Error 402 Payment Required

其实微信网页版早在 2012 年 7 月就上线了,甚至比微信 pc 版都还要先出,后来因为某些原因官方停止了网页版微信的登录功能,可能是出于安全方面的考虑吧...那如果不幸你的微信已经被限制登录网页版,就完全没救了吗? 如何解决Initialization Error错误?出现InitializationError时,需要查明错误原因并针对性解决。 当您遇到网页提示"network error"时,可以尝试以下几种方法来解决问题: 首先,针对IE浏览器,进入工具菜单,选择Internet选项。 在常规选项卡下,清除历史记录,以消除可能干扰连接的旧数据。 如果以上方法没有能够解决该问题,可能是服务器的问题,我们可以到第二天再尝试登录该网站看看。 IFERROR函数的语法是IFERROR(value,value_if_error),它包含两个参数,其中value是指需要检查是否存在错误的参数。value_if_error是指当公式计算出现错误时返回的信息。当公式计算没有错误时,函数将返回计算的值,当出现错误时将返回错误信息。 GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "read ECONNRESET" 我有两个微信号(一个五年的一个三年的),两个都登不上网页版,换了好几个版本都不行,甚至浏览器都换了三个(IE、edge、Chrome),还是不让登,只能说明一个问题,腾讯不再支持网页版的微信,逼着我们下载客户端。 错误提示:No such file or directory 要怎么办?no such file or directory怎么解决方法:(两种方法大同小异)(1)确认提示不存在的文件或目录是否存在。 EXCEL中IFERROR函数,就是if error(如果错误的连写),其含义是如果公式的计算结果为错误,则返回指定的值;否则将返回公式的结果。使用 IFERROR 函数来捕获和处理公式中的错误。 具体使用方法: IFERROR函数语法: IFERROR(value, value_if_error) 电脑上出现Error怎么回事?电脑显示error,首先按下WIn+R快捷键打开运行,然后输入regedit打开注册表编辑器,接着在右侧找到DontshowUI文件并双击,在弹出的属性设置窗口,将键值0改为1,然后确定退出窗口,最后退出

2025.01.23 20:42 Putrid-Pirate8621 Error 402 Payment Required

Hey,I've been running my product in supabase for quite a while and it was working perfectly,from the past few hours I've been receiving some concerns from the users regarding some issues especially related to storage part
When trying to retrieve images from the storage bucket, they've been recieving error,When I checked on the local,it was working perfectly and images were correctly retrieved,but when tried on prod, I've been recieving it was giving error of 402 Payment Required in console
I'm still on the free plan of Supabase and when I checked the dashboard,I didn't see anything regarding the exceeding limit, I also have a $50 credit in my account which is still there
After talking with some folks in discord,I added a payment method to the project,still I'm getting same error code
I've contacted support but haven't received any response till now and it's really urgent as my prod is affected due to this
If anyone has gone through similar issues please do lemme know
submitted by Putrid-Pirate8621 to Supabase [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 HectorCoptor1234 Breaking the Bull | A Short Boxing Film

submitted by HectorCoptor1234 to DIYFilmmaking [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 Head-Iron-9228 Lupo 1.4 Tdi

Lupo 1.4 Tdi Da mein geliebter Civic am Mittwoch Opfer von Glatteis wurde, der S80 den ich wollte sich mit Motorschaden verabschiedet hat, die drei separaten Twingos die ich angeschaut habe allesamt Wasser im Öl hatten und ich mir dachte 'meinen Mii und die wenigen kosten vermisse ich bis heute, was gibt's denn bis 1500€ in der Klasse?', bin ich jetzt über einen 1.4 tdi Lupo gestolpert.
Sieht auf den Bildern nach einem altersentsprechend aber soliden auto aus. Hat 220tkm runter und macht einen relativ gut gewarteten Eindruck mit verschiedenen Reparaturen in nicht allzu langer Vergangenheit.
Gibt's bei denen was worauf man besonders achten sollte? Baujahr 2001, falls das wegen rost oder ähnlichem relevant ist.
submitted by Head-Iron-9228 to automobil [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 skypiercer12 Question: Should I run cat6 cable up this shared HVAC space up to the attic?

For more context, I plan on adding cat6 Ethernet drops throughout the house when the weather breaks, and I’m assessing the best path from my basement to the attic for the bedrooms and hallway drops upstairs.
The house is finished now but I was able to snap some photos (image 4&5) of the home during the pre-drywall phase. In the photos you can see my intended path.
I’d be running conduit alongside the return trunk, fishing cable through it.
My concern:
I’m fairly new to low voltage work but I believe this would be considered a plenum space since any cabling would be sharing space with HVAC. Is this correct? Or is that only relative to certain situations? Would running cable in certain conduit alter the possibility being able to do this?
This path seems to be the easiest solution as It goes straight up to the attic, has no bends and no impeding wall plates. Im also prepared to learn that the easiest isn’t always the best so any constructive advice is appreciated.
I’ve procured the cabling and cabling tools over time to try this myself but im not opposed to hiring someone to install.
TL:DR - Is it safe to run conduit that’s housing cat6 cable up this HVAC space to the attic?
submitted by skypiercer12 to lowvoltage [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 Miss_Stevenson In case anyone is interested

In case anyone is interested I’m not big on anime but for Alice in Wonderland I may give it a chance
submitted by Miss_Stevenson to aliceinwonderland [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 iceman_4511 PlayStation 3 retrogaming

Hi everyone, I wanted to go back to the PS3 to play some games left behind and likely never going to be remastered for modern systems. But damn they are jaggy, my eyes ache fr fr. So I bought an upscaler called ODV-GBS-C to upscale them to 1080p which is the highest resolution supported by my 24 inch monitor.
My idea was to connect, due to the lack of HDMI in on the device, the console via component (which supports up to 1080p), set the video output to 720p (most games resolution) and upscale it to 1080p with the GBS. Sounds legit?
It didn't work, wasted a day trying to figure what is going on but with no luck. It only does passthrough and even manages to destroy the image quality doing so. Setting the console to 1080p out makes the image shaky and filled with horizontal tearing.
What am I missing or doing wrong? Do you have any suggestion on what to do, if have to change things or buy another device? I can easily get my money back, Amazon, and go with an alternative in the price range (which In couldn't find)
submitted by iceman_4511 to RetroIsh [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 AltMediaGuy Prof. John Mearsheimer : Can US and Russia Have Enduring Peace?

Prof. John Mearsheimer : Can US and Russia Have Enduring Peace? submitted by AltMediaGuy to AltMedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 melancholicmother Places similar to Grand Rapids, MI?

…but warmer.
What I like about GR: relatively low crime rate, okay traffic, MCOL, lots of things to do with kids, lakes.
submitted by melancholicmother to SameGrassButGreener [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 Lahjainchains Looking for book recommendations after school course peaked my interest

I am a high school student and just finished a semester long philosophy class that I absolutely loved. My teacher was amazing and played devil’s advocate very well, providing different perspectives and holes/gaps in different philosophies. He took on a different persona each time a student debated him or tried to prove their point and it was both an entertaining and informative course. Because I liked the class so much, I got a book set for Christmas and am about 20 pages into Meditations. Are there any books that have furthered your knowledge/understanding on this subject as a whole (I’m interested in both more personal philosophy like stoicism/existentialism and social/political philosophy like deontology, utilitarianism, liberalism, libertarianism, etc) my knowledge on this topic is limited, but my interest is not.
submitted by Lahjainchains to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 Odd_Opposite_1495 Trench Money™: The Currency Everyone’s After on Solana

Trench Money™
Trench Money™ is taking over the Solana ecosystem as the official currency of the trenches. In crypto, “trenches” isn’t just a term—it’s a mindset, and everyone is after Trench Money™.
This cult coin is more than hype. With an aesthetic design, a growing community, and a paid creative team driving its branding, Trench Money™ is setting a new standard. Their content backs a bold mission: to become the go-to internet money mindset brand.
What’s next? Plans for an eCommerce store and an online casino where Trench Money™ will reign supreme as the supported currency. It’s not just a coin—it’s the future of the trenches.
Join the Movement:
™ Website: https://www. trenchmoney. net/
™ X/Twitter:
™ Telegram:@ TrenchSolMoney
™ Instagram:
™ TikTok: https://www. tiktok. com/@tmtrenchmoney
Wallet Address: FBGhtjmYwzk9kJz2feKHCGvj9R3fogyEfocLqPkEpump
™ in your wallet, ™ in the trenches.
submitted by Odd_Opposite_1495 to ShitcoinCentral [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 NextLobster738 Please Recommen a Leather Sneaker

Please Recommen a Leather Sneaker Good afternoon everyone. I have been a big fan of Beckett Simonon's leather sneakers. I have two pairs which I wear daily for work. They look great, their style suits me and they are very comfortable.
The problem is that I don't think the soles hold up too well. On the underside, by the heel, the rubber soles become easily perforated and although it doesn't affect the comfort, I just feel as if the sneakers is falling apart. The leather upper is fantastic, by the way.
Can anyone recommend a similarly styled sneakers? I'm not adventurous, so the recommendation has to be a model that comes in full black or brown color. Price is also key. The Beckett Simonon are reasonably priced, especially with a discount applied.
Thanks in advance everyone. I appreciate any and all responses.
submitted by NextLobster738 to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 Kappy_w My Fisher Tiger costest ☀️

My Fisher Tiger costest ☀️ He's def one of my fav side character, I needed to cosplay him for sooo long so hey I'm happy now 🥹
submitted by Kappy_w to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 Amandam3838 Haleigh Hall Knight Theory

First. I have no skin in the Haleigh Hall Knight scammer game. I didn’t send her any pieces for finishing. I have been following this ordeal closely. I have a theory. It’s only a theory as I have no personal knowledge regarding Haleigh. I don’t think Haleigh is a finisher. I don’t think she ever finished any needlepoint. I believe that she knew someone who could finish and sent pieces to that person to finish. Something happened with this person and their relationship with Haleigh fell apart. If I were to guess - Haleigh quit paying the person. Hence all the delays. Now, Haleigh has either started finishing on her own or has a different person doing it which explains the recent significant decrease in the quality of finishing. I have been racking my brain to figure out why the quality has gone down so much and I think it’s beyond her rushing to finish pieces. There has to be someone completely different handling the finishing now. Thoughts?
submitted by Amandam3838 to NeedlepointSnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 almonussy Boston Cream Pie

Homemade and pretty big. Just need to know if this is high calorie, tysm ❤️❤️
submitted by almonussy to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 Sweaty-Candy6573 Question from Office Hours: Restrict access to admin panel or changing resources allowed

Hi! I just attended the office hours and wanted to post here. (don't mind my strange username it was automatic....)
I asked the question "Can we restrict access to the admin panel to a specific public IP address? Or otherwise restrict changing allowed resources unless you are on prem?" The answer was no, but Bren and Ben directed me to post here to see if it was possible.
Essentially I have two ideas:

  1. Creating a whitelist option for the admin panel where if you are requesting from a specific IP you can access the admin panel and make changes. For example, my WAN ip on my firewall/router is If I try to log in from on site at work twingate will see that WAN IP and grant me access, otherwise the request is denied entirely.
  2. Executing a "change lock" on a connector. For example: I install a connector(lets just say an Rpi) at a site with resources for remote access, and then I set up the resources I want to access in the admin panel. Once that is done I ssh into the connector and execute a command that locks any and all changes to resources allowed from the admin panel. If a new resource would need to be accessed remotely, I would have to physically drive myself and "unlock" the connector with a command to make any changes to allowed resources from that site.
The way I see it the fact that from the admin panel you can change everything means that the security of remote access relies 100% on the security for the admin panel. We all use MFA, hopefully so this probably is not an issue but adding extra security to admin access couldn't hurt. Just my 2 cents.
submitted by Sweaty-Candy6573 to twingate [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 Gugteyikko DeepThink R1 can’t do basic proofs

DeepThink R1 can’t do basic proofs DeepSeek and DeepThink R1 (like ChatGPT) cannot check or write basic 5-line proofs in propositional logic from standard axioms and inference rules, even after looking up examples.
Here, I asked it to prove p->p from implication introduction, implication distribution, and MP. Alternatively, I gave it an example with a simple error introduced and asked it to check the validity. It seems incapable of understanding formulas as DAGs rather than simple strings.
submitted by Gugteyikko to PhilosophyofMath [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 SourceConsistent6234 BALMAIN HOODIES - 4$

BALMAIN HOODIES - 4$ submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:42 Odd_Opposite_1495 Trench Money™: The Currency Everyone’s After on Solana

Trench Money™
Trench Money™ is taking over the Solana ecosystem as the official currency of the trenches. In crypto, “trenches” isn’t just a term—it’s a mindset, and everyone is after Trench Money™.
This cult coin is more than hype. With an aesthetic design, a growing community, and a paid creative team driving its branding, Trench Money™ is setting a new standard. Their content backs a bold mission: to become the go-to internet money mindset brand.
What’s next? Plans for an eCommerce store and an online casino where Trench Money™ will reign supreme as the supported currency. It’s not just a coin—it’s the future of the trenches.
Join the Movement:
™ Website: https://www. trenchmoney. net/
™ X/Twitter:
™ Telegram:@ TrenchSolMoney
™ Instagram:
™ TikTok: https://www. tiktok. com/@tmtrenchmoney
Wallet Address: FBGhtjmYwzk9kJz2feKHCGvj9R3fogyEfocLqPkEpump
™ in your wallet, ™ in the trenches.
submitted by Odd_Opposite_1495 to SmartChainGems [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 ShittyKittySlayer edTPA recording: beware of Photo Booth

Hi friends!! I was recording an observation for my student teaching and I used Photo Booth on my laptop like I did for a practice one last semester. I realized when watching my recording back that Photo Booth added a reactions feature where it will add a reaction without you doing it. For example, I asked students to give me a thumbs up for an answer and Photo Booth automatically added the thumbs up on the screen. I can’t figure out how to turn it off so if you were going to use it for recording edTPA de aware of this!!!!
submitted by ShittyKittySlayer to StudentTeaching [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 3lidja If those two guys switches place, how much do you guys think the story of their respectives games will be impacted ?

If those two guys switches place, how much do you guys think the story of their respectives games will be impacted ? Also let's ignore i've posted that question earlier in the other Akrham subreddit, but i got a pretty cool answer from u/waterchip_down and i'm genuinely curious about other's own takes on that question
submitted by 3lidja to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 Matthew_Kus Kill Team Scenario/Campaign games - how to do it?

Kill Team Scenario/Campaign games - how to do it? (photo for illustration purposes only)
Do you guys have any expierece playing/organizing such (a bit unusual, I know) KT games?
I’ll be organising such an event for the first time for my local community. May I start with asking you some very basic questions:
  • where can the most playable scenarios/campaings be found - WD? Other sources?
  • how many players/teams are the best format?
  • how long do these games take to be fun and not too much brain load/not too tiring?
  • is there any online website/group/community that I can approach/join with regard to KT scenario/campaign games?
I love competitive KT, which is the very heart of our game, but I’d love and appreciate any tips, comments or directions on how to approach this niche but interesting part of KT. I recon scenarios/campaigns may be more attractive to some less competitive players that I know and those who may feel a bit ovewhelmed with tournament/league playstyle.
submitted by Matthew_Kus to killteam [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 TFlynn-1 Spantiks vs G2

What’s the perceived break even point off price paid vs performance/ weight penalty. I’m climbing Rainier via Kautz in June. Trying to decide between buying used Spantiks for between $400-$500 or paying $1000 for the G2 but saving on the weight. Is the extra $500 worth weight penalty. Another option is rent from guide service which use either Spantiks or Lowa. If I bought the cheaper used Spantiks I could train in them, same with new G2. I’m also doing a three week trip in Bolivia next summer. Thoughts?
submitted by TFlynn-1 to alpinism [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 Own-Raccoon-4295 Help please, need U.S players

Can't do it without You! Just a click to accept my invitation! Your Friend Are Grabbing a Free Gift - You Both Deserve Too! Don't Miss Out, Click to Get Your Freebie
submitted by Own-Raccoon-4295 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 Odd_Opposite_1495 Trench Money™: The Currency Everyone’s After on Solana

Trench Money™
Trench Money™ is taking over the Solana ecosystem as the official currency of the trenches. In crypto, “trenches” isn’t just a term—it’s a mindset, and everyone is after Trench Money™.
This cult coin is more than hype. With an aesthetic design, a growing community, and a paid creative team driving its branding, Trench Money™ is setting a new standard. Their content backs a bold mission: to become the go-to internet money mindset brand.
What’s next? Plans for an eCommerce store and an online casino where Trench Money™ will reign supreme as the supported currency. It’s not just a coin—it’s the future of the trenches.
Join the Movement:
™ Website: https://www. trenchmoney. net/
™ X/Twitter:
™ Telegram:@ TrenchSolMoney
™ Instagram:
™ TikTok: https://www. tiktok. com/@tmtrenchmoney
Wallet Address: FBGhtjmYwzk9kJz2feKHCGvj9R3fogyEfocLqPkEpump
™ in your wallet, ™ in the trenches.
submitted by Odd_Opposite_1495 to PolygonMoonShots [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 RaiD-lyn Perspective on Teenagers:

I’m 14, and as a teenager, I’m so tired of how adults seem to perceive us based solely on our age. I understand that being a teenager comes with certain stereotypes - mood swings, hormones, rebellious phases; but we’re not some different species. We’re just human beings at a transitional point in life, and honestly, the way adults talk about us sometimes feels more like judgment than understanding. Take comedy shows or casual conversations, for example. Teenagers are such a common punchline. People joke about how dramatic, emotional, or irrational we are as if everything we do or feel can be boiled down to hormones. But what’s actually happening is many of us are figuring out who we are and how we fit into the world. For some, this means expressing ourselves outwardly in ways that might seem unconventional or even impulsive. For others, it’s about navigating inner struggles. Either way, all we’re doing is growing, and isn’t that what life is about at every age? What frustrates me most is how adults often try so hard to "understand" or "fix" us, as if we’re some kind of puzzle. I want adults to listen to me and try to understand how I feel, sure but why do they feel the need to label or define me while I’m still trying to figure myself out? When adults dismiss our emotions as just “teen hormones,” they’re invalidating our struggles. Yes, hormones may play a role, but they don’t explain everything. The frustration, and self-doubt, and confusion about literally everything that we experience are deeply tied to the process of growing up, which is something everyone goes through. What’s even more unfair is when adults compare their struggles to ours, implying that our problems don’t matter because adult life is supposedly harder. Sure, I know adults face serious challenges jobs, bills, relationships but that doesn’t make what we feel and what we’re going through any less real or important. Everything feels new, overwhelming, and sometimes scary. Just because our struggles are different doesn’t mean they’re insignificant or unimportant.
What we want is space to grow and figure things out. Mistakes are part of that process. Being controlled or judged constantly doesn’t help. It just makes us feel more misunderstood and frustrated. Adults need to remember that they were teenagers once, too. They might not have had the same challenges we face now, growing up now is it’s own kind of chaotic. We all are just trying to grow and understand ourselves. Maybe instead of criticizing or dismissing us, you could focus on being patient and supportive. That’s all we really need.
submitted by RaiD-lyn to parentsofteens [link] [comments]