See you there!

2025.01.23 16:51 ForumsDweller See you there!

See you there! submitted by ForumsDweller to RFKJr2028 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 Future_Ground_5399 [SECRET] Falcon and Lion

The General Intelligence Department of the Royal Jordanian Army and the Iranian Intelligence Agency have agreed on the following Terms of Cooperation in Secret:
*To ensure an increased chance of success in against , the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Imperial State of Iran agree to the following three Points:

  1. Intel gathered in against the will be shared by either Side of this Agreement.
  2. A Framework for joint Special Operations between Jordan and Iran is established.

submitted by Future_Ground_5399 to ColdWarPowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 Dreamer_88 Filing Taxes for day job and for llc as an independent contractor

So I have a day job for which I have a W4 form for but I also have a 1099 form as an independent contractor under my PLLC's EIN. Would I be able to file both together or would I have to do them apart?
submitted by Dreamer_88 to TaxQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 Ok_Feedback1987 UT Austin PGP-DSBA 7 month program

Hello, fellow members. Has anyone finished this program from UT Austin McCombs School of Business? I just now got enrolled and am being asked to pay a fee before noon to secure a seat, but before I do that, I wanted to know 1) if this is not an online scam run by folks sitting in different parts of the world. 2) is this program executed by McComb School faculty 3) once the program is done, the certificate is from the McComb School of Business
submitted by Ok_Feedback1987 to analytics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 Horror-Act-8903 SBC storge overloaded

I have like 50+ 81/82 rated player in my SBC storage out of the 100 allotted. Those are the lowest rated ones in there. I packed a 40 x 80 from the upgraded rivals rewards and now have another 24 untradeable dups.
What should i be spending these on? 81+ upgrade? Just seems dumb to spend 6-8 81s to realistically pack two more. Hoping there’s someone with a better idea out there
submitted by Horror-Act-8903 to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 bot_neen Peso mexicano avanza en espera del discurso de Trump en Davos

Peso mexicano avanza en espera del discurso de Trump en Davos submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 88Gonzo This ad for Batman Returns on the back of a DC comic in 1992...

This ad for Batman Returns on the back of a DC comic in 1992... submitted by 88Gonzo to batman [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 No_Difference8520 this vexes me

this vexes me submitted by No_Difference8520 to okbuddyvicodin [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 Oliverclarke7 When do you feel like a player in a cup final?

What’s the closest feeling to a player you have? For me, it’s walking through airplane tunnel and out to the arrivals where everyone is waiting for signs. It’s like walking out of the stadium after the game with your little dopp kit and in comfy clothes and everyone’s screaming for an autograph
submitted by Oliverclarke7 to footballcliches [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 Gatlingun123 I am a grown up. Also me:

I am a grown up. Also me: submitted by Gatlingun123 to warcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 dude_969 Is it time to cut or continue the bulk ? 68--> 73kg right now

What do you guys think about the physique I think the chest and abdomen are lacking or maybe its the fat ?
submitted by dude_969 to WeightTraining [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 MayoBaksteen6 Show me your favorite plush. Right now, my favorite is Paden

Show me your favorite plush. Right now, my favorite is Paden submitted by MayoBaksteen6 to plushies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 Illustrious-War-2090 Undertale - Ruins Remix

submitted by Illustrious-War-2090 to rockmusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 2Treu4U Auld Lang Syne on Fredericksburg Battlefield

Auld Lang Syne on Fredericksburg Battlefield submitted by 2Treu4U to piano [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 Bloopyblopblorp Poliwaggggg

Pattern by songbirdcrochetart
submitted by Bloopyblopblorp to Amigurumi [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 redwynter [homemade] mushroom soup

[homemade] mushroom soup Recipe:
This is heavenly, that’s all I have to say about it.
submitted by redwynter to food [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 DaniFemmy What common food stereotype do you think deserves to be challenged?

submitted by DaniFemmy to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 DryFollowing4690 Aria VS Inukai

Aria VS Inukai submitted by DryFollowing4690 to NuxTakuSubmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 servillius_nuba How to sleep

I gradually made sleeping when being sleepy at night a habit now after a week of exam then three restless days after it one where I had to resist falling asleep for doing a project till 3 am , now Im sleep deprived to energetic to sleep and too sleepy to be energetic.
submitted by servillius_nuba to sleep [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 ciccio292 Bestiarum

Bestiarum L'Aborto Dannato di Siferyon
Nome comune: L'Aborto Dannato Nome scientifico: Maledictus Infantem
L'Aborto Dannato di Siferyon è una creatura spettrale, nata da un incubo di magia oscura. La leggenda narra di una strega chiamata Siferyon, incinta durante i suoi ultimi giorni. Siferyon fu maledetta da un potente nemico, una maledizione che le negò la pace anche nella morte. Nel disperato tentativo di salvare il suo bambino, Siferyon lanciò un incantesimo proibito. Morì durante l'incantesimo, e il feto, estratto dal suo corpo ormai senza vita, rimase in vita, intrappolato nella dannazione eterna per via della maledizione.
L'Aborto Dannato appare come una figura spettrale incompleta, metà umana e metà mostruosa.
Corpo: Il suo corpo è parzialmente sviluppato, con membra scheletriche e pelle trasparente che rivela organi che non hanno mai completato la loro formazione.
Volto: Il volto è deforme, con occhi luminosi che brillano di un rosso malvagio. La bocca, piena di denti sproporzionati, emette suoni strazianti.
Aura: Un'aura oscura e soffocante circonda la creatura, rendendo l'aria gelida e intrisa di disperazione.
  1. Lamento Maledetto: Lancia un urlo che paralizza chiunque lo ascolti, evocando terrore puro.
  2. Assorbimento Vitale: Si nutre delle emozioni negative e della vitalità dei suoi avversari per rafforzarsi.
  3. Illusioni di Dolore: Proietta visioni della sofferenza di Siferyon per confondere e tormentare le menti altrui.
  4. Immunità alla Morte: Non può essere ucciso attraverso mezzi convenzionali.
Punti di forza
  1. Resistenza: Non può essere ferito fisicamente a meno che non si utilizzino incantesimi sacri o oggetti benedetti.
  2. Potere Oscuro: È potenziato dalle emozioni negative, rendendolo più forte in ambienti cupi o carichi di disperazione.
  3. Velocità: Si muove in modo imprevedibile e fulmineo, rendendo difficile colpirlo.
Punti di debolezza
  1. Luce Divina: Ogni forma di energia sacra o luce benedetta può danneggiarlo gravemente.
  2. Simboli di Purificazione: Oggetti come croci, amuleti protettivi e cerchi magici possono tenerlo lontano.
  3. Legame con il Luogo di Origine: È vincolato al luogo della morte di Siferyon, dove la sua energia è più forte, ma anche più vulnerabile.
Come sconfiggerlo
  1. Preparazione: Indossare amuleti benedetti e portare armi impregnate di magia sacra.
  2. Strategia: Intrappolarlo in un cerchio magico di purificazione per indebolirlo e interrompere la sua connessione alla maledizione.
  3. Distruzione del Sigillo: Cercare il luogo di origine e distruggere l'incantesimo lanciato da Siferyon per liberare l'anima del bambino e porre fine alla dannazione.
L'Aborto Dannato non ha un luogo fisso, ma tende a manifestarsi in:
Vecchie case infestate.
Foreste maledette.
Rovine di templi oscuri.
submitted by ciccio292 to SacrumTorneamentum [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 joefizz420 How does this extra note get played?

Do I play this quaver and then hold it for the minim? Or is it an extra little note?
submitted by joefizz420 to pianolearning [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 Lovegiraffe Why do I see so many wearing on the index finger?

Is that what is recommended? When I tried the sizers on it just felt so awkward on that finger. I would prefer it on my ring finger, but I obviously want the best performance. So if it's a performance issue I would love to know.
submitted by Lovegiraffe to ouraring [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 zelmorrison Does anyone else cringe a bit internally at the 'power of love' trope in fiction?

I enjoy the Fourth Wing series because it's fun to see a short skinny woman use lightning magic to overcome size and strength...but the 'power of love' stuff mildly irritates me lol.
I might at some point try writing an anti-romantasy series where the heroine decides to give up people pleasing and dump the MMC haha.
(Disclaimer: Unsure I count as 4B. I noped out of dating and decided to stay single aged 21 and I'm now 34; I went that route long before I ever heard the phrase 4B. Not quite the same thing as the current movement. I appreciate reading everyone's perspectives and insights though.)
submitted by zelmorrison to 4bmovement [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 theBigReturner Is 100% of portfolio in SCHD Efficient Enough? Or 50-50 with VOO/SCHG

Open Discussions here on dividends anytime needed for those that enjoy discord
submitted by theBigReturner to SCHD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:51 DOPE_AS_FUCK_COOK Do Not Purchase LAIFEN US or LAIFEN TECH Products for your business.

If you have had any issues with Laifen or their Hair dryers along with Fraud or Warranty claims let me know in the comments below.
We purchased one from SalonCentric in August, by November the heating element was out and Were 60 days into a warranty claim with radio silence communication from Gina/Victoria/LinLin of Laifen. They have our Hair Dryer and we are just out $150 at this moment.
I submitted a Fraud claim to the FTC this morning along with contacting SalonCentric to advise them to stop carrying their products as from past reddit posts I've found they are failing on Individuals and Small Business consistently.
Please avoid this brand for your own safety and that of your small business.
submitted by DOPE_AS_FUCK_COOK to hairstylist [link] [comments]