2025.01.23 16:54 Lanky-Objective-4679 Best Middle School Teams?
Hello policydebate. I am a scout for a small, underresourced public school from the Los Angeles area. Currently, we have two nationally ranked T20 teams, as well as the winner of the Baker Award last year. I am seeking the finest batch of middle school talent to recruit for our debate program. Y'all got any recommendations?
submitted by Lanky-Objective-4679 to policydebate [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 Dgary78 Looking for recommendations
So I just got done reading hardtack and coffee, And I really enjoyed the insight it gave. It got me wondering is there a Confederate version that gives you a insight of the daily life like hardtack and coffee does?
submitted by Dgary78 to CIVILWAR [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 vex311 Upgrading from the RGB20S: Recommendations for a New Handheld?
I've been using the RGB20S for over a year and a half, and it's been a fantastic device. I still enjoy playing on it regularly. Recently, a coworker expressed interest in it, so I’m considering passing it along to him and upgrading to something new for myself.
I primarily play older games like SNES, Game Boy, and DS titles. I've been running ArkOS, and while it’s been fine overall, I’ve had a few save files get corrupted. I do appreciate features like save states, rewind, and fast forward, so I’d like a device that offers similar functionality.
I’m also hoping to upgrade to something that can handle N64 and PS1 games well. What would you all recommend?
submitted by vex311 to SBCGaming [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 DiamondRBXreal Issue with Aircraft Moving on Ground After Engine Activation Due To Wheel Collider
I am trying to add a reactive engine to my aircraft so that it moves on the ground with wheels when the engine is on (but without adding torque to the wheel colliders). I have a GameObject (aircraft) with a Rigidbody and three child objects: mesh, colliders, and wheel colliders. The "colliders" object contains some GameObjects with Box Colliders (such as the body, wings, tail, etc.), and the "wheel colliders" object contains some wheel colliders. When I apply constant force to the Rigidbody and place the aircraft at some height, it falls to the ground and starts moving on the wheels. However, if I let the aircraft fall or place it directly on the terrain before the game starts and then apply the force (activate the engines), it doesn't move. I need to apply a very large force to get it moving (so large that the aircraft immediately reaches an unrealistically high speed). It seems like something is preventing the wheels from moving when they are on the ground, but when the aircraft is in the air with some small speed and height, and then hits the ground, it continues moving and increasing speed. Please help me resolve this issue. (many images added to hopefully help the helpers) https://preview.redd.it/gkv6a9l1xree1.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=940db252aa2612d4b90b8023352000a370fe4f5f https://preview.redd.it/wvb64h83xree1.png?width=381&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9c84d3e3cb475af0889259791147470c3320fee https://preview.redd.it/b4kdipf4xree1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e17d61edf10b4f7b59ebfa29cd516e106ab604a https://preview.redd.it/smee1x86xree1.png?width=1396&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2b29e5ebd775a7e563cf4d4b8a6af570fe88586 submitted by DiamondRBXreal to Unity3D [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 Inari-k He likes Minecraft too
submitted by Inari-k to antimeme [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 Middle_Preference_76 Utility is more fun as a support
Figured I’d rephrase my earlier discussion post where I said not all strategist need to heal.
What I was trying to get across was current immunity ults and high healing rates suck
they’re boring for the support to play and make the entire team dependent on constant heals to stay alive. They also allow for really stupid plays to be viable. (AKA nobody plays for 12 seconds, triple support, Goats, unkillable wolverines ect.) This causes the problem where everyone is pissed if you play rocket since he provides other value.
Lowering healing rates and adding in supports that do low or nonexistent healing but provide large amounts of value in other fun and interesting ways would be more fun.
Or at least that’s my opinion. I’d rather pinch buff a single shot for crazy damage or teleport the team for an epic flank or debuff the other teams ace or scout out enemy statuses and invisibility abilities then click down main endlessly and occasionally do something like that once a match.
Am I just crazy then? I really think it’s just a stat thing.
submitted by Middle_Preference_76 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 InAllThingsBalance How Many Of You Had These Cards?
Wildlife Treasury. submitted by InAllThingsBalance to GenX [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 Odd_Willingness2068 [Update 7] Asian Drama Addon
Installation Link: https://stremio-dramacool-addon(dot)xyz/configure (Replace `dot` with an actual .)
Should you update? Folks that have faced issues with subtitles MUST re-install to get the latest fixes. I have kept the rest of the flows backwards compatible, but everyone should re-install when they can.
Dramacool 1.1.0 is out with the following changes:
State of dramacool (website) as a source: All official mirrors are down. The addon still serves shows, meta and streams that are cached and still up. Search has been disabled. (Unofficial dramacool clones have popped left and right but they are not feature complete yet and not better than the other sources being used.)
Other Challenges: Kisskh has been ramping up protection of their streams from scraping. I seem to have a handle on things so far, but let's see how things turn out. Requesting your patience with bugs for newer episodes, till all issues are resolved. (Always checkout other sources when kisskh fails)
Note: 1. Onetouchtv locks some shows/episodes (especially cdrama) and they are only viewable on their mobile app. Kindly check the source itself, before reporting missing episodes. 2. Debrid support is no longer relevant for any of the sources used by this addon. All https streams should be blazing fast though and no VPN is needed. 3. Continuing with the name 'Dramacool' for this addon, for now, to avoid confusion.
(Just I was writing this, kisskh search is down at the source website. Looking into it.)
submitted by Odd_Willingness2068 to StremioAddons [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 Innnfws How often was mk1 on sale in ps store
I just start to getting bored of mk11 so I think of buy an mk1 I just for it to be on sale so I just want to ask if there any chance the mk1 will be on sale in future
submitted by Innnfws to MortalKombat [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 ZookeepergameLow8617 The article from motley Fool about FUBO
I think FUBO be the next Netflix 💸💸💸
submitted by ZookeepergameLow8617 to Pennystock [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - Saudi foreign minister makes first official trip to Lebanon in a decade after years of strained ties | ABC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 Southern-Term-3226 Currently first year student at thapar Cse thinking of preparing for bitsat
So I am currently a second sem student at thapar branch Cse , I am enrolled in a 2+2 program with Tcd,Ireland (qs ranking 83) and I have been thinking of maybe preparing for bitsat get into bits as bitsat will happen in may to June and I can score enough to get a dual degree(preferred campus is Goa). My main reason for coming to bits is well right wing has been in the rise in the west and it will be much cheaper than my current expenditure. So should I?
submitted by Southern-Term-3226 to BITSPilani [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 Caciulacdlac Microsoft will be sold to Nintendo
I think Microsoft will fail and be sold to Nintendo
Too many signs pointing in that direction.
Microsoft is not making any money to be a sustainable company Their partnership with Nintendo shows that these companies will merge (or rather acquired by Nintendo
submitted by Caciulacdlac to NintendoSwitch2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 surrealistjock Hungry
Is it normal to be hungry one week post op? I'm currently on the puree diet and I find myself thinking about food a lot. I'm able to eat 4 oz of soup or baby food very easily. It's hard to wrap my head around the idea that I have a stomach the size of an egg with how hungry I've been feeling.
submitted by surrealistjock to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 Right-Influence617 Meeting China’s Trade and Tech Challenge: How the US and Europe Can Come
submitted by Right-Influence617 to IRstudies [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 Adept_Orange_6099 Is this repairable?
Howdy lovely folks. I had unfortunately been in an accident recently. Someone hit my car while it was parked. I have full coverage insurance and it can be resolved. However I do not want to loose this car, is this repairable or is it a total loss? Any advice and opinions are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time! submitted by Adept_Orange_6099 to CollisionShopOwners [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - A look at how the Oscar best picture nominees have fared at the box office | ABC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 Ok_Teacher_1583 Still works! Sharing our referral link for when you order your Tesla. You’ll get up to $1,000 off the purchase of a Tesla product. https://www.tesla.com/referral/adam543196
submitted by Ok_Teacher_1583 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 KommanderKix Don't know what to do
Hello! I kinda need some advice... I live in Romania which is a VERY homophobic and bigoted country but I also want to dress up in fem but I'm afraid that I might get beaten.
Thing is, I can't rely on self-defence because I'm very skinny and you can't buy firearms here...
What should I do?
submitted by KommanderKix to feminineboys [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 Santiago99996 Me baño y tengo mal olor, porque?
Es muy simple, en el trabajo escuché a alguien decir que tengo mal olor fingir demencia como que no lo escuché. Cuestión me baño todos los días antes de salir y nose en que me equivoco al bañarme o si ya es un problema médico. Que puedo hacer?
submitted by Santiago99996 to TengoMiedoDePreguntar [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 flx_1993 Ist Föderalismus das Gift unserer Republik? Ein radikaler Vorschlag für Österreichs Zukunft
Ich weiß, das Thema polarisiert – aber manchmal muss man provozieren, um Diskussionen anzustoßen. Also: Föderalismus ist das Gift unserer Republik.
In Österreich sehen wir immer wieder, wie Landesfürsten sich gegen den Bund stellen, wie Gesetze blockiert werden, um die Interessen einiger weniger zu schützen. Sei es, weil in einem Bundesland bald Wahlen anstehen oder weil man schlicht Entscheidungen scheut – das lähmt unseren Staat. Und mal ehrlich: In einem so kleinen Land wie Österreich ist Föderalismus schlicht nicht mehr zeitgemäß.
Daher mein radikaler Vorschlag: Das Ende der Bundesrepublik Österreich. Stattdessen sollten wir eine Präsidialrepublik nach dem Vorbild Frankreichs einführen. Die Bundesländer? Abschaffen. Komplett.
Der Präsident sollte die Macht haben, sein Kabinett eigenständig zu bestimmen – mit der einzigen Hürde, dass der Nationalrat die Mitglieder bestätigen muss. Das Ziel: Ein Kabinett aus echten Fachexperten, das Politik zielgerichtet und effektiv umsetzt, ohne Rücksicht auf föderale Grabenkämpfe. Des Weiteren hoffe ich, dass eine Konzentration von Macht zu einem Nachlassen der Versorgungspostenpolitik führt.
Und das ist noch nicht alles: Die Gemeindegrenzen müssen neu geordnet werden. Es kann nicht sein, dass Randgemeinden überproportional von Städten profitieren, ohne einen fairen Beitrag zu leisten. Warum soll eine Großstadt beispielsweise den Ausbau einer Straßenbahnlinie verhandeln müssen, nur weil diese eine Gemeindegrenze überschreitet? Das kostet Zeit, Geld und Nerven – alles, was wir uns sparen könnten. Des Weiteren ist das österreichische Konstrukt des Finanzausgleichs eine Unart und verzerrt Vieles. Das überproportionale Budget der Stadt Wien und die Möglichkeit der höheren Förderungen schafft einen starken Zuzug, der wieder zu anderen Problemen führt. (Quelle: Rechnungshofbericht 2016 Ertragsanteile pro Kopf: Wien 1175€, BL 697€)
Natürlich ist das ein radikaler Vorschlag, und ich bin mir sicher, dass er nicht bei allen gut ankommt. Aber ehrlich gesagt: Die Probleme sind real, und sie gehören auf den Tisch. Ich denke das ein solcher Schritt viele Probleme auf einmal beseitigen könnte.
Was denkt ihr? Ist das zu weit gedacht, oder ist es Zeit, unser politisches System von Grund auf zu überdenken? Würde euch ein System nach französischem Vorbild überzeugen?
submitted by flx_1993 to Austria [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 AskMeAnythingIAnswer Zollikerberg at 17:54
submitted by AskMeAnythingIAnswer to Zollikerberg [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 blairsmacaroon Realised I have free will
sylus version next submitted by blairsmacaroon to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 aspie_electrician Got a new fan for my pc
submitted by aspie_electrician to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 jvc72 Buy Signal Weatherford International - 23 Jan 2025 @ 11:51 -> USD70.32
Ticker: WFRD
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 23 Jan 2025 @ 11:51
Price: USD70.32
Link: https://getagraph.com/NASDAQ/stock/live-signals/WFRD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]