Does anyone know why my ender 3 does this when I auto home it?

2025.01.22 23:24 Substantial_Yak2578 Does anyone know why my ender 3 does this when I auto home it?
submitted by Substantial_Yak2578 to Creality [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Immediate-Court4726 Looking for cheap ideas for raised path

Looking for cheap ideas for raised path I have this wooded/swampy area in my property. It gets real mucky if it rains. I’ve got a log bridge over a creek, which is nice. But I’m looking for some ideas for the path part. The low and swampy part is prolly 75-80 feet long. I’ve been thinking concrete blocks every 8 feet and then I don’t know what. Or maybe stepping stones? But I need to raise the path at least 6 inches I think. Also, it floods when the creek rises, so I can’t just add 6 inches of dirt, it would wash out in a month or two. Any ideas?
submitted by Immediate-Court4726 to landscaping [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 JustHereForTheHuman Test
submitted by JustHereForTheHuman to AnomalousEvidence [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Charming_Citron_7859 Should I withdraw for the F25?

I’m a retaker, LLM. I started studying a little too late. It was my fault that I was too focused on work. I’m working part-time. I will use my PTO for the last two weeks to take the exams. But I’m just feeling I’m not going to pass. Idk if I should postpone for July. I feel overwhelmed, paralyzed, and a failure. Also, I'm too worried about nothing passing, and then I have to ask for more time for my job. This exam has been so expensive. I just feel I'm not going to pass. My MBE score is below average, and I haven't even practiced the MPT. Idk what to do.
submitted by Charming_Citron_7859 to barexam [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Specialist_Back7222 I need a shower

“Haha, I am gonna make you wet!” said the evil water
submitted by Specialist_Back7222 to 2sentence2horror [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Princess_Tay1901 Good boys get star sticker ⭐️

submitted by Princess_Tay1901 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Pretty-Hall7733 Herpes genital está sendo muito frustrante

Gente eu tive herpes genital tipo 1 e eu nao sei lidar com isso de jeito nenhum e não sei oque fazer sobre sabe ? Estou indo pra um grau serio depressivo por conta disso e fico muito mal e em dúvida se é algo que eu tenho que divulgar para os outros? Vocês ficariam com alguém que tem ? Vocês a consideram uma ist como as outras ? Eu estou muito mal e nem ajuda psicológica esta me ajudando... está muito ruim.
submitted by Pretty-Hall7733 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 No_Bunch9583 I want more crosshairs

I saw this video on YouTube about the "best" crosshairs in the game for each character.
I felt so sad when I realized on console I can only save like 4 different crosshairs. 😞
submitted by No_Bunch9583 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 vanory Sound problems after recent windows 11 update

Hello all,
I had an update to windows 11 recently ( Jan 21 2025 ) and since then it appears the SFX on all applications are desynced from the music volume wise on both speakers and my headphones ( includes any and all games as well as browser players like YT, facebook etc ) I tried updating drivers and all the usual stuff but nothing seems to work, anything I can do short of a rollback would be helpful, thank you.
SPECS: - Gigabyte x570 gaming - Ryzen 7 5800X 8 core CPU - NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 3070 GPU - Realtek(R) Audio speakers - JBL Quantum 350 Wireless headphones
submitted by vanory to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Fit_Equivalent_2922 Reseersättning

Snart dax att deklarera. Jag har jobbat mkt i år. Har rest runt 10 mil totalt nästan varje dag med bilen. 3650 • 24kmilen = 91.250kr - 11.000kr =80,25 SEK 8250kr att få ut.
Räknar jag rätt nu? Har sparat nästa alla kvitton från året tillbaka men vissa gånger har maskiner strulat så har ej fått kvitton tillbaka:(
Kommer skatteverket vara extra petiga när det är så hög summa för mig i år ? Kan dom till exempelvis säga kom och vissa upp alla kvitton
submitted by Fit_Equivalent_2922 to sweden [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 emberRJ a crença religiosa é uma das maiores doenças do mundo

Não é pagar de ateuzão, mas ao longo da história a religião só botou pra fuder com a humanidade, principalmente na política. Vocês conhecem a "Marcha da Família com Deus pela Liberdade"? movimento que em 1964 foi as ruas pedir intervenção militar e mostrou aos golpistas que tinha mt gente querendo?
A religião e o religioso ignorante (pq o estudado e sensato não passa por isso) é SEMPRE massa de manobra pra politicagem, os piores políticos e governos do mundo tinham religiosos na base do apoio, e não só os fanáticos. Preconceito e reacionárismo sempre vêm acompanhados de justificativas divinas pra serem validados e sempre que querem brecar alguma coisa a elite diz que "é do demônio" ou que não é cristão e essa coisa tem infinitamente mais dificultade de ser debatida
aborto, educação sexual, direitos LGBT, ciência e educação, direitos das mulheres, mvcinas, eutanásia, separação igreja-estado, diversidade cultural e filosófica.
E sempre tem um pra falar que a religião traz inúmeros bens, e realmente traz, mas causou mais mal do que bem e muitos dos problemas que a religião hj trata de cuidar foram criados por ela mesma
submitted by emberRJ to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Dear-Priority3936 How to do Transcendental Meditation for free.

First and formost, if you are having problems with meditation, If you are feeling discomfort. Stop. If you want to continue, only continue because you want to. NOT because someone else told you to.
Alot of people don't have 980 dollars to spend for meditation and alot of people don't get sponsored for free meditation. Blessed are the meek.
I recommend if you are not a Hindu reciet whatever is meaningful:

Maharishi once wrote in his 1955 book "Beacon of the Light of the Himalayas"
These mantras corespond to Hindu gods. These are the official list of mantras used by TM teachers. These mantras are picked by age
To prevent you from falling asleep, sit up straight. (you can do this on your back.)
If at any time during meditation you become aware that your head is tilted forward and it is not erect, it may be better to very slowly, and easily, bring the head back to an upright position. In case it is uncomfortable to bring it upright then leave it the way it is and continue to enjoy your meditation. If you become aware that the head is moving from front, to back, or sideways, you shouldn't try to do this movement.
People meditate for twenty minutes, two times a day. (40 minutes in total) Some people recommend starting with 8 minute sessions to begin with.
  1. Close your eyes (duh.)
  2. Always start with half a minute of silence.
  3. Then start thinking the mantra over and over again. EFFORTLESSLY TRANSCEND
  4. At the end of meditation stop thinking the mantra and, wait about 2 minutes before opening the eyes.
In this meditation, you do not concentrate. You do not try to say the mantra clearly. Mental repetition is not a clear pronunciation, it is just a faint idea. You don't try to make a rhythm of the mantra. You don't try to control thoughts. If a thought comes, you do not try to push it out. When you become aware that you are not thinking the mantra, then you quietly come back to the mantra. You think the mantra easily, and if at any moment you feel that you are forgetting it, you should not try to persist in repeating it or try to keep on remembering it. With ease, you start, and take it as it comes, and do not hold the mantra if it tends to slip away. The mantra may change in different ways. It can get faster or slower, louder or softer, clearer or fainter. Its pronunciation may change, lengthen or shorten or even may appear to be distorted or it may not appear to change at all. In every case, we take it as it comes, neither anticipating nor resiting change, just simple innocence. Even if the mind is filled with other thoughts while the mantra is going on, there is no conflict. Our concern is with the mantra, and if other thoughts are there along with it, we do not mind and we don't try to remove them. You are not concerned with them, you innocently favor the mantra. You take it easy, you don't try to associate the mantra with the heartbeat, or breath, or the tick of the clock. You are not concerned with your heartbeat.... Your mantra is your concern. If your heartbeat comes along, don't mind. You don't try to synch the mantra to the heartbeat, nor do you try to forget about it. The mantra is all you are concerned about. Innocently we favor the mantra. If you incidentaly synch your mantra to the heartbeat. That's fine. As if you are walking on a road if someone is found walking by your side you just don't mind.
These are hindu prayers, they will not tell you this. These are Tantric Bija mantras. We can find these mantras in the work of Sir John Woodrooffe in his Garland of Letters (1913), and Mantra Sastra (1917).
Transcendental Meditation doesn't tell you how to do this. Neither did David Lynch. But here's my guess. If your using TM to get thoughts in your head, your doing it "wrong." Remember, we favor the Mantra.
But, Ideas are can to come to you. So, TM is just putting the line in the water. Our best clue to the process of "catching fish" may be with the Beatles time with the Maharishi.
Yes, they did, but this may have changed. Nevertheless, the checking is online. It should be said, that TM believes in the psuedo-scientific idea that bad reactions to meditation is "destressing" karma or "releasing blocks of stress". That is often the conclusion TM teachers come to when one complains of adverse side-effects while come into a center for a check up. Seek out mental health care practitioners. All our brains are different it's okay if TM doesn't work for you.
They do! But they would call it a "simple thank you ceremony." No, I have heard from Dana Sawyer adjunct professor of religion of the Maine College of Art and Design, who did a ethnography at Jyotir Math Monestary where this meditation originates, that monks don't always do pujas when intiating people.
If you want to listen to a puja here is a recording of the leader Maharishi Mahesh Yogi recieting one: puja online
What are they recieting in the puja? This is a good breakdown.
All meditation does. It's rare, The exception rather than the rule but meditation can have harmful effects. Long-term meditation especially! That is what you should worry about. The adverse side-effects of TM where mostly studied in the 80's and 90's. After the 2010's, science looked toward other meditations. Transcendental Meditation is a organization that has people do meditation for long peroids most likely exasperating the adverse effects. Most will not experience such things this is more a indictment of the group rather than the average meditator. Although Relaxation enduced anxiety can be relatively common:
(Stanford) Adverse Side-effects of Transcendental Meditation Long-term MeditationPsychiatric Problems Precipitated by Transcendental MeditationTHE VARIOUS IMPLICATIONS ARISING FROM THE PRACTICE OF TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION
Relaxation-induced anxiety and Transcendental Meditation:
Relaxation-induced anxiety: Paradoxical anxiety enhancement due to relaxation training. Relaxation-induced anxiety: Mechanisms and theoretical implications
submitted by Dear-Priority3936 to cults [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 dontexpectmucheaoie Is anyone in therapy and still can't move on after 4 years?

We knew each other very well. We got married, and broke up and got back together. All the getting back together was because we completely clicked with the power dynamic kink, and we knew each other as kids, teens, in a close social dynamic. We have always been drawn to each other. There is definitely mental health playing a role but we are both aware of that.
submitted by dontexpectmucheaoie to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 zooey_spinweb Amélie Rose Clyde by Peter Hinsdale (chippercentral)

Amélie Rose Clyde by Peter Hinsdale (chippercentral) submitted by zooey_spinweb to perfectonpointe [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Hypervenom_2004 Alguien de esta red conoce en persona a Zully Rodriguez?

Le sigo en sus redes sociales. Alguien la conoce?
submitted by Hypervenom_2004 to ElSalvador [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 halfbakedpizzapie Just FLIPPED A CATAPULT

Just FLIPPED A CATAPULT submitted by halfbakedpizzapie to forhonor [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 SHFNewsAccount SHFiguarts Kamen Rider Valen Chocodon Form

SHFiguarts Kamen Rider Valen Chocodon Form submitted by SHFNewsAccount to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 XxL0rdThr0gxX Semi-Newish Player Conundrum

Hello all, newish player with ~300hrs. I’ve been playing for a few years on and off between major updates, completed most story quests, completed (I think?) star chart, just started trying to do kuva liches and hit a brick wall … I have no clue what Im doing in the game anymore.
I understand game is infamous for having a super vague progression and gameplay, and I really have no clue how I even made it this far. I’ve watched countless guides, looked through the wiki forever and still, nothing makes any sense other than the modding system and relic farming.
Any tips from anyone who’s been in the same situation?
submitted by XxL0rdThr0gxX to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 MotoLolaGirl U like my pearly whites?

U like my pearly whites? submitted by MotoLolaGirl to aww [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 60seconds4you Guadeloupe Woman - Mystery of covering up a human skeleton, 28 million years old.

Guadeloupe Woman - Mystery of covering up a human skeleton, 28 million years old. submitted by 60seconds4you to AlternativeHistory [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Careless_Squirrel337 She needs some actual “sweet friends” to tell her these aggressive faces are unnecessary when referring to an outfit she’s wearing.

She needs some actual “sweet friends” to tell her these aggressive faces are unnecessary when referring to an outfit she’s wearing. submitted by Careless_Squirrel337 to thedennisfamily [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 sigmapenguin1 Any one have suggestions for songs that sound like Tek it- Cafune, and seventh heaven- INHOA.

Sound like or similar vibe
submitted by sigmapenguin1 to songslikethis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Any_Molasses_798 Small Business Phone Solution

I'm attempting to find a phone solution that works best for a small office of about 10 employees who use their desktop phones relatively less than most companies, but still need a dedicated line into our office.
Is there a solution that is low cost, scalable, and relatively low tech? I've looked at on prem PBX, hosted PBX, SIP and honestly I'm drowning in information. I would also appreciate any resources to learn more about the different type of phone solutions and providers.
submitted by Any_Molasses_798 to VOIP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 m314219 Wood Insert - Blower Outlet Placement

Wood Insert - Blower Outlet Placement Recently had a Regency insert installed. Looking for some recommendations on the placement of the outlet for the blower.
The chimney is in the center of the home and does not abut/connect with any walls. The cord for the blower comes out the right side of the insert into a space (see pic) where the living room connects to the kitchen - not ideal placement. I had thought about running the cord from where it leaves the insert on the right side back to the left side, where the outlet would be more hidden, but the installer recommended against that. Installer also recommended against running through the ash slot.
Underneath the floor is the lower level of a raised ranch. Underneath and towards the back side of the chimney would be the utility room. Any recommendations on placement here before I have an electrician out?
submitted by m314219 to woodstoving [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Educational_Elk3175 Recommendations!

I am going to be adopting a ferret within the next couple days. Looking for recommendations all supplies! i.e.: food, shampoo, treats, toys, litter, litter boxes. Give me everything! Also, what kind of meat snacks do you all prepare for your babies?
submitted by Educational_Elk3175 to ferrets [link] [comments]