I want to see the game version of this skins

2025.01.22 22:22 Limp_Mastodon3167 I want to see the game version of this skins

I want to see the game version of this skins Now that we're getting the 2003 movie skin for big LF and is official that we're getting more movie skins for this characters, I think this skins should get a makeover to fit the og vibe or leave them as they are because they're cool as is. I hope you like my ideas, most are some popular statements and other are some really specific so I hope you like my take on this ideas:
  1. Thomas Hewitt main costume, I know at the end of the movie he use a similar or more accurate version of the og skin, but I think the main half leather mask and long hair making look like a meanece that will crush you, just look at him.
  2. The Cow head costume, this is from the 2017 Leatherface origin movie, is not the most popular movie from the bunch but just look at that costume, imagine a 6'7" leatherface wearing that while chasing you, is a cool skin and a nightmare for a kid wearing that.
  3. This is my opinion, not saying they should but they could, now that we get some people that were involved in the og movie working on this from day 1, why don't we get to see their version of the og unmasked? Imagine a skin that can show us something of how it should look, we get to see many times a version or a little peek on how LF suppose to looke without a mask, the 2003 reboot did, the begging show us half of it all the time, man even in the 2017 did and it wasn't that popular, we should get to see an og vibe version of it, is my opinion and is not a "they need to do this asap" just a they should keep in mind.
I hope you like my ideas, and I would like to see your options of what leatherface version you would like to play with. Let me know which on the comments.
submitted by Limp_Mastodon3167 to TXChainSawGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 1hrm Singurul lucru cu care sunt de acord cu Trump

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2025.01.22 22:22 MarianoDamian ciudad de lego

ciudad de lego submitted by MarianoDamian to mdMariano [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 W_Rizzo Busco Orientación/ Ayuda por cuenta de Facebook Hackeada.

Si hay algún hacker ético o alguien que sepa del tema: El día de ayer hackearon la cuenta de Facebook de un familiar y ahora están estafando a la gente vendiendo supuestos muebles. Uno de mis conocidos se hizo pasar por interesado en comprar y le dieron un número de tarjeta...
Mi familiar ya intentó usar la opción de cambiar contraseña y recuperar cuenta hackeada de meta pero ahora le aparecen perfiles que ella no reconoce al intentar esa opción.
¿Cómo puede recuperar su cuenta de Facebook?
¿Se puede hacer algo con el número de tarjeta que está dando la persona que usurpa la identidad de mi familiar?
submitted by W_Rizzo to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 reddit_lss_2 Hide post test 2025-01-22

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 chilla45 Maintenance!

Does anyone do their own maintenance? I enjoy working on older cars but have not worked on newer cars. 2021+
Any issues or concerns with new car maintenance. Let’s talk brakes for example. Are pads and rotors just as easy on newer models as there are for older models?
Any issues with calibration after maintenance?
submitted by chilla45 to FordExplorer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 nocturnalnerd7 Why aren’t the Churco Family verified on TikTok?

It makes no sense to me because they have literally millions of views on both Instagram and TikTok, yet they’re only verified on Instagram (based on Lanie’s account). I dunno, it’s just weird to me. Not that it matters to any of us if they’re verified or not, but maybe then the fake pages will finally die off.
submitted by nocturnalnerd7 to Churco_Snark [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 Olivierowskiii [Mods issue] Please help, can't resume the game after pressing the escape button

Idk why its happening, and im tired of checking every single mod that can cause that. Anyone? Here is the log - https://pastebin.com/CTpa7yaX
submitted by Olivierowskiii to lethalcompany [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 Potential-Quote-8684 Método ADL - Comprando Antes do Leilão

Método ADL - Comprando Antes do Leilão submitted by Potential-Quote-8684 to programasdeafiliados [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 kellum112 Kirby girl

She turned a year old this month. I adopted her in April. Just wanted to share some pics of her.
submitted by kellum112 to Boxers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 Pleasant-Ear-774 These rewards suck all the fun out of hut champs

champs is my fave mode to play, but really - grinding out 20 long games to get an 88 Hischier who doesn’t even fit my team? What’s the point. The collectibles system was WAY better, why do they always have to “fix” shit that isn’t broken.
submitted by Pleasant-Ear-774 to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 MayorBart Winter in New England

Winter in New England A cold and snowy few days in southern New England prompted this little guy. Very literally based on what I was wearing during the snow storm ❄️ lol
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2025.01.22 22:22 Spiritual-Lab-3181 Obligatory super splitter mid-cycle recap

It would appear the t14 doesn’t like my GPA… SAD!
submitted by Spiritual-Lab-3181 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 KeyPeanut3105 Has anybody received a grade appeal with medical exception?

I failed a lot of classes in my earlier years at NOVA due to not having health insurance which resulted in me not being treated for my learning disability. I’m searching for information on the schools website and it looks like there is literally no available information for this. Is there a way to apply for grade appeal with proper documentation and proof of extenuating circumstances?
submitted by KeyPeanut3105 to nvcc [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 AlchemicalTheorist Seeing Ebisu recs but not great for hotels. Anywhere with similar vibes and more hotels?

Planning a honeymoon next year. Want to finish in Tokyo in mid April with a nice, comfortable hotel but not more than $350 per night but in an area that’s ideally well connected, has good chill bars and local restaurants (as opposed to very tourist popular places). I’ve seen lots of recs for Ebisu but the only hotel option that seems nice is Westin which is very expensive for what it is. I think Tokyo Hilton is probably the general level of “nice” we want to aim for that isn’t bank breaking expensive after 1.5 weeks in other parts.
Not sure we want to be in Shinjuku and Shibuya because (a) crowds and (b) my fiance has stayed there before a few times and wants different but still good connections. I stayed in Asakusa when I went to Tokyo a few years ago but found it a bit meh for later in the night fun and a pain to rush back to after a late dinner in eastern Tokyo.
So yeah i think we’d want somewhere that has some nice laid back bars once we arrive back from having dinner in Shibuya/Shinjuku or nice restaurants if we’ve been out exploring and want nice dinner and to then crash (or if a mid afternoon nap drags on too long).
I’ve tried searching the sub but keep coming up short on what I’m looking for. Shinokitazawa and Ueno seem too far out. Is there somewhere near Ginza with this vibe?
submitted by AlchemicalTheorist to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 Vlajko94 Vernik ste i to je to?

Pitanje nije za ateiste, agnostike i slicno, tako da bih zamolio misljenja ljudi koji se izjasnjavaju za vernike.
Dobar deo naseg naroda se izjasnjava da veruju u Boga, ali mali broj zaista ima neku nameru da stvori neki odnos sa Bogom ili da dublje sazna o njemu (bilo kroz crkvu ili kako god to vi zamisljali).
Da li ste nekada malo razmislili o tome sto tvrdite da verujete da postoji? Ko je nas Bog i kako cemo u vecnost? Ako opet verujemo i u vecan zivot (makar tako tvrdimo) da li je moguce da vecina ni na koji nacim ne pokusava da sazna i poveze se sa Bogom u kog kazemo sa verujemo?
Ovo pisem kao Pravoslavni Hriscanin koji se trudi da zivi Liturgijski (nedelja crkva, makar i kratke molitve ujutru/uvece, post i slicno). Ali me zaista zanima kako to neki tvrde da veruju i bukvalno se na tim recima sve zavrsava? Eventualno neki uoale koju svecu godisnje, poste Veliki Petak i to je to. Da li ste ikada porazmislili kada sutra zavrsite ovaj zivot (koji je makar i 120 godina bio jako kratak spram vecnosti) sta ce biti sa vama i da tu nema nazad? Nema popravnog kao sto ovde imamo za sve i svasta
submitted by Vlajko94 to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 ilovefrankocean26 Little red dots

I have just gotten the flu around a day and a half ago and usually I overcome it pretty easily with light medicine but last night I threw up and when I woke up I had all these little red dots on my face. They were not like bumps or pimples where you can feel them when you run your fingers over your cheek, more like a freckle. This is really unusual because I have, humbly, very good skin. It is not acne or anything for the sort.
I was wondering what this is and how long does it take to go away? If this isn’t enough info to figure out what it is, I’m happy to share a bit more info. Thanks!
submitted by ilovefrankocean26 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

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what is this wretched creature of babel sickening
submitted by jo_saucin to bugidentification [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 Electrical_Fox_9268 Reflections

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2025.01.22 22:22 jgrimlock1402 Anamorphics on R4D

Anyone have a list or know of which anamorphic lenses that can be used on the R4D? I know the Sirui lenses probably can but Im not huge on their look
submitted by jgrimlock1402 to Ronin4D [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 AthleteSensitive1302 Do employees make your own “secret menu” or play around with the ingredients?

During slow shifts I’ve learned to make strawberry lemonade, a mock Starbucks blended strawberry lemonade, Frappuccinos, and a few different kinds of milkshakes just by messing around with ingredients we have
submitted by AthleteSensitive1302 to Panera [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 Note-Easy Start of a new sleeve

Start of a new sleeve Got my first piece done for my sci-fi arm, done by Luna at SolStudio Tattoo
submitted by Note-Easy to traditionaltattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 Fun_Abbreviations784 Homecoming after 10 years

I'm 19 and visited my homeland back in June. Last time i went was 10 years ago. I initially told my dad to book my ticket after 2 or 3 weeks as I presumed I would get bored. I went on to spend 9 weeks and only returned because I simply had to for educational reasons, else I would stay for longer.
Such an amazing time reconnecting with fellow Afghans and visiting places that even Europe doesn't have in terms of beauty and historical value. Below are some glimpses from my trip.
submitted by Fun_Abbreviations784 to afghanistan [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:22 CATALINEwasFramed How are people getting 2k dmg with auto axe??

I’ve got all 3 sluggers maxed and incisor.
anti armor *40% power attack ***strength
And the most I’m getting is 400 or so. I keep seeing videos posted of trash can farming w over 2k dmg. Is it because I’m not bloodied? Do I need pounders for this?
submitted by CATALINEwasFramed to fo76 [link] [comments]
