
2025.01.23 05:12 Adventurous_Tip_7559 me_irl

me_irl submitted by Adventurous_Tip_7559 to me_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 planxyz Father keeps being denied for case

Estate in IL/Illinois: My father is eldest of 3 brothers. Middle brother and him live in Texas, while youngest brother lives in the home he shared with mother (IL; brother has mental disabilities). Mother passes away, brothers agree youngest will continue to live in the home. None of them are fighting over anything. They just want youngest to have a home, but they want to own it all jointly. .... Why are lawyers telling my father they will not touch the case? One told him they won't do it because the brother would end up homeless, but he wouldn't explain further. Just looking for some guidance. He also isn't sure which state he needs a lawyer in, given he doesn't live in IL with the estate. Any help would be appreciated. If this isn't the appropriate place, I apologize.
submitted by planxyz to EstatePlanning [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 odetomabel Season 36 ASIA Hunter Ranking

Season 36 ASIA Hunter Ranking Data compiled mainly from CN, JP, and TH region ~ Community polls, High level player rankings + Usage/WR
submitted by odetomabel to IdentityV [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 ajberndt524 My first ever pair of Basketball shoes

My first ever pair of Basketball shoes I now understand why people like collecting these
submitted by ajberndt524 to Shoes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 sumigod Problem with brand new Dreame?!
Just bought a brand new X40 Ultra and every time I try to mop it fails to attach the pads. I emailed them but did not get the most helpful advice. Video of the problem. Does anyone have suggestions or ideas how to fix?
submitted by sumigod to Dreame_Tech [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 WrongdoerNo3161 How to start a business?

Hi! I’m a first timer. I have a capital 100k and i dont know where to put it. Can you guide me?
submitted by WrongdoerNo3161 to phinvest [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 TDawg_2299 Finally! I did it!

Finally! I did it! A bit late but I finally got a domination done. Got him from completing the Archetypes Domination.
submitted by TDawg_2299 to MyTeam [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 Giulianitt_69 Me excita

Me excita No sé dan una idea d' en las noches cmo fantaseo mientras mi marido duerme y las ganas q" me dan d' hacerle sexoral🤤 O agarrar sus dedos grandes y masturbarme hasta hacerme acabar 🤤jugar con sus grandes dedos hasta acabar🤤y chuparle su rica pija hasta q" me llené d lechita
submitted by Giulianitt_69 to sex_stories_adult_hot [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 jdsmacs hojicha coffee macarons

hojicha coffee macarons coffee shells filled with hojicha ganache
submitted by jdsmacs to macarons [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 jpsaenz182 LF: Blood Moon Ursaluna 0IV Speed FT: SV Exclusives, random shinies, aprimons

i have an imgur album of the shinies listed below with full OT/ID. all were caught by me or my roommate in game then traded in game before being moved to Home.
able to trade in Home or SV.
submitted by jpsaenz182 to pokemontrades [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 Ieditanimeclips ty$ is still using that fan upload of “Field Trip”

ty$ is still using that fan upload of “Field Trip” submitted by Ieditanimeclips to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 TheRealJayson562 Guys, is it just me, Or is the original Pasqually from pizza time theatre kinda terrifying? 😭

submitted by TheRealJayson562 to chuckecheese [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 Desperate_Gas4413 Executive MBA - Rotman or Ivey or not

Smart people of Reddit and elsewhere,
Need some thoughts, I have been thinking to do executive MBA for a while now but didn't start the process. Need some suggestions if it's worth doing it given I earn somewhere around 150-170K CA$ annually, I am 40 years old. In mid management position program manager for a tech consulting company in Toronto.
Will MBA help in securing better job with more salary? Or growing upwards in industry as MBA is not cheap, it's around 120-130k. Looking for some thoughts on ROI.
submitted by Desperate_Gas4413 to eMBA [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 whiteajah365 Should I replace my 5D Mark III with a R10 Mirrorless?

Hi all!
I am just getting into photography as a hobby. Last summer I got a Mark III DSLR for a great deal with a 50mm prime lens. It takes great pictures and is a huge upgrade over my iPhone. I’m still learning the manual mode. I’m finding the camera to be pretty heavy and bulky and wouldn’t mind something smaller. I’m looking at selling the Mark III and buying a new R10. I’m worried that this will be a downgrade. Right now I expect I will shoot under 1500 shots a year and mostly of nature and my family.
submitted by whiteajah365 to canon [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 Vazdara H: 500 Super Stims W: 15c Per

Flux, maps or leaders welcome
submitted by Vazdara to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 Few_Breadfruit6788 Rapidly increasing stress waiting to hear back after submitting major corrections

It has been over 2 months since I submitted my revised thesis following a 6-month major corrections verdict after viva (UK-based), but I still have not heard back from my examiners. I think I have addressed all points on the examiners'report, but the fear that I can still be rejected is devastating me. The stress has been increasing that I cannot sleep and eat well. Has anyone ever got through this, and can kindly share how long the waiting time could last? Can major corrections still fail? Sorry for the venting, but I am really running out of energy and patience.
submitted by Few_Breadfruit6788 to PhD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 PrestigiousSand2480 CONSULTA PREOCUPACIONAL

Consulta. Hice el preocupacional y me dijeron que me escribian esa misma semana. A las dos semanas escribo para saber que pasó. Después de varios intentos, me responden con un mail. Me responden que no van a continuar porque el cliente pidió una "reducción de recursos". Ibamos a ingresar 5 técnicos.
La verdad siendo honesto el laburo me chupa un huevo, pero me quedó la duda si es verdad o si me saltó algo en el exámen médico. Ya me pasó una vez hace como 10 años, sé que es algo si bien no habitual tampoco tan extraño. Y también es posta que nos dijeron desde el día uno el cliente, y que íbamos a ir a capacitación 5 técnicos.
¿Puedo insistir que se explayen en los motivos y/o faciltarme el resultado del exámen médico? De todos modos de pedo tengo estos días un chequeo general que había pedido turno hacía como un mes.
Sacando el humor negro, ¿si llego a tener algo puedo hacer quilombo?
submitted by PrestigiousSand2480 to DerechoGenial [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 Alarming_Donut_3920 How do I fix this error? (full screen for message)

How do I fix this error? (full screen for message) submitted by Alarming_Donut_3920 to Bumble [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 aarnettbraun The Walking Dead: The Final Season (Xbox One) - 46th Completed Game

The Walking Dead: The Final Season (Xbox One) - 46th Completed Game submitted by aarnettbraun to xboxachievements [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 Correct_Design_2467 Sony's Venom was behind on MCU Spider-Man, Araña, and Black Suit Spider-Man, why they include him?

Sony's Venom was behind on MCU Spider-Man, Araña, and Black Suit Spider-Man, why they include him? submitted by Correct_Design_2467 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 Psychbae_88 First day on DraftKings and I hit 🙏🏽😭

submitted by Psychbae_88 to DraftKingsDiscussion [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 ndirJura What about the innies' free will?

As I was watching S02E01, it got me thinking: what makes anybody running the company as well as the outties think that the innies will be committed to do the work they are expected to and even be productive and efficient at it?
Moreover, why do they still keep expecting that after what happened in the first season?
Even if what happens at Lumon is just an experiment of the Severance solution to enhance it before it's offered to other companies, it has not being explained what reason the innies have or will ever do to "do the job".
The innies have the same personalities as their outties. If their outties had a bad experience with work, which made them choose to undergo severance, it should be expected that their innies would not "love" the experience of literally only being able to work for the rest of their existence.
And I really hope they have a good explanation for how they convinced people to come back.
submitted by ndirJura to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 JillTheAwesome Resources for fighting against fired with cause (company fabricated a claim of racism)

Masking all race related information so not targeting a certain race. Using "ooo" to refer to a language that's not the official language of the country.
Location is Ontario, Canada
To begin with, this post may trigger the hatred towards certain group, but that's not the point or what I am asking for. I'm putting as much related details so me and my friend can figure out what policy or resources we can utilize. Thank you all for being rational.
Asking for a colleague (let's call him X)
Both me and X worked at a restaurant dominated by ooo-speakers. Both me and him are not ooo-speaker. He joined 3 months ago under the impression that he will be the lead of his station after a while, and this is a full time (40+ hrs) job. However a month after, he got under 30. This place is quite nasty in cutting hours, they might literally schedule you for 5 days but cut you for one day, and give you 3-4 hrs shift for the non-busy days. I'm experiencing the same thing. The problem is, the other guy in his station (also ooo-speaker) is getting a lot more hours (even 44+). And anybody except for chef would agree that X is doing a way better job. The other guy was slow, lazy and really avoiding any prep. X was overworked with his limited hours.
X tried to argue with chef (also ooo-speaker) that he is not getting the hours as promised, and the other guy is getting way more, at least chef should balance between them. Chef told him the hierarchy is based on tenure and he will satisfy the other guy's hours first, and we will be busy soon so X will get more hours and yada yada lies.
They had quite a few unproductive arguments. A few days ago X ranted to some other worker about "those xxx-coloured people are working like a gang" and got ratted out, he was verbally fired the next day with the reason of being racist.
My observation is there are a few guys who never got cut and they are all ooo-speakers, and other non ooo-speaking old employees also got cut to some extent. And during the past 18 months of me working there, all the people left are non ooo-speakers. Statistically this place is expelling non-ooo-speakers.
My personal feeling is that they speak ooo-language too much during work, I don't feel included at all. The hours are shitty. And there are certain level of hostile going on, and it's obvious a lot more for X.
I do believe what X said ("those xxx-coloured people are working like a gang") was politically stupid but kinda true. His concern is that will it leave a bad record anywhere? And since he was treated so unfairly, is there any legal action he can pursue?
submitted by JillTheAwesome to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 Present_Map1579 Texas revolvers

Does anybody know what kind of revolvers they used to give away at Texas?
submitted by Present_Map1579 to NASCAR [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:12 BosskDaBossk 1987 ABC Saturday Morning Cartoons Commercials

1987 ABC Saturday Morning Cartoons Commercials submitted by BosskDaBossk to DroidsAndEwoks [link] [comments]