WTF is Push to Mute?!

2025.01.22 22:16 GreenOneReddit WTF is Push to Mute?!

Who invented this?
There should only be: * Push to talk - broadcast only while holding * Toggle - button press toggle between continuous broadcast and no broadcast(muted)
That's it! Who invented all that nonsense(which fails to work, even the intended design is not working as intended)
I'm speechless, yes, pun intended, literally can't use team voice after update, and it was horrible before as well, but I'll spare you the details
submitted by GreenOneReddit to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Positive_Worker_3467 Fmc or mmc is a ice queen/ king or acts tough but is secretly vulnerable

I'm looking for fmcs or mmcs who are ice queen/king or act tough but are secretly vulnerable and attracted to MMC despite pretty there not a mmc who flirts anyway despite being pushed away. Female/male or male/male
submitted by Positive_Worker_3467 to HistoricalRomance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Capital-Macaron-9841 I found a YELLOW SENTIENT BLOB that hunted me down in Oasis (AI Minecraft) (also ngl it kinda looks like penixSC, lol)

First encounter with \"Yellow\", and finally deeming it as both sentient and hostile.
Futile and vainful attempt at avoiding \"Yellow\"'s invasive expansion and intelligence.
\"Yellow\" finally understanding the concept of Hell and toying with me.
\"Yellow\" also learning the concept of Heaven, exploiting my curiosity and using bystanding vegetation to immobilize and assimilate me, as well as the recent discovery of wild \"pistons\".
I also have a whole scp-type classification document on the entities I have encountered throughout my experience with this actually quite discombobulating hell of a game. If you either want to see more footage, the document, or images used to experience these monstrosities, don't think twice before commenting!
submitted by Capital-Macaron-9841 to PhoenixSC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 slipperswiper Out-Viltrum’d by r/okbuddychicanery

Out-Viltrum’d by okbuddychicanery submitted by slipperswiper to okbuddyviltrum [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 arthemixsis I’m just starting this new type of art, my first draw on Pixel Studio

submitted by arthemixsis to PixelArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 TemporaryAir4089 r u fucking serious

i’ve been dealing with this since i was like 10. my family are pieces of shit and ever took me to the doctors. i’ve never been able to keep friends because of this or able to make new ones especially as an adult because people just think im disgusting and don’t try. i’m also female so that makes it worse because hygiene for women is so much more taboo then is it for men. i have terrible body odor and have bad multiple infections. i overall smell fucking terrible including my hot ass breath idk how to get rid of. i’m seeing a doctor in march to get an endoscopy but this will the second one on top of all the fucking diets i’ve already tired. like how much more money can i keep spending before this gets fucking fixed i’m 22 and i’ve never had a social life im seriously going to kill myself if things don’t get better soon like r h fucking for real right now WHY ME!
submitted by TemporaryAir4089 to badbreath [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 mercurialskies Custom mode is broken

Custom mode is like the only mode I use to play the game anymore. I have had zero issues with it until the last update. Now I have tried to put thorough thought, time, and effort into THREE different custom games, just for them to stop responding and crash the program once I go to begin the game. I haven’t even gotten to play them. None of them. They immediately get deleted once I give up on waiting for the program to respond after HOURS. I have even attempted to go through multiple test custom mode creations to pin point the problem, such as specific actions, specific portraits, tasks, etc. And each time there were no problems loading, UNTIL IT HAS TO DO WITH MY CUSTOM SAVE I ACTUALLY CREATED. I am so fed up. I have literally spent two hours on this final save, making it perfect and trying to remember what I created and lost previously. Just for the same issue to occur. I didn’t download this game to create outfits and characters AND NOT PLAY WITH THEM.
Has this happened to anybody else since the most recent build??? What am I doing wrong? I’m willing to bet it’s the GAME because I have done this mode and the same exact things I am doing now, and never had this issue until now.
submitted by mercurialskies to Osana [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Bandalos07 1130 hours of EU4 and I finally formed Rome!

1130 hours of EU4 and I finally formed Rome! submitted by Bandalos07 to eu4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Unlikely-Potato-3221 Help in franchise

In Madden 25 on the Xbox one version in franchise mode, I'm trying to make a wr but whenever I chose a team the xp I get for getting gold in practice is 735 at most, I haven't tried every team but I've tried most of them. So if anyone could tell me if that's the max you get at wr or what team could give me more that'd be appreciated.
submitted by Unlikely-Potato-3221 to Madden [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 imnotindangerskyler 21f bit bored a chat would be nice

yoooo im bored lets chat creeps back off! my interests include music (bladee phoebe bridgers radiohead the cure etc) movies (a24 mostly) and ive recently started reading, i study psychology hmu
submitted by imnotindangerskyler to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 daupatau [FS][US]: PRDA Earlytom, ChickenMade

All items are from top batches of Earlytom and ChickenMade with the best Bruce KF logo badges. Never worn, in brand new condition with the seller buckles.
Earlytom black prda denim short sleeve shirt (size 38/oversized M, fits like L) - $80
ChickenMade black prda renylon shorts (size 44, fits like 31) - $60
ChickenMade prda nylon zip pocket t shirt (size XL, fits like L) - $70
Dm me for any questions. You gotta cover the shipping and ppl invoice fees.
Paypal invoice only.
submitted by daupatau to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 SubjectOwn4914 Can a splatter of urine on or near the eye transmit HIV if the source individual is positive?

I work in Medical Lab. I'm not sure it actually happened or if my eye just felt moist, but it felt like I got a small spatter on me when I opened the biohazard bag with the urine in it. I'm informed that HIV doesn't typically transmit this way unless bloody, but I want to know for certain.
Is this even possible, or am I just being paranoid?
submitted by SubjectOwn4914 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Embarrassed-Board622 Carol Danvers (audreymadeit)

submitted by Embarrassed-Board622 to SFW_Rule34 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 OtherwiseMix2351 Proof of concord farm

Bruv i managed to get all 30 withing 3 hours lol with only 250 luck
Didnt have rapier Didnt have mimic Didnt have gold +3 Onky kill spear knight in London not straight sword knight
Soear dropped it 5 times ina row for me lol kept convenant on and got summoned a bunch around 115-135(kept leveling up luck onky had 85 after i was done lol)
Onky used rusted gold coins and 80 luck its not that long or hard goidluck yall
submitted by OtherwiseMix2351 to darksouls3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Itrawx Marre de tout et de la vie

Bonjour, j'ai 30 ans est j'en ai marre de tout, je jette une bouteille à la mer.
J'ai eu il y a quelque année des gros problème de santé qui m'ont détruit est depuis, je suis en invalidité mais étant donné que sa paye pas des masse contrairement à ce que la société pense c'est difficile est je souhaite re-travailler .
Le problème c'est que je ne peut faire de travail difficile, musculaire est long car le cerveau et le corps ne suivent pas.
Je suis donc été suivie par le P.L.I.E, France Travail...
J'ai voulu m'orienter dans le social, j'ai fait une prépa financé par France travail avec promesse de financement de la vrai formation ainsi que la promesse du P.L.I.E qui m'aurais payé le transport le 1er mois pour aller a mon lieu de formation. Bref une fois inscrit et après avoir fait 3 semaine de cours, mes financeurs m'ont lâcher me laissant dans la merde.
J'ai donc du arrêté et depuis, je ne suis que suivie par le France travail qui m'a orienté dans le Activ'Projet est c'est une belle arnaque toute c'est formation aksis et co...
Depuis, je suis épuisé ma santé en pâtit et tout mes insupportable j'avance dans rien je pique des crise de colère ou bien j'ai des envie de suicide. On m'oriente vers des formation à gogos et du blabla qui ont ni queux ni tête et qui ne me corresponde en rien...
J'en ai marre d’être dans cette engrenage, je souffre déjà assez. Je vois des psy qui me regarde comme si j'était un feignant car ma maladie ne se voient pas sur mon physique est que je fait plus jeune. Leurs solution me gaver avec encore plus de médoc. Quand à ma famille il me voit galérer mais esquivent dès que j'en parle. Et niveau amitié j'ai plus grand chose.
Je pense pas avoir envi de finir l'année car je ne voient que de la souffrance sur tout les front sans espoir d'amélioration est je n'ai plus de goût a rien et le suicide reste l'option la plus réfléchit pour arrêter les frais
submitted by Itrawx to besoindeparler [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 DunyaOfPain Yall… fruit salad.

Yall… fruit salad. submitted by DunyaOfPain to ShittyRestrictionFood [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 New-Backwood Mexican fender strat nut question

my buddy gave me mexican fender strat i was changing the strings when i noticed the nut is totally loose in its slot and can even b pulled out. do i need to glue this down?? or is it good the way it id?
submitted by New-Backwood to guitarrepair [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 littlebitinluvwu Do you see me as a CEO boss ruler girl

Do you see me as a CEO boss ruler girl apparently my role in this society to have a mass community so am i living up to my identity🩷✨
submitted by littlebitinluvwu to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 FewImprovement5984 Bouquet gardens recommendations

Bouquet gardens recommendations Does anybody who has lived in bouquet gardens have recommendations for seat covers, specifically for the dining room chairs??
submitted by FewImprovement5984 to Pitt [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 theANAboy Super proud of the team I built, what do you think?. Also I’m excited to see what Mbappé is gonna be like when maxed.

Super proud of the team I built, what do you think?. Also I’m excited to see what Mbappé is gonna be like when maxed. submitted by theANAboy to DreamLeagueSoccer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 IVpolecat ELI5: Do visibly impaired people have better than average balance ?

When I close my eyes, cross my arms across my chest, and balance on 1 foot, I’m lucky to make it 10 seconds. This test gets harder as we age. I wondered, if people without sight would have heighten internal mechanisms (like their inner ear) that would give them better than average balance. I hope I’m asking this question correctly.
submitted by IVpolecat to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 mercifulalien I could use help with an inhaler

I don't have money for copays to see the doctor or for a prescription. My husband was randomly garnished for a 10 year old credit card so we had to borrow money from my brother to pay rent. My husband had worked over time to try to take care of bills last month so they knocked our food stamps down to $12 a month and still haven't updated it. Been applying for jobs and going to interviews, but I still haven't been able to land a job. We are so unbelievably strapped for cash, so I kept putting off the inhaler and now it's empty and nothing has come up to make it so we can afford it.
If I could just get an OTC primatene mist inhaler from Walmart, I'd be fine until hopefully our tax returns hit. They're $29.99 and all I have is cash app. If anyone could help me with that, it would be greatly appreciated. This year has been so unimaginably horrid, I can't believe I have to resort to asking online strangers for help so I can having breathing medication.
Thanks to anyone who reads this.
submitted by mercifulalien to Assistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 tanG_Merci Let's Go Gambling!

Let's Go Gambling! submitted by tanG_Merci to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 teetle223 Hey everyone, I found what looks to be a great deal on facebook marketplace. Is it worth it?

The seller wants $900 for a Riley Hopkins JR. Bench Mount 6 / 2 that also comes with the roller workbench. They're also including a 16x16 ryonet flash dryer, a 20x24in Aluminum UV Screen Exposure Unit with Compression Lid, and a few different sized platens.
submitted by teetle223 to SCREENPRINTING [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Illustrious-Emu-4130 Please add my IG, where I promote my book @saintmesziahreyna

All people that follow will receive free copies,when published. Thank you for any and all support.
submitted by Illustrious-Emu-4130 to NewAuthor [link] [comments]