Duolingo in the backrooms. No other context.

2025.01.23 02:41 Tubofmacncheese Duolingo in the backrooms. No other context.

Duolingo in the backrooms. No other context. submitted by Tubofmacncheese to mattrose [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 AdSubstantial3898 Question

Question Is this good oil pressure? Or normal I mean . Picture is idling on neutral through the car wash
submitted by AdSubstantial3898 to Silverado [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 insincerelyanonymous Can I delete all my contacts from my mac and resync

My contacts have been out of sync between my mac and iphone for years. Some numbers that I newly put in sync and show on my mac, others haven't synced after years and texts show up with only the phone number even though there's a contact for it on my phone.
My question is: if I delete all the contacts from my mac (with icloud sharing paused on both mac and phone) and then open icloud syncing back up, will it fix my issue? Might also be worth noting I'm completely out of icloud storage.
submitted by insincerelyanonymous to iCloud [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 whistler5170 No longer able to activate second gen Apple TV?

I know this device is very obsolete at this point, however I’ve been using one on a spare TV for home sharing the last few years with no problems. Recently I’ve been unable to activate it, so I’m unable to log into my Apple account to use home sharing. I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple completely disconnected any login support for this device, but I haven’t heard anyone talk about it so I wasn’t sure if it was just me. If anyone else actually still has one of these, are you experiencing the same?
submitted by whistler5170 to appletv [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 nikol_ickia86 Wer Interesse hat soll mir auf WhatsApp schreiben ‪+49 15510 568349‬

submitted by nikol_ickia86 to deutsche_paare_xxx [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 Main-Ad2792 Help me find the right toner

Help me find the right toner submitted by Main-Ad2792 to HairDye [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 FalsePositive1 1 month side hustle in Utah while between contracts

I am a travel healthcare worker (PT) and we are full time RVers in our fifth wheel. My wife and I wanted to do a contract in Utah, however there are not many opportunities. Our plan is to spend 4 weeks in Utah in March of this year to explore the state and National Parks.
My wife works full time remote so we will have income, but I won’t be working during this time. Any ideas on how I can spend some of the time earning some extra income? I would be able to dedicate 30+ hours a week, but not sure what would work for such a short time period.
Open to any suggestions!
submitted by FalsePositive1 to sidehustle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 LittleKdawg Help with remove_child()

I am trying to remove the child(the enemy attack area) after the swing. but i keep getting an error
"E 0:00:02:0900 enemey_body.gd:98 @ _remove_attack_area(): Condition "p_child->data.parent != this" is true.
scene/main/node.cpp:1433 @ remove_child()
enemey_body.gd:98 @ _remove_attack_area()
enemey_body.gd:86 @ _attack()"
the same way of removing the child works for the player, and is the same code. i dont understand what is wrong. Enemy code: https://pastebin.com/h6sjxmY8
if you need more info or clarity lmk, thanks for taking your time to help.
submitted by LittleKdawg to godot [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 LimonConAceit3 XD

XD submitted by LimonConAceit3 to OSITOGANG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 Dangerous-Ant3482 Name this country

Name this country submitted by Dangerous-Ant3482 to imaginarymapscj [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 CelebBattleVoteBot2 Emma Watson vs Natalie Portman

View Poll
submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot2 to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 SnooTangerines4476 Deoxys defense 752527270004

submitted by SnooTangerines4476 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 Safe_Needleworker551 What’s my eye shape?

What’s my eye shape? submitted by Safe_Needleworker551 to eyes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 badass_blondie17 campus research

I'm an eecs student interested in part time research this semestesummer. Does anybody know the best people to contact/where I would find people interested in hiring undergrads for this?
submitted by badass_blondie17 to uofm [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 Dark-Anmut I love waiting and just watching the world go by.

I love waiting and just watching the world go by. This is just one of my many ‘my spots’. But, it’s public property, so you too may enjoy its comfort. ^^
Hopefully the dye shop owner doesn’t need those towels anytime soon, lol! XD
Remember how the Season Of Abyss spirits all had little profiles on the Wiki? When I first saw the Radiance Guide, I imagined that they were saying: “Oh, aren’t you just PRECIOUS?!” I can’t wait to see their little profile, if there eventually is one! =)
submitted by Dark-Anmut to SkyGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 NoPerspective6827 Score up to $1,000 off your new Tesla with my referral link!

submitted by NoPerspective6827 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 narutofan2010 did yall hear that

submitted by narutofan2010 to sound [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 Icy_Ad_7405 making small interactions weird for no reason

Like as an example when i go to the gym on the way out i see the front desk people and my brain wont stop thinking about saying goodbye to them and talking to them and its weird its like it makes me almost wanna stare at them (weird) so i force myself to look forward until they say goodbye to me and even when that happens people sort of have a look on their face like this guy is super weird. i always do shit like this and if i see someone i know or have interacted with before at some place other than where i interacted with them i just pretend like i didnt see them. i dont wanna be fucking weird anymore and stress about bullshit that doesnt even matter. normal people dont have fucking problems like this
submitted by Icy_Ad_7405 to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 naozomiii can respiratory infections cause left hand/arm swelling?

i am on keflex currently for a respiratory infection, it seems to be getting better finally. it's been nearly a week of being sick, i think i've been on the antibiotics for about 3-4 days? i have 10 days in total. my left wrist and hand swelled up suddenly, but i can't find anything on it online saying it's related/mentioning it anywhere.
i don't know what it could be, but could it at least possibly be attributed to the infection or should i be a little wary? thank you in advance
submitted by naozomiii to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 Mr_Explodey psa

psa submitted by Mr_Explodey to WaterfallDump [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 theDahliaSmiles $750 for a head full of costume jewelry and grandma’s old brooches? Sure!

$750 for a head full of costume jewelry and grandma’s old brooches? Sure! submitted by theDahliaSmiles to delusionalartists [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 heyuiuitsme Just saying..

Just saying.. submitted by heyuiuitsme to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 Humble_Honeydew Daily Duce DXDIV

Daily Duce DXDIV submitted by Humble_Honeydew to DuceAnchovy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 Mundane_Credit_4163 Online 6-12mos courses worthwhile for careers in Design?

Wondering about taking courses for something like UI/UX and if it's viable option to do with online studies, like with Udemy, Career foundry, Coursera, etc? I see people saying there's an outpouring of students doing these online study programs, and may not hold up strongly compared with people who have more in depth studies with degrees in these areas. I wasn't sure if talking with course advisors is a great route to go, and hesitant to do it with a program that's likely out of my price range at the moment. Right now, aside from having interest in a subject I'm concerned if it's something I would even be decent at doing, or having any chance of success with. But is doing an intro course to explore really a good way to see if it's a good fit?
submitted by Mundane_Credit_4163 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 02:41 RiverLvr Extra Care Platinum VSA

Got a 2025 Hybrid Limited today in Ruby for OTD about 44k. The finance guy talked me into adding the VSA for $2,200. He just kept talking and barely let me read through the paperwork. He just kept going off about different things and fixes and costs and I really didn’t have time to think much he just droned on. I’m sure this is a common tactic. Should I call and cancel? I just bought the car today, so I’m hoping if I decide to it’s not too late? I financed the car and it added $36/month to my payments. Rate was 5.89% through a local credit union, but I haven’t done the math to see how much extra interest I am paying for the VSA. I just feel stupid for not asking him to pipe down and let me read through the brochure and crunch numbers etc.
Upgraded from a ‘07 RAV4 Limited that I bought in 2013, and as far as I can tell this VSA would not have been worth the money on that. I’ve had less than $2k of repairs that would have been covered since I bought it. But part of his pitch was that repair costs are skyrocketing and the repairs I’ve had done in the past would cost a lot more now.
submitted by RiverLvr to rav4club [link] [comments]
