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2025.01.23 05:39 Dazzling-Young-4511 Next x1000 Coin...BTFD Coin!
Staking. Game. Growing community. 100% bonus now. Binance rumors.
What's not to like.
Buy now, thank me later.
This IS financial advice!
submitted by Dazzling-Young-4511 to BTFDcoin [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 halibb I was in Mexico
Look what I spelled by accident
submitted by halibb to ratemypoo [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 ReplacementTypical65 Beta-Glucan
What is everyone’s favorite beta glucan brand?
submitted by ReplacementTypical65 to Biohackers [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 CopyTradingForum Best Chinese Stocks to Invest in
submitted by CopyTradingForum to copytradingforum [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 krts23 Fünf Designfehler, die den Eindruck jeder Renovierung ruinieren
submitted by krts23 to MosSmi [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:39 dale1962 Went Canadian eh !
Went on Canadian coin buying spree eh !! Some are silver some are pure nickel have more pictures can only post 7 Canadian coins are very nice looking I think. The moose is my favorite one
submitted by dale1962 to coincollecting [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 CoatGlittering3270 Que puedo hacer para aprovechar que vivo con un adulto mayor de 82 años?
Por favor su mejor consejo para sobrellevar los gastos de un adulto mayor aprovechando programas, seguros, pensiones cualquier cosa
submitted by CoatGlittering3270 to mexico [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 Interesting_Way4304 Tried to do some OG Death Guard colors on a War Dog
submitted by Interesting_Way4304 to deathguard40k [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 bookxstitch A Comprehensive Guide to Cloth Diaper Flat Folds
Follow up on an earlier post, I realized there's a lack of, and needs for, a printable, diagram step-by-step guide to all the flat folds. I have since compiled "A Comprehensive Guide to Cloth Diaper Flat Folds" on Google Doc. Feel free to let me know if I should add a certain fold, or if there's a mistake. Here is the link for those who are interested:
Disclaimer: All diagrams and images used in this guide are searched from the web. I did NOT create any of them. Hence sources are cited. It's not intend for profit. It is for personal reference only. If any rule has been violated, especially to the people who've created the diagrams/ images, please ask me to take this down. Thank you.
submitted by bookxstitch to clothdiaps [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 Odd_Door204 Check for updates option grayed out ?
I own a plex server on windows and for quite a long time now, Plex didn't asked for updates. After checking manually, I found that the "Check for updates" button is grayed out. Can't click on it.
How can I update my plex server ? I guess by downloading the exe from the plex website, close Plex and launch the exe, but will this keep my current settings ?
Also, is there a reason you know why this button is not available anymore ?
thanks !
submitted by Odd_Door204 to PleX [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 redbirddanville Don't think I like this at all
I have had a vertical Broil King smoker for years. Masterful cooking. I dont buy into this style, maybe it has limits. My Thanksgiving turkey was cooked to higher than I like at the brest and undercooked at the bottom. I figured next time Id have to start it breast side down and then flip it. Today, my bacon ended up in flames. I have never had this before. It was at 145 degrees, 20 minutes later a bonfire. I was doing a full belly, obviously too much for the unit. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but this is not worth it. submitted by redbirddanville to recteq [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:39 velvetFoxDream damn patrick looks good
submitted by velvetFoxDream to StrangeAndFunny [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 isellto3pics Toes
I sell toe pictures, and dirty underwear photos. Text me to inquire these photos.
submitted by isellto3pics to feetfinderprofile [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 blacklungscum Can I baptize myself?
submitted by blacklungscum to Christianity [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 hey_you2300 For those who have returned to office, how's that going?
submitted by hey_you2300 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 FrontRowFiend20 I'm not just pretty but also sexy
submitted by FrontRowFiend20 to pretty_women [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 Various_Meaning_2232 Hiqh-quality sports bag with the style of a leather bag
submitted by Various_Meaning_2232 to ManyBaggers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:39 CraterLabs I Miss The Primers
So, I know Markiplier said he didn't want to do them anymore because the only cause trouble... and I do appreciate that there've been a couple "primer-style" episodes since Mark said that, so it's not like that format is gone for keeps...
But I really miss those! They were my favorite episodes. And they went away basically right when I caught up with the archives, heh.
Any chance we as a community could get our act together to convince them to do more primers and not j'accuse them too much when they do?
submitted by CraterLabs to GMFST [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 Biom4st3r Digital key "no vehical discovered"
It was working fine last week and now won't detect the car at all. Tapping to the door to unlock works and keyless start work, but the remote control buttons don't I've restarted the car, restarted my phone, terminated and recreated the key, reinstalled the app, and I'm out of ideas. Anyone else had this issue?
submitted by Biom4st3r to Ioniq5 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 JoBookman [Suggest a Book] Hey, as you may know, America is becoming an oligarchy and fascist nation. I would like some books that may (or may not, idk anymore) be banned due to this coming (and arguably already here) dystopia. Thank you.
submitted by JoBookman to BooksAndFilms [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 ExistingShoulder4514 New weapon unlocked
submitted by ExistingShoulder4514 to StevenHe [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 Spock187 Want to divorce but afraid of my daughter dying in the custody of my husband if he gets visitation rights.
There is something wrong with my husband mentally. It’s like he can’t function without me constantly reminding him 10+ times to do something. I tried iPhone calendar reminders for our 1 year old’s doctor appointments. He scheduled overtime on his half day, the same day as her appointment. A white board with a to do list. Still not done after 3 months.
3 weeks of reminding him to get the oil changed, then I do it.
I was fine with being the controlling bossy wife as long as he was aware of his shortcomings. But recently he’s tired of me telling him what to do and frankly so am I. Like get your daughter’s bottles ready before bedtime while I pick her up after work, feed her dinner, bath, brush teeth, get her dressed for bed and then I can put her to bed with a bottle in our chair. But there are no bottles in the mini fridge 🤦. Then sometimes it’s hard to put her to sleep and I don’t even get a chance to shower because I’m drained after she falls asleep with no help from him. Then Saturday gets here, we’re both off work so I finally get a chance to shower, and wash my hair while he watches the baby but he’s meeting my friend at the park to walk and exercise which I was unaware of so I have to do everything myself again.
He’s getting therapy. His therapist wanted me present to assist him in communicating his feelings to me the other day. His key concern was that he wanted more time with his friend and to make more friends with more common interests, in order to be a part of a community. Meanwhile I rarely get to spend time with him and he doesn’t spend much with our daughter.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was that I was in our primary bedroom with our daughter grabbing pajamas and stuff for bed with the door shut. He steps in to play with her so I run into our private bathroom to put toothpaste on her toothbrush and I come out she’s gone. There are stairs right outside of our room. “Where is she?!” She got away. I run looking for her and thank god she’s in the restroom with my mother who’s visiting because of the winter storm. She could have fallen down the stairs and died.
He also totaled the car last summer rammed into a house. Thank god she wasn’t in it. She got away from him in Chuck E. Cheese because he was playing a game. I was watching another kid with my cousin when a man asked whose baby is that running free. I left her with my cousin and asked him where’s baby girl?
My daughter has been saying, “mama sad and mama angry.” She’s also been rubbing my back and placing my mom’s hand on me to pet me. I take it as her telling me there’s something wrong and divorce might be the best option for me. She even tells my husband not to touch her and that she wants mama.
submitted by Spock187 to Marriage [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 Ok_Try4268 ¿Es buena idea comprar dólares ahora? ¿Qué opinan del peso mexicano y Trump?
Qué se espera para el dólar frente al peso? He visto algunas proyecciones donde dicen que el dólar podría fortalecerse bastante, pero también hay quienes opinan que el peso mexicano seguirá relativamente estable gracias al nearshoring y a las exportaciones, aunque ya parece ser algo que se acaba, qué opinan ustedes? vale la pena apostar por el dólar como inversión o protección frente a la inflación?
Impacto de las políticas de Trump: Ahora que Trump está otra vez en el radar político y parece que podría tomar medidas más severas en el poder, creen que esto impactará significativamente al peso? en temas como las tensiones comerciales o la relación con México en general. Realmente hay fundamentos para preocuparse o es más alarmismo?
Qué harían? Dólares, acciones, sofipos, bienes raíces… qué es lo más "seguro"?
submitted by Ok_Try4268 to MexicoFinanciero [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 Proud-Complaint3378 Is an Electric Roller Massager Worth It?
Hey everyone,
I’m considering buying an electric roller massager and was wondering if it’s worth the investment. I’m hoping to use it for relaxing tight muscles and improving blood circulation after work or workouts.
For those who’ve tried one, does it actually help? Are there any specific brands or features I should look for? Or is it just a fancy gadget that collects dust after a few uses?
Appreciate any advice or recommendations! 🙏
submitted by Proud-Complaint3378 to backpain [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:39 Mountain-Peak-3063 Caught Basinski last night
submitted by Mountain-Peak-3063 to ambientmusic [link] [comments] |