What's your thoughts on RedNote, the alternative TikTok app?

2025.01.23 16:52 TheIndividual2026 What's your thoughts on RedNote, the alternative TikTok app?

Good day Coogs, I hope you stayed warm these past days and had some fun with the snow. For sure I'll miss it again for the next 10 years it may come back :(
I'm writing a story for The Cougar, the campus's student-run newspaper, and it will be about the social media app that's been gaining popularity when TikTok was supposed to be banned, RedNote.
I have a Microsoft Forum (basically like a Google Sheet) linked below to ask those who have tried the app some questions. They’re mainly about its importance and their dependency on its users. I’m sure this doesn’t take a lot of time, like less than 10 minutes, but I want y’all to answer your best in complete sentences so I can understand the platform. Think about why people went to RedNote, why they like it there, why they relied on TikTok, and how the supposed ban affected them.
You may be credited in the story, but you can also name yourself anonymously.
I also encourage students who never used either of the two apps but understand TikTok’s impact, reliability, and success to comment so I can hear a larger survey of social media users on campus.
No trolling, please.
submitted by TheIndividual2026 to UniversityOfHouston [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 askepticus Tips for keeping a Windows-based server stable?

I've been running Plex on a Windows PC for a long time. Current machine is Windows 11 Pro. In general it's been fine, but something must have changed with a system update recently where it restarts for updates, etc, without my involvement.
What are some tips or tweaks you've found to improve the stability of a Windows machine running Plex? Registry settings, services to enable/disable, whatever. (For the record, I'm not interested in moving to a different OS, I'm comfortable with Windows and don't want to have to learn a whole new environment.)
submitted by askepticus to PleX [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 Double_Cup_1630 A lot of ASSIGNMENTS!!!

A lot of ASSIGNMENTS!!! Hey everyone! I’m new here at Seneca/Newham/CPP, studying full-time, and wow—there are so many assignments! I wasn’t expecting the workload to be this intense. Each assignment has around 10 questions, and most of them require answers that are over 100 words each. Any tips or advice on how you yall manage all this?
submitted by Double_Cup_1630 to Seneca [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 bot_neen Le duele a Trump discurso de la obispa Mariann Edgar Budde; exige disculpas

Le duele a Trump discurso de la obispa Mariann Edgar Budde; exige disculpas submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 0106lonenyc Do postdocs usually work this much?

I'm a pre doc researcher. My supervisor is a postdoc that literally seems to work all the time. He is in the office every day from 7 AM to 9 PM and doesn't even have lunch. He told me he used to do that in the weekends as well in the past but managed to scale that down. He's aiming to become a junior professor and is managing several different projects. He also added that he does not expect the same from me, but it's still quite stressful because I feel compelled to keep up the pace. I was wondering if that's normal or it's him being a workaholic.
submitted by 0106lonenyc to postdoc [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 I-did-a-did Your wish is my command

Your wish is my command submitted by I-did-a-did to deadpool [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 shavin_high Im having a hard time believing this, but MOHELA told me I could not change IDR plans at this time.

So I was on the SAVE plan and after hearing that they had opened applications for the other IDR plans, I decided I wanted to resubmit my IDR application for one that is open again. But the person on the phone told me that they are not allowed to change our plans at this time.
I'm working Public service and am a year out from my 120 months of eligible employment to quality for PSLF. I get that the Buy Back program is (supposedly) a thing, but I just dont believe it until i see it. Did the person at MOHELA misinform me or is it true that I am just stuck in this forbearance until the SAVE plan injunction is sorted out?
submitted by shavin_high to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 batsyyyh Need advice

Graduated in commerce in 2021 since I have not been able to land a job except for few 7months of BPO job and now I am not even able to get a single job I don't why.... The gap was because of my mither health condition as she had breast cancer and only I was there to take care of her beside my elder brother who had to be at the job to take care of the expenses.... I just don't know what to do I am exhausted and Irritated at the same time.... Can anybody provide any advice about what can I do next to atleast land a decent job
submitted by batsyyyh to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 Throat-Clogger0 Twitter fans built different fr: IQ speedrunning negative numbers 💀🧠🚫

Twitter fans built different fr: IQ speedrunning negative numbers 💀🧠🚫 submitted by Throat-Clogger0 to okbuddynika [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 brfooted [Hip Hop] Gettin’ Messy

submitted by brfooted to SunoAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 HammondXX Iowa may lower fines for businesses violating child labor laws limiting hours kids work | "The proposed reduced penalties come after [Republican] Gov. Kim Reynolds in 2023 signed into law legislation that eased restrictions on child labor"

Iowa may lower fines for businesses violating child labor laws limiting hours kids work | submitted by HammondXX to americanoligarchy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 freezininwi Should we hire a Lawyer/CPA to look over my trust?

My uncle died and left me a trust worth 12 to 13,000,000. It came through US Bank and they are also the trustee. It's pretty strict and I only get paid dividends/a payout from his company stock.
In the will it states that I can pick another trustee it states that I can pick another trustee if I want.
The first couple years I was fine with whatever checks I was getting. But my last few payout checks are a lot less than I was hoping for But my last few payout checks are a lot less than I was hoping for and anticipating.
I feel like my portfolio is not growing and that I'm getting screwed by US Bank I'm not a fan of the personal banker. I was assigned either.
I got set up with a lawyeCPA from a family member and wondering if this is something common that people do.
submitted by freezininwi to inheritance [link] [comments]

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[Top Stories] - Southport killer jailed for at least 52 years | BBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 Soggy-Standard601 Solve this riddle!

I have no life, but i can die.
What am i ?
A battery
submitted by Soggy-Standard601 to Redditchallenges [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 MrMoo1988 Am I missing something

Am I missing something Is there a pig I'm missing?
submitted by MrMoo1988 to AngryBirds2 [link] [comments]

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Dreamcore (2025 Analog Horror Video Game): The Review submitted by Western_Struggle_323 to analog_horror [link] [comments]

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2025.01.23 16:52 Fair_Ad_6340 Group quests 0B4LBC

submitted by Fair_Ad_6340 to unioncircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Russian ships return to Syrian base ahead of expected withdrawal | BBC

[Top Stories] - Russian ships return to Syrian base ahead of expected withdrawal | BBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:52 kokomo29 Graheṣṭi-Brāhmaṇa (“invocation of the grahas”) - Yajurvedic navagraha rite

Hi all,
The Kāṭhaka śākhā (branch) of the Yajurveda is believed to have been taught by Sage Kaṭha, a pupil of Vaiśampāyana, narrator of the Mahābharata and himself a disciple of Sage Vyāsa. Like every branch of the Yajurveda its canon consists of a Brāhmaṇa text which is now mostly lost except for a few fragments which have been published in parts over the past couple of centuries. One of these surviving chapters, titled Graheṣṭi-Brāhmaṇa (“invocation of the grahas”), is unique in the sense that it deals with the worship rite for the nine grahas (“planets”), who are otherwise never directly named in any of the Vedic samhitas or the other surviving Brāhmaṇas. I translated this chapter a while back, and would like for the people of this space to review it and give their inputs for any possible corrections/improvements and/or any additional tidbits of information from other Vedic and puraṇic texts.
The brāhmaṇa begins with a prose introduction -
देवाश्च वा असुराश्च समावदेव यज्ञेऽकुर्वत यदेव देवा अकुर्वत तदसुरा अकुर्वत ते देवा एतानि ग्रहहवींष्यपश्यँस्तै रिन्द्रमयाजयँस्तदसुरा नान्ववायँस्ततो देवा अभवन् परासुरा अभवन् य एवं विद्वानेतानि ग्रहहवींषि यजते भ्रातृव्यस्यानन्ववायाय भवत्यात्मना परास्य भ्रातृव्यो भवत्यादित्याय घृते चरुं निर्वपेत् तेजस्तेन परिक्रीणाति शौक्रं चरुं ब्रह्मवर्चसं तेन परिक्रीणाति बृहस्पतये नैवारं पयसि चरुं वाक्पत्यं तेन परिक्रीणाति बोधाय नवकपालं बुद्धिं तेन परिक्रीणाति भौमायैककपालं यशस्तेन परिक्रीणाति सौराय पललमिश्रं घृते चरुं सुरभिं तेन परिक्रीणाति चन्द्रमसे पञ्चदशकपालमायुस्तेन परिक्रीणाति राहवे चरुमभयं तेन परिक्रीणाति केतवे चरुमनपरोधं तेन परिक्रीणात्येतान्येव सर्वाणि भवति य एवं विद्वानेतया यजेत । आज्येनोपहोमाञ्जुहोत्याशिषामवरुद्ध्या एतया यजेत यः कामयेत तेजस्वी भ्राजस्वी वाक्पतिर्बुद्धिमान् यशस्वी सुरभिरायुषमानभय्यनपरोधी स्यामित्येकचक्रमुदयाद् भ्राजमानमित्यष्टादश याज्यानुवाक्या भवन्ति सरूपत्वायाऽग्निर्हिरण्यं सोमो हिरण्यमित्याज्यभागौ प्रेद्धो अग्न इमो अग्न इति संयाज्ये उच्चैर्यजत्येषा वै वाचामुत्तमा योच्चैरुत्तमः समानानां भवत्यादित्यस्तेजस्वीत्युपहोमाञ्जुहोति सर्वस्याप्त्यै सर्वस्यावरुद्ध्यै य एवं विद्वानेतया यजेत ॥
“The Devas and Asuras did equally in the yajña, whatever the Devas did the Asuras did. These sacrificial offerings for the Grahas were rightly understood by them, those devas. Indra performed that sacrifice, but the Asuras could not get on its tracks. Thereupon the Devas became established and the Asuras perished. The learned man who knowing thus offers these oblations to the Grahas for defeating his adversary, establishes himself and his rival comes to naught.
One should offer the oblation mixed in ghee (clarified butter) for Āditya (the Sun), through it he acquires authority, through oblations for Śukra (Venus) he gains splendour, oblations for Bṛhaspati (Jupiter) consist of wild rice in milk; through it he obtains mastery of speech, oblations for Budha (Mercury) are distributed into nine dishes; through it he gains intelligence, oblations for Bhauma (Mars) are contained in one cup; through it he gains fame. Oblations for Saura (Saturn) consist of powdered sesame seed mixed with ghee; through it he acquires cattle. Oblations for the Moon are contained in fifteen cups; through it he gains longevity. Through the oblations for Rāhu he acquires fearlessness. Through the oblations for Ketu he gains freedom from obstacles. All these (results) happen for the wise man who performs the sacrifice with this oblation.
With the help of butter the supplementary sacrifice is done for the obtainment of blessings through these oblations. “I am powerful, lustrous, master of speech, intelligent, famous, possessing cattle, long lived, fearless and free” - whoever should desire thus, with supremacy and to shine with prosperity, eighteen sacrificial verses are to be recited with fire burning with the resemblance of gold.”
This section gives an introduction to the ritual and the various offerings to be made for each of the grahas in order to obtain specific qualities represented by them, which are possibly linked to their astrological significations.
The next section is titled Graheṣṭi-mantrāḥ, containing two original mantras for the worship of each of the nine grahas, with the exception of Ketu and a single mantra for Mars and Rāhu each borrowed from the Ṛgveda. A single key quality is thought to be embodied by each Graha, which it imparts to the native in exchange of prayers and ritual offerings -
The Sun एकचक्रमुदयाद् भ्राजमानं देवस्तोमं ददृशे सूर्यमेकम् ।
हरिद्रुक्मं विश्वमेजत्सचन्तं तस्मै नो देवाः परिदत्त सूर्याय ॥1॥
“From its rise the assemblage of devas saw the one effulgent single-wheeled Sun - golden, radiant, obtaining the living world; may the devas grant protection for him, the Sun, and for us.”
एकविंशं पञ्चभिर्द्योतयन्तं षड्भिः सूर्य प्रवता चोद्वता च ।
त्रिधा वर्धयन्तं भुवनस्य नामि यज्ञे सूर्यं शुक्रहुतं पुरस्तात् ॥2॥
“The twenty-first, through the five seasons controlling the heat, through the six (months) going downwards and upwards in its course, in three ways increasing, the navel of the world, oblations are first offered in the sacrifice to Surya who is Agni.”
Venus श्वेतः शुक्रो वृषभश्चर्षणीनामूर्वाततन्थ त्वासुतिं करिष्ठः ।
स नो रयिं मे गृहेषु दधात्वा नो वीरो वर्धतां द्योतमानः ॥3॥
“Śukra is white, the bull of men, producing and increasing the yield. May that shining one bestow wealth in our homes and make the brave prosper.”
अपां गर्भो विदथस्य प्रसाधनमूर्वोऽतिष्ठत्सिन्धूनामनीके।
स शेवृधमधिधात्वन्तरिक्षे शुक्रः शिशुदीर्घमायुर्निधत्ताम् ॥4॥
“The embryo of the waters, waker of knowledge, the fire situated in the countenance of the ocean; May that bliss giving Śukra in the sky grant a long life to the infant.”
ब्रह्माधिकः प्रथमो जातवेदा बृहस्पतिर्भारतो देवतानाम् ।
अस्मिन् यज्ञे बर्हिषि मोदमानो हिरण्यवाशीरिषिरः स्वर्षाः ॥5॥
“Omniscient like Agni, Bṛhaspati is the foremost priest of the gods. In this sacrifice he sits upon the Darbha grass being merry with a golden speech loved by all.”
शुचिर्देवानामृषभः प्रजानामृभुर्वसूनाममृतस्य नामिः ।
अस्मिन् यज्ञे बर्हिषि मोदमानो हिरण्यरेता अभयं कृणोतु ॥6॥
“Purity of the devas, best of the husbands, builder of valuable objects, the central point of immortality. In this sacrifice he sits upon the Darbha grass being merry, let Agni make him fearless.”
Mercury बुधः सौम्यो अमृतत्वं बभूवामृतं देवानामायुः प्रजासु ।
अस्मिन् यज्ञे सोमशिशुर्युवा नः शं नो भव पयसाप्यायमानः ॥7॥
“Budha, the son of Soma, is immortality; he became ambrosia for the descendants of devas among beings. In this sacrifice may the youthful son of Soma bless us with happiness and make us full with milk.”
बोधा सु मे मघवन् वाचमेमां बोधा सु मे विश्वभृतो जनित्री ॥
बोधा सु मे मातरिश्वा वचोभिर्बोधा सु मे ब्रह्मणा संशिशाधि ॥8॥
“Mark closely, O generous one, the words I utter, know my mother who is the bearer of the world. Know well by my words the one growing in his mother, mark closely enlightened by the absolute truth.”
Mars अग्निर्मूर्धा दिवः ककुत्पतिः पृथिव्या अयम् ।
अपां रेतांसि जिन्वति ॥9॥
“Agni is the head, the day, the highest point, the Master of the earth is he. He impels the flow of waters.”
चित्रो हन्ता रोहिदश्वः प्रजानामस्मिन् यज्ञे हविषासान एतु ।
स नो वक्रीरमयं कृणोतु विश्वेत्स वामादधते त्वोतः ॥10॥
“May the bright killer of creatures, having red horses, seated in this sacrifice by offering of clarified butter come to us. May Vakri (Mars) enliven us, doer of honourable deeds, protector of all mankind.”
Saturn शनैश्चरन् मा वधीरस्मे वीरान् मा नो गृहान् पशून् मा न आयुः ।
मा नो यूनो भविता नो रथेन मा नः शिशून् गर्भान् मा नः किंचन ॥11॥
“May the slow one not kill my brave warriors and not harm my home, cattle and longevity. May he not bind us with chariots, may he not harm our children, born or unborn, may not any of this happen to us.”
शं नो भव ऋतुभिः शं च मासैः शमर्धमासैः शमुषाहोभिः ।
शं नः काष्ठाः प्रदिशो दिशश्च शं चन्द्रासूर्या ज्योतीषिं शं च ॥12॥
“May we be blessed through the seasons, the months, the fortnights and the dawn of the days, in the various directions and sub-directions and by the luminaries.”
Moon मक्षू धाता मातरिश्वा वचोभिश्चन्द्रो अमृताद् वर्धते जायमानः ।
आयुः प्रजाममृतं सौभगत्वं प्र चन्द्रमास्तिरते दीर्घमायुः ॥13॥
“The swift supporter of the sacrificial fire through his words, the Moon from ambrosia is born and grows, bestowing longevity, happiness and immortality to mankind.”
भूयो जातो हविषाँ चन्द्रमास्मात् पूर्णः पुरस्तात् पयसो हविर्भिः ।
पयोगर्भो देवताः पिन्वमानश्चन्द्रो अमृतत्वमभयं कृणोतु ॥14॥
“Being born through an offering of clarified butter, from an offering of milk the Moon grows full. May the devas and the Moon swollen with milk make us courageous and immortal.”
धन्वना गा धन्वनाजिञ्जयेम धन्वना तीव्राः समदो जयेम ।
धनुः शत्रोरपकामं कृणोति धन्वना सर्वाः प्रदिशो जयेम ॥15॥
“With the bow let us win the earth, with the bow win the battle, with the bow win the violent and intoxicated. With the bow let us shatters the enemy’s ambition, with the bow let us win in all directions.”
उग्रं तमो विश्वरूपं महान्तं स्वर्भानुरजरं महस्वत् ।
महद्भयात्तमसो मृत्युपाशाद्विमुञ्चन् राहुरभयं कृणोतु ॥16॥
“The great Svarbhānu is aggressive, full of darkness (tama), of various forms, imperishable and mighty. Releasing one from the great fear, from the darkness, from the snares of death, may Rāhu make us fearless.”
केतुं कृण्वन्नकेतवे पेशो मर्या अपेशसे ।
समुषद्भिरजायथाः ॥17॥
“O human, know the one making light where was darkness, and giving form where there was none, begetting them through knowledge and virtue.”
यज्ञस्य केतुं प्रथमं पुरोहितमग्निं नरस्त्रिषधस्थे समीधिरे ।
इन्द्रेण देवैः सरथं स बर्हिषि सीदन्निहोता यजथाय सुक्रतुः ॥18॥
“O wise among men! The foremost priest has kindled Agni, banner of the sacrifice, in three places. Seated with Indra and the devas on the grass let the wise priest perform the rite.”
submitted by kokomo29 to sanskrit [link] [comments]

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🎙️ “Se naturaliza que vayan 85 mil personas al Monumental sin importar ni el día ni el rival y eso no pasa en ningún lado del mundo. Ese clima que se vive con el hincha también seduce a los jugadores a venir”. 🗣️ 𝐌𝐆 submitted by Haunting_Wasabi_387 to riverplate [link] [comments]

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