Lifeline for Rex Airlines as federal government takes on $50m debt

2025.01.23 04:08 ScruffyPeter Lifeline for Rex Airlines as federal government takes on $50m debt

Lifeline for Rex Airlines as federal government takes on $50m debt submitted by ScruffyPeter to australian [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 bbygirlmel How to know if I should increase my dosage to 15 mg?

So I started off on 5mg of Lexapro in October and a month later I increased to 10mg and I've been on 10mg for two months now. I'm wondering if I should increase my dosage to 15mg because I've seen improvements in my anxiety, but recently I’ve felt really anxious about driving and am ruminating more than usual and I just don't know if it's a normal amount of anxiety or if I should increase my dosage. How do I know if an increase is necessary?
submitted by bbygirlmel to lexapro [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 Fran_Jam Is development of an allergy claimable?

I developed a severe allergy to ibuprofen during my time in service and in my record there is a clear cut where I go from being prescribed it to when I develop an allergy that causes difficulty breathing/swelling/lumps etc.
How do I claim this?
submitted by Fran_Jam to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 bikinibottom_ [25/M] I would still be your friend if you turned into a worm 🪱

I am looking for someone to talk and be friends long term. I have dark humour. Will annoy you like crazy because that's what friends do. And I also give good advice and can lend an ear when needed 😄
I like watching anime. Shows and movies (usually romance movies or superhero or horror so any recommendations are appreciated). I enjoy indie/pop music. Reading manga. Sometimes watching football and mma. I also workout (barely these days😂)
Hmu if you are at least 25 years old. Have a good day/night
submitted by bikinibottom_ to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 Kittkatt91 This is a two parter

I've been on here for a while, been going through this a long time from the medicine I take. Cut down and getting some movements. Used to be probably every 5 days. Went a little the past two days from drinking hot coffee. While I've got a little unplugged, what is the MILDEST, non cramping...none of the laying on a towel on the bathroom floor naked from agony that I could take. I also have bouts of fainting when I use enemas which leads to the second part if anyone on here knows why this happens. I have almost blacked out, loss of vision and hearing when doing an enema. I usually hydrate the morning of to prepare. Suggestion would be appreciated
submitted by Kittkatt91 to Constipation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 Cori1222 Weekly weight loss

I’ve noticed I lose on average between 1-2 pounds per week on the 10mg, which equates to between 4-7 lbs monthly. On average, what does your weekly weight loss look like and what dosage are you on? I’m trying to figure out if I’m losing too slow and should increase my dosage. I still have at least 80 pounds to go until my GW and I will have been on varying dosages of zep for a year this April. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Cori1222 to TirzepatidePCOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 IslayMcGregor Jack Monroe

I’ve set up a s/BootstrapCook sub for Jack tattlers.
submitted by IslayMcGregor to TattleLife [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 SeanAlex378 How good is white chicks?!?

Wanted to share this !
submitted by SeanAlex378 to 2000sNostalgia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 Affect_Sharp Deoxy raid 3743 5794 2440

Deoxy raid 3743 5794 2440 submitted by Affect_Sharp to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 InfamousLunch2154 Possible uranium marbles?

Possible uranium marbles? Hi everyone! I purchased these marbles being told they’re uranium and wanted y’alls opinion if they are or not. Only spent $10 so not a huge loss of not. Happy hunting!! 395 light is being used.
submitted by InfamousLunch2154 to uraniumglass [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 Silent_Steak_9540 Bubu (@大河庄一世繁华)

submitted by Silent_Steak_9540 to SnowbreakOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 Lukegilmour 8bit Do controller not working on crossover?

i cant seem to make this controller work on crossover.
works fine on games from the appstore, switch emulator, but no go on crossover. steam on crossover sees the controller, but once inside the game no luck. i tried disabling inputs on both settings and game settings, no luck either.
anyone found any workarounds?
ps: its a switch controller
submitted by Lukegilmour to macgaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 Live-Palpitation-368 Meme comment thread

Meme comment thread submitted by Live-Palpitation-368 to WaterfallDump [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 romeoxiiix Repainted the belt of my DFit Vegito.. the white gloves and boots are better than the light gray color of SHF.

Repainted the belt of my DFit Vegito.. the white gloves and boots are better than the light gray color of SHF. submitted by romeoxiiix to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 OpheliaHill80 Winnie

Winnie Winnie, Miles (the weim) and cat.
submitted by OpheliaHill80 to Boradors [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 polli-cles Harder and harder it gets to stay happy.

My car payment is $530 truck payment $360. Mortgage $1250. Electric for our old farmhouse we couldn’t afford but husband needed runs about $250-$450 depending on weather. Obviously the other bills. I have three dogs. I had two cats, given a baby to bottle raise and couldn’t come up with the ~$600 for the vet for shots and spaying. Now there are obviously kittens. Three were unable to gift. So now I have five. We are two months behind on the house payment. Three months behind on each vehicle payments. My husband just fell in the snow and ice and ripped his gluteus Maximus muscle off his skeletal frame and had to take a week off of no weight bearing. He is a nurse and PTO is accrued where he works, so no PTO built by 01/16/25. He fortunately got the all clear to resume work this week. Our five year old daughter fell ill with the flu Saturday. I have had to miss going on four days now; fortunately my amazing job is built in PTO at the new year. I make $18/hr. Hubs makes $30. We are unpaid on our property taxes for 2024.
How do we proceed? How do we put one foot in front of the other? There is no save. There is only stress and anxiety and my kid, my beautiful babe, needs medication, and wants meatballs, and my bank account has freaking $4.00.
I’m not the only one caught between a rock and a hard spot, but it is an isolating feeling.
submitted by polli-cles to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 anagc131096 Doest it matter if i take my ssri after my concerta?

So I’ve (28f) been taking metylphenidate for about 6 months for my ADHD, which has helped a ton but it has also made me realize that my PMDD was getting serious and even though I’m scared shitless about starting an sssri because of past experiences I’m finally trying because anything has to better than feeling like this. So I just want to do it the correct way, and I forgot to ask my dr, so anyway, does it matter the order in which I take my medication? Or do I have to take them together?
I’m starting with sertraline 50 mg.
submitted by anagc131096 to PMDDxADHD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 Slight_Clothes_5595 My Setup.

My Setup. submitted by Slight_Clothes_5595 to cassetteculture [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 seahorseescape Hearing loss

My daughter is a 6 month old female who has been diagnosed with mild permanent hearing loss in both ears. We did a genetic test to make sure that’s all it was and the test results have come back. I am having trouble reading them and am spiraling due to what google is saying. I was hoping to get some insight from someone who may know how to read genetic results. I will try to add the photo of the results to the comments. Thank you!
submitted by seahorseescape to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 Due-Confidence2478 Any trades?

Any trades? Let me know what you want to do
submitted by Due-Confidence2478 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 javinpaul Top 10 Courses to Learn Spring Boot from scratch

Top 10 Courses to Learn Spring Boot from scratch submitted by javinpaul to SpringBoot [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 amygunkler Layering skirts is my new thing. Also I dropped a ladder on my face and sneezed mouthwash all over my phone today.

Layering skirts is my new thing. Also I dropped a ladder on my face and sneezed mouthwash all over my phone today. And strapped a frozen banana to my face to prevent swelling!
submitted by amygunkler to Dopamine_Dressing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 purple-coneflower Rushing sound in ears when I run

I'm 19F and a runner. I had cold symptoms about 6 weeks ago and after that have had a rushing/whooshing sounds in my ears when I run. It is only when I am running and pulses with each footstrike. I was taking some time off running in December anyway and I thought it might go away but it was still there when I started running again in January. I recently got sick again with a sore throat, cough, fatigue, and partial loss of taste (tested negative for covid), and the sound has intensified. I'm now noticing it not only when running but also when doing warm up drills and occasionally just walking.
I got my vitals checked this week for something unrelated and my heart rate was 105 (higher than usual for me) and my BP was 116/88.
Is this normal or something I should be concerned about?
submitted by purple-coneflower to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 gustaziim_ofc Mestre do pisca

Mestre do pisca submitted by gustaziim_ofc to piscatorio [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:08 MrMattwell Is TEK Games Studios More, less, or equal in price reliability versus SCL?

submitted by MrMattwell to skylanderselling [link] [comments]