Trading robux for these adm pets!! Deep
Would be using the ratio (1 elve = 50 robux) submitted by HIIII__- to CrossTrading_inRoblox [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:15 ipeezie Real-Time Traffic Updates in Lexington, KY - 2025-01-22 17:15:22
Non Injury Collisions:
Palumbo Drive at Man O War Blvd. Traffic Alert Due to Water Main Repair:
Outbound Versailles Road at Alexandria Drive - Outbound Versailles Road is down to one lane until further notice, and one lane is also blocked on Alexandria Drive. Outbound S. Broadway between W. Main Street and W. Vine Street - The roadway is down to one lane until further notice.
submitted by ipeezie to newsoflexingtonky [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:15 Ok_Investment_246 Historical mistake in the Quran: Dirham and countable currency in Egypt
Quran 12:20 states: “And they sold him for a reduced price - a few dirhams - and they were, concerning him, of those content with little.”
Two things need to be noticed with this passage.
First off, dirhams were introduced in the 7th century (AD), evolving from the Greek drachma. The story as detailed in Quran 12:20, taking place in Ancient Egypt, predates the creation of the dirham by many, many centuries. In other words, the Quran gets wrong that dirhams existed in ancient Egypt, and people bargained with them.
You could use the argument that the author of the Quran knew that the ancient Egyptians didn’t have dirhams, but was helping the Arabs at the time visualize a physical currency.
Here’s where the second problem comes in.
Ancient Egyptians of that time had no countable currency. Instead, they ran on a bartering system, measuring the value of items by weighing them. In other words, no countable currency existed in Ancient Egypt, and specifically, when the story of Quran 12:20 takes place.
To summarize, the Quran makes the mistakes of stating that ancient Egyptians had dirhams, as well as the fact that they had a countable currency. Both of these statements are true, and Quran 12:20 wouldn’t play out how it does (in the real world).
submitted by Ok_Investment_246 to DebateReligion [link] [comments]