Places to take your partner

2025.01.23 05:08 SugarDaddySZ Places to take your partner

So basically I am trying make plans for my partner for this valentines day. I was thinking a good cafe and go karting that would make the day good. Or do you guys know any place in Gurgaon , a good cafe and nearby go karting ?
submitted by SugarDaddySZ to gurgaon [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 Itsacthedev FUCK.NOT ANOTHER EPIC 4WD STANDARD

submitted by Itsacthedev to TopDrives [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 ian6264 Relativism Threaded Spike Build

Relativism Threaded Spike Build submitted by ian6264 to DestinyFashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 r_rg_c Am I going bald?

Am I going bald? My dad keeps saying I’m going bald but I don’t see it. He said this last week and said it previously before some time ago. I also get a haircut every two weeks ago so definitely not enough time to let my hair grow out.
submitted by r_rg_c to bald [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 Zebloing Pedido de Doação – Gamepass Advanced Tools (Obby Creator)

Pedido de Doação – Gamepass Advanced Tools (Obby Creator) Pedido de Doação – Gamepass Advanced Tools (Obby Creator)
Estou aqui para pedir a sua ajuda com uma doação no Roblox. Estou precisando da gamepass Advanced Tools do jogo Obby Creator para concluir o meu obby chamado Scotomaphobia. Essa gamepass é essencial para mim, pois oferece ferramentas que me ajudam a criar uma ambientação incrível para o meu obby. Sem ela, o projeto não fica tão bom quanto poderia.
O valor da gamepass é 400 robux, mas, por conta da taxa de 20% que o Roblox cobra, a doação necessária seria de 580 robux. Caso você queira me ajudar, o nome da minha conta no Roblox é WKX80.
Ficarei extremamente agradecido a quem puder contribuir, pois isso me ajudará muito a realizar meu objetivo de terminar esse projeto e deixá-lo incrível!
Desde já, muito obrigado por considerar meu pedido!
Atenciosamente, WKX80
submitted by Zebloing to plsdonategame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 Rock_Co2707 Weekly News 112

Day 840 since the last news. People have run out of content to talk about online. Attempts have been made to spread news by word of mouth, but so far, everything has failed. I overheard my neighbor ranting about steam the other day. Someone has invented a new unit of time that has no relation to any other. Therefore, it cannot be meaningfully useful. President Companius issued a reminder not to be racist, but I don't know if it's helping since there hasn't been any news coverage of anything else. I have been forced to study 'olds' (history), as there is no news. Everyone, stay safe during this period of no new information.
submitted by Rock_Co2707 to ContinentofCardboard [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 Slushicult [TW: S/A] My boyfriend’s schizophrenic friend is a r*pist.

[TW: S/A] Oh my goodness I don’t know where to even start, I really need advice on whether I’m being dramatic over this or not so I apologize if I’m rambling a bit.
So my (19m) boyfriend and I (19f) have been together a little over 5 months, he has a very close friend (20-21m) we’ll call him James, James has schizophrenia, and he’s had symptoms since he was a teenager but he got into LSD and it triggered his symptoms causing psychosis. They’ve known eachother for years they’re like family to eachother so theyre very close so is my boyfriend and James’ brother. Over this weekend James and I stayed the night at my boyfriends house, I’m usually over on the weekends so he didn’t see an issue with me being there still. There’s a futon in his room and we offered that as it would be more comfortable than the couch and he took it, as we were going to bed we were all sitting in the dark talking in bed and he confessed to us that he r*ped his cousin who is I think 16 now. We were both taken aback by it as I think anyone would be, but tried to be respectful and my boyfriend asked him what happend and James said “I was just 14 and horny I guess, I don’t really know” …. When he fell asleep me and my boyfriend whispered about it a little and he told me “you know he did the same thing to his brother too when they were like 8-10” HELLO?
Here’s my issue. I’ve been sexually assaulted and r*ped before, so to hear that and have that man sleeping in the same room as me made me feel a different level on uncomfortable. I stayed up until about 3-4 a.m, when I told my boyfriend that he said “do you think he would do that to you?” As a genuine question but also in a defensive tone so I just dropped it initially. I had to shower that next day and I locked the door, I don’t know this man, it feels like a loaded weapon almost?
I’m trying to give grace because my boyfriend cares so much about him but as a victim myself I don’t feel comfortable around him and I’m not sure if I’m overreacting if I told my boyfriend I don’t want to be around him. I understand he has a hard time with reality and can’t tell his thought from real life sometimes, however that just makes me feel more unnerved about it? Schizophrenia doesn’t make you sexually assault people… that’s my take on it.
I listen in very often and everyone who responds to things seem very level-headed and I honestly just need an outside and unbiased opinion.
submitted by Slushicult to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 s1ddharthvibes [18/M] Wanna be friends or chat buddies?

Hi I'm 18M. I don't have much friends so I'm trying to make some. Anyone who's interested please DM.
I've been lonely after Me and my ex broke up. I am trying my best to meet some new people.
submitted by s1ddharthvibes to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 RealLilAirbender For all kinda rap n hiphop lovers here a big ass playlist. Also have some for particular artist. Just ask me

Also got many otger genres and vibes playlists. They call me the music plug
submitted by RealLilAirbender to SpotifyPlaylists [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 ShrimpFeet81 How long to wait for urushi work?

I have never had urushi work done before and wanted something similar to the raden VP done to a decimo. I saw someone that was doing urushi work on instagram and decided to hit them up. We exchanged messages and I sent the pen their way in September 2023. They got the pen and I was kind of just waiting in line. The work on my pen started in January 2024. I was sent some progress pics and was hyped.
Over the next few month there wasn’t much in the way of updates. I messaged in march and april with no response. In may I got a message back about layers curing and the process taking time. I understand and just chilled for a while. I messaged in may June and august with no replies. Still not mad since I’m trying to be understanding.
in September I got a message w pics of the progress. Also an estimate that it would be done in about a week and I’d be updated more. I said thank you and was pretty happy about the deal almost being done.
In October I messaged and no reply.
On January 1 I messaged just asking for my pen back. I’m still not mad, mostly just bummed. I don’t know what kind of timeline I should’ve expected, so I wasn’t pressing it. But when “about a week” turned into 3 months with no reply I just kind of decided to call it.
I’m not sure if that’s a reasonable timeline and I don’t really know about the process all that much. So I thought I’d ask here.
submitted by ShrimpFeet81 to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 Sure_Ad_9743 What does LTR stand for and what is it?

I was recognized for helping a customer through LTR and I was wondering what does it stand for?
submitted by Sure_Ad_9743 to Lowes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 Sea-Metal3156 Common Scams | | Facebook

Common Scams | | Facebook submitted by Sea-Metal3156 to CommonScams [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 trickedescape French kissing is not sexy. It is uncomfortable and unenjoyable.

I have never enjoyed it, it is not because I haven't had any partners who were good at it. I just don't like touching anybody's tongue with mine. I'm ok with what it usually leads to, just not that. I have never met anyone who doesn't enjoy it either. Anyone else?
submitted by trickedescape to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 Earth2-Zied [PS2][Early 2000s] I played the demo of this game once but I don't know anything else besides that (I was about 10 years old at most)

All I remember is that it was in third person and it took place in a movie theater, you fought monsters or zombies and at some point you turned into some kind of monster full of spikes. I think it was hack n slash. Since it was a demo, I think the game only had this scenario or I didn't get to see more.
submitted by Earth2-Zied to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 rexdoslys Oq é isso?

Oq é isso? Moro no Centro Oeste, no Goiás, e ta aparecendo muito desses bichinhos aqui na minha casa Tem um daqueles "terrenos grandes" na rua do lado da rua da minha casa que tem muito mato e terra, a casa da minha vó é perto mas nao perto da parte com mato e nao ta aparecendo desses la, pelo menos nao que eu tenha visto :v Tentei pesquisar mas nao achei, ja percebi que alguns deles tem as patas vermelhas
submitted by rexdoslys to BiologiaBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 QueasyMortgage7558 If I fuck an orphen can i say " You're becoming what you never had! >;)" right when i finnish in her?

can i?
submitted by QueasyMortgage7558 to unhingedquestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 Material_Document370 Happy orr Angry?

Happy orr Angry? submitted by Material_Document370 to Isekai [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 BrawndoTTM Can we talk about the upsides of climate change for Canada?

Climate change talk always seems to be doom and gloom, hurricane this and wildfires that etc. But there could also be some real positive impacts as well, especially for Canada. As a country we could really use longer growing seasons and more comfortable winters. We can build real cities in the North where people would actually enjoy living once it’s less brutally cold. Might be bad in some other parts of the world where it’s already too hot and there are droughts and whatnot but from a purely Canadian perspective it seems like there will be some pretty considerable upsides outweighing the downsides. Why is this never talked about?
submitted by BrawndoTTM to AskCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 Wooden_Ad_1388 Anybody know

Anybody know how I can induce a disorder onto myself
submitted by Wooden_Ad_1388 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 FuriousGuardian Did they change the juice/packaging for jean lowe immortel?

Did they change the juice/packaging for jean lowe immortel? Why doesn't my box say lattafa at the bottom and why is so much lighter in color compared to others?
submitted by FuriousGuardian to fragranceclones [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 tanmar10 Tengo los senos de tamaño disparejo

Es un tema que siempre me ha hecho sentir complejos y además me previos por el tema de salud, no sé hasta qué punto sea normal y a veces quisiera operarme por un tema de estética, me pregunto si hay muchas personas en la misma situación o es algo extraño y deba preocuparme
submitted by tanmar10 to DesahogoyConfesiones [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 kibbxns First Time Playing PvP

Played four matches in a row against a tank build AC running four Gatlings. Three times in a row, I lost. In the fourth match, I discovered that as long as I dealt more damage to them than they did me, then moving out of range and running out the timer: I’d win- so that’s exactly what I did. It was not very exciting either way. Is what I did bad PvP etiquette? How would you deal with ACs with this build head-on?
submitted by kibbxns to ArmoredCoreVI [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 Chimeraaaaaas Um

Um Yeah…
submitted by Chimeraaaaaas to TrollCoping [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 vampireinatrance Too wet?

Too wet? First bag pictures 1-2, second pictures 3-5. Hoping to send first bag but I don't think the second one is going to make it.
submitted by vampireinatrance to ContamFam [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:08 IceManJ7 Currently current?

Currently current? Saw this pic floating around tiktok, is this current or just a old pic maybe from his past jail stints
submitted by IceManJ7 to Daniellarson [link] [comments]