Disease? Deficiency?

2025.01.23 09:45 Top-Stick-7445 Disease? Deficiency?

Any idea what I have going on here? Plant is very bushy so not sure if it’s a fungus of some sort. Week 7 flower and the top colas starting turning an odd color too as seen in second picture. Thanks for any help.
submitted by Top-Stick-7445 to cannabiscultivation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 JefK_Photography An indoor garden photo

submitted by JefK_Photography to AmateurPhotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 CreepyPagan Help needed I’ve replaced battery but now getting all parts of display showing. Casio AQ-8W

submitted by CreepyPagan to casiovintage [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 reddit_lss_2 Post recovery test from profile for 23/1/2025 09:44:24

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to where_to_post_test [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Rapoutine Snowfall in New York City ❤️

Snowfall in New York City ❤️ submitted by Rapoutine to AmateurPhotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 ToonPoe Read carefully guys only one time!!!!!!!

submitted by ToonPoe to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 deltahalo241 You posted emoji's at me? That makes you just like the Proud Boys!

You posted emoji's at me? That makes you just like the Proud Boys! https://preview.redd.it/t4lf0kh0spee1.png?width=2398&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef23372a69d50bbcf85749566b3b25d488cadcd3
submitted by deltahalo241 to Persecutionfetish [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Best-Ad-5053 THETA To NEAR USDT

THETA To NEAR USDT submitted by Best-Ad-5053 to CryptoPetra [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 That-Theory9644 TIME SENSATIVE!! ONLY 3.5 HOURS REMAIN TO CLAIM - 500 Animecoin Airdrop Jan 17th - Today! Ending in 3.5 hours! +500 tokens per user + 500 per invite until allocated rewards are claimed!

submitted by That-Theory9644 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 CapKharimwa This Italian film was Prophetic

This Italian film was Prophetic submitted by CapKharimwa to NAFO [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 SansHumor Blackbeard negate ruling

Blackbeard negate ruling Sorry if I'm being an idiot, but how long does the character negate part of Blackbeards effect last? Your turn, end of opponents next turn or permanently? Thanks
submitted by SansHumor to OnePieceTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 peoplemagazine Jan. 6 Defendant Rearrested on Weapons Charges a Day After Being Pardoned

submitted by peoplemagazine to politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 abscrypto2 Some Xelis Art work ⚔️🔥

Some Xelis Art work ⚔️🔥 submitted by abscrypto2 to xelis [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 AppUserKan Heating

I just moved into the dorm and going to sleep it’s too damn hot. I had the window closed and chose to open it a little because it got too hot. I wake up sweating in my bed with no blanket and anything. I sleep next to the window and heater. If I request it on fix-it or ask the RA would anything happen?
submitted by AppUserKan to SBU [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 kaynepest I bought two In The Stars mists and they BOTH smell bad..

I bought one online during their sale and another in person, I love this scent, it’s one of my signatures, so I don’t really smell it in stores when i buy it.
When I go to spray at home, there’s like no smell but pure alcohol, and then once settled a slight hint of in the stars but overpowered by mildew, I’m upset.
Few days later, my package comes in and SAME THING but this one has like a slight hint of like grass clippings rather than mildew and no other smell… am I cursed? I know I’ve been using viva vanilla more but gosh.. two bad patches, I’m going to be extra careful when I exchange these. 😭
submitted by kaynepest to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Striking-Leopard533 Need guidance

I am F ( 26) coming from a traditional family . Wont call it conservative as my parents were always progressive in terms of education and career even wrt to mobility and moving out of town for education . I had a long time realtionship from school which was long distance as well , i was emotionally invested always liked the emotional care and even basic intimacy , but always used to delay or avoid any sexual contact , it even became a point of contention between us as i never wanted to engage in sexting and all but even at that time i was completely into that same person . However it broke down from the other end not on this issue per se . And after that break down never felt like engaging with anyone although I do wish that i want to meet love of my life and want it to be lifetime ( i know thats asking too much) in a way I still believe I can love , my hopes are not over yet .
But I do think sometimes of past and wonder if I fall somewhere on asexuality spectrum . And yes to add i hate the idea of masturbation ( speaking for myself) , and also averse to porn content - will find the ugliest person clothed better than prettiest person naked . Please comment and pick some nuances to explain me .
submitted by Striking-Leopard533 to asexuality [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 xX4no2scopez0Xx Any ideas on making the shower fittings less ugly?

Any ideas on making the shower fittings less ugly? Shower fittings are all a bit clapped. The on off bit is this massive beige knob (steady) that you have to spin. Are their newer versions of all these bits I could swap them for? Preferably without having holes in the tiles left behind. Thanks Putting a glass panel in, re doing the grouting and changing the bath taps soon which will all help a bit. Probably have to stick to the same layout to avoid having tiles with holes in
submitted by xX4no2scopez0Xx to interiordesignideas [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Glittering_Art_2504 Upgrade to s25

Hello guys, I am interested in question: should I upgrade? I am having s24 exynos now and it works well for me. Battery life is enough, I don't have troubles with modem, heating or signal reception. Only strange things that I noticed is that some games are laggy(but in gaming tests they are not). I don't game on my phone, so it is not a problem, I just wanted to try them.s25 is quite expensive, so I wonder if I should upgrade for s25?
submitted by Glittering_Art_2504 to GalaxyS24 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Prior-Swimmer-5758 Parabola forum IS dead (?)

How can you edit or post after 20 min if when you try to do it you... can't...? 😓 many new users of Parabola goes to forum to have a solution of their problems and not to wait 2 days for an answer under a thread 😐 is this the correct way to promote free software? 🫥
submitted by Prior-Swimmer-5758 to Parabola [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 LongjumpingHeron170 Fav one!!

submitted by LongjumpingHeron170 to JeffBuckley [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 FirearmsFactory In our confectionery factory, we now have to produce weapons for the war by order of the state. Some in-game footage from Firearms Factory, where we will face moral dilemmas while keeping the government happy and changing the course of the war. What do you think of the art style?

In our confectionery factory, we now have to produce weapons for the war by order of the state. Some in-game footage from Firearms Factory, where we will face moral dilemmas while keeping the government happy and changing the course of the war. What do you think of the art style? submitted by FirearmsFactory to gamedevscreens [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 jaethebum I keep having a exclamation mark on the 7 day carnival

I checked it multiple times but there's nothing to claim 🤷🏻‍♀️
submitted by jaethebum to CapybaraGoGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 bumble_berry Looking for trousers PATTERN

submitted by bumble_berry to sewhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 cidadehoje Famalicão: Presidente da Câmara visitou Carreira e Bente para ver «a obras feita» e assinalar futuros investimentos

submitted by cidadehoje to cidadehoje [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 SynQu33n “Love Lessons” - Prue & Grace’s childhood

Okay hear me out -
I know (and fully understand) the focus on the novel was the inappropriate teacher-pupil romance and the dangers of grooming. It’s a really important topic/theme that should be explored.
But was anyone else going “WTH?!” Over the details about Prue and Grace’s childhood in the book? I feel this is glossed over in every discussion/post about the book.
It’s just… I don’t get what Bernard was trying to achieve with his parenting/approach towards their education. The girls weren’t allowed to have any friends (to their detriment where Prue had imaginary friends even at the age of 14), were homeschooled, were completely naïve/young for their ages due to their lack of knowledge of the outside world.
They weren’t allowed takeaways (I get prices and inflation and healthy diets but because of one random bilious attack - come on!) even from their neighbours in the street (like the owners of the Chinese restaurant). They weren’t allowed to go to the cinema, try McDonald’s food or even go to the newsagents down the road - never mind mainstream school.
They weren’t allowed to wear makeup or wear shorts (wearing old-fashioned dresses that were inappropriate for their age). Not allowed to mention things like periods. Not allowed to watch television. Only getting £1 for their pocket money (I get they were in debt, but this was ridiculous even at the time this book was written).
Even Bernard denouncing their faith simply because the vicar suggested Prue and Grace should make friends with other children. The horror!
And let’s not get started about their education. It was obvious Bernard wasn’t educating them properly after they struggled with their entry exams at Wentworth and being put in remedial classes. It was shocking (looking back) how far behind Prue was in her subjects (excluding English and art). At least there was a silver lining with a Grace where she said the lessons weren’t too hard for her anymore over time and the fact she had friends at long last. She really needed this after being told all her life that she was stupid.
Also Bernard’s approach towards undermining Grace’s intelligence and fat-shaming her. Calling Prue a “disgusting little trollop” for buying herself underwear. God knows what he put his wife through.
Just makes me wonder: if his goal was to completely shelter his daughters from every aspect of life - why did they even have children to begin with? Why did Bernard think his abusive parenting style would benefit Prue and Grace?
Just curious about everyone’s thoughts on this.
submitted by SynQu33n to JacquelineWilson [link] [comments]
