It's us, the 99% vs 0.1% global elites. No war, but class war

2025.01.23 01:15 Livid-Ad-8010 It's us, the 99% vs 0.1% global elites. No war, but class war

It's us, the 99% vs 0.1% global elites. No war, but class war submitted by Livid-Ad-8010 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 KittyBKOWWW Obscure Master List Wisdoms please

Obscure Master List Wisdoms please Hi all, probably a weird request but I was told by my partner to consult Reddit for wisdom. I'm trying to put together a "Pokemon in tree holes" (name needs workshopping I know lol) master list.
I've included some examples of what I mean, but if y'all know of any cards where the 'mon be in a tree holes, please comment and let me know.
I know this list will probably be a long term project, but if I'm able to put it together that'd be awesome.
submitted by KittyBKOWWW to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 bratclarissa If your wallet is feeling heavy, I can help lighten the load 😏

submitted by bratclarissa to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Parking-Future-4298 Que geração...

Que geração....

 Geração do rostinho bonito e do caráter merda, quê que isso, as pessoas perderam a noção, concerteza, que não tem condição não, hoje em dia as pessoas só querem usar umas as outras pro seu próprio benefício tirando o psicológico da outra pessoa só pra se manter em uma determinada posição que é "aceitável" aos olhos de quem vê, quê que isso, hoje em dia as pessoas só usam umas as outras e simplesmente as discartam como se não fosse absolutamente nada, que caráter é esse dessas pessoas de hoje, elas só tem "o rostinho bonito mesmo" porque o caráter é literalmente uma merda. 
As pessoas falam tanto de caráter e de consideração que na primeira oportunidade mostram que não tem nenhum dos dois, há, e além disso elas oprimem as suas próprias emoções umas nas outras pessoas como se isso fosse melhorar alguma coisa nelas mesmas, literalmente é uma geração completamente perdida.
submitted by Parking-Future-4298 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Anti-Owl Weekly Discussion Thread & Community Updates

Welcome back to our weekly discussion thread!
This is your go-to spot for all things related to current outbreaks, pandemic preparedness, public health policy, speculation, and more. You can ask questions, share intriguing articles and book recommendations, discuss personal experiences, or just throw around some theories regarding what the future might hold.
What contagion are you closely following this week?
How are you preparing for any potential impacts it might have on your daily life and community?
Help Needed: Become a Moderator!
Our community has grown very rapidly, and I could use some help with moderation duties. If you're passionate about disease spread and/or have a background in science or healthcare, I'd love to have you on board! No experience necessary, but would prefer individuals who have been active on this subreddit and/or other disease or prepping communities.
It's not a huge time investment, but your support would be invaluable. Interested? Reach out!
Community Feedback Wanted
As many of you have noticed, there's an ongoing trend across various subreddits to ban posts directly linking to, formerly known as Twitter.
Instead of making a unilateral decision, I want to hear what you think. Most emerging disease reporting has already moved to Bluesky, and to be honest, there hasn't been much linking to X on here. Still, it is important, probably now more than ever, to make a principled stand. Please share your thoughts in the comments.
submitted by Anti-Owl to ContagionCuriosity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Dull-Goose-2549 Destroy the weak or some shit idk

Destroy the weak or some shit idk submitted by Dull-Goose-2549 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 bohoboutique Tips for first time chemo treatment?

I have my first round of chemo this Saturday, obviously I've been given the standard of keep hydrated and bring a book or something to do. But does anyone have any other tips for prep or anything else I should take? Much appreciated ❤️
submitted by bohoboutique to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Helpful_Main_5610 Trip report on the first class United airlines

submitted by Helpful_Main_5610 to unitedairlines [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 favoritecolorisfire I'm trying to ID this old YORK, it's a gas furnace on an attic

Homeowner only provided a few photos and I can't go look at the unit in person since it's a 2hr drive. I am trying to find the dimensions so I can order transitions or if it's close enough to modern dimensions just hand pan it.
submitted by favoritecolorisfire to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 khoisharky How long is the Tailless (Miyabi's sword)?

How long is the Tailless (Miyabi's sword)? submitted by khoisharky to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 JeremyR- Lone Pine

Lone Pine 16x16" Oil on Canvas painting I recently finished.
submitted by JeremyR- to Forest [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 traveledhermit New Trello User Feedback & Questions

Downloaded Trello last week and after a few false starts am mostly loving the ability to organize a massive, multi-dimensional project with it. I’ve been researching the project for a couple of years and was beginning to feel overwhelmed by the amount of references I had saved in various locations and formats. Now I have 5 boards representing different stages or aspects of the project, and can easily view from 2-8 associated lists, each containing some number of cards related to a different decision point or activity. There’s a lot of flexibility and any two people could organize the same project in very different ways.
I do have a few gripes:

  1. I kind of hate the layout of the cards. Maybe it’s because I’m not using this with a team, but it feels like checklists, attachments, links and comments belong up top, and things that are typically static, like start/due dates, tags, members and location are taking up valuable real estate. At minimum, would be great to be able to customize the default card view.
  2. I can send a webpage to the app from within Safari IOS and get the option to assign to specific board and list, but will always add as a separate card. Most times I want the link added to an already existing card on that topic, so then it’s extra steps to copy/paste and delete the extra card.
  3. Same with anything emailed to a Trello board - new card is created but then have to cut/paste if it belongs in an existing card. Would be great to have the option to move or copy attachments to an email separate from the email itself.
I find tags useful on other sites - e.g., I was bookmarking webpages from my research on Pinboard using tags to sort into topics that are now lists and cards. Any creative suggestions?
Once my project really kicks off, seems like the paid version with task list and calendar views will be helpful?
submitted by traveledhermit to trello [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Emstinger18 7” Devotion re-release

Anyone get two and interested in selling one of their VIP vinyl?
submitted by Emstinger18 to baysideisacult [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Key_Ambition_6087 Feet buyers!!! I have content for sale!

Feet buyers!!! I have content for sale! Would appreciate the support and attention!
submitted by Key_Ambition_6087 to feetfinderprofile [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 breakfasteveryday RK on Twatter

RK on Twatter submitted by breakfasteveryday to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 xFableHavenx What’s up with WOW?

it’s dropping quite significantly and almost reaching the lowest in 5 years
submitted by xFableHavenx to ASX [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 GullibleOffice8243 More Tribbie Art!(from @sikakuikamome)

More Tribbie Art!(from @sikakuikamome) submitted by GullibleOffice8243 to Tribbie_HSR [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Difficult_Ant_1988 I need friends,good frienda

I need friends,I really want atleast a couple really good friends like bestfriends. I haven't had real friends since highschool. After my brother was killed when I was 22 I kinda just closed myself from friends especially since I was with someone that refused to let me have friends. I miss having friends and I think it's beyond time for me to have friends again now I'm 35 I think. I want friends I can talk to all the time or go hang out with and we are always there for each other no matter what,the ride or die friendship. I really want a girl best friend and a guy best friend atleast I would be happy but if I could find more that would be amazing. I don't have any family other than my mom and grandma but my grandma doesn't remember Mr most of the time she calls me by my uncles name most of the time and my mom I don't like to be around or talk to,I do have a gf and I live in texas. Making friends as a adult is way harder than when your a kid especially in online,girls think I'm trying to hook up with them and guys tend to think I'm gay,I just treat everyone the same I'm nice to you unless you give me a reason not to be and I don't flirt or want anything from anyone other than to be nice and friends. Well anyways that's enough of a book, just remember your awesome and every day your here is a great day for you and every one else and I hope you have/having a good day.
submitted by Difficult_Ant_1988 to friendship [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 limecoc0nut @homefindsandcrafts

Will follow back! New account I’m trying to grow!
submitted by limecoc0nut to follow4follow [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 ravenwing110 "Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little illumination. Gentlemen?"

What are your favorite moments that hit as hard as the Phantom of the Opera overture?
submitted by ravenwing110 to musicals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 euphoric_rue coraline??

coraline?? arianna, cora and now coraline? wtf is her actual name
submitted by euphoric_rue to notcoratilleysnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 GreenPurple000 Help me to stay strong

N husband and I had a deal. 4 days in, he didn't held up his promise. Now he claims to be so sad because of lifes challenges. (in his family are some hardships) Yesterday he talked negative about the people and said it was their own fault. Now he wants my pitty for himself. I'm disgusted. He is well aware of my soft spots and knows that I care deeply for his family members. But I don't want to let this BS slide.
submitted by GreenPurple000 to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Vegetable-Luck5633 She's a little freak

She's a little freak submitted by Vegetable-Luck5633 to AFLW_Hotties [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 MomakizSplita Večer dame!

31m, 180cm/70-tak kg. Momak iz Splita, situiran, s jednim a često i dva posla. Otvorenog uma, vrlo odgovoran, uredan, pošten i normalan, neki bi rekli vrlo smiješan i zanimljiv - ne znam koliko bi se složio 🤭. Tu sam, rado odgovorim - ako te ne osvojim barem te nasmijem... nadam se 🤣
Da napomenem ako ima zainteresiranih: Samo dugoročne veze
Kriteriji su - slobodna, normalna, bez repova, proživjela našto života, zna i kuži što je što. Zna da je život nekad težak nekad super, traži nekoga za zauvijek i zna što želi. Ljubav ne bira ako se desi a ako već moram - ne volim "preteške" kako fizionomijom kako karakterom. Toliko o tome.
submitted by MomakizSplita to RedditIskrice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 lastpeppermint Playing vs Spider-man is insufferable on console

Anyone have any good tips on playing vs Spider-man on console? I play bucky and I'm a pretty good shot, currently high-plat. The one character I feel I can't do anything against is Spiderman. His mobility is insane (I know, he's Spiderman) but it feels impossible trying to hit him at all as he's swinging around constantly. Whenever I'm against spiderman it just feels like an automatic loss, no matter how good or bad they are.
submitted by lastpeppermint to marvelrivals [link] [comments]