Xenon imax theater vs AMC lazer

2025.01.23 03:28 PurifiedBottledWater Xenon imax theater vs AMC lazer

I was just wondering if the picture quality would be similar or better on the lazer projector due to its better projector technology. I was also wondering if there would be other side benefits to going for the xenon imax like audio quality. Apologies if this has been asked before or if it’s a silly question.
submitted by PurifiedBottledWater to imax [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 SaltyAdminBot Testimony IS evidence

In a court of law, testimony is evidence. You could be convicted of a serious crime without any physical evidence being presented. Physical evidence is not always available. Our legal system is sensible enough to recognize this, and not allow it to prevent justice from being served.
Criminals tend to hide and destroy evidence. The smarter and more resourceful the criminal, the more effectively they hide the evidence. Clandestine government organizations with unlimited black budgets should be pretty good at it. They won’t let any evidence get out. That’s why we need to rely on witness testimony.
Every time a new credible UAP witness speaks out, it DOES move the needle. The more credible the witness, and closer they were to the phenomena, the stronger the case is for the reality of UAP and NHI. All this “evidence or GTFO” nonsense I keep reading on this sub is thoughtless, paltry bullshit and all it does is slow down disclosure by creating a hostile environment for genuine witnesses.
I don’t know if you people are bots or shills or whatever, but if you are real people, you have lost the way, and you’re not helping anyone. Imagine if someone committed a violent act against your child or spouse and there was no physical evidence but there was a witness willing to testify who saw it happen, would you tell them “put up or shut up”, or would you encourage them to speak out and commend their courage? The UAP coverup is a real crime that has ruined real people’s lives. If there are witnesses who have the courage to speak up about it, they deserve the same respect and encouragement.
submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 hypersatanic Россия осталась без валюты: ЦБ зафиксировал обвальное падение экспортных доходов после ужесточения санкций против банков

Российская экономика в конце 2024 года столкнулась с обвальным падением экспортных доходов, следует из статистики ЦБ РФ.
В декабре экспортеры вывезли за рубеж товаров на $31,3 млрд, а их выручка обвалилась на 19% в годовом выражении. Из этой суммы $25,7 млрд ушло из страны на оплату импорта. И в результате чистый приток от внешней торговли (профицит торгового баланса) сжался до $5,6 млрд — самого низкого значения с 2020 года.
Если учесть экспорт и импорт услуг, то в декабре российская экономика заработала лишь $2 млрд торгового профицита — и это также минимум с пандемии. «Причиной ухудшения внешней торговли под конец года мог стать эффект от санкций, введенных в конце ноября против российского банковского сектора, в результате чего пострадали платежи и, видимо, затормозились экспортные потоки», — пишут аналитики Райффайзенбанка.
Под американские ограничения попал Газпромбанк — последний из крупных государственных банков, сохранявший доступ к долларовым расчетам и системе SWIFT. Вместе с ним в «черные списки» попали еще 50 кредитных организаций, которые обслуживали внешнюю торговлю. В результате под санкциями оказалось 95% российской банковской системы, жаловалась глава Центробанка Эльвира Набиуллина.
Реальной валюты российская экономика увидела еще меньше: в декабре зарубежные активы российских компаний, по данным ЦБ, выросли еще на $4,9 млрд. А это значит, что «часть валютной выручки остается на счетах за границей и не поступает на внутренний валютный рынок», указывает аналитик БКС Илья Федоров. За год объем таких «зависших» доходов, по оценкам Moneyroo, достиг $20 млрд.
С учетом нового пакета санкций, который ударил по российской нефтянке, экспортные доходы «в ближайшие месяцы останутся на пониженных уровнях», предупреждает главный экономист Альфа-банка Наталия Орлова. Перед уходом с поста президента Джо Байден поместил в «черные списки» Минфина США «Газпром нефть» и «Сургутнефтегаз», а также 183 танкера российского теневого флота. Под удар попали поставки нефти в Индию, которая стала вторым крупнейшим покупателей баррелей в РФ после Китая. А это за год лишит экономику почти $30 млрд валютных доходов, следует из оценок Орловой. Райффайзенбанк прогнозирует сокращение экспорта на 10%, то есть более чем на $40 млрд.
Обычно в декабре экспортные доходы экономики растут, но в этом году этого не произошло, указывают аналитики банка: по сравнению с ноябрем экспорт просел на 10% (с сезонной корректировкой). Если сравнивать со средним значением третьего квартала — $37 млрд в месяц — экспорт сжался на 17%, обращает внимание Орлова.
Торговый профицит на $5–6 млрд в месяц — это слишком мало, чтобы оплатить погашение внешнего долга, спрос граждан на зарубежный туризм и вывод средств за рубеж, пишут аналитики MMI. Недостаток валюты стал причиной падения рубля под конец года, и это давление, видимо, будет сохраняться, считают они: «Санкции грозят ещё более усугубить ситуацию с продажей российского сырья за границу».
submitted by hypersatanic to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 robert_e__anus Cruise control fault causing sudden unintended acceleration

Howdy all, I think my 5008 (2018) tried to kill me yesterday. I was exiting a highway rest area, and as I was just beginning to pull out, the car flashed a generic cruise control fault message. The accelerator pedal immediately dropped out from under my foot and the car began to accelerate very rapidly, in exactly the same way it would do if I had manually depressed the accelerator all the way.
I tried applying normal pressure to the brakes but the acceleration continued, and didn't stop until I slammed down on the brake pedal as hard as I could, which even then took a second or two to actually engage, but it did eventually bring the car to a stop on the side of the highway.
Before I turned the car off I noted that the accelerator pedal was fully depressed, all the way to the floor. I could lift it up with the tip of my foot easily, it wasn't stuck, but it would just fall back down as soon as I let it go, as though there was nothing attached to it to keep it in its usual place. If I lifted my foot from the brake the car would begin accelerating again, from a standstill, which shouldn't be possible.
I also noticed that the indicators were no longer working properly, I could signal left and right like normal, but if I returned the indicator stalk to the off position the car continued to signal left. There may have been other issues too but I didn't think to check them, I just wanted to turn the car off ASAP.
The cruise control and everything else seemed fine when I restarted the car about 30 seconds later, the accelerator returned to its usual position and no faults were reported on the dash, and I haven't experienced any further problems since then.
Earlier in the day I had set the cruise control speed to 110 km/h (highway speed in South Australia), so that might explain why the acceleration was so rapid, but usually cruise control can't activate until you're going 30 km/h or higher, and at the time the fault occurred I was doing a maximum of 10 km/h, and either way that doesn't explain why it happened in the first place.
Luckily it only took around five seconds in total to realise what was happening and bring the car to a stop, but it seriously concerns me that during those few seconds the car was violently accelerating despite the brake pedal being depressed.
Obviously I'll take it to the dealer when I'm back home, but has anyone ever encountered anything like this before? Should I be contacting Peugeot directly to let them know?
submitted by robert_e__anus to peugeot [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 Mental_Local1459 What do you think the “extraordinary power” will be?

My sister theorised that since there’s a “fortune teller” power in Werewolves which allows the user to see the identity of one contestant it might be that.
At first I thought that seemed too overpowered but I don’t think it would break the series because none of the people suspect Charlotte and therefore would be unlikely to use it on her. For example if Leanne got it she would probably use it on Alexander or Freddie.
This could play a massive part in Charlotte’s shield play with Leanne and Freddie.
submitted by Mental_Local1459 to TheTraitors [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 Annonymous272 Bromley

Any 1 been to bromley this week? How is it and how r the trees
submitted by Annonymous272 to icecoast [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 potted Portrait

Portrait submitted by potted to ErikGriffin [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 riddleman01 Wat perfecte dieren met hun nagels doen. (9) letters

Antwoord: https://www.puzzelwoordenboeknu.com/wat-perfecte-dieren-met-hun-nagels-doen-9-letters/
submitted by riddleman01 to dailytriviaanswers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 puzzlementonline 110+ miles for $29 -- This is Silver status, down from Platinum, for rejecting carrying 700+ lbs of dog food all over SoCal, for $23

110+ miles for $29 -- This is Silver status, down from Platinum, for rejecting carrying 700+ lbs of dog food all over SoCal, for $23 Tony wants me to drive 110+ miles for $29, up an icy mountain in total darkness, then down again -- without being paid on the return trip.
I can't wait for my Uber Eats application to be approved .....
By the way: That trip takes over an hour and a half, so there's no way I could ever even hope to deliver it on time ..... if I were that much of a sucker.
I hope the person who ordered that tank is asking WTF??, too.
(Where's That Food?)
I hope they never get it!!
submitted by puzzlementonline to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 Suspicious_Pound666 Pchem 2 Tutoring

Does anyone know of any pchem 2 tutors? I’m completely lost in this class and I need it to graduate this year.
submitted by Suspicious_Pound666 to OSU [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 bananaboyzforever Telemundo series

Telemundo series submitted by bananaboyzforever to itskatchii [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 TrackaLackerBot Ninja SLUSHi Professional Frozen Drink Maker - FS301 is in stock at Amazon for $299.99 (MSRP)

View current status at https://www.trackalacker.com/products/showcase/ninja-slushi-professional-frozen-drink-maker-fs301...
As of 01/22/25 10:28 PM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to NinjaKitchenRestocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 Substantial_Wash9575 Making sure parts are compatible

im trying to build a good midrange pc for around 1500 aud and i would like to know if these parts are compatible, and also a good case that has included fans that all the parts fit into.
amd ryzen 5 5600 with stock cooler
Speedster radeon rx 6750xt 12gb
asrock amd b550 4 ddr4 motherboard
silicon power ddr4 ram 32 gb kit (2x16)
silicon power 1tb ud90 ssd pcie nvme 4.0 gen 4
msi mag a650bn power supply
and a case with included fans (to be determined)
submitted by Substantial_Wash9575 to pcbuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 Total_Board3768 Halovian idiom

I wish Halovians had some specific idioms so I thought of some. Most of them are about wings and birds. Some of them already exist but wouldn’t it be kinda funny if they used them regularly?

submitted by Total_Board3768 to SundayMainsHSR [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 DoctorDouglasOng Is this worth the $25

Is this worth the $25 submitted by DoctorDouglasOng to HelloKitty [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 Zoey_Is_Weird Looking for (nyp)

Heya! Looking for Eisendrache with leg color or Mosuraki with leg color, name your price!
Legendary colors im looking for: Rainbow, Eternal, Sugar and Jellybean
submitted by Zoey_Is_Weird to DragonAdventures [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 Different_Union_3097 How Ghouls remove their wisdom teeth?

So, we know by Jason and Kaneki that ghouls can't be hurt by normal cirurgical equipaments, so they can't go to a dentist and say "hi, I need to remove my wisdom teeth", because they would be find out.
Another point is, even if you manage to apply RC supressor so the same can go throught the surgery, what stops the teeth to grow up again? We know that ghoul bones regrow when they're removed.
I think people don't debate this enough. Perhaps the madness that Kaneki went throught was more about his teeth than due to several days of physical and psychologic torture.
submitted by Different_Union_3097 to TokyoGhoul [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 toosaucy2021 BROOO 🥴

BROOO 🥴 submitted by toosaucy2021 to PrizePicks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 gabrielajarrel Cuenta bancaria sin mínimo

Buenas noches gente, alguno de ustedes sabe si hay algún banco que oferte cuentas bancarias sin la multa por tener menos del mínimo?
He tenido varias cuentas BAC de planilla que me servían para mover dinero, las cuales he tenido que cerrar porque te llega la notificación que a partir de 30 días los lacras te cobran por tener tu dinero guardado.
submitted by gabrielajarrel to Nicaragua [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 keva1245 Compro placa posterior soporte del cooler

Seria una parecida a esta, me la tiraron cuando estaba desarmando mi pc para limpiarla y ya no puedo poner el cooler.
submitted by keva1245 to Mercadoreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 cbcbbcb PFAS in nonstick cookware

Chemical engineers,
Do you think PFAS found in nonstick pans are harmful to humans (excluding PFOA)? A lot of what I’m seeing says as long as the pans are used at low/medium heat, the chemicals don’t have a negative impact on the body. Is that the consensus among chemical engineers?
submitted by cbcbbcb to ChemicalEngineering [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 Capable_Outside_1941 Who do you guys follow on AfterHour app?

What are some good accounts that swing trade that I can possibly learn from ? I know the basics of the market but want to see how others trade and how I can incorporate different things to my strategy
submitted by Capable_Outside_1941 to swingtrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 Fabulous-Introvert You know what i think would be funny?

If there was a video or audio of Sheldon reciting the Navy Seals Copypasta. And while we’re on the subject, are there any BBT characters you’d like to hear read said Copypasta?
submitted by Fabulous-Introvert to bigbangtheory [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 Gyc20210 How do they look on me?

How do they look on me? submitted by Gyc20210 to hotgirlsindenim [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:28 SongWilling2144 Atp her page is just a fan page for mk💀

submitted by SongWilling2144 to graciethebrat [link] [comments]
