Link post title 772

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2025.01.23 01:12 lss_web_1444 Link post title 772

Link post title 772 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 No-Bridge-3965 looking for a sugar daddy

looking for a sugar daddy pls help
submitted by No-Bridge-3965 to onlinesugardaddies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 ja3palmer This guy dressed as an elf.

This guy dressed as an elf. submitted by ja3palmer to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 Dodgerfan4695 Simultaneously one of my favorite matches I’ve ever played in and one of my least favorite

Simultaneously one of my favorite matches I’ve ever played in and one of my least favorite submitted by Dodgerfan4695 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 hellnahbru What do yall think

What do yall think submitted by hellnahbru to mariokart [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 Physics-Big Free extra 2 bento tokens?

Was sitting in orbit after redeeming my two tokens from the raid/dungeon bento quest and after like ten minutes of being in orbit I received an additional two bento tokens, not sure how this happened or why, has this happened to anyone else?
submitted by Physics-Big to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 Initial_Birthday_540 Alternative rnb playlist!

Alternative rnb playlist! Hi! I like moody, soulful, atmospheric r&b that makes me feel like I am floating. I’ve put together a playlist of the type of songs I mean. If anyone likes it feel free to download it!! 🤗
music recommendations are welcome!
if you think any particular songs aren’t working/ the playlist is confusing, please could you critique it for me? It’s my first time making an r&b public playlist, and I’d really like some thoughts 🙏 thank you!! 🫶
submitted by Initial_Birthday_540 to rnb [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 Financial_Middle_955 All Rise For the National Anthem

All Rise For the National Anthem submitted by Financial_Middle_955 to PokemonPocket [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 SSwordsman Who should I pull for?

I currently do not own S11, but i am 9 pulls away from the standard selector. I really like the rhythm based attacks of S11's kit, its very fun when I play her in trial mode. I have Lighter and Lucy and was planning on using S11 with them, but Evelyn dropping soon has me in a bind. Now im not sure whether I should pull for Evelyn or go with the original plan of S11.
Evelyn Pros: Design, hotness, going to be powerful since new limited unit Evelyn Cons: Didnt really like her gameplay that much after using her in the story, especially compared to S11. You basically just hold one button with Evelyn and thats it
Im on the fence on what to do. I wasn't going to pull for Astra Yao if I really enjoyed Evelyn's gameplay, but now I'm considering abandoing Evelyn, and pulling Astra Yao and using her with S11 when I get her. Thoughts?
submitted by SSwordsman to Soldier11Mains [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 fuelasoul Why is it getting worse?

I'm super depressed I wanna end it but why does it get worse everytime? Everything is crumbling down, does Allah hate me? What have I done wrong? Why? Why is everything going terrible for me? I never deserved this
submitted by fuelasoul to islam [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 Sacred-Owl87 Question for Experienced Shooters

I have been shooting rifles and pistols nearly my whole life, but only recently more seriously in training for self-defense, as well as target shooting. I’ve been able to effectively zero a red dot on both full size 9 mm and .45.
But I’ve had a heck-of a time zeroing my micro red dot on my micro-9. (I think it started off bad trying to use a certain bore slighter, which threw me off from the start.) But I’m at the place now where it seems like I have it zeroed at 15 yards, and honestly hoping that the primary issue is my mechanics.
At 5 and 10 yards my shots seem spot on with my point of aim 95+% of the time. Yet, at 15 yards the groups are much wider on paper targets, whether shooting from a rest or standing position (though definitely tighter and closer to my point of aim from a rest). And the consistent groups tend to pull slightly down and left, which I know is typically a mechanics issue.
The last thing to note is, that when I set up a 4 inch steel target, I can hit it with at least 60-80% consistency from 15 yards.
All that said, should I just leave the optic alone and count it as close enough to zero for now (since I can hit that 4” steel), and focus on my mechanics (stance, grip, trigger pull)?
I feel like I’m proficient enough for defensive shooting with this gun, landing my shots within a 3”-8” circle of my POA @ 15-25 yards. (Actually, much more so with my VP9.)
I’m a perfectionist with this kind of stuff to a fault! I know, training and practice to improve our skills is never ending. So it’ll help to know if based on what I’ve shared, if I’m in a good place my set up for now and need to just focus on getting the reps in.
Thank you for your input ahead of time!
submitted by Sacred-Owl87 to CCW [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 R_E_G_G_I_E 80% of the Femtanyl community is trans, 15% is probably genderfluid, 5% is likely cis

Send post
submitted by R_E_G_G_I_E to femtanyl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 Afraid-Buffalo-9680 Browsing game dev forums and subreddits made me realize how important high school math is.

You all saw the memes, "I don't know how to do my taxes but I know the Pythagorean theorem", or "I never had to solve for x in real life". The same people who post those memes are now trying to get into game dev, and are struggling super hard with math since they now realize they actually have to use the things they thought they never had to use.
submitted by Afraid-Buffalo-9680 to self [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 justanothergrrrrl 1st Dibs says mcm...

1st Dibs says mcm... submitted by justanothergrrrrl to Mid_Century [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 Potential_Shelter821 The Truth is Down There🌊

If y’all know anything about Jay Stratton you know what to do. The age of disclosure and discovery is upon us. Can’t wait to see what this does.
submitted by Potential_Shelter821 to OceanPower [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 Sea_Mud5315 Did anyone else get this condition as a result of repeatedly eating too much in one sitting?

I started eating a lot more than necessary because I wanted to “bulk up” to maximize muscle growth from going to the gym regularly. No bodybuilding forums have ever provided so much as a warning that bulking, if done incorrectly, can lead to GERD. I ate a 1500 calorie meal every morning for the past 3-4 months and I strongly believe this was a contributing factor to getting chronic heart burn. I’m not eating unhealthy either; just oats, eggs, milk, blueberries, peanut butter, olive oil. I figured it easiest to eat 2 large meals throughout the day to reach my 3k calorie goal due to convenience… boi was I wrong. The only other thing that could have caused this, and honestly maybe should have at least equal blame, was eating way too much chipotle as a “healthy” meal when I made the excuse of not having enough time to cook. Overall I do eat healthy. End rant
submitted by Sea_Mud5315 to GERD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 mdclapps 27 (M) East Coast US - looking to wind down with someone tonight

Hi! It’s only 8 pm here and I’m already getting sleepy. Just looking to have a little conversation before bed. Tell me about your day, how you’re feeling about work tomorrow, or what guess you got Wordle on today lol.
I’m not a gamer or into anime but have other interests. Talk soon!
submitted by mdclapps to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 d-cassola Decretado luto no sub

Decretado luto no sub "É ilegal?" - Pagodinho, Zeca
submitted by d-cassola to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 Charis_Spathari AIO- My bf spied on my phone to find out about my past

My bf spied on my phone - read everything about my past
My bf spied on my phone - Found out about my past
Hello ! Me (23F) and my bf (25M) have had a rough patch for more than a month and a half .
He spotted early in November that someone had sent a message to me , wanting to see me again and that he missed me as if he was someone form my past , which I dated . I had talked with this guy way before our relationship (nothing sexual ) but since he was older I was feeling embarrassed to admit it . So I told him it was nothing and we hadn’t done anything with each other . However , his doubts started kicking in and he went through my phone (deleted messages also ) . He found out every communication I have had throughout our relationship , on sleepless nights while I was fast asleep and he had my phone with him . He found that in the beginning of our relationship I was replying to a certain , despite never having met him or cheated on him with anyone . I instantly cut all communication, since I became devoted to our relationship and couldn’t live him more . I tried to support my bf in everything , we moved in together in my house I wanted to make sure everything was perfect for him. I was and still am head over heels for him . An ex from my past would occasionally called me because he was angry and swore at me and we had one last communication during my relationship where I just sent him back a plushie he had gifted me which he insisted on having back . I didn’t bring that up to my bf because I didn’t want to upset him and I strongly believe that the past is in the past . My bf however is the type of guy that craves every small detail and reference from my life which I totally understand, however , I handle things my own way and due to past trauma , I tend to handle thing my own way . About a month after spying my phone , while I was thinking everything was ok , he brought up things from my past , communication , even references , he even went through chats with my best friend . H e disliked that before our relationship I had exchanged risky texts with two or three guys how we never acting on it in real life and stopping communication when the moment came to actually meet up and do something .He searched for texts with every guy and my best friend since 2021 . He thinks I am a wh because of that and thought I was different . He says he is disgusted with me , because I didn’t want to admit things from my past as I didn’t want him to think of me as some b because I loved him dearly and didn’t want to seem weak . So I was pressured and had to lie and he doesn’t believe a single thing I say . He moved out of the house , I told my parents as I was feeling sad that I made some mistakes and he spied on my phone and he is judging me because of that as he dislikes that my parents know and feels betrayed . Every phone call or meet up leads to more fights and me standing in the wall , just admitting my wrong doings and trying to persuade him to give me the chance to prove my love and loyalty for him and stop fighting . What is your opinion ?
TL;DR : My bf has spied on my phone and found out about past relationships and things I haven’t told him before and wouldn’t like to admit from the past . Do we need to break up ? He is very hostile towards me but would like to make it work . However it gets harder every day . Should we consider making up ? Who is in the wrong and what can I do ?
submitted by Charis_Spathari to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 Reddidiot_69 This battle appears every time you enter the system. Hilbert Dimension.

submitted by Reddidiot_69 to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 prosperanddd Do you think Doomsday and Secret Wars will be on par with IW and Endgame?

I know these 2 films haven't been out yet, this is just speculation considering the way marvel has been moving these past few years and the way they setup differently compares to the last saga
submitted by prosperanddd to marvelstudios [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 Due-Adagio6285 Casual Jobs for Teens Fremantle Area

Turning 17 next week, really need a job. I have limited but some work experience, particularly in warehouse and stock. Open to pretty much anything (except Grill'd). Can work 1 or 2 weekdays from 4PM onwards, and all day Saturday. Anyone know of anything in the Fremantle area? I've already applied for a couple of supermarkets, and a cafe and I'm waiting to hear back. But I'm just thinking more options the better. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Due-Adagio6285 to perth [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 KaedeFennecFox The artists 🆚️ The art

The artists 🆚️ The art So excited for them to grow up 🥺
submitted by KaedeFennecFox to cockatiel [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 fluffy-psycho Hey, everyone go check out the sunset

submitted by fluffy-psycho to NorthVancouver [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:12 TurquoiseCorner How has your E/D changed through the prestiges?

Mine has gone:
Lifetime - 1.50
Prestige 1 - 1.51
Prestige 2 - 1.55
Prestige 3 - 1.64
Curious to see other people’s progression. Also, for people doing camo grind, how much it affected their E/D, if at all.
submitted by TurquoiseCorner to blackops6 [link] [comments]