机械设计中标有4—m5×p0.8 tap thru是什么意思? 介绍详细一点有4个M5的螺孔,螺距是0.8,通孔且螺纹贯穿底孔具体是4表示4个螺纹孔,M5×P0.8表示螺距为0.8的M5螺纹孔,P表示pitch,螺距的英文TAP THRU表示底孔为通 THRU在机械制图里是什么意思THRU在机械制图里是通的意思,如通孔、通槽。通孔:Plating Through Hole 简称 PTH,这是最常见到的一种,你只要把PCB拿起来对着灯光,可以看到亮光的孔就是「通孔」。 中国农业银行借记卡上写(month/year)和(valid thru)是什么意思?农业银行的信用卡卡面上会有该标识,分别代表:月/年和 ... 图纸上有“drill #32 dia thru”标在一个孔上,到底是什么意思?是孔呢?还是螺纹?到底多大 表示的是钻#32口径直通。 螺纹:螺纹是由线型组成的图形,它的种类很多。最直观的就是在圆柱或者圆锥母体表面上制出 4."thru"在电子通信领域的使用. 在电子通信领域中,"thru"常常用来指代数据传输的过程或路径。例如,“data transmission thru fiber-optic cables”表示通过光纤电缆进行数据传输。 5."thru"在交通领域的使用. 在交通领域中,"thru"常用来表示某个地点或路线通过的意思。 valid thru是什么意思?您好,valid thru 是 “valid through”的常用缩减模式,其意思是“有效期为”后接一个“日期”,常见于一些有时限的物品,比如信用卡,折扣券、会员优惠等等。 2017-12-16 机械制图中的英文“thru”是什么意思? 1 2013-11-08 机械制图中的英文thru是什么意思? 94 2011-07-03 THRU在机械制图里是什么意思 53 2007-10-10 机械制图标注上的 1 1/2-6unc-2b什么意思? 2011-05-26 机械图纸中thru ALL是什么意思 16 3. “Thru”的应用场景. 在机械制图中,使用“Thru”描述的情况非常重要,因为这涉及到零件的精确性和功能性。例如,在描述机械零件的钻孔或铆钉孔时,如果标注为“Thru”,则表示这个孔需要完全贯穿整个零件。这对于后续的装配和零件的功能实现至关重要。 储蓄卡上的validthru是什么意思是有效期的意思。通储蓄卡和信用卡在卡面上有一个比较重大的区别就是,信用卡上印有有效期,通常格式为:Valid From 12/08,Valid Thru 12/11。表示这张信用卡的有效期是从200 通储蓄卡和信用卡在卡面上有一个比较重大的区别就是,信用卡上印有有效期,通常格式为:Valid From 12/08,Valid Thru 12/11。表示这张信用卡的有效期是从2008年12月到2011年12月。也有其它表示方式,如:Valid Dates、Member Since、Expires End.。
2025.01.22 23:16 DJDaytrip Mic thru audio interface
Hi everyone. I’m new at this and wanna try live-streaming. I’m practicing and doing mic work (using others streams to practice with) but my mic only comes thru my speakers, and not into the recording. It seems that the mic isn’t going thru the iRig interface. I’ve tried everything…What am I missing?
Thanks everyone.
submitted by DJDaytrip to Beatmatch [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 AlbySnipes Spare SMS HFXC codes?
Anyone have spare codes for the new version of the HFXC? Just got a GP gen 3 tube so i figured why not
submitted by AlbySnipes to NightVision [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 BufoBat I hope those are some good, moneymaking back scratches
submitted by BufoBat to FundieSnarkUncensored [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:16 jsjdbbe Hitman cheapest way
I saw a post some time ago trying to explain that hitman was getting a free upgrade to psvr2 or something, and now that it is on sale I wonder if it is cheapest to wait for the psvr2 version or buy now on a discount and get the free upgrade. Has anyone looked into this?
submitted by jsjdbbe to PSVR [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 Brilliant-Ad9496 Newest edition
Finally got the vampire miku nendoriod to go with the Nazuna one. I think they complement each other well
submitted by Brilliant-Ad9496 to Nendoroid [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 Confident-Warthog444 Eminem Poster by me
submitted by Confident-Warthog444 to Eminem [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 Mikeac_ Missing Samsung Monitor Stand Screws
I just received a Samsung Essential S3 27" (LS27C330GANXZA) but the screws for the stand to attach were not included in the box. I called Samsung support and they provided the part number that was BN81-24467A which is an M4 x 16 screw. Does the type of head matter or when I go to the hardware store can I just get any M4 x 16 screw?
submitted by Mikeac_ to Monitors [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 FelurianFaye This rock makes my heart happy 😊
submitted by FelurianFaye to Rocks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:16 Temporary-Yak-1549 My new set up Corsair one i500
Needs a bit of work but loving it at the minute submitted by Temporary-Yak-1549 to RateMySetup [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:16 Edd-W My VMware GPU Homelab build
I hope you are happy for me to share. Last year I started a series of blog posts, following my progress to build a VMware GPU Homelab. I am attempting to do this on a budget so I might fail spectacularly, however the build so far has been going well.
2025.01.22 23:16 Forward-Tooth-1344 Nothing special just me killing 2 dudes
Who else goes to bed and dreams of chiv? I don't.. all the time submitted by Forward-Tooth-1344 to Chivalry2 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:16 romualdos666 What is a base Stun Threshold?
There is a skill thatb changes stun thrershold to be based of 30% of ES, does that mean the base is 30% of HP, or is the base 100% of HP? Sice the stat menu appers to be bugged I can't check stat values.
Lets say i have 3000 ES. That would give me 900 stun res. If i have an item that gives me +130 to Stun Threshold that will make my total of 1030. This would make Stun Threashold stat pretty useless as it would always be better to aim fom max HP or ES.
submitted by romualdos666 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 mhiemaaaaa how long can my product stay in the packing center?
how long can my product stay in the packing center? im still waiting for my second product to arrive, its just been shipped.
submitted by mhiemaaaaa to Sugargoo [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 ExtensionGolf9690 Microsoft intervju, verifikacija
Da li je neko imao intervju za poziciju Design Verification Engineer i moze da podeli svoja iskustva?
submitted by ExtensionGolf9690 to programiranje [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 Redichicks Mariane🩺
submitted by Redichicks to PinayBeauties [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:16 thestrawberrysquid had a weird day. sometimes guitar is like a security blanket for me. This is a lot less produced than most of my stuff, but I hope you enjoy this little improvisation in A minor just the same.
submitted by thestrawberrysquid to guitarplaying [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 horrorfan555 I am half way through the series, spoiler question
Is any of these games going to be real? Little Hope is a trauma dream, Man of Medan has everyone tripping balls. Is everything going to be revealed to be nothing?
Also does anything special happen by playing each game? Like the curator talking about it?
submitted by horrorfan555 to DarkPicturesAnthology [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 PandasCoWin [USA-FL] [H] Playstation Gift Card [W] PayPal
Have a $50 & $25 Gift Card, asking for $65 via PayPal
If interested, comment below.
submitted by PandasCoWin to GameSale [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 GuavaPuzzled1179 karma please, i cannot post anything
have a great day or night
submitted by GuavaPuzzled1179 to Karmafarmsub [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 weGloomy Recs for a 9yr old?
Wondering what I should for buy as a starter kit for a 9yr old boy. Don't know anything about beyblades. Thanks!
submitted by weGloomy to Beyblade [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 Natural-Pear-4246 Apparently my weight loss has made me go from looking fat to looking pregnant
I’ve lost about 25lbs so far (75 more to go) but none of it has been from my stomach. I take measurements so I know this is true, my waist size hasn’t changed but all my other measurements have gone down. Apparently the noticeable weight loss in my face combined with a now more pronounced stomach (proportionately) makes me look pregnant because even people who know I can’t have kids are hesitantly asking if I’m pregnant.
I’m not upset, I find it funny (for now, it will likely get old after a bit) but I’m also wondering if I should be worried… I know we all lose weight differently but should I be concerned none of it has been from my waist?
submitted by Natural-Pear-4246 to loseit [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 BetterFreedom4611 What makes you think I’m with Crimson Dawn?
submitted by BetterFreedom4611 to StarWarsOutlaws [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:16 i_drew_a_map These are very different investment strategies
submitted by i_drew_a_map to wallstreetbets [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:16 CosmoBiologist r/ViagraBoys will no longer allow links to X / Twitter
What's up shrimpers and troglodytes! Effective immediately, ViagraBoys will be banning links to X / Twitter. Due to obvious recent events, we would like to reiterate that this subreddit does not tolerate hate speech, bigotry, hate, discrimination. Additionally, since the change in ownership, TwitteX has had issues regarding data privacy and accessibility.
Thanks and you all have been fantastic Shrimptech Employees! If you have any questions or concerns, shoot us a modmail and share why you think Man Made of Meat is a banger of a single.
submitted by CosmoBiologist to ViagraBoys [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:16 michaels_smart Guess my age
Don't cheat submitted by michaels_smart to guessmyage [link] [comments] |